Black used with the '-l 79 -S' flags. A future change will ignore this commit in git-blame history by adding a 'git-blame-ignore-revs' file. Change-Id: I502d2788eb75e674e8b399034513996c81407216 Signed-off-by: Stephen Finucane <stephenfin@redhat.com>
1729 lines
68 KiB
1729 lines
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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from openstack.block_storage import _base_proxy
from openstack.block_storage.v3 import availability_zone
from openstack.block_storage.v3 import backup as _backup
from openstack.block_storage.v3 import capabilities as _capabilities
from openstack.block_storage.v3 import extension as _extension
from openstack.block_storage.v3 import group as _group
from openstack.block_storage.v3 import group_snapshot as _group_snapshot
from openstack.block_storage.v3 import group_type as _group_type
from openstack.block_storage.v3 import limits as _limits
from openstack.block_storage.v3 import quota_set as _quota_set
from openstack.block_storage.v3 import resource_filter as _resource_filter
from openstack.block_storage.v3 import snapshot as _snapshot
from openstack.block_storage.v3 import stats as _stats
from openstack.block_storage.v3 import type as _type
from openstack.block_storage.v3 import volume as _volume
from openstack import exceptions
from openstack.identity.v3 import project as _project
from openstack import resource
class Proxy(_base_proxy.BaseBlockStorageProxy):
_resource_registry = {
"availability_zone": availability_zone.AvailabilityZone,
"backup": _backup.Backup,
"capabilities": _capabilities.Capabilities,
"extension": _extension.Extension,
"group": _group.Group,
"group_snapshot": _group_snapshot.GroupSnapshot,
"group_type": _group_type,
"limits": _limits.Limit,
"quota_set": _quota_set.QuotaSet,
"resource_filter": _resource_filter.ResourceFilter,
"snapshot": _snapshot.Snapshot,
"stats_pools": _stats.Pools,
"type": _type.Type,
"volume": _volume.Volume,
# ====== SNAPSHOTS ======
def get_snapshot(self, snapshot):
"""Get a single snapshot
:param snapshot: The value can be the ID of a snapshot or a
:returns: One :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.snapshot.Snapshot`
:raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound`
when no resource can be found.
return self._get(_snapshot.Snapshot, snapshot)
def find_snapshot(
"""Find a single snapshot
:param snapshot: The name or ID a snapshot
:param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False``
:class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised
when the snapshot does not exist. When set to ``True``, None will
be returned when attempting to find a nonexistent resource.
:param bool details: When set to ``False`` :class:
`~openstack.block_storage.v3.snapshot.Snapshot` objects will be
returned. The default, ``True``, will cause more attributes to be
:param bool all_projects: When set to ``True``, search for snapshot by
name across all projects. Note that this will likely result in
a higher chance of duplicates. Admin-only by default.
:returns: One :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.snapshot.Snapshot`
:raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound`
when no resource can be found.
:raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.DuplicateResource` when multiple
resources are found.
query = {}
if all_projects:
query['all_projects'] = True
list_base_path = '/snapshots/detail' if details else None
return self._find(
def snapshots(self, *, details=True, all_projects=False, **query):
"""Retrieve a generator of snapshots
:param bool details: When set to ``False`` :class:
objects will be returned. The default, ``True``, will cause
more attributes to be returned.
:param bool all_projects: When set to ``True``, list snapshots from all
projects. Admin-only by default.
:param kwargs query: Optional query parameters to be sent to limit
the snapshots being returned. Available parameters include:
* name: Name of the snapshot as a string.
* project_id: Filter the snapshots by project.
* volume_id: volume id of a snapshot.
* status: Value of the status of the snapshot so that you can
filter on "available" for example.
:returns: A generator of snapshot objects.
if all_projects:
query['all_projects'] = True
base_path = '/snapshots/detail' if details else None
return self._list(_snapshot.Snapshot, base_path=base_path, **query)
def create_snapshot(self, **attrs):
"""Create a new snapshot from attributes
:param dict attrs: Keyword arguments which will be used to create
a :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.snapshot.Snapshot`,
comprised of the properties on the Snapshot class.
:returns: The results of snapshot creation
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.snapshot.Snapshot`
return self._create(_snapshot.Snapshot, **attrs)
def update_snapshot(self, snapshot, **attrs):
"""Update a snapshot
:param snapshot: Either the ID of a snapshot or a
:class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.snapshot.Snapshot` instance.
:param dict attrs: The attributes to update on the snapshot.
:returns: The updated snapshot
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.snapshot.Snapshot`
return self._update(_snapshot.Snapshot, snapshot, **attrs)
def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot, ignore_missing=True, force=False):
"""Delete a snapshot
:param snapshot: The value can be either the ID of a snapshot or a
:class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.snapshot.Snapshot` instance.
:param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False``
:class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be
raised when the snapshot does not exist.
When set to ``True``, no exception will be set when
attempting to delete a nonexistent snapshot.
:param bool force: Whether to try forcing snapshot deletion.
:returns: ``None``
if not force:
_snapshot.Snapshot, snapshot, ignore_missing=ignore_missing
snapshot = self._get_resource(_snapshot.Snapshot, snapshot)
def get_snapshot_metadata(self, snapshot):
"""Return a dictionary of metadata for a snapshot
:param snapshot: Either the ID of a snapshot or a
:returns: A
:class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.snapshot.Snapshot` with the
snapshot's metadata. All keys and values are Unicode text.
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.snapshot.Snapshot`
snapshot = self._get_resource(_snapshot.Snapshot, snapshot)
return snapshot.fetch_metadata(self)
def set_snapshot_metadata(self, snapshot, **metadata):
"""Update metadata for a snapshot
:param snapshot: Either the ID of a snapshot or a
:param kwargs metadata: Key/value pairs to be updated in the snapshot's
metadata. No other metadata is modified by this call. All keys
and values are stored as Unicode.
:returns: A
:class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.snapshot.Snapshot` with the
snapshot's metadata. All keys and values are Unicode text.
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.snapshot.Snapshot`
snapshot = self._get_resource(_snapshot.Snapshot, snapshot)
return snapshot.set_metadata(self, metadata=metadata)
def delete_snapshot_metadata(self, snapshot, keys=None):
"""Delete metadata for a snapshot
:param snapshot: Either the ID of a snapshot or a
:param list keys: The keys to delete. If left empty complete
metadata will be removed.
:rtype: ``None``
snapshot = self._get_resource(_snapshot.Snapshot, snapshot)
if keys is not None:
for key in keys:
snapshot.delete_metadata_item(self, key)
# ====== SNAPSHOT ACTIONS ======
def reset_snapshot(self, snapshot, status):
"""Reset status of the snapshot
:param snapshot: The value can be either the ID of a backup or a
:class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.snapshot.Snapshot` instance.
:param str status: New snapshot status
:returns: None
snapshot = self._get_resource(_snapshot.Snapshot, snapshot)
snapshot.reset(self, status)
def set_snapshot_status(self, snapshot, status, progress=None):
"""Update fields related to the status of a snapshot.
:param snapshot: The value can be either the ID of a backup or a
:class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.snapshot.Snapshot` instance.
:param str status: New snapshot status
:param str progress: A percentage value for snapshot build progress.
:returns: None
snapshot = self._get_resource(_snapshot.Snapshot, snapshot)
snapshot.set_status(self, status, progress)
# ====== TYPES ======
def get_type(self, type):
"""Get a single type
:param type: The value can be the ID of a type or a
:class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.type.Type` instance.
:returns: One :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.type.Type`
:raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound`
when no resource can be found.
return self._get(_type.Type, type)
def find_type(self, name_or_id, ignore_missing=True):
"""Find a single volume type
:param snapshot: The name or ID a volume type
:param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False``
:class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised
when the volume type does not exist.
:returns: One :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.type.Type`
:raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound`
when no resource can be found.
:raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.DuplicateResource` when multiple
resources are found.
return self._find(
def types(self, **query):
"""Retrieve a generator of volume types
:returns: A generator of volume type objects.
return self._list(_type.Type, **query)
def create_type(self, **attrs):
"""Create a new type from attributes
:param dict attrs: Keyword arguments which will be used to create
a :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.type.Type`,
comprised of the properties on the Type class.
:returns: The results of type creation
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.type.Type`
return self._create(_type.Type, **attrs)
def delete_type(self, type, ignore_missing=True):
"""Delete a type
:param type: The value can be either the ID of a type or a
:class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.type.Type` instance.
:param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False``
:class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be
raised when the type does not exist.
When set to ``True``, no exception will be set when
attempting to delete a nonexistent type.
:returns: ``None``
self._delete(_type.Type, type, ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
def update_type(self, type, **attrs):
"""Update a type
:param type: The value can be either the ID of a type or a
:class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.type.Type` instance.
:param dict attrs: The attributes to update on the type
:returns: The updated type
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.type.Type`
return self._update(_type.Type, type, **attrs)
def update_type_extra_specs(self, type, **attrs):
"""Update the extra_specs for a type
:param type: The value can be either the ID of a type or a
:class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.type.Type` instance.
:param dict attrs: The extra spec attributes to update on the type
:returns: A dict containing updated extra_specs
res = self._get_resource(_type.Type, type)
extra_specs = res.set_extra_specs(self, **attrs)
result = _type.Type.existing(id=res.id, extra_specs=extra_specs)
return result
def delete_type_extra_specs(self, type, keys):
"""Delete the extra_specs for a type
Note: This method will do a HTTP DELETE request for every key in keys.
:param type: The value can be either the ID of a type or a
:class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.type.Type` instance.
:param keys: The keys to delete
:returns: ``None``
res = self._get_resource(_type.Type, type)
return res.delete_extra_specs(self, keys)
def get_type_access(self, type):
"""Lists project IDs that have access to private volume type.
:param type: The value can be either the ID of a type or a
:class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.type.Type` instance.
:returns: List of dictionaries describing projects that have access to
the specified type
res = self._get_resource(_type.Type, type)
return res.get_private_access(self)
def add_type_access(self, type, project_id):
"""Adds private volume type access to a project.
:param type: The value can be either the ID of a type or a
:class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.type.Type` instance.
:param str project_id: The ID of the project. Volume Type access to
be added to this project ID.
:returns: ``None``
res = self._get_resource(_type.Type, type)
return res.add_private_access(self, project_id)
def remove_type_access(self, type, project_id):
"""Remove private volume type access from a project.
:param type: The value can be either the ID of a type or a
:class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.type.Type` instance.
:param str project_id: The ID of the project. Volume Type access to
be removed to this project ID.
:returns: ``None``
res = self._get_resource(_type.Type, type)
return res.remove_private_access(self, project_id)
def get_type_encryption(self, volume_type_id):
"""Get the encryption details of a volume type
:param volume_type_id: The value can be the ID of a type or a
:returns: One :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.type.TypeEncryption`
:raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound`
when no resource can be found.
volume_type = self._get_resource(_type.Type, volume_type_id)
return self._get(
def create_type_encryption(self, volume_type, **attrs):
"""Create new type encryption from attributes
:param volume_type: The value can be the ID of a type or a
:param dict attrs: Keyword arguments which will be used to create
a :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.type.TypeEncryption`,
comprised of the properties on the TypeEncryption class.
:returns: The results of type encryption creation
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.type.TypeEncryption`
volume_type = self._get_resource(_type.Type, volume_type)
return self._create(
_type.TypeEncryption, volume_type_id=volume_type.id, **attrs
def delete_type_encryption(
self, encryption=None, volume_type=None, ignore_missing=True
"""Delete type encryption attributes
:param encryption: The value can be None or a
instance. If encryption_id is None then
volume_type_id must be specified.
:param volume_type: The value can be the ID of a type or a
instance. Required if encryption_id is None.
:param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False``
:class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be
raised when the type does not exist.
When set to ``True``, no exception will be set when
attempting to delete a nonexistent type.
:returns: ``None``
if volume_type:
volume_type = self._get_resource(_type.Type, volume_type)
encryption = self._get(
_type.TypeEncryption, encryption, ignore_missing=ignore_missing
def update_type_encryption(
"""Update a type
:param encryption: The value can be None or a
instance. If this is ``None`` then ``volume_type_id`` must be
:param volume_type: The value can be the ID of a type or a
:class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.type.Type` instance.
Required if ``encryption_id`` is None.
:param dict attrs: The attributes to update on the type encryption.
:returns: The updated type encryption
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.type.TypeEncryption`
if volume_type:
volume_type = self._get_resource(_type.Type, volume_type)
encryption = self._get(
return self._update(_type.TypeEncryption, encryption, **attrs)
# ====== VOLUMES ======
def get_volume(self, volume):
"""Get a single volume
:param volume: The value can be the ID of a volume or a
:class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.volume.Volume` instance.
:returns: One :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.volume.Volume`
:raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound`
when no resource can be found.
return self._get(_volume.Volume, volume)
def find_volume(
"""Find a single volume
:param snapshot: The name or ID a volume
:param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False``
:class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised
when the volume does not exist.
:param bool details: When set to ``False`` no extended attributes
will be returned. The default, ``True``, will cause objects with
additional attributes to be returned.
:param bool all_projects: When set to ``True``, search for volume by
name across all projects. Note that this will likely result in
a higher chance of duplicates. Admin-only by default.
:returns: One :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.volume.Volume`
:raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound`
when no resource can be found.
:raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.DuplicateResource` when multiple
resources are found.
query = {}
if all_projects:
query['all_projects'] = True
list_base_path = '/volumes/detail' if details else None
return self._find(
def volumes(self, *, details=True, all_projects=False, **query):
"""Retrieve a generator of volumes
:param bool details: When set to ``False`` no extended attributes
will be returned. The default, ``True``, will cause objects with
additional attributes to be returned.
:param bool all_projects: When set to ``True``, list volumes from all
projects. Admin-only by default.
:param kwargs query: Optional query parameters to be sent to limit
the volumes being returned. Available parameters include:
* name: Name of the volume as a string.
* status: Value of the status of the volume so that you can filter
on "available" for example.
:returns: A generator of volume objects.
if all_projects:
query['all_projects'] = True
base_path = '/volumes/detail' if details else None
return self._list(_volume.Volume, base_path=base_path, **query)
def create_volume(self, **attrs):
"""Create a new volume from attributes
:param dict attrs: Keyword arguments which will be used to create
a :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.volume.Volume`,
comprised of the properties on the Volume class.
:returns: The results of volume creation
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.volume.Volume`
return self._create(_volume.Volume, **attrs)
def delete_volume(self, volume, ignore_missing=True, force=False):
"""Delete a volume
:param volume: The value can be either the ID of a volume or a
:class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.volume.Volume` instance.
:param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False``
:class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be
raised when the volume does not exist.
When set to ``True``, no exception will be set when
attempting to delete a nonexistent volume.
:param bool force: Whether to try forcing volume deletion.
:returns: ``None``
if not force:
self._delete(_volume.Volume, volume, ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
volume = self._get_resource(_volume.Volume, volume)
def update_volume(self, volume, **attrs):
"""Update a volume
:param volume: Either the ID of a volume or a
:class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.volume.Volume` instance.
:param dict attrs: The attributes to update on the volume.
:returns: The updated volume
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.volume.Volume`
return self._update(_volume.Volume, volume, **attrs)
def get_volume_metadata(self, volume):
"""Return a dictionary of metadata for a volume
:param volume: Either the ID of a volume or a
:returns: A :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.volume.Volume` with the
volume's metadata. All keys and values are Unicode text.
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.volume.Volume`
volume = self._get_resource(_volume.Volume, volume)
return volume.fetch_metadata(self)
def set_volume_metadata(self, volume, **metadata):
"""Update metadata for a volume
:param volume: Either the ID of a volume or a
:param kwargs metadata: Key/value pairs to be updated in the volume's
metadata. No other metadata is modified by this call. All keys
and values are stored as Unicode.
:returns: A :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.volume.Volume` with the
volume's metadata. All keys and values are Unicode text.
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.volume.Volume`
volume = self._get_resource(_volume.Volume, volume)
return volume.set_metadata(self, metadata=metadata)
def delete_volume_metadata(self, volume, keys=None):
"""Delete metadata for a volume
:param volume: Either the ID of a volume or a
:param list keys: The keys to delete. If left empty complete
metadata will be removed.
:rtype: ``None``
volume = self._get_resource(_volume.Volume, volume)
if keys is not None:
for key in keys:
volume.delete_metadata_item(self, key)
# ====== VOLUME ACTIONS ======
def extend_volume(self, volume, size):
"""Extend a volume
:param volume: The value can be either the ID of a volume or a
:class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.volume.Volume` instance.
:param size: New volume size
:returns: None
volume = self._get_resource(_volume.Volume, volume)
volume.extend(self, size)
def set_volume_readonly(self, volume, readonly=True):
"""Set a volume's read-only flag.
:param volume: The value can be either the ID of a volume or a
:class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.volume.Volume` instance.
:param bool readonly: Whether the volume should be a read-only volume
or not.
:returns: None
volume = self._get_resource(_volume.Volume, volume)
volume.set_readonly(self, readonly)
def retype_volume(self, volume, new_type, migration_policy="never"):
"""Retype the volume.
:param volume: The value can be either the ID of a volume or a
:class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.volume.Volume` instance.
:param str new_type: The new volume type that volume is changed with.
:param str migration_policy: Specify if the volume should be migrated
when it is re-typed. Possible values are on-demand or never.
Default: never.
:returns: None
volume = self._get_resource(_volume.Volume, volume)
volume.retype(self, new_type, migration_policy)
def set_volume_bootable_status(self, volume, bootable):
"""Set bootable status of the volume.
:param volume: The value can be either the ID of a volume or a
:class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.volume.Volume` instance.
:param bool bootable: Specifies whether the volume should be bootable
or not.
:returns: None
volume = self._get_resource(_volume.Volume, volume)
volume.set_bootable_status(self, bootable)
def reset_volume_status(
self, volume, status, attach_status, migration_status
"""Reset volume statuses.
:param volume: The value can be either the ID of a volume or a
:class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.volume.Volume` instance.
:param str status: The new volume status.
:param str attach_status: The new volume attach status.
:param str migration_status: The new volume migration status (admin
:returns: None
volume = self._get_resource(_volume.Volume, volume)
volume.reset_status(self, status, attach_status, migration_status)
def revert_volume_to_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot):
"""Revert a volume to its latest snapshot.
This method only support reverting a detached volume, and the
volume status must be available.
:param volume: The value can be either the ID of a volume or a
:class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.volume.Volume` instance.
:param snapshot: The value can be either the ID of a snapshot or a
:class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.snapshot.Snapshot` instance.
:returns: None
volume = self._get_resource(_volume.Volume, volume)
snapshot = self._get_resource(_snapshot.Snapshot, snapshot)
volume.revert_to_snapshot(self, snapshot.id)
def attach_volume(self, volume, mountpoint, instance=None, host_name=None):
"""Attaches a volume to a server.
:param volume: The value can be either the ID of a volume or a
:class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.volume.Volume` instance.
:param str mountpoint: The attaching mount point.
:param str instance: The UUID of the attaching instance.
:param str host_name: The name of the attaching host.
:returns: None
volume = self._get_resource(_volume.Volume, volume)
volume.attach(self, mountpoint, instance, host_name)
def detach_volume(self, volume, attachment, force=False, connector=None):
"""Detaches a volume from a server.
:param volume: The value can be either the ID of a volume or a
:class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.volume.Volume` instance.
:param str attachment: The ID of the attachment.
:param bool force: Whether to force volume detach (Rolls back an
unsuccessful detach operation after you disconnect the volume.)
:param dict connector: The connector object.
:returns: None
volume = self._get_resource(_volume.Volume, volume)
volume.detach(self, attachment, force, connector)
def unmanage_volume(self, volume):
"""Removes a volume from Block Storage management without removing the
back-end storage object that is associated with it.
:param volume: The value can be either the ID of a volume or a
:class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.volume.Volume` instance.
:returns: None"""
volume = self._get_resource(_volume.Volume, volume)
def migrate_volume(
"""Migrates a volume to the specified host.
:param volume: The value can be either the ID of a volume or a
:class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.volume.Volume` instance.
:param str host: The target host for the volume migration. Host
format is host@backend.
:param bool force_host_copy: If false (the default), rely on the volume
backend driver to perform the migration, which might be optimized.
If true, or the volume driver fails to migrate the volume itself,
a generic host-based migration is performed.
:param bool lock_volume: If true, migrating an available volume will
change its status to maintenance preventing other operations from
being performed on the volume such as attach, detach, retype, etc.
:param str cluster: The target cluster for the volume migration.
Cluster format is cluster@backend. Starting with microversion
3.16, either cluster or host must be specified. If host is
specified and is part of a cluster, the cluster is used as the
target for the migration.
:returns: None
volume = self._get_resource(_volume.Volume, volume)
volume.migrate(self, host, force_host_copy, lock_volume, cluster)
def complete_volume_migration(self, volume, new_volume, error=False):
"""Complete the migration of a volume.
:param volume: The value can be either the ID of a volume or a
:class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.volume.Volume` instance.
:param str new_volume: The UUID of the new volume.
:param bool error: Used to indicate if an error has occured elsewhere
that requires clean up.
:returns: None
volume = self._get_resource(_volume.Volume, volume)
volume.complete_migration(self, new_volume, error)
def upload_volume_to_image(
"""Uploads the specified volume to image service.
:param volume: The value can be either the ID of a volume or a
:class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.volume.Volume` instance.
:param str image name: The name for the new image.
:param bool force: Enables or disables upload of a volume that is
attached to an instance.
:param str disk_format: Disk format for the new image.
:param str container_format: Container format for the new image.
:param str visibility: The visibility property of the new image.
:param str protected: Whether the new image is protected.
:returns: dictionary describing the image.
volume = self._get_resource(_volume.Volume, volume)
def reserve_volume(self, volume):
"""Mark volume as reserved.
:param volume: The value can be either the ID of a volume or a
:class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.volume.Volume` instance.
:returns: None"""
volume = self._get_resource(_volume.Volume, volume)
def unreserve_volume(self, volume):
"""Unmark volume as reserved.
:param volume: The value can be either the ID of a volume or a
:class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.volume.Volume` instance.
:returns: None"""
volume = self._get_resource(_volume.Volume, volume)
def begin_volume_detaching(self, volume):
"""Update volume status to 'detaching'.
:param volume: The value can be either the ID of a volume or a
:class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.volume.Volume` instance.
:returns: None"""
volume = self._get_resource(_volume.Volume, volume)
def abort_volume_detaching(self, volume):
"""Update volume status to 'in-use'.
:param volume: The value can be either the ID of a volume or a
:class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.volume.Volume` instance.
:returns: None"""
volume = self._get_resource(_volume.Volume, volume)
def init_volume_attachment(self, volume, connector):
"""Initialize volume attachment.
:param volume: The value can be either the ID of a volume or a
:class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.volume.Volume` instance.
:param dict connector: The connector object.
:returns: None"""
volume = self._get_resource(_volume.Volume, volume)
volume.init_attachment(self, connector)
def terminate_volume_attachment(self, volume, connector):
"""Update volume status to 'in-use'.
:param volume: The value can be either the ID of a volume or a
:class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.volume.Volume` instance.
:param dict connector: The connector object.
:returns: None
volume = self._get_resource(_volume.Volume, volume)
volume.terminate_attachment(self, connector)
# ====== BACKEND POOLS ======
def backend_pools(self, **query):
"""Returns a generator of cinder Back-end storage pools
:param kwargs query: Optional query parameters to be sent to limit
the resources being returned.
:returns A generator of cinder Back-end storage pools objects
return self._list(_stats.Pools, **query)
# ====== BACKUPS ======
def backups(self, *, details=True, **query):
"""Retrieve a generator of backups
:param bool details: When set to ``False``
no additional details will be returned. The default, ``True``,
will cause objects with additional attributes to be returned.
:param dict query: Optional query parameters to be sent to limit the
resources being returned:
* offset: pagination marker
* limit: pagination limit
* sort_key: Sorts by an attribute. A valid value is
name, status, container_format, disk_format, size, id,
created_at, or updated_at. Default is created_at.
The API uses the natural sorting direction of the
sort_key attribute value.
* sort_dir: Sorts by one or more sets of attribute and sort
direction combinations. If you omit the sort direction
in a set, default is desc.
* project_id: Project ID to query backups for.
:returns: A generator of backup objects.
base_path = '/backups/detail' if details else None
return self._list(_backup.Backup, base_path=base_path, **query)
def get_backup(self, backup):
"""Get a backup
:param backup: The value can be the ID of a backup
or a :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.backup.Backup`
:returns: Backup instance
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.backup.Backup`
return self._get(_backup.Backup, backup)
def find_backup(self, name_or_id, ignore_missing=True, *, details=True):
"""Find a single backup
:param snapshot: The name or ID a backup
:param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False``
:class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised
when the backup does not exist.
:param bool details: When set to ``False`` no additional details will
be returned. The default, ``True``, will cause objects with
additional attributes to be returned.
:returns: One :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.backup.Backup`
:raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound`
when no resource can be found.
:raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.DuplicateResource` when multiple
resources are found.
list_base_path = '/backups/detail' if details else None
return self._find(
def create_backup(self, **attrs):
"""Create a new Backup from attributes with native API
:param dict attrs: Keyword arguments which will be used to create
a :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.backup.Backup`
comprised of the properties on the Backup class.
:returns: The results of Backup creation
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.backup.Backup`
return self._create(_backup.Backup, **attrs)
def delete_backup(self, backup, ignore_missing=True, force=False):
"""Delete a CloudBackup
:param backup: The value can be the ID of a backup or a
:class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.backup.Backup` instance
:param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False``
:class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised when
the zone does not exist.
When set to ``True``, no exception will be set when attempting to
delete a nonexistent zone.
:param bool force: Whether to try forcing backup deletion
:returns: ``None``
if not force:
self._delete(_backup.Backup, backup, ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
backup = self._get_resource(_backup.Backup, backup)
# ====== BACKUP ACTIONS ======
def restore_backup(self, backup, volume_id=None, name=None):
"""Restore a Backup to volume
:param backup: The value can be the ID of a backup or a
:class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.backup.Backup` instance
:param volume_id: The ID of the volume to restore the backup to.
:param name: The name for new volume creation to restore.
:returns: Updated backup instance
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.backup.Backup`
backup = self._get_resource(_backup.Backup, backup)
return backup.restore(self, volume_id=volume_id, name=name)
def reset_backup(self, backup, status):
"""Reset status of the backup
:param backup: The value can be either the ID of a backup or a
:class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.backup.Backup` instance.
:param str status: New backup status
:returns: None
backup = self._get_resource(_backup.Backup, backup)
backup.reset(self, status)
# ====== LIMITS ======
def get_limits(self):
"""Retrieves limits
:returns: A Limit object, including both
:class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.limits.AbsoluteLimit` and
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.limits.Limit`
return self._get(_limits.Limit, requires_id=False)
def get_capabilities(self, host):
"""Get a backend's capabilites
:param host: Specified backend to obtain volume stats and properties.
:returns: One :class:
`~openstack.block_storage.v3.capabilites.Capabilities` instance.
:raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` when no
resource can be found.
return self._get(_capabilities.Capabilities, host)
# ====== GROUPS ======
def get_group(self, group_id, **attrs):
"""Get a group
:param group_id: The ID of the group to get.
:param dict attrs: Optional query parameters to be sent to limit the
resources being returned.
:returns: A Group instance.
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.group`
return self._get(_group.Group, group_id, **attrs)
def find_group(self, name_or_id, ignore_missing=True, *, details=True):
"""Find a single group
:param name_or_id: The name or ID of a group.
:param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False``
:class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised
when the group snapshot does not exist.
:param bool details: When set to ``False``, no additional details will
be returned. The default, ``True``, will cause additional details
to be returned.
:returns: One :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.group.Group`
:raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound`
when no resource can be found.
:raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.DuplicateResource` when multiple
resources are found.
list_base_path = '/groups/detail' if details else None
return self._find(
def groups(self, *, details=True, **query):
"""Retrieve a generator of groups
:param bool details: When set to ``False``, no additional details will
be returned. The default, ``True``, will cause additional details
to be returned.
:param dict query: Optional query parameters to be sent to limit the
resources being returned:
* all_tenants: Shows details for all project.
* sort: Comma-separated list of sort keys and optional sort
* limit: Returns a number of items up to the limit value.
* offset: Used in conjunction with limit to return a slice of
items. Specifies where to start in the list.
* marker: The ID of the last-seen item.
* list_volume: Show volume ids in this group.
* detailed: If True, will list groups with details.
* search_opts: Search options.
:returns: A generator of group objects.
base_path = '/groups/detail' if details else '/groups'
return self._list(_group.Group, base_path=base_path, **query)
def create_group(self, **attrs):
"""Create a new group from attributes
:param dict attrs: Keyword arguments which will be used to create
a :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.group.Group` comprised of
the properties on the Group class.
:returns: The results of group creation.
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.group.Group`.
return self._create(_group.Group, **attrs)
def create_group_from_source(self, **attrs):
"""Creates a new group from source
:param dict attrs: Keyword arguments which will be used to create
a :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.group.Group` comprised of
the properties on the Group class.
:returns: The results of group creation.
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.group.Group`.
return _group.Group.create_from_source(self, **attrs)
def reset_group_state(self, group, status):
"""Reset group status
:param group: The :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.group.Group`
to set the state.
:param status: The status for a group.
:returns: ``None``
res = self._get_resource(_group.Group, group)
return res.reset_status(self, status)
def delete_group(self, group, delete_volumes=False):
"""Delete a group
:param group: The :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.group.Group` to
:param bool delete_volumes: When set to ``True``, volumes in group
will be deleted.
:returns: ``None``.
res = self._get_resource(_group.Group, group)
res.delete(self, delete_volumes=delete_volumes)
def update_group(self, group, **attrs):
"""Update a group
:param group: The value can be the ID of a group or a
:class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.group.Group` instance.
:param dict attrs: The attributes to update on the group.
:returns: The updated group
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.volume.v3.group.Group`
return self._update(_group.Group, group, **attrs)
# ====== AVAILABILITY ZONES ======
def availability_zones(self):
"""Return a generator of availability zones
:returns: A generator of availability zone
return self._list(availability_zone.AvailabilityZone)
# ====== GROUP SNAPSHOT ======
def get_group_snapshot(self, group_snapshot_id):
"""Get a group snapshot
:param group_snapshot_id: The ID of the group snapshot to get.
:returns: A GroupSnapshot instance.
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.group_snapshot`
return self._get(_group_snapshot.GroupSnapshot, group_snapshot_id)
def find_group_snapshot(
"""Find a single group snapshot
:param name_or_id: The name or ID of a group snapshot.
:param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False``
:class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised
when the group snapshot does not exist.
:param bool details: When set to ``False``, no additional details will
be returned. The default, ``True``, will cause additional details
to be returned.
:returns: One :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.group_snapshot`
:raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound`
when no resource can be found.
:raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.DuplicateResource` when multiple
resources are found.
list_base_path = '/group_snapshots/detail' if details else None
return self._find(
def group_snapshots(self, *, details=True, **query):
"""Retrieve a generator of group snapshots
:param bool details: When ``True``, returns
objects with additional attributes filled.
:param kwargs query: Optional query parameters to be sent to limit
the group snapshots being returned.
:returns: A generator of group snapshtos.
base_path = '/group_snapshots/detail' if details else None
return self._list(
def create_group_snapshot(self, **attrs):
"""Create a group snapshot
:param dict attrs: Keyword arguments which will be used to create a
comprised of the properties on the GroupSnapshot class.
:returns: The results of group snapshot creation.
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.group_snapshot`.
return self._create(_group_snapshot.GroupSnapshot, **attrs)
def reset_group_snapshot_state(self, group_snapshot, state):
"""Reset group snapshot status
:param group_snapshot: The
to set the state.
:param state: The state of the group snapshot to be set.
:returns: None
resource = self._get_resource(
_group_snapshot.GroupSnapshot, group_snapshot
resource.reset_state(self, state)
def delete_group_snapshot(self, group_snapshot, ignore_missing=True):
"""Delete a group snapshot
:param group_snapshot: The :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.
group_snapshot.GroupSnapshot` to delete.
:returns: None
# ====== GROUP TYPE ======
def get_group_type(self, group_type):
"""Get a specific group type
:param group_type: The value can be the ID of a group type
or a :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.group_type.GroupType`
:returns: One :class:
`~openstack.block_storage.v3.group_type.GroupType` instance.
:raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` when no
resource can be found.
return self._get(_group_type.GroupType, group_type)
def find_group_type(self, name_or_id, ignore_missing=True):
"""Find a single group type
:param name_or_id: The name or ID of a group type.
:param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False``
:class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised
when the group type does not exist.
:returns: One
:raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` when no
resource can be found.
:raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.DuplicateResource` when multiple
resources are found.
return self._find(
def group_types(self, **query):
"""Retrive a generator of group types
:param dict query: Optional query parameters to be sent to limit the
resources being returned:
* sort: Comma-separated list of sort keys and optional sort
directions in the form of <key> [:<direction>]. A valid
direction is asc (ascending) or desc (descending).
* limit: Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items
up to a limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an
initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item
from the response as the marker parameter value in a
subsequent limited request.
* offset: Used in conjunction with limit to return a slice of
items. Is where to start in the list.
* marker: The ID of the last-seen item.
:returns: A generator of group type objects.
return self._list(_group_type.GroupType, **query)
def create_group_type(self, **attrs):
"""Create a group type
:param dict attrs: Keyword arguments which will be used to create
a :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.group_type.GroupType`
comprised of the properties on the GroupType class.
:returns: The results of group type creation.
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.group_type.GroupTye`.
return self._create(_group_type.GroupType, **attrs)
def delete_group_type(self, group_type, ignore_missing=True):
"""Delete a group type
:param group_type: The value can be the ID of a group type
or a :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.group_type.GroupType`
:param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False``
:class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised when
the zone does not exist.
When set to ``True``, no exception will be set when attempting to
delete a nonexistent zone.
:returns: None
_group_type.GroupType, group_type, ignore_missing=ignore_missing
def update_group_type(self, group_type, **attrs):
"""Update a group_type
:param group_type: The value can be the ID of a group type or a
:param dict attrs: The attributes to update on the group type.
:returns: The updated group type.
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.group_type.GroupType`
return self._update(_group_type.GroupType, group_type, **attrs)
def fetch_group_type_group_specs(self, group_type):
"""Lists group specs of a group type.
:param group_type: Either the ID of a group type or a
:class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.group_type.GroupType` instance.
:returns: One :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.group_type.GroupType`
group_type = self._get_resource(_group_type.GroupType, group_type)
return group_type.fetch_group_specs(self)
def create_group_type_group_specs(self, group_type, group_specs):
"""Create group specs for a group type.
:param group_type: Either the ID of a group type or a
:class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.group_type.GroupType` instance.
:param dict group_specs: dict of extra specs
:returns: One :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.group_type.GroupType`
group_type = self._get_resource(_group_type.GroupType, group_type)
return group_type.create_group_specs(self, specs=group_specs)
def get_group_type_group_specs_property(self, group_type, prop):
"""Retrieve a group spec property for a group type.
:param group_type: Either the ID of a group type or a
:class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.group_type.GroupType` instance.
:param str prop: Property name.
:returns: String value of the requested property.
group_type = self._get_resource(_group_type.GroupType, group_type)
return group_type.get_group_specs_property(self, prop)
def update_group_type_group_specs_property(self, group_type, prop, val):
"""Update a group spec property for a group type.
:param group_type: Either the ID of a group type or a
:class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.group_type.GroupType` instance.
:param str prop: Property name.
:param str val: Property value.
:returns: String value of the requested property.
group_type = self._get_resource(_group_type.GroupType, group_type)
return group_type.update_group_specs_property(self, prop, val)
def delete_group_type_group_specs_property(self, group_type, prop):
"""Delete a group spec property from a group type.
:param group_type: Either the ID of a group type or a
:class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.group_type.GroupType` instance.
:param str prop: Property name.
:returns: None
group_type = self._get_resource(_group_type.GroupType, group_type)
return group_type.delete_group_specs_property(self, prop)
# ====== QUOTA SETS ======
def get_quota_set(self, project, usage=False, **query):
"""Show QuotaSet information for the project
:param project: ID or instance of
:class:`~openstack.identity.project.Project` of the project for
which the quota should be retrieved
:param bool usage: When set to ``True`` quota usage and reservations
would be filled.
:param dict query: Additional query parameters to use.
:returns: One :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.quota_set.QuotaSet`
:raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound`
when no resource can be found.
project = self._get_resource(_project.Project, project)
res = self._get_resource(
_quota_set.QuotaSet, None, project_id=project.id
return res.fetch(self, usage=usage, **query)
def get_quota_set_defaults(self, project):
"""Show QuotaSet defaults for the project
:param project: ID or instance of
:class:`~openstack.identity.project.Project` of the project for
which the quota should be retrieved
:returns: One :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.quota_set.QuotaSet`
:raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound`
when no resource can be found.
project = self._get_resource(_project.Project, project)
res = self._get_resource(
_quota_set.QuotaSet, None, project_id=project.id
return res.fetch(self, base_path='/os-quota-sets/defaults')
def revert_quota_set(self, project, **query):
"""Reset Quota for the project/user.
:param project: ID or instance of
:class:`~openstack.identity.project.Project` of the project for
which the quota should be resetted.
:param dict query: Additional parameters to be used.
:returns: ``None``
project = self._get_resource(_project.Project, project)
res = self._get_resource(
_quota_set.QuotaSet, None, project_id=project.id
return res.delete(self, **query)
def update_quota_set(self, quota_set, query=None, **attrs):
"""Update a QuotaSet.
:param quota_set: Either the ID of a quota_set or a
:class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.quota_set.QuotaSet` instance.
:param dict query: Optional parameters to be used with update call.
:param attrs: The attributes to update on the QuotaSet represented
by ``quota_set``.
:returns: The updated QuotaSet
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.quota_set.QuotaSet`
res = self._get_resource(_quota_set.QuotaSet, quota_set, **attrs)
if not query:
query = {}
return res.commit(self, **query)
# ====== RESOURCE FILTERS ======
def resource_filters(self, **query):
"""Retrieve a generator of resource filters
:returns: A generator of resource filters.
return self._list(_resource_filter.ResourceFilter, **query)
# ====== EXTENSIONS ======
def extensions(self):
"""Return a generator of extensions
:returns: A generator of extension
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.block_storage.v3.extension.Extension`
return self._list(_extension.Extension)
# ====== UTILS ======
def wait_for_status(
"""Wait for a resource to be in a particular status.
:param res: The resource to wait on to reach the specified status.
The resource must have a ``status`` attribute.
:type resource: A :class:`~openstack.resource.Resource` object.
:param str status: Desired status.
:param list failures: Statuses that would be interpreted as failures.
:param interval: Number of seconds to wait before to consecutive
checks. Default to 2.
:param wait: Maximum number of seconds to wait before the change.
Default to 120.
:returns: The resource is returned on success.
:raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceTimeout` if transition
to the desired status failed to occur in specified seconds.
:raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceFailure` if the resource
has transited to one of the failure statuses.
:raises: :class:`~AttributeError` if the resource does not have a
``status`` attribute.
failures = ['error'] if failures is None else failures
return resource.wait_for_status(
self, res, status, failures, interval, wait
def wait_for_delete(self, res, interval=2, wait=120):
"""Wait for a resource to be deleted.
:param res: The resource to wait on to be deleted.
:type resource: A :class:`~openstack.resource.Resource` object.
:param int interval: Number of seconds to wait before two consecutive
checks. Default to 2.
:param int wait: Maximum number of seconds to wait before the change.
Default to 120.
:returns: The resource is returned on success.
:raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceTimeout` if transition
to delete failed to occur in the specified seconds.
return resource.wait_for_delete(self, res, interval, wait)
def _get_cleanup_dependencies(self):
return {'block_storage': {'before': []}}
def _service_cleanup(
# It is not possible to delete backup if there are dependent backups.
# In order to be able to do cleanup those is required to have multiple
# iterations (first clean up backups with has no dependent backups, and
# in next iterations there should be no backups with dependencies
# remaining. Logically we can have also failures, therefore it is
# required to limit amount of iterations we do (currently pick 10). In
# dry_run all those iterations are doing not what we want, therefore
# only iterate in a real cleanup mode.
if dry_run:
# Just iterate and evaluate backups in dry_run mode
for obj in self.backups(details=False):
need_delete = self._service_cleanup_del_res(
# Set initial iterations conditions
need_backup_iteration = True
max_iterations = 10
while need_backup_iteration and max_iterations > 0:
# Reset iteration controls
need_backup_iteration = False
max_iterations -= 1
backups = []
# To increase success chance sort backups by age, dependent
# backups are logically younger.
for obj in self.backups(
details=True, sort_key='created_at', sort_dir='desc'
if not obj.has_dependent_backups:
# If no dependent backups - go with it
need_delete = self._service_cleanup_del_res(
if not dry_run and need_delete:
# Otherwise we need another iteration
need_backup_iteration = True
# Before proceeding need to wait for backups to be deleted
for obj in backups:
except exceptions.SDKException:
# Well, did our best, still try further
snapshots = []
for obj in self.snapshots(details=False):
need_delete = self._service_cleanup_del_res(
if not dry_run and need_delete:
# Before deleting volumes need to wait for snapshots to be deleted
for obj in snapshots:
except exceptions.SDKException:
# Well, did our best, still try further
for obj in self.volumes(details=True):