Next bunch of functional tests adapted to be included in the acceptance tests. Inclusion of tests uncovered issue in getting quota related to the fact that not every user is capable to find/list projects. This is fixed by introduction of ForbiddenException, skipping it in the _find call and using current_project_id. Change-Id: I53e718de239de7fb6f0347ff995282da079c68f3
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277 lines
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# Copyright 2010 Jacob Kaplan-Moss
# Copyright 2011 Nebula, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Exception definitions.
import json
import re
from requests import exceptions as _rex
class SDKException(Exception):
"""The base exception class for all exceptions this library raises."""
def __init__(self, message=None, extra_data=None):
self.message = self.__class__.__name__ if message is None else message
self.extra_data = extra_data
super(SDKException, self).__init__(self.message)
OpenStackCloudException = SDKException
class EndpointNotFound(SDKException):
"""A mismatch occurred between what the client and server expect."""
def __init__(self, message=None):
super(EndpointNotFound, self).__init__(message)
class InvalidResponse(SDKException):
"""The response from the server is not valid for this request."""
def __init__(self, response):
super(InvalidResponse, self).__init__()
self.response = response
class InvalidRequest(SDKException):
"""The request to the server is not valid."""
def __init__(self, message=None):
super(InvalidRequest, self).__init__(message)
class HttpException(SDKException, _rex.HTTPError):
def __init__(self, message='Error', response=None,
details=None, request_id=None):
# TODO(shade) Remove http_status parameter and the ability for response
# to be None once we're not mocking Session everywhere.
if not message:
if response is not None:
message = "{name}: {code}".format(
message = "{name}: Unknown error".format(
# Call directly rather than via super to control parameters
SDKException.__init__(self, message=message)
_rex.HTTPError.__init__(self, message, response=response)
if response is not None:
self.request_id = response.headers.get('x-openstack-request-id')
self.status_code = response.status_code
self.request_id = request_id
self.status_code = http_status
self.details = details
self.url = self.request and self.request.url or None
self.method = self.request and self.request.method or None
self.source = "Server"
if self.status_code is not None and (400 <= self.status_code < 500):
self.source = "Client"
def __str__(self):
# 'Error' is the default value for self.message. If self.message isn't
# 'Error', then someone has set a more informative error message
# and we should use it. If it is 'Error', then we should construct a
# better message from the information we do have.
if not self.url or self.message == 'Error':
return self.message
if self.url:
remote_error = "{source} Error for url: {url}".format(
source=self.source, url=self.url)
if self.details:
remote_error += ', '
if self.details:
remote_error += str(self.details)
return "{message}: {remote_error}".format(
message=super(HttpException, self).__str__(),
class BadRequestException(HttpException):
"""HTTP 400 Bad Request."""
class ForbiddenException(HttpException):
"""HTTP 403 Forbidden Request."""
class ConflictException(HttpException):
"""HTTP 409 Conflict."""
class PreconditionFailedException(HttpException):
"""HTTP 412 Precondition Failed."""
class MethodNotSupported(SDKException):
"""The resource does not support this operation type."""
def __init__(self, resource, method):
# This needs to work with both classes and instances.
name = resource.__name__
except AttributeError:
name = resource.__class__.__name__
message = ('The %s method is not supported for %s.%s' %
(method, resource.__module__, name))
super(MethodNotSupported, self).__init__(message=message)
class DuplicateResource(SDKException):
"""More than one resource exists with that name."""
class ResourceNotFound(HttpException):
"""No resource exists with that name or id."""
NotFoundException = ResourceNotFound
class ResourceTimeout(SDKException):
"""Timeout waiting for resource."""
class ResourceFailure(SDKException):
"""General resource failure."""
class InvalidResourceQuery(SDKException):
"""Invalid query params for resource."""
def _extract_message(obj):
if isinstance(obj, dict):
# Most of services: compute, network
if obj.get('message'):
return obj['message']
# Ironic starting with Stein
elif obj.get('faultstring'):
return obj['faultstring']
elif isinstance(obj, str):
# Ironic before Stein has double JSON encoding, nobody remembers why.
obj = json.loads(obj)
except Exception:
return _extract_message(obj)
def raise_from_response(response, error_message=None):
"""Raise an instance of an HTTPException based on keystoneauth response."""
if response.status_code < 400:
if response.status_code == 400:
cls = BadRequestException
elif response.status_code == 403:
cls = ForbiddenException
elif response.status_code == 404:
cls = NotFoundException
elif response.status_code == 409:
cls = ConflictException
elif response.status_code == 412:
cls = PreconditionFailedException
cls = HttpException
details = None
content_type = response.headers.get('content-type', '')
if response.content and 'application/json' in content_type:
# Iterate over the nested objects to retrieve "message" attribute.
# TODO(shade) Add exception handling for times when the content type
# is lying.
content = response.json()
messages = [_extract_message(obj) for obj in content.values()]
if not any(messages):
# Exception dict may be the root dict in projects that use WSME
messages = [_extract_message(content)]
# Join all of the messages together nicely and filter out any
# objects that don't have a "message" attr.
details = '\n'.join(msg for msg in messages if msg)
except Exception:
details = response.text
elif response.content and 'text/html' in content_type:
# Split the lines, strip whitespace and inline HTML from the response.
details = [re.sub(r'<.+?>', '', i.strip())
for i in response.text.splitlines()]
details = list(set([msg for msg in details if msg]))
# Return joined string separated by colons.
details = ': '.join(details)
if not details:
details = response.reason if response.reason else response.text
http_status = response.status_code
request_id = response.headers.get('x-openstack-request-id')
raise cls(
message=error_message, response=response, details=details,
http_status=http_status, request_id=request_id
class UnsupportedServiceVersion(Warning):
"""The user has configured a major version that SDK doesn't know."""
class ArgumentDeprecationWarning(Warning):
"""A deprecated argument has been provided."""
class ConfigException(SDKException):
"""Something went wrong with parsing your OpenStack Config."""
class NotSupported(SDKException):
"""Request cannot be performed by any supported API version."""
class ValidationException(SDKException):
"""Validation failed for resource."""
class TaskManagerStopped(SDKException):
"""Operations were attempted on a stopped TaskManager."""
class ServiceDisabledException(ConfigException):
"""This service is disabled for reasons."""
class ServiceDiscoveryException(SDKException):
"""The service cannot be discovered."""