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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
The :class:`~openstack.resource.Resource` class is a base
class that represent a remote resource. Attributes of the resource
are defined by the responses from the server rather than in code so
that we don't have to try and keep up with all possible attributes
and extensions. This may be changed in the future.
The :class:`~openstack.resource.prop` class is a helper for
definiting properties in a resource.
For update management, :class:`~openstack.resource.Resource`
maintains a dirty list so when updating an object only the attributes
that have actually been changed are sent to the server.
There is also some support here for lazy loading that needs improvement.
There are plenty of examples of use of this class in the SDK code.
import abc
import collections
import copy
import itertools
import time
import six
from six.moves.urllib import parse as url_parse
from openstack import exceptions
from openstack import format
from openstack import utils
class prop(object):
"""A helper for defining properties in a resource.
A prop defines some known attributes within a resource's values.
For example we know a User resource will have a name:
>>> class User(Resource):
... name = prop('name')
>>> u = User()
>>> = 'John Doe'
>>> print u['name']
John Doe
User objects can now be accessed via the User().name attribute. The 'name'
value we pass as an attribute is the name of the attribute in the message.
This means that you don't need to use the same name for your attribute as
will be set within the object. For example:
>>> class User(Resource):
... name = prop('userName')
>>> u = User()
>>> = 'John Doe'
>>> print u['userName']
John Doe
There is limited validation ability in props.
You can validate the type of values that are set:
>>> class User(Resource):
... name = prop('userName')
... age = prop('age', type=int)
>>> u = User()
>>> u.age = 'thirty'
TypeError: Invalid type for attr age
By specifying an alias attribute name, that alias will be read when the
primary attribute name does not appear within the resource:
>>> class User(Resource):
... name = prop('address', alias='location')
>>> u = User(location='Far Away')
>>> print u['address']
Far Away
def __init__(self, name, alias=None, type=None, default=None): = name
self.type = type
self.alias = alias
self.default = default
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
if instance is None:
return None
value = instance[]
# self.type() should not be called on None objects.
if value is None:
return None
except KeyError:
value = instance[self.alias]
except (KeyError, AttributeError):
# If we either don't find the key or we don't have an alias
return self.default
if self.type and not isinstance(value, self.type):
if issubclass(self.type, Resource):
if isinstance(value, six.string_types):
value = self.type({self.type.id_attribute: value})
value = self.type(value)
elif issubclass(self.type, format.Formatter):
value = self.type.deserialize(value)
value = self.type(value)
return value
def __set__(self, instance, value):
if (self.type and not isinstance(value, self.type) and
value != self.default):
if issubclass(self.type, Resource):
if isinstance(value, six.string_types):
value = self.type({self.type.id_attribute: value})
value = self.type(value)
elif issubclass(self.type, format.Formatter):
value = self.type.serialize(value)
value = str(self.type(value)) # validate to fail fast
# If we already have a value set for the alias name, pop it out
# and store the real name instead. This happens when the alias
# has the same name as this prop is named.
if self.alias in instance._attrs:
instance[] = value
def __delete__(self, instance):
del instance[]
except KeyError:
del instance[self.alias]
except KeyError:
#: Key in attributes for header properties
HEADERS = 'headers'
class header(prop):
"""A helper for defining header properties in a resource.
This property should be used for values passed in the header of a resource.
Header values are stored in a special 'headers' attribute of a resource.
Using this property will make it easier for users to access those values.
For example, and object store container:
>>> class Container(Resource):
... name = prop("name")
... object_count = header("x-container-object-count")
>>> c = Container({name='pix'})
>>> c.head(session)
>>> print c["headers"]["x-container-object-count"]
>>> print c.object_count
The first print shows accessing the header value without the property
and the second print shows accessing the header with the property helper.
def _get_headers(self, instance):
if instance is None:
return None
if HEADERS in instance:
return instance[HEADERS]
return None
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
headers = self._get_headers(instance)
return super(header, self).__get__(headers, owner)
def __set__(self, instance, value):
headers = self._get_headers(instance)
if headers is None:
headers = instance._attrs[HEADERS] = {}
headers[] = value
class Resource(collections.MutableMapping):
#: Singular form of key for resource.
resource_key = None
#: Common name for resource.
resource_name = None
#: Plural form of key for resource.
resources_key = None
#: Attribute key associated with the id for this resource.
id_attribute = 'id'
#: Attribute key associated with the name for this resource.
name_attribute = 'name'
#: Attribute key associated with 'location' from response headers
location = header('location')
#: The base part of the url for this resource.
base_path = ''
#: The service associated with this resource to find the service URL.
service = None
#: Allow create operation for this resource.
allow_create = False
#: Allow retrieve/get operation for this resource.
allow_retrieve = False
#: Allow update operation for this resource.
allow_update = False
#: Allow delete operation for this resource.
allow_delete = False
#: Allow list operation for this resource.
allow_list = False
#: Allow head operation for this resource.
allow_head = False
patch_update = False
def __init__(self, attrs=None, loaded=False):
"""Construct a Resource to interact with a service's REST API.
The Resource class offers two class methods to construct
resource objects, which are preferrable to entering through
this initializer. See :meth:`` and
:param dict attrs: The attributes to set when constructing
this Resource.
:param bool loaded: ``True`` if this Resource exists on
the server, ``False`` if it does not.
self._attrs = {} if attrs is None else attrs.copy()
self._dirty = set() if loaded else set(self._attrs.keys())
self._loaded = loaded
def __repr__(self):
return "%s.%s(attrs=%s, loaded=%s)" % (self.__module__,
self._attrs, self._loaded)
def get_resource_name(cls):
if cls.resource_name:
return cls.resource_name
if cls.resource_key:
return cls.resource_key
return cls().__class__.__name__
def new(cls, **kwargs):
"""Create a new instance of this resource.
Internally set flags such that it is marked as not present on the
:param dict kwargs: Each of the named arguments will be set as
attributes on the resulting Resource object.
return cls(kwargs, loaded=False)
def existing(cls, **kwargs):
"""Create an instance of an existing remote resource.
It is marked as an exact replication of a resource present on a server.
:param dict kwargs: Each of the named arguments will be set as
attributes on the resulting Resource object.
return cls(kwargs, loaded=True)
def _from_attr(cls, attribute, value):
# This method is useful in the higher level, in cases where operations
# need to depend on having Resource objects, but the API is flexible
# in taking text values which represent those objects.
if isinstance(value, cls):
return value
elif isinstance(value, six.string_types):
return**{attribute: value})
raise ValueError("value must be %s instance or %s" % (
cls.__name__, attribute))
def from_id(cls, value):
"""Create an instance from an ID or return an existing instance.
New instances are created with :meth:``
:param value: If ``value`` is an instance of this Resource type,
it is returned.
If ``value`` is an ID which an instance of this
Resource type can be created with, one is created
and returned.
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.resource.Resource` or the
appropriate subclass.
:raises: :exc:`ValueError` if ``value`` is not an instance of
this Resource type or a valid ``id``.
return cls._from_attr(cls.id_attribute, value)
def from_name(cls, value):
"""Create an instance from a name or return an existing instance.
New instances are created with :meth:``
:param value: If ``value`` is an instance of this Resource type,
it is returned.
If ``value`` is a name which an instance of this
Resource type can be created with, one is created
and returned.
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.resource.Resource` or the
appropriate subclass.
:raises: :exc:`ValueError` if ``value`` is not an instance of
this Resource type or a valid ``name``.
return cls._from_attr(cls.name_attribute, value)
def __getitem__(self, name):
return self._attrs[name]
def __setitem__(self, name, value):
orig = self._attrs[name]
except KeyError:
changed = True
changed = orig != value
if changed:
self._attrs[name] = value
def __delitem__(self, name):
del self._attrs[name]
def __len__(self):
return len(self._attrs)
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._attrs)
def id(self):
"""The identifier associated with this resource.
The true value of the ``id`` property comes from the
attribute set as :data:`id_attribute`. For example,
a container's name may be the appropirate identifier,
so ``id_attribute = "name"`` would be set on the
:class:`Resource`, and ```` would be
conveniently accessible through ``id``.
return self._attrs.get(self.id_attribute, None)
def id(self):
del self._attrs[self.id_attribute]
def name(self):
"""The name associated with this resource.
The true value of the ``name`` property comes from the
attribute set as :data:`name_attribute`.
return self._attrs.get(self.name_attribute, None)
def name(self, value):
self._attrs[self.name_attribute] = value
def name(self):
del self._attrs[self.name_attribute]
def is_dirty(self):
"""True if the resource needs to be updated to the remote."""
return len(self._dirty) > 0
def _reset_dirty(self):
self._dirty = set()
def _update_attrs_from_response(self, resp, include_headers=False):
resp_headers = resp.pop(HEADERS, None)
if include_headers and (resp_headers is not None):
def update_attrs(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Update the attributes on this resource
Note that this is implemented because Resource.update overrides
the update method we would get from the MutableMapping base class.
:params args: A dictionary of attributes to be updated.
:params kwargs: Named arguments to be set on this instance.
When a key corresponds to a resource.prop,
it will be set via resource.prop.__set__.
:rtype: None
ignore_none = kwargs.pop("ignore_none", False)
# ensure setters are called for type coercion
for key, value in itertools.chain(dict(*args).items(), kwargs.items()):
if key != self.id_attribute: # id property is read only
# Don't allow None values to override a key unless we've
# explicitly specified they can. Proxy methods have default
# None arguments that we don't want to override any values
# that may have been passed in on Resource instances.
if not all([ignore_none, value is None]):
if key != "id":
setattr(self, key, value)
self[key] = value
def get_headers(self):
if HEADERS in self._attrs:
return self._attrs[HEADERS]
return {}
def set_headers(self, values):
self._attrs[HEADERS] = values
def to_dict(self):
attrs = copy.deepcopy(self._attrs)
headers = attrs.pop(HEADERS, {})
return attrs
def get_id(value):
"""If a value is a Resource, return the canonical ID."""
if isinstance(value, Resource):
return value
def convert_ids(attrs):
"""Return an attribute dictionary suitable for create/update
As some attributes may be Resource types, their ``id`` attribute
needs to be put in the Resource instance's place in order
to be properly serialized and understood by the server.
if attrs is None:
converted = attrs.copy()
for key, value in converted.items():
if isinstance(value, Resource):
converted[key] =
return converted
def _get_create_body(cls, attrs):
if cls.resource_key:
return {cls.resource_key: attrs}
return attrs
def _get_url(cls, path_args=None, resource_id=None):
if path_args:
url = cls.base_path % path_args
url = cls.base_path
if resource_id is not None:
url = utils.urljoin(url, resource_id)
return url
def create_by_id(cls, session, attrs, resource_id=None, path_args=None):
"""Create a remote resource from its attributes.
:param session: The session to use for making this request.
:type session: :class:`~openstack.session.Session`
:param dict attrs: The attributes to be sent in the body
of the request.
:param resource_id: This resource's identifier, if needed by
the request. The default is ``None``.
:param dict path_args: A dictionary of arguments to construct
a compound URL.
See `How path_args are used`_ for details.
:return: A ``dict`` representing the response body.
:raises: :exc:`~openstack.exceptions.MethodNotSupported` if
:data:`Resource.allow_create` is not set to ``True``.
if not cls.allow_create:
raise exceptions.MethodNotSupported(cls, 'create')
# Convert attributes from Resource types into their ids.
attrs = cls.convert_ids(attrs)
headers = attrs.pop(HEADERS, None)
body = cls._get_create_body(attrs)
url = cls._get_url(path_args, resource_id)
args = {'json': body}
if headers:
args[HEADERS] = headers
if resource_id:
resp = session.put(url, endpoint_filter=cls.service, **args)
resp =, endpoint_filter=cls.service, **args)
resp_headers = resp.headers
resp = resp.json()
if cls.resource_key:
resp = resp[cls.resource_key]
if resp_headers:
resp[HEADERS] = copy.deepcopy(resp_headers)
return resp
def create(self, session):
"""Create a remote resource from this instance.
:param session: The session to use for making this request.
:type session: :class:`~openstack.session.Session`
:return: This :class:`Resource` instance.
:raises: :exc:`~openstack.exceptions.MethodNotSupported` if
:data:`Resource.allow_create` is not set to ``True``.
resp = self.create_by_id(session, self._attrs,, path_args=self)
self._update_attrs_from_response(resp, include_headers=True)
return self
def get_data_by_id(cls, session, resource_id, path_args=None, args=None,
"""Get the attributes of a remote resource from an id.
:param session: The session to use for making this request.
:type session: :class:`~openstack.session.Session`
:param resource_id: This resource's identifier, if needed by
the request.
:param dict path_args: A dictionary of arguments to construct
a compound URL.
See `How path_args are used`_ for details.
:param dict args: A dictionary of query parameters to be appended to
the compound URL.
:param bool include_headers: ``True`` if header data should be
included in the response body,
``False`` if not.
:return: A ``dict`` representing the response body.
:raises: :exc:`~openstack.exceptions.MethodNotSupported` if
:data:`Resource.allow_retrieve` is not set to ``True``.
if not cls.allow_retrieve:
raise exceptions.MethodNotSupported(cls, 'retrieve')
url = cls._get_url(path_args, resource_id)
if args:
url = '?'.join([url, url_parse.urlencode(args)])
response = session.get(url, endpoint_filter=cls.service)
body = response.json()
if cls.resource_key:
body = body[cls.resource_key]
if include_headers:
body[HEADERS] = response.headers
return body
def get_by_id(cls, session, resource_id, path_args=None,
"""Get an object representing a remote resource from an id.
:param session: The session to use for making this request.
:type session: :class:`~openstack.session.Session`
:param resource_id: This resource's identifier, if needed by
the request.
:param dict path_args: A dictionary of arguments to construct
a compound URL.
See `How path_args are used`_ for details.
:param bool include_headers: ``True`` if header data should be
included in the response body,
``False`` if not.
:return: A :class:`Resource` object representing the
response body.
:raises: :exc:`~openstack.exceptions.MethodNotSupported` if
:data:`Resource.allow_retrieve` is not set to ``True``.
body = cls.get_data_by_id(session, resource_id, path_args=path_args,
return cls.existing(**body)
def get(self, session, include_headers=False, args=None):
"""Get the remote resource associated with this instance.
:param session: The session to use for making this request.
:type session: :class:`~openstack.session.Session`
:param bool include_headers: ``True`` if header data should be
included in the response body,
``False`` if not.
:param dict args: A dictionary of query parameters to be appended to
the compound URL.
:return: This :class:`Resource` instance.
:raises: :exc:`~openstack.exceptions.MethodNotSupported` if
:data:`Resource.allow_retrieve` is not set to ``True``.
body = self.get_data_by_id(session,, path_args=self, args=args,
self._update_attrs_from_response(body, include_headers)
self._loaded = True
return self
def head_data_by_id(cls, session, resource_id, path_args=None):
"""Get a dictionary representing the headers of a remote resource.
:param session: The session to use for making this request.
:type session: :class:`~openstack.session.Session`
:param resource_id: This resource's identifier, if needed by
the request.
:param dict path_args: A dictionary of arguments to construct
a compound URL.
See `How path_args are used`_ for details.
:return: A ``dict`` containing the headers.
:raises: :exc:`~openstack.exceptions.MethodNotSupported` if
:data:`Resource.allow_head` is not set to ``True``.
if not cls.allow_head:
raise exceptions.MethodNotSupported(cls, 'head')
url = cls._get_url(path_args, resource_id)
headers = {'Accept': ''}
resp = session.head(url, endpoint_filter=cls.service, headers=headers)
return {HEADERS: resp.headers}
def head_by_id(cls, session, resource_id, path_args=None):
"""Get an object representing the headers of a remote resource.
:param session: The session to use for making this request.
:type session: :class:`~openstack.session.Session`
:param resource_id: This resource's identifier, if needed by
the request.
:param dict path_args: A dictionary of arguments to construct
a compound URL.
See `How path_args are used`_ for details.
:return: A :class:`Resource` representing the headers.
:raises: :exc:`~openstack.exceptions.MethodNotSupported` if
:data:`Resource.allow_head` is not set to ``True``.
data = cls.head_data_by_id(session, resource_id, path_args=path_args)
return cls.existing(**data)
def head(self, session):
"""Get the remote resource headers associated with this instance.
:param session: The session to use for making this request.
:type session: :class:`~openstack.session.Session`
:return: This :class:`Resource` instance.
:raises: :exc:`~openstack.exceptions.MethodNotSupported` if
:data:`Resource.allow_head` is not set to ``True``.
data = self.head_data_by_id(session,, path_args=self)
self._loaded = True
return self
def update_by_id(cls, session, resource_id, attrs, path_args=None):
"""Update a remote resource with the given attributes.
:param session: The session to use for making this request.
:type session: :class:`~openstack.session.Session`
:param resource_id: This resource's identifier, if needed by
the request.
:param dict attrs: The attributes to be sent in the body
of the request.
:param dict path_args: A dictionary of arguments to construct
a compound URL.
See `How path_args are used`_ for details.
:return: A ``dict`` representing the response body.
:raises: :exc:`~openstack.exceptions.MethodNotSupported` if
:data:`Resource.allow_update` is not set to ``True``.
if not cls.allow_update:
raise exceptions.MethodNotSupported(cls, 'update')
# Convert attributes from Resource types into their ids.
attrs = cls.convert_ids(attrs)
if attrs and cls.id_attribute in attrs:
del attrs[cls.id_attribute]
headers = attrs.pop(HEADERS, None)
body = cls._get_create_body(attrs)
url = cls._get_url(path_args, resource_id)
args = {'json': body}
if headers:
args[HEADERS] = headers
if cls.patch_update:
resp = session.patch(url, endpoint_filter=cls.service, **args)
resp = session.put(url, endpoint_filter=cls.service, **args)
resp_headers = resp.headers
resp = resp.json()
if cls.resource_key and cls.resource_key in resp.keys():
resp = resp[cls.resource_key]
if resp_headers:
resp[HEADERS] = resp_headers
return resp
def update(self, session):
"""Update the remote resource associated with this instance.
:param session: The session to use for making this request.
:type session: :class:`~openstack.session.Session`
:return: This :class:`Resource` instance.
:raises: :exc:`~openstack.exceptions.MethodNotSupported` if
:data:`Resource.allow_update` is not set to ``True``.
if not self.is_dirty:
dirty_attrs = dict((k, self._attrs[k]) for k in self._dirty)
resp = self.update_by_id(session,, dirty_attrs, path_args=self)
resp_id = resp.pop(self.id_attribute)
except KeyError:
assert resp_id ==
self._update_attrs_from_response(resp, include_headers=True)
return self
def delete_by_id(cls, session, resource_id, path_args=None):
"""Delete a remote resource with the given id.
:param session: The session to use for making this request.
:type session: :class:`~openstack.session.Session`
:param resource_id: This resource's identifier, if needed by
the request.
:param dict path_args: A dictionary of arguments to construct
a compound URL.
See `How path_args are used`_ for details.
:return: ``None``
:raises: :exc:`~openstack.exceptions.MethodNotSupported` if
:data:`Resource.allow_delete` is not set to ``True``.
if not cls.allow_delete:
raise exceptions.MethodNotSupported(cls, 'delete')
url = cls._get_url(path_args, resource_id)
headers = {'Accept': ''}
session.delete(url, endpoint_filter=cls.service, headers=headers)
def delete(self, session):
"""Delete the remote resource associated with this instance.
:param session: The session to use for making this request.
:type session: :class:`~openstack.session.Session`
:return: ``None``
:raises: :exc:`~openstack.exceptions.MethodNotSupported` if
:data:`Resource.allow_update` is not set to ``True``.
self.delete_by_id(session,, path_args=self)
def list(cls, session, path_args=None, paginated=False, params=None):
"""This method is a generator which yields resource objects.
This resource object list generator handles pagination and takes query
params for response filtering.
:param session: The session to use for making this request.
:type session: :class:`~openstack.session.Session`
:param dict path_args: A dictionary of arguments to construct
a compound URL.
See `How path_args are used`_ for details.
:param bool paginated: ``True`` if a GET to this resource returns
a paginated series of responses, or ``False``
if a GET returns only one page of data.
**When paginated is False only one
page of data will be returned regardless
of the API's support of pagination.**
:param dict params: Query parameters to be passed into the underlying
:meth:`~openstack.session.Session.get` method.
Values that the server may support include `limit`
and `marker`.
:return: A generator of :class:`Resource` objects.
:raises: :exc:`~openstack.exceptions.MethodNotSupported` if
:data:`Resource.allow_list` is not set to ``True``.
if not cls.allow_list:
raise exceptions.MethodNotSupported(cls, 'list')
more_data = True
params = {} if params is None else params
url = cls._get_url(path_args)
headers = {'Accept': 'application/json'}
while more_data:
resp = session.get(url, endpoint_filter=cls.service,
headers=headers, params=params)
resp = resp.json()
if cls.resources_key:
resp = resp[cls.resources_key]
if not resp:
more_data = False
# Keep track of how many items we've yielded. If we yielded
# less than our limit, we don't need to do an extra request
# to get back an empty data set, which acts as a sentinel.
yielded = 0
new_marker = None
for data in resp:
value = cls.existing(**data)
new_marker =
yielded += 1
yield value
if not paginated:
if 'limit' in params and yielded < params['limit']:
params['limit'] = yielded
params['marker'] = new_marker
def find(cls, session, name_or_id, path_args=None, ignore_missing=True):
"""Find a resource by its name or id.
:param session: The session to use for making this request.
:type session: :class:`~openstack.session.Session`
:param name_or_id: This resource's identifier, if needed by
the request. The default is ``None``.
:param dict path_args: A dictionary of arguments to construct
a compound URL.
See `How path_args are used`_ for details.
:param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False``
:class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be
raised when the resource does not exist.
When set to ``True``, None will be returned when
attempting to find a nonexistent resource.
:return: The :class:`Resource` object matching the given name or id
or None if nothing matches.
:raises: :class:`openstack.exceptions.DuplicateResource` if more
than one resource is found for this request.
:raises: :class:`openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` if nothing
is found and ignore_missing is ``False``.
# Only return one matching resource.
def get_one_match(results, the_id, the_name):
the_result = None
for item in results:
maybe_result = cls.existing(**item)
id_value, name_value = None, None
if the_id is not None:
id_value = getattr(maybe_result, the_id, None)
if the_name is not None:
name_value = getattr(maybe_result, the_name, None)
if (id_value == name_or_id) or (name_value == name_or_id):
# Only allow one resource to be found. If we already
# found a match, raise an exception to show it.
if the_result is None:
the_result = maybe_result
msg = "More than one %s exists with the name '%s'."
msg = (msg % (cls.get_resource_name(), name_or_id))
raise exceptions.DuplicateResource(msg)
return the_result
# Try to short-circuit by looking directly for a matching ID.
if cls.allow_retrieve:
return cls.get_by_id(session, name_or_id, path_args=path_args)
except exceptions.NotFoundException:
data = cls.list(session, path_args=path_args)
result = get_one_match(data, cls.id_attribute, cls.name_attribute)
if result is not None:
return result
if ignore_missing:
return None
raise exceptions.ResourceNotFound(
"No %s found for %s" % (cls.__name__, name_or_id))
def wait_for_status(session, resource, status, failures, interval, wait):
"""Wait for the resource to be in a particular status.
:param session: The session to use for making this request.
:type session: :class:`~openstack.session.Session`
:param resource: The resource to wait on to reach the status. The resource
must have a status attribute.
:type resource: :class:`~openstack.resource.Resource`
:param status: Desired status of the resource.
:param list failures: Statuses that would indicate the transition
failed such as 'ERROR'.
:param interval: Number of seconds to wait between checks.
:param wait: Maximum number of seconds to wait for transition.
:return: Method returns self on success.
:raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceTimeout` transition
to status failed to occur in wait seconds.
:raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceFailure` resource
transitioned to one of the failure states.
:raises: :class:`~AttributeError` if the resource does not have a status
if resource.status == status:
return resource
total_sleep = 0
if failures is None:
failures = []
while total_sleep < wait:
if resource.status == status:
return resource
if resource.status in failures:
msg = ("Resource %s transitioned to failure state %s" %
(, resource.status))
raise exceptions.ResourceFailure(msg)
total_sleep += interval
msg = "Timeout waiting for %s to transition to %s" % (, status)
raise exceptions.ResourceTimeout(msg)
def wait_for_delete(session, resource, interval, wait):
"""Wait for the resource to be deleted.
:param session: The session to use for making this request.
:type session: :class:`~openstack.session.Session`
:param resource: The resource to wait on to be deleted.
:type resource: :class:`~openstack.resource.Resource`
:param interval: Number of seconds to wait between checks.
:param wait: Maximum number of seconds to wait for the delete.
:return: Method returns self on success.
:raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceTimeout` transition
to status failed to occur in wait seconds.
total_sleep = 0
while total_sleep < wait:
except exceptions.NotFoundException:
return resource
total_sleep += interval
msg = "Timeout waiting for %s delete" % (
raise exceptions.ResourceTimeout(msg)