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# Copyright (c) 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# alias because we already had an option named argparse
import argparse as argparse_mod
import collections
import copy
import json
import os
import re
import sys
import warnings
import appdirs
from keystoneauth1 import adapter
from keystoneauth1 import loading
import yaml
from openstack import _log
from openstack.config import cloud_region
from openstack.config import defaults
from openstack.config import exceptions
from openstack.config import vendors
APPDIRS = appdirs.AppDirs('openstack', 'OpenStack', multipath='/etc')
CONFIG_HOME = APPDIRS.user_config_dir
CACHE_PATH = APPDIRS.user_cache_dir
UNIX_CONFIG_HOME = os.path.join(
os.path.expanduser(os.path.join('~', '.config')), 'openstack')
UNIX_SITE_CONFIG_HOME = '/etc/openstack'
SITE_CONFIG_HOME = APPDIRS.site_config_dir
YAML_SUFFIXES = ('.yaml', '.yml')
JSON_SUFFIXES = ('.json',)
os.path.join(d, 'clouds' + s)
os.path.join(d, 'secure' + s)
os.path.join(d, 'clouds-public' + s)
BOOL_KEYS = ('insecure', 'cache')
FORMAT_EXCLUSIONS = frozenset(['password'])
# NOTE(dtroyer): This turns out to be not the best idea so let's move
# overriding defaults to a kwarg to OpenStackConfig.__init__()
# Remove this sometime in June 2015 once OSC is comfortably
# changed-over and global-defaults is updated.
def set_default(key, value):
"Use of set_default() is deprecated. Defaults should be set with the "
"`override_defaults` parameter of OpenStackConfig."
defaults.get_defaults() # make sure the dict is initialized
defaults._defaults[key] = value
def get_boolean(value):
if value is None:
return False
if type(value) is bool:
return value
if value.lower() == 'true':
return True
return False
def _get_os_environ(envvar_prefix=None):
ret = defaults.get_defaults()
if not envvar_prefix:
# This makes the or below be OS_ or OS_ which is a no-op
envvar_prefix = 'OS_'
environkeys = [k for k in os.environ.keys()
if (k.startswith('OS_') or k.startswith(envvar_prefix))
and not k.startswith('OS_TEST') # infra CI var
and not k.startswith('OS_STD') # infra CI var
for k in environkeys:
newkey = k.split('_', 1)[-1].lower()
ret[newkey] = os.environ[k]
# If the only environ keys are selectors or behavior modification, don't
# return anything
selectors = set([
if set(environkeys) - selectors:
return ret
return None
def _merge_clouds(old_dict, new_dict):
"""Like dict.update, except handling nested dicts."""
ret = old_dict.copy()
for (k, v) in new_dict.items():
if isinstance(v, dict):
if k in ret:
ret[k] = _merge_clouds(ret[k], v)
ret[k] = v.copy()
ret[k] = v
return ret
def _auth_update(old_dict, new_dict_source):
"""Like dict.update, except handling the nested dict called auth."""
new_dict = copy.deepcopy(new_dict_source)
for (k, v) in new_dict.items():
if k == 'auth':
if k in old_dict:
old_dict[k] = v.copy()
old_dict[k] = v
return old_dict
def _fix_argv(argv):
# Transform any _ characters in arg names to - so that we don't
# have to throw billions of compat argparse arguments around all
# over the place.
processed = collections.defaultdict(list)
for index in range(0, len(argv)):
# If the value starts with '--' and has '-' or '_' in it, then
# it's worth looking at it
if re.match('^--.*(_|-)+.*', argv[index]):
split_args = argv[index].split('=')
orig = split_args[0]
new = orig.replace('_', '-')
if orig != new:
split_args[0] = new
argv[index] = "=".join(split_args)
# Save both for later so we can throw an error about dupes
overlap = []
for new, old in processed.items():
if len(old) > 1:
if overlap:
raise exceptions.OpenStackConfigException(
"The following options were given: '{options}' which contain"
" duplicates except that one has _ and one has -. There is"
" no sane way for us to know what you're doing. Remove the"
" duplicate option and try again".format(
class OpenStackConfig(object):
def __init__(self, config_files=None, vendor_files=None,
override_defaults=None, force_ipv4=None,
envvar_prefix=None, secure_files=None,
pw_func=None, session_constructor=None,
app_name=None, app_version=None,
load_yaml_config=True, load_envvars=True):
self.log = _log.setup_logging('openstack.config')
self._session_constructor = session_constructor
self._app_name = app_name
self._app_version = app_version
self._load_envvars = load_envvars
if load_yaml_config:
self._config_files = config_files or CONFIG_FILES
self._secure_files = secure_files or SECURE_FILES
self._vendor_files = vendor_files or VENDOR_FILES
self._config_files = []
self._secure_files = []
self._vendor_files = []
config_file_override = self._get_envvar('OS_CLIENT_CONFIG_FILE')
if config_file_override:
self._config_files.insert(0, config_file_override)
secure_file_override = self._get_envvar('OS_CLIENT_SECURE_FILE')
if secure_file_override:
self._secure_files.insert(0, secure_file_override)
self.defaults = defaults.get_defaults()
if override_defaults:
# First, use a config file if it exists where expected
self.config_filename, self.cloud_config = self._load_config_file()
_, secure_config = self._load_secure_file()
if secure_config:
self.cloud_config = _merge_clouds(
self.cloud_config, secure_config)
if not self.cloud_config:
self.cloud_config = {'clouds': {}}
if 'clouds' not in self.cloud_config:
self.cloud_config['clouds'] = {}
# Grab ipv6 preference settings from env
client_config = self.cloud_config.get('client', {})
if force_ipv4 is not None:
# If it's passed in to the constructor, honor it.
self.force_ipv4 = force_ipv4
# Get the backwards compat value
prefer_ipv6 = get_boolean(
'OS_PREFER_IPV6', client_config.get(
'prefer_ipv6', client_config.get(
'prefer-ipv6', True))))
force_ipv4 = get_boolean(
'OS_FORCE_IPV4', client_config.get(
'force_ipv4', client_config.get(
'broken-ipv6', False))))
self.force_ipv4 = force_ipv4
if not prefer_ipv6:
# this will only be false if someone set it explicitly
# honor their wishes
self.force_ipv4 = True
# Next, process environment variables and add them to the mix
self.envvar_key = self._get_envvar('OS_CLOUD_NAME', 'envvars')
if self.envvar_key in self.cloud_config['clouds']:
raise exceptions.OpenStackConfigException(
'"{0}" defines a cloud named "{1}", but'
' OS_CLOUD_NAME is also set to "{1}". Please rename'
' either your environment based cloud, or one of your'
' file-based clouds.'.format(self.config_filename,
self.default_cloud = self._get_envvar('OS_CLOUD')
if load_envvars:
envvars = _get_os_environ(envvar_prefix=envvar_prefix)
if envvars:
self.cloud_config['clouds'][self.envvar_key] = envvars
if not self.default_cloud:
self.default_cloud = self.envvar_key
if not self.default_cloud and self.cloud_config['clouds']:
if len(self.cloud_config['clouds'].keys()) == 1:
# If there is only one cloud just use it. This matches envvars
# behavior and allows for much less typing.
# TODO(mordred) allow someone to mark a cloud as "default" in
# clouds.yaml.
# The next/iter thing is for python3 compat where dict.keys
# returns an iterator but in python2 it's a list.
self.default_cloud = next(iter(
# Finally, fall through and make a cloud that starts with defaults
# because we need somewhere to put arguments, and there are neither
# config files or env vars
if not self.cloud_config['clouds']:
self.cloud_config = dict(
self.default_cloud = 'defaults'
self._cache_expiration_time = 0
self._cache_path = CACHE_PATH
self._cache_class = 'dogpile.cache.null'
self._cache_arguments = {}
self._cache_expiration = {}
if 'cache' in self.cloud_config:
cache_settings = self._normalize_keys(self.cloud_config['cache'])
# expiration_time used to be 'max_age' but the dogpile setting
# is expiration_time. Support max_age for backwards compat.
self._cache_expiration_time = cache_settings.get(
'expiration_time', cache_settings.get(
'max_age', self._cache_expiration_time))
# If cache class is given, use that. If not, but if cache time
# is given, default to memory. Otherwise, default to nothing.
# to memory.
if self._cache_expiration_time:
self._cache_class = 'dogpile.cache.memory'
self._cache_class = self.cloud_config['cache'].get(
'class', self._cache_class)
self._cache_path = os.path.expanduser(
cache_settings.get('path', self._cache_path))
self._cache_arguments = cache_settings.get(
'arguments', self._cache_arguments)
self._cache_expiration = cache_settings.get(
'expiration', self._cache_expiration)
# Flag location to hold the peeked value of an argparse timeout value
self._argv_timeout = False
# Save the password callback
# password = self._pw_callback(prompt="Password: ")
self._pw_callback = pw_func
def _get_envvar(self, key, default=None):
if not self._load_envvars:
return default
return os.environ.get(key, default)
def get_extra_config(self, key, defaults=None):
"""Fetch an arbitrary extra chunk of config, laying in defaults.
:param string key: name of the config section to fetch
:param dict defaults: (optional) default values to merge under the
found config
if not defaults:
defaults = {}
return _merge_clouds(
self._normalize_keys(self.cloud_config.get(key, {})))
def _load_config_file(self):
return self._load_yaml_json_file(self._config_files)
def _load_secure_file(self):
return self._load_yaml_json_file(self._secure_files)
def _load_vendor_file(self):
return self._load_yaml_json_file(self._vendor_files)
def _load_yaml_json_file(self, filelist):
for path in filelist:
if os.path.exists(path):
with open(path, 'r') as f:
if path.endswith('json'):
return path, json.load(f)
return path, yaml.safe_load(f)
return (None, {})
def _normalize_keys(self, config):
new_config = {}
for key, value in config.items():
key = key.replace('-', '_')
if isinstance(value, dict):
new_config[key] = self._normalize_keys(value)
elif isinstance(value, bool):
new_config[key] = value
elif isinstance(value, int) and key != 'verbose_level':
new_config[key] = str(value)
elif isinstance(value, float):
new_config[key] = str(value)
new_config[key] = value
return new_config
def get_cache_expiration_time(self):
return int(self._cache_expiration_time)
def get_cache_interval(self):
return self.get_cache_expiration_time()
def get_cache_max_age(self):
return self.get_cache_expiration_time()
def get_cache_path(self):
return self._cache_path
def get_cache_class(self):
return self._cache_class
def get_cache_arguments(self):
return copy.deepcopy(self._cache_arguments)
def get_cache_expiration(self):
return copy.deepcopy(self._cache_expiration)
def _expand_region_name(self, region_name):
return {'name': region_name, 'values': {}}
def _expand_regions(self, regions):
ret = []
for region in regions:
if isinstance(region, dict):
return ret
def _get_regions(self, cloud):
if cloud not in self.cloud_config['clouds']:
return [self._expand_region_name('')]
regions = self._get_known_regions(cloud)
if not regions:
# We don't know of any regions use a workable default.
regions = [self._expand_region_name('')]
return regions
def _get_known_regions(self, cloud):
config = self._normalize_keys(self.cloud_config['clouds'][cloud])
if 'regions' in config:
return self._expand_regions(config['regions'])
elif 'region_name' in config:
if isinstance(config['region_name'], list):
regions = config['region_name']
regions = config['region_name'].split(',')
if len(regions) > 1:
"Comma separated lists in region_name are deprecated."
" Please use a yaml list in the regions"
" parameter in {0} instead.".format(self.config_filename))
return self._expand_regions(regions)
# crappit. we don't have a region defined.
new_cloud = dict()
our_cloud = self.cloud_config['clouds'].get(cloud, dict())
self._expand_vendor_profile(cloud, new_cloud, our_cloud)
if 'regions' in new_cloud and new_cloud['regions']:
return self._expand_regions(new_cloud['regions'])
elif 'region_name' in new_cloud and new_cloud['region_name']:
return [self._expand_region_name(new_cloud['region_name'])]
def _get_region(self, cloud=None, region_name=''):
if region_name is None:
region_name = ''
if not cloud:
return self._expand_region_name(region_name)
regions = self._get_known_regions(cloud)
if not regions:
return self._expand_region_name(region_name)
if not region_name:
return regions[0]
for region in regions:
if region['name'] == region_name:
return region
raise exceptions.OpenStackConfigException(
'Region {region_name} is not a valid region name for cloud'
' {cloud}. Valid choices are {region_list}. Please note that'
' region names are case sensitive.'.format(
region_list=','.join([r['name'] for r in regions]),
def get_cloud_names(self):
return self.cloud_config['clouds'].keys()
def _get_base_cloud_config(self, name):
cloud = dict()
# Only validate cloud name if one was given
if name and name not in self.cloud_config['clouds']:
raise exceptions.OpenStackConfigException(
"Cloud {name} was not found.".format(
our_cloud = self.cloud_config['clouds'].get(name, dict())
# Get the defaults
self._expand_vendor_profile(name, cloud, our_cloud)
if 'auth' not in cloud:
cloud['auth'] = dict()
_auth_update(cloud, our_cloud)
if 'cloud' in cloud:
del cloud['cloud']
return cloud
def _expand_vendor_profile(self, name, cloud, our_cloud):
# Expand a profile if it exists. 'cloud' is an old confusing name
# for this.
profile_name = our_cloud.get('profile', our_cloud.get('cloud', None))
if profile_name and profile_name != self.envvar_key:
if 'cloud' in our_cloud:
"{0} use the keyword 'cloud' to reference a known "
"vendor profile. This has been deprecated in favor of the "
"'profile' keyword.".format(self.config_filename))
vendor_filename, vendor_file = self._load_vendor_file()
if vendor_file and profile_name in vendor_file['public-clouds']:
_auth_update(cloud, vendor_file['public-clouds'][profile_name])
profile_data = vendors.get_profile(profile_name)
if profile_data:
status = profile_data.pop('status', 'active')
message = profile_data.pop('message', '')
if status == 'deprecated':
"{profile_name} is deprecated: {message}".format(
profile_name=profile_name, message=message))
elif status == 'shutdown':
raise exceptions.OpenStackConfigException(
"{profile_name} references a cloud that no longer"
" exists: {message}".format(
profile_name=profile_name, message=message))
_auth_update(cloud, profile_data)
# Can't find the requested vendor config, go about business
warnings.warn("Couldn't find the vendor profile '{0}', for"
" the cloud '{1}'".format(profile_name,
def _project_scoped(self, cloud):
return ('project_id' in cloud or 'project_name' in cloud
or 'project_id' in cloud['auth']
or 'project_name' in cloud['auth'])
def _validate_networks(self, networks, key):
value = None
for net in networks:
if value and net[key]:
raise exceptions.OpenStackConfigException(
"Duplicate network entries for {key}: {net1} and {net2}."
" Only one network can be flagged with {key}".format(
if not value and net[key]:
value = net
def _fix_backwards_networks(self, cloud):
# Leave the external_network and internal_network keys in the
# dict because consuming code might be expecting them.
networks = []
# Normalize existing network entries
for net in cloud.get('networks', []):
name = net.get('name')
if not name:
raise exceptions.OpenStackConfigException(
'Entry in network list is missing required field "name".')
network = dict(
# routes_ipv4_externally defaults to the value of routes_externally
network['routes_ipv4_externally'] = get_boolean(
'routes_ipv4_externally', network['routes_externally']))
# routes_ipv6_externally defaults to the value of routes_externally
network['routes_ipv6_externally'] = get_boolean(
'routes_ipv6_externally', network['routes_externally']))
for key in ('external_network', 'internal_network'):
external = key.startswith('external')
if key in cloud and 'networks' in cloud:
raise exceptions.OpenStackConfigException(
"Both {key} and networks were specified in the config."
" Please remove {key} from the config and use the network"
" list to configure network behavior.".format(key=key))
if key in cloud:
"{key} is deprecated. Please replace with an entry in"
" a dict inside of the networks list with name: {name}"
" and routes_externally: {external}".format(
key=key, name=cloud[key], external=external))
nat_destination=not external,
# Validate that we don't have duplicates
self._validate_networks(networks, 'nat_destination')
self._validate_networks(networks, 'default_interface')
cloud['networks'] = networks
return cloud
def _handle_domain_id(self, cloud):
# Allow people to just specify domain once if it's the same
mappings = {
'domain_id': ('user_domain_id', 'project_domain_id'),
'domain_name': ('user_domain_name', 'project_domain_name'),
for target_key, possible_values in mappings.items():
if not self._project_scoped(cloud):
if target_key in cloud and target_key not in cloud['auth']:
cloud['auth'][target_key] = cloud.pop(target_key)
for key in possible_values:
if target_key in cloud['auth'] and key not in cloud['auth']:
cloud['auth'][key] = cloud['auth'][target_key]
cloud.pop(target_key, None)
cloud['auth'].pop(target_key, None)
return cloud
def _fix_backwards_project(self, cloud):
# Do the lists backwards so that project_name is the ultimate winner
# Also handle moving domain names into auth so that domain mapping
# is easier
mappings = {
'domain_id': ('domain_id', 'domain-id'),
'domain_name': ('domain_name', 'domain-name'),
'user_domain_id': ('user_domain_id', 'user-domain-id'),
'user_domain_name': ('user_domain_name', 'user-domain-name'),
'project_domain_id': ('project_domain_id', 'project-domain-id'),
'project_domain_name': (
'project_domain_name', 'project-domain-name'),
'token': ('auth-token', 'auth_token', 'token'),
if cloud.get('auth_type', None) == 'v2password':
# If v2password is explcitly requested, this is to deal with old
# clouds. That's fine - we need to map settings in the opposite
# direction
mappings['tenant_id'] = (
'project_id', 'project-id', 'tenant_id', 'tenant-id')
mappings['tenant_name'] = (
'project_name', 'project-name', 'tenant_name', 'tenant-name')
mappings['project_id'] = (
'tenant_id', 'tenant-id', 'project_id', 'project-id')
mappings['project_name'] = (
'tenant_name', 'tenant-name', 'project_name', 'project-name')
for target_key, possible_values in mappings.items():
target = None
for key in possible_values:
if key in cloud:
target = str(cloud[key])
del cloud[key]
if key in cloud['auth']:
target = str(cloud['auth'][key])
del cloud['auth'][key]
if target:
cloud['auth'][target_key] = target
return cloud
def _fix_backwards_auth_plugin(self, cloud):
# Do the lists backwards so that auth_type is the ultimate winner
mappings = {
'auth_type': ('auth_plugin', 'auth_type'),
for target_key, possible_values in mappings.items():
target = None
for key in possible_values:
if key in cloud:
target = cloud[key]
del cloud[key]
cloud[target_key] = target
# Because we force alignment to v3 nouns, we want to force
# use of the auth plugin that can do auto-selection and dealing
# with that based on auth parameters. v2password is basically
# completely broken
return cloud
def register_argparse_arguments(self, parser, argv, service_keys=None):
"""Register all of the common argparse options needed.
Given an argparse parser, register the keystoneauth Session arguments,
the keystoneauth Auth Plugin Options and os-cloud. Also, peek in the
argv to see if all of the auth plugin options should be registered
or merely the ones already configured.
:param argparse.ArgumentParser: parser to attach argparse options to
:param argv: the arguments provided to the application
:param string service_keys: Service or list of services this argparse
should be specialized for, if known.
The first item in the list will be used
as the default value for service_type
:raises exceptions.OpenStackConfigException if an invalid auth-type
is requested
if service_keys is None:
service_keys = []
# Fix argv in place - mapping any keys with embedded _ in them to -
local_parser = argparse_mod.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
for p in (parser, local_parser):
default=self._get_envvar('OS_CLOUD', None),
help='Named cloud to connect to')
# we need to peek to see if timeout was actually passed, since
# the keystoneauth declaration of it has a default, which means
# we have no clue if the value we get is from the ksa default
# for from the user passing it explicitly. We'll stash it for later
local_parser.add_argument('--timeout', metavar='<timeout>')
# We need for get_one to be able to peek at whether a token
# was passed so that we can swap the default from password to
# token if it was. And we need to also peek for --os-auth-token
# for novaclient backwards compat
# Peek into the future and see if we have an auth-type set in
# config AND a cloud set, so that we know which command line
# arguments to register and show to the user (the user may want
# to say something like:
# openstack --os-cloud=foo --os-oidctoken=bar
# although I think that user is the cause of my personal pain
options, _args = local_parser.parse_known_args(argv)
if options.timeout:
self._argv_timeout = True
# validate = False because we're not _actually_ loading here
# we're only peeking, so it's the wrong time to assert that
# the rest of the arguments given are invalid for the plugin
# chosen (for instance, --help may be requested, so that the
# user can see what options he may want to give
cloud_region = self.get_one(argparse=options, validate=False)
default_auth_type = cloud_region.config['auth_type']
parser, argv, default=default_auth_type)
except Exception:
# Hidiing the keystoneauth exception because we're not actually
# loading the auth plugin at this point, so the error message
# from it doesn't actually make sense to os-client-config users
options, _args = parser.parse_known_args(argv)
plugin_names = loading.get_available_plugin_names()
raise exceptions.OpenStackConfigException(
"An invalid auth-type was specified: {auth_type}."
" Valid choices are: {plugin_names}.".format(
if service_keys:
primary_service = service_keys[0]
primary_service = None
parser, service_type=primary_service)
for service_key in service_keys:
# legacy clients have un-prefixed api-version options
service_key=service_key.replace('_', '-'),
parser, service_type=service_key)
# Backwards compat options for legacy clients
parser.add_argument('--http-timeout', help=argparse_mod.SUPPRESS)
parser.add_argument('--os-endpoint-type', help=argparse_mod.SUPPRESS)
parser.add_argument('--endpoint-type', help=argparse_mod.SUPPRESS)
def _fix_backwards_interface(self, cloud):
new_cloud = {}
for key in cloud.keys():
if key.endswith('endpoint_type'):
target_key = key.replace('endpoint_type', 'interface')
target_key = key
new_cloud[target_key] = cloud[key]
return new_cloud
def _fix_backwards_api_timeout(self, cloud):
new_cloud = {}
# requests can only have one timeout, which means that in a single
# cloud there is no point in different timeout values. However,
# for some reason many of the legacy clients decided to shove their
# service name in to the arg name for reasons surpassin sanity. If
# we find any values that are not api_timeout, overwrite api_timeout
# with the value
service_timeout = None
for key in cloud.keys():
if key.endswith('timeout') and not (
key == 'timeout' or key == 'api_timeout'):
service_timeout = cloud[key]
new_cloud[key] = cloud[key]
if service_timeout is not None:
new_cloud['api_timeout'] = service_timeout
# The common argparse arg from keystoneauth is called timeout, but
# os-client-config expects it to be called api_timeout
if self._argv_timeout:
if 'timeout' in new_cloud and new_cloud['timeout']:
new_cloud['api_timeout'] = new_cloud.pop('timeout')
return new_cloud
def get_all(self):
clouds = []
for cloud in self.get_cloud_names():
for region in self._get_regions(cloud):
if region:
cloud, region_name=region['name']))
return clouds
# TODO(mordred) Backwards compat for OSC transition
get_all_clouds = get_all
def _fix_args(self, args=None, argparse=None):
"""Massage the passed-in options
Replace - with _ and strip os_ prefixes.
Convert an argparse Namespace object to a dict, removing values
that are either None or ''.
if not args:
args = {}
if argparse:
# Convert the passed-in Namespace
o_dict = vars(argparse)
parsed_args = dict()
for k in o_dict:
if o_dict[k] is not None and o_dict[k] != '':
parsed_args[k] = o_dict[k]
os_args = dict()
new_args = dict()
for (key, val) in iter(args.items()):
if type(args[key]) == dict:
# dive into the auth dict
new_args[key] = self._fix_args(args[key])
key = key.replace('-', '_')
if key.startswith('os_'):
os_args[key[3:]] = val
new_args[key] = val
return new_args
def _find_winning_auth_value(self, opt, config):
opt_name ='-', '_')
if opt_name in config:
return config[opt_name]
deprecated = getattr(opt, 'deprecated', getattr(
opt, 'deprecated_opts', []))
for d_opt in deprecated:
d_opt_name ='-', '_')
if d_opt_name in config:
return config[d_opt_name]
def auth_config_hook(self, config):
"""Allow examination of config values before loading auth plugin
OpenStackClient will override this to perform additional checks
on auth_type.
return config
def _get_auth_loader(self, config):
# Re-use the admin_token plugin for the "None" plugin
# since it does not look up endpoints or tokens but rather
# does a passthrough. This is useful for things like Ironic
# that have a keystoneless operational mode, but means we're
# still dealing with a keystoneauth Session object, so all the
# _other_ things (SSL arg handling, timeout) all work consistently
if config['auth_type'] in (None, "None", ''):
config['auth_type'] = 'admin_token'
# Set to notused rather than None because validate_auth will
# strip the value if it's actually python None
config['auth']['token'] = 'notused'
elif config['auth_type'] == 'token_endpoint':
# Humans have been trained to use a thing called token_endpoint
# That it does not exist in keystoneauth is irrelvant- it not
# doing what they want causes them sorrow.
config['auth_type'] = 'admin_token'
return loading.get_plugin_loader(config['auth_type'])
def _validate_auth(self, config, loader):
# May throw a keystoneauth1.exceptions.NoMatchingPlugin
plugin_options = loader.get_options()
for p_opt in plugin_options:
# if it's in config.auth, win, kill it from config dict
# if it's in config and not in config.auth, move it
# deprecated loses to current
# provided beats default, deprecated or not
winning_value = self._find_winning_auth_value(
if not winning_value:
winning_value = self._find_winning_auth_value(
config = self._clean_up_after_ourselves(
if winning_value:
# Prefer the plugin configuration dest value if the value's key
# is marked as deprecated.
if p_opt.dest is None:
good_name ='-', '_')
config['auth'][good_name] = winning_value
config['auth'][p_opt.dest] = winning_value
# See if this needs a prompting
config = self.option_prompt(config, p_opt)
return config
def _validate_auth_correctly(self, config, loader):
# May throw a keystoneauth1.exceptions.NoMatchingPlugin
plugin_options = loader.get_options()
for p_opt in plugin_options:
# if it's in config, win, move it and kill it from config dict
# if it's in config.auth but not in config it's good
# deprecated loses to current
# provided beats default, deprecated or not
winning_value = self._find_winning_auth_value(
if not winning_value:
winning_value = self._find_winning_auth_value(
config = self._clean_up_after_ourselves(
# See if this needs a prompting
config = self.option_prompt(config, p_opt)
return config
def option_prompt(self, config, p_opt):
"""Prompt user for option that requires a value"""
if (
getattr(p_opt, 'prompt', None) is not None and
p_opt.dest not in config['auth'] and
self._pw_callback is not None
config['auth'][p_opt.dest] = self._pw_callback(p_opt.prompt)
return config
def _clean_up_after_ourselves(self, config, p_opt, winning_value):
# Clean up after ourselves
for opt in [] + [ for o in p_opt.deprecated]:
opt = opt.replace('-', '_')
config.pop(opt, None)
config['auth'].pop(opt, None)
if winning_value:
# Prefer the plugin configuration dest value if the value's key
# is marked as depreciated.
if p_opt.dest is None:
config['auth']['-', '_')] = (
config['auth'][p_opt.dest] = winning_value
return config
def magic_fixes(self, config):
"""Perform the set of magic argument fixups"""
# Infer token plugin if a token was given
if (('auth' in config and 'token' in config['auth']) or
('auth_token' in config and config['auth_token']) or
('token' in config and config['token'])):
config.setdefault('token', config.pop('auth_token', None))
# These backwards compat values are only set via argparse. If it's
# there, it's because it was passed in explicitly, and should win
config = self._fix_backwards_api_timeout(config)
if 'endpoint_type' in config:
config['interface'] = config.pop('endpoint_type')
config = self._fix_backwards_auth_plugin(config)
config = self._fix_backwards_project(config)
config = self._fix_backwards_interface(config)
config = self._fix_backwards_networks(config)
config = self._handle_domain_id(config)
for key in BOOL_KEYS:
if key in config:
if type(config[key]) is not bool:
config[key] = get_boolean(config[key])
# TODO(mordred): Special casing auth_url here. We should
# come back to this betterer later so that it's
# more generalized
if 'auth' in config and 'auth_url' in config['auth']:
config['auth']['auth_url'] = config['auth']['auth_url'].format(
return config
def get_one(
self, cloud=None, validate=True, argparse=None, **kwargs):
"""Retrieve a single CloudRegion and merge additional options
:param string cloud:
The name of the configuration to load from clouds.yaml
:param boolean validate:
Validate the config. Setting this to False causes no auth plugin
to be created. It's really only useful for testing.
:param Namespace argparse:
An argparse Namespace object; allows direct passing in of
argparse options to be added to the cloud config. Values
of None and '' will be removed.
:param region_name: Name of the region of the cloud.
:param kwargs: Additional configuration options
:returns: openstack.config.cloud_region.CloudRegion
:raises: keystoneauth1.exceptions.MissingRequiredOptions
on missing required auth parameters
args = self._fix_args(kwargs, argparse=argparse)
if cloud is None:
if 'cloud' in args:
cloud = args['cloud']
cloud = self.default_cloud
config = self._get_base_cloud_config(cloud)
# Get region specific settings
if 'region_name' not in args:
args['region_name'] = ''
region = self._get_region(cloud=cloud, region_name=args['region_name'])
args['region_name'] = region['name']
region_args = copy.deepcopy(region['values'])
# Regions is a list that we can use to create a list of cloud/region
# objects. It does not belong in the single-cloud dict
config.pop('regions', None)
# Can't just do update, because None values take over
for arg_list in region_args, args:
for (key, val) in iter(arg_list.items()):
if val is not None:
if key == 'auth' and config[key] is not None:
config[key] = _auth_update(config[key], val)
config[key] = val
config = self.magic_fixes(config)
config = self._normalize_keys(config)
# NOTE(dtroyer): OSC needs a hook into the auth args before the
# plugin is loaded in order to maintain backward-
# compatible behaviour
config = self.auth_config_hook(config)
if validate:
loader = self._get_auth_loader(config)
config = self._validate_auth(config, loader)
auth_plugin = loader.load_from_options(**config['auth'])
auth_plugin = None
# If any of the defaults reference other values, we need to expand
for (key, value) in config.items():
if hasattr(value, 'format') and key not in FORMAT_EXCLUSIONS:
config[key] = value.format(**config)
force_ipv4 = config.pop('force_ipv4', self.force_ipv4)
prefer_ipv6 = config.pop('prefer_ipv6', True)
if not prefer_ipv6:
force_ipv4 = True
if cloud is None:
cloud_name = ''
cloud_name = str(cloud)
return cloud_region.CloudRegion(
# TODO(mordred) Backwards compat for OSC transition
get_one_cloud = get_one
def get_one_cloud_osc(
"""Retrieve a single CloudRegion and merge additional options
:param string cloud:
The name of the configuration to load from clouds.yaml
:param boolean validate:
Validate the config. Setting this to False causes no auth plugin
to be created. It's really only useful for testing.
:param Namespace argparse:
An argparse Namespace object; allows direct passing in of
argparse options to be added to the cloud config. Values
of None and '' will be removed.
:param region_name: Name of the region of the cloud.
:param kwargs: Additional configuration options
:raises: keystoneauth1.exceptions.MissingRequiredOptions
on missing required auth parameters
args = self._fix_args(kwargs, argparse=argparse)
if cloud is None:
if 'cloud' in args:
cloud = args['cloud']
cloud = self.default_cloud
config = self._get_base_cloud_config(cloud)
# Get region specific settings
if 'region_name' not in args:
args['region_name'] = ''
region = self._get_region(cloud=cloud, region_name=args['region_name'])
args['region_name'] = region['name']
region_args = copy.deepcopy(region['values'])
# Regions is a list that we can use to create a list of cloud/region
# objects. It does not belong in the single-cloud dict
config.pop('regions', None)
# Can't just do update, because None values take over
for arg_list in region_args, args:
for (key, val) in iter(arg_list.items()):
if val is not None:
if key == 'auth' and config[key] is not None:
config[key] = _auth_update(config[key], val)
config[key] = val
config = self.magic_fixes(config)
# NOTE(dtroyer): OSC needs a hook into the auth args before the
# plugin is loaded in order to maintain backward-
# compatible behaviour
config = self.auth_config_hook(config)
if validate:
loader = self._get_auth_loader(config)
config = self._validate_auth_correctly(config, loader)
auth_plugin = loader.load_from_options(**config['auth'])
auth_plugin = None
# If any of the defaults reference other values, we need to expand
for (key, value) in config.items():
if hasattr(value, 'format') and key not in FORMAT_EXCLUSIONS:
config[key] = value.format(**config)
force_ipv4 = config.pop('force_ipv4', self.force_ipv4)
prefer_ipv6 = config.pop('prefer_ipv6', True)
if not prefer_ipv6:
force_ipv4 = True
if cloud is None:
cloud_name = ''
cloud_name = str(cloud)
return cloud_region.CloudRegion(
def set_one_cloud(config_file, cloud, set_config=None):
"""Set a single cloud configuration.
:param string config_file:
The path to the config file to edit. If this file does not exist
it will be created.
:param string cloud:
The name of the configuration to save to clouds.yaml
:param dict set_config: Configuration options to be set
set_config = set_config or {}
cur_config = {}
with open(config_file) as fh:
cur_config = yaml.safe_load(fh)
except IOError as e:
# Not no such file
if e.errno != 2:
clouds_config = cur_config.get('clouds', {})
cloud_config = _auth_update(clouds_config.get(cloud, {}), set_config)
clouds_config[cloud] = cloud_config
cur_config['clouds'] = clouds_config
with open(config_file, 'w') as fh:
yaml.safe_dump(cur_config, fh, default_flow_style=False)
if __name__ == '__main__':
config = OpenStackConfig().get_all_clouds()
for cloud in config:
print_cloud = False
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
print_cloud = True
elif len(sys.argv) == 3 and (
sys.argv[1] == and sys.argv[2] == cloud.region):
print_cloud = True
elif len(sys.argv) == 2 and (
sys.argv[1] ==
print_cloud = True
if print_cloud:
print(, cloud.region, cloud.config)