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Managing Nodes

Node is a logical object managed by the Senlin service. A node can be a member of at most one cluster at any time. A node can be an orphan node which means it doesn't belong to any clusters.

List Nodes

To examine the list of Nodes:


When listing nodes, you can specify the sorting option using the sort parameter and you can do pagination using the limit and marker parameters.

Full example: manage node

Create Node

When creating a node, you will provide a dictionary with keys and values according to the node type referenced.


Optionally, you can specify a metadata keyword argument that contains some key-value pairs to be associated with the node.

Full example: manage node

Get Node

To get a node based on its name or ID:


Full example: manage node

Find Node

To find a node based on its name or ID:


Full example: manage node

Update Node

After a node is created, most of its properties are immutable. Still, you can update a node's name and/or params.


Full example: manage node

Delete Node

A node can be deleted after creation, provided that it is not referenced by any active clusters. If you attempt to delete a node that is still in use, you will get an error message.


Full example: manage node

Check Node

If the underlying physical resource is not healthy, the node will be set to ERROR status.


Full example: manage node

Recover Node

To restore a specified node.
