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# Copyright (c) 2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Copyright (c) 2016 Red Hat, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# TODO(shade) The normalize functions here should get merged in to
# the sdk resource objects.
import munch
from openstack import resource
_pushdown_fields = {
'project': [
def _to_bool(value):
if isinstance(value, str):
if not value:
return False
prospective = value.lower().capitalize()
return prospective == 'True'
return bool(value)
def _pop_int(resource, key):
return int(resource.pop(key, 0) or 0)
def _pop_or_get(resource, key, default, strict):
if strict:
return resource.pop(key, default)
return resource.get(key, default)
class Normalizer:
'''Mix-in class to provide the normalization functions.
This is in a separate class just for on-disk source code organization
def _remove_novaclient_artifacts(self, item):
# Remove novaclient artifacts
item.pop('links', None)
item.pop('NAME_ATTR', None)
item.pop('HUMAN_ID', None)
item.pop('human_id', None)
item.pop('request_ids', None)
item.pop('x_openstack_request_ids', None)
def _normalize_image(self, image):
if isinstance(image, resource.Resource):
image = image.to_dict(ignore_none=True, original_names=True)
location = image.pop(
location = self._get_current_location(
# This copy is to keep things from getting epically weird in tests
image = image.copy()
new_image = munch.Munch(location=location)
# Discard noise
# If someone made a property called "properties" that contains a
# string (this has happened at least one time in the wild), the
# the rest of the normalization here goes belly up.
properties = image.pop('properties', {})
if not isinstance(properties, dict):
properties = {'properties': properties}
visibility = image.pop('visibility', None)
protected = _to_bool(image.pop('protected', False))
if visibility:
is_public = (visibility == 'public')
is_public = image.pop('is_public', False)
visibility = 'public' if is_public else 'private'
new_image['size'] = image.pop('OS-EXT-IMG-SIZE:size', 0)
new_image['size'] = image.pop('size', new_image['size'])
new_image['min_ram'] = image.pop('minRam', 0)
new_image['min_ram'] = image.pop('min_ram', new_image['min_ram'])
new_image['min_disk'] = image.pop('minDisk', 0)
new_image['min_disk'] = image.pop('min_disk', new_image['min_disk'])
new_image['created_at'] = image.pop('created', '')
new_image['created_at'] = image.pop(
'created_at', new_image['created_at'])
new_image['updated_at'] = image.pop('updated', '')
new_image['updated_at'] = image.pop(
'updated_at', new_image['updated_at'])
for field in _IMAGE_FIELDS:
new_image[field] = image.pop(field, None)
new_image['tags'] = image.pop('tags', [])
new_image['status'] = image.pop('status').lower()
for field in ('min_ram', 'min_disk', 'size', 'virtual_size'):
new_image[field] = _pop_int(new_image, field)
new_image['is_protected'] = protected
new_image['locations'] = image.pop('locations', [])
metadata = image.pop('metadata', {}) or {}
for key, val in metadata.items():
properties.setdefault(key, val)
for key, val in image.items():
properties.setdefault(key, val)
new_image['properties'] = properties
new_image['is_public'] = is_public
new_image['visibility'] = visibility
# Backwards compat with glance
if not self.strict_mode:
for key, val in properties.items():
if key != 'properties':
new_image[key] = val
new_image['protected'] = protected
new_image['metadata'] = properties
new_image['created'] = new_image['created_at']
new_image['updated'] = new_image['updated_at']
new_image['minDisk'] = new_image['min_disk']
new_image['minRam'] = new_image['min_ram']
return new_image
# TODO(stephenfin): Remove this once we get rid of support for nova
# secgroups
def _normalize_secgroups(self, groups):
"""Normalize the structure of security groups
This makes security group dicts, as returned from nova, look like the
security group dicts as returned from neutron. This does not make them
look exactly the same, but it's pretty close.
:param list groups: A list of security group dicts.
:returns: A list of normalized dicts.
ret = []
for group in groups:
return ret
# TODO(stephenfin): Remove this once we get rid of support for nova
# secgroups
def _normalize_secgroup(self, group):
ret = munch.Munch()
# Copy incoming group because of shared dicts in unittests
group = group.copy()
# Discard noise
rules = self._normalize_secgroup_rules(
group.pop('security_group_rules', group.pop('rules', [])))
project_id = group.pop('tenant_id', '')
project_id = group.pop('project_id', project_id)
ret['location'] = self._get_current_location(project_id=project_id)
ret['id'] = group.pop('id')
ret['name'] = group.pop('name')
ret['security_group_rules'] = rules
ret['description'] = group.pop('description')
ret['properties'] = group
if self._use_neutron_secgroups():
ret['stateful'] = group.pop('stateful', True)
# Backwards compat with Neutron
if not self.strict_mode:
ret['tenant_id'] = project_id
ret['project_id'] = project_id
for key, val in ret['properties'].items():
ret.setdefault(key, val)
return ret
# TODO(stephenfin): Remove this once we get rid of support for nova
# secgroups
def _normalize_secgroup_rules(self, rules):
"""Normalize the structure of nova security group rules
Note that nova uses -1 for non-specific port values, but neutron
represents these with None.
:param list rules: A list of security group rule dicts.
:returns: A list of normalized dicts.
ret = []
for rule in rules:
return ret
# TODO(stephenfin): Remove this once we get rid of support for nova
# secgroups
def _normalize_secgroup_rule(self, rule):
ret = munch.Munch()
# Copy incoming rule because of shared dicts in unittests
rule = rule.copy()
ret['id'] = rule.pop('id')
ret['direction'] = rule.pop('direction', 'ingress')
ret['ethertype'] = rule.pop('ethertype', 'IPv4')
port_range_min = rule.get(
'port_range_min', rule.pop('from_port', None))
if port_range_min == -1:
port_range_min = None
if port_range_min is not None:
port_range_min = int(port_range_min)
ret['port_range_min'] = port_range_min
port_range_max = rule.pop(
'port_range_max', rule.pop('to_port', None))
if port_range_max == -1:
port_range_max = None
if port_range_min is not None:
port_range_min = int(port_range_min)
ret['port_range_max'] = port_range_max
ret['protocol'] = rule.pop('protocol', rule.pop('ip_protocol', None))
ret['remote_ip_prefix'] = rule.pop(
'remote_ip_prefix', rule.pop('ip_range', {}).get('cidr', None))
ret['security_group_id'] = rule.pop(
'security_group_id', rule.pop('parent_group_id', None))
ret['remote_group_id'] = rule.pop('remote_group_id', None)
project_id = rule.pop('tenant_id', '')
project_id = rule.pop('project_id', project_id)
ret['location'] = self._get_current_location(project_id=project_id)
ret['properties'] = rule
# Backwards compat with Neutron
if not self.strict_mode:
ret['tenant_id'] = project_id
ret['project_id'] = project_id
for key, val in ret['properties'].items():
ret.setdefault(key, val)
return ret
def _normalize_server(self, server):
ret = munch.Munch()
# Copy incoming server because of shared dicts in unittests
# Wrap the copy in munch so that sub-dicts are properly munched
server = munch.Munch(server)
ret['id'] = server.pop('id')
ret['name'] = server.pop('name')
server['flavor'].pop('links', None)
ret['flavor'] = server.pop('flavor')
# From original_names from sdk
server.pop('flavorRef', None)
# OpenStack can return image as a string when you've booted
# from volume
image = server.pop('image', None)
if str(image) != image:
image = munch.Munch(id=image['id'])
ret['image'] = image
# From original_names from sdk
server.pop('imageRef', None)
# From original_names from sdk
ret['block_device_mapping'] = server.pop('block_device_mapping_v2', {})
project_id = server.pop('tenant_id', '')
project_id = server.pop('project_id', project_id)
az = _pop_or_get(
server, 'OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone', None, self.strict_mode)
# the server resource has this already, but it's missing az info
# from the resource.
# TODO(mordred) create_server is still normalizing servers that aren't
# from the resource layer.
ret['location'] = server.pop(
'location', self._get_current_location(
project_id=project_id, zone=az))
# Ensure volumes is always in the server dict, even if empty
ret['volumes'] = _pop_or_get(
server, 'os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached',
[], self.strict_mode)
config_drive = server.pop(
'has_config_drive', server.pop('config_drive', False))
ret['has_config_drive'] = _to_bool(config_drive)
host_id = server.pop('hostId', server.pop('host_id', None))
ret['host_id'] = host_id
ret['progress'] = _pop_int(server, 'progress')
# Leave these in so that the general properties handling works
ret['disk_config'] = _pop_or_get(
server, 'OS-DCF:diskConfig', None, self.strict_mode)
for key in (
short_key = key.split(':')[1]
ret[short_key] = _pop_or_get(server, key, None, self.strict_mode)
# Protect against security_groups being None
ret['security_groups'] = server.pop('security_groups', None) or []
# NOTE(mnaser): The Nova API returns the creation date in `created`
# however the Shade contract returns `created_at` for
# all resources.
ret['created_at'] = server.get('created')
for field in _SERVER_FIELDS:
ret[field] = server.pop(field, None)
if not ret['networks']:
ret['networks'] = {}
ret['interface_ip'] = ''
ret['properties'] = server.copy()
# Backwards compat
if not self.strict_mode:
ret['hostId'] = host_id
ret['config_drive'] = config_drive
ret['project_id'] = project_id
ret['tenant_id'] = project_id
# TODO(efried): This is hardcoded to 'compute' because this method
# should only ever be used by the compute proxy. (That said, it
# doesn't appear to be used at all, so can we get rid of it?)
ret['region'] = self.config.get_region_name('compute')
ret['cloud'] =
ret['az'] = az
for key, val in ret['properties'].items():
ret.setdefault(key, val)
return ret
# TODO(stephenfin): Remove this once we get rid of support for nova
# floating IPs
def _normalize_floating_ips(self, ips):
"""Normalize the structure of floating IPs
Unfortunately, not all the Neutron floating_ip attributes are available
with Nova and not all Nova floating_ip attributes are available with
This function extract attributes that are common to Nova and Neutron
floating IP resource.
If the whole structure is needed inside shade, shade provides private
methods that returns "original" objects (e.g.
:param list ips: A list of Neutron floating IPs.
A list of normalized dicts with the following attributes::
"id": "this-is-a-floating-ip-id",
"fixed_ip_address": "",
"floating_ip_address": "",
"network": "this-is-a-net-or-pool-id",
"attached": True,
"status": "ACTIVE"
}, ...
return [
self._normalize_floating_ip(ip) for ip in ips
# TODO(stephenfin): Remove this once we get rid of support for nova
# floating IPs
def _normalize_floating_ip(self, ip):
# Copy incoming floating ip because of shared dicts in unittests
if isinstance(ip, resource.Resource):
ip = ip.to_dict(ignore_none=True, original_names=True)
location = ip.pop(
location = self._get_current_location(
# This copy is to keep things from getting epically weird in tests
ip = ip.copy()
ret = munch.Munch(location=location)
fixed_ip_address = ip.pop('fixed_ip_address', ip.pop('fixed_ip', None))
floating_ip_address = ip.pop('floating_ip_address', ip.pop('ip', None))
network_id = ip.pop(
'floating_network_id', ip.pop('network', ip.pop('pool', None)))
project_id = ip.pop('tenant_id', '')
project_id = ip.pop('project_id', project_id)
instance_id = ip.pop('instance_id', None)
router_id = ip.pop('router_id', None)
id = ip.pop('id')
port_id = ip.pop('port_id', None)
created_at = ip.pop('created_at', None)
updated_at = ip.pop('updated_at', None)
# Note - description may not always be on the underlying cloud.
# Normalizing it here is easy - what do we do when people want to
# set a description?
description = ip.pop('description', '')
revision_number = ip.pop('revision_number', None)
if self._use_neutron_floating():
attached = bool(port_id)
status = ip.pop('status', 'UNKNOWN')
attached = bool(instance_id)
# In neutron's terms, Nova floating IPs are always ACTIVE
status = 'ACTIVE'
ret = munch.Munch(
# Backwards compat
if not self.strict_mode:
ret['port_id'] = port_id
ret['router_id'] = router_id
ret['project_id'] = project_id
ret['tenant_id'] = project_id
ret['floating_network_id'] = network_id
for key, val in ret['properties'].items():
ret.setdefault(key, val)
return ret
def _normalize_compute_usage(self, usage):
""" Normalize a compute usage object """
usage = usage.copy()
# Discard noise
project_id = usage.pop('tenant_id', None)
ret = munch.Munch(
for key in (
ret[key] = usage.pop(key, 0)
ret['started_at'] = usage.pop('start', None)
ret['stopped_at'] = usage.pop('stop', None)
ret['server_usages'] = self._normalize_server_usages(
usage.pop('server_usages', []))
ret['properties'] = usage
return ret
def _normalize_server_usage(self, server_usage):
""" Normalize a server usage object """
server_usage = server_usage.copy()
# TODO(mordred) Right now there is already a location on the usage
# object. Including one here seems verbose.
ret = munch.Munch()
ret['ended_at'] = server_usage.pop('ended_at', None)
ret['started_at'] = server_usage.pop('started_at', None)
for key in (
ret[key] = server_usage.pop(key, '')
for key in (
ret[key] = server_usage.pop(key, 0)
ret['properties'] = server_usage
return ret
def _normalize_server_usages(self, server_usages):
ret = []
for server_usage in server_usages:
return ret
def _normalize_coe_clusters(self, coe_clusters):
ret = []
for coe_cluster in coe_clusters:
return ret
def _normalize_coe_cluster(self, coe_cluster):
"""Normalize Magnum COE cluster."""
coe_cluster = coe_cluster.copy()
# Discard noise
coe_cluster.pop('links', None)
c_id = coe_cluster.pop('uuid')
ret = munch.Munch(
if not self.strict_mode:
ret['uuid'] = c_id
for key in (
if key in coe_cluster:
ret[key] = coe_cluster.pop(key)
ret['properties'] = coe_cluster
return ret
def _normalize_cluster_templates(self, cluster_templates):
ret = []
for cluster_template in cluster_templates:
return ret
def _normalize_cluster_template(self, cluster_template):
"""Normalize Magnum cluster_templates."""
cluster_template = cluster_template.copy()
# Discard noise
cluster_template.pop('links', None)
cluster_template.pop('human_id', None)
# model_name is a magnumclient-ism
cluster_template.pop('model_name', None)
ct_id = cluster_template.pop('uuid')
ret = munch.Munch(
ret['is_public'] = cluster_template.pop('public')
ret['is_registry_enabled'] = cluster_template.pop('registry_enabled')
ret['is_tls_disabled'] = cluster_template.pop('tls_disabled')
# pop floating_ip_enabled since we want to hide it in a future patch
fip_enabled = cluster_template.pop('floating_ip_enabled', None)
if not self.strict_mode:
ret['uuid'] = ct_id
if fip_enabled is not None:
ret['floating_ip_enabled'] = fip_enabled
ret['public'] = ret['is_public']
ret['registry_enabled'] = ret['is_registry_enabled']
ret['tls_disabled'] = ret['is_tls_disabled']
# Optional keys
for (key, default) in (
('fixed_network', None),
('fixed_subnet', None),
('http_proxy', None),
('https_proxy', None),
('labels', {}),
('master_flavor_id', None),
('no_proxy', None)):
if key in cluster_template:
ret[key] = cluster_template.pop(key, default)
for key in (
ret[key] = cluster_template.pop(key)
ret['properties'] = cluster_template
return ret
def _normalize_magnum_services(self, magnum_services):
ret = []
for magnum_service in magnum_services:
return ret
def _normalize_magnum_service(self, magnum_service):
"""Normalize Magnum magnum_services."""
magnum_service = magnum_service.copy()
# Discard noise
magnum_service.pop('links', None)
magnum_service.pop('human_id', None)
# model_name is a magnumclient-ism
magnum_service.pop('model_name', None)
ret = munch.Munch(location=self._get_current_location())
for key in (
ret[key] = magnum_service.pop(key)
ret['properties'] = magnum_service
return ret
def _normalize_machines(self, machines):
"""Normalize Ironic Machines"""
ret = []
for machine in machines:
return ret
def _normalize_machine(self, machine):
"""Normalize Ironic Machine"""
if isinstance(machine, resource.Resource):
machine = machine._to_munch()
machine = machine.copy()
# Discard noise
return machine