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<title>Upstream OpenStack</title>
<para>OpenStack is founded on a thriving community that is a source of help
and welcomes your contributions. This chapter details some of the ways you
can interact with the others involved.</para>
<section xml:id="get_help">
<title>Getting Help</title>
<para>There are several avenues available for seeking assistance. The
quickest way is to help the community help you. Search the Q&amp;A sites,
mailing list archives, and bug lists for issues similar to yours. If you
can't find anything, follow the directions for reporting bugs or use one
of the channels for support, which are listed below.<indexterm
<primary>mailing lists</primary>
</indexterm><indexterm class="singular">
</indexterm><indexterm class="singular">
<primary>help, resources for</primary>
</indexterm><indexterm class="singular">
<secondary>getting help</secondary>
</indexterm><indexterm class="singular">
<primary>OpenStack community</primary>
<secondary>getting help from</secondary>
<para>Your first port of call should be the official OpenStack
documentation, found on <link
xlink:href="http://docs.openstack.org"></link>. You can get questions
answered on <link xlink:href="http://ask.openstack.org"></link>.</para>
<para><link xlink:href="https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Mailing_Lists">Mailing lists</link> are
also a great place to get help. The wiki page has more information about
the various lists. As an operator, the main lists you should be aware of
<term><link xlink:href="http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openstack">General
<para><emphasis>openstack@lists.openstack.org</emphasis>. The scope
of this list is the current state of OpenStack. This is a very
high-traffic mailing list, with many, many emails per day.</para>
<term><link xlink:href="http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openstack-operators">Operators
This list is intended for discussion among existing OpenStack cloud
operators, such as yourself. Currently, this list is relatively low
traffic, on the order of one email a day.</para>
<term><link xlink:href="http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openstack-dev">Development
<para><emphasis>openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org</emphasis>. The
scope of this list is the future state of OpenStack. This is a
high-traffic mailing list, with multiple emails per day.</para>
<para>We recommend that you subscribe to the general list and the operator
list, although you must set up filters to manage the volume for the
general list. You'll also find links to the mailing list archives on the
mailing list wiki page, where you can search through the
<para><link xlink:href="https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/IRC">Multiple IRC
channels</link> are available for general questions and developer
discussions. The general discussion channel is #openstack on
<section xml:id="report_bugs">
<title>Reporting Bugs</title>
<para>As an operator, you are in a very good position to report unexpected
behavior with your cloud. Since OpenStack is flexible, you may be the only
individual to report a particular issue. Every issue is important to fix,
so it is essential to learn how to easily submit a bug report.<indexterm
<secondary>reporting bugs</secondary>
</indexterm><indexterm class="singular">
<primary>bugs, reporting</primary>
</indexterm><indexterm class="singular">
<primary>OpenStack community</primary>
<secondary>reporting bugs</secondary>
<para>All OpenStack projects use <link
xlink:href="https://launchpad.net/">Launchpad</link>&#160;for bug
tracking. You'll need to create an account on Launchpad before you can
submit a bug report.</para>
<para>Once you have a Launchpad account, reporting a bug is as simple as
identifying the project or projects that are causing the issue. Sometimes
this is more difficult than expected, but those working on the bug triage
are happy to help relocate issues if they are not in the right place
<para>Report a bug in <link
<para>Report a bug in <link
<para>Report a bug in <link
<para>Report a bug in <link
<para>Report a bug in <link
<para>Report a bug in <link
<para>Report a bug in <link
<para>Report a bug in <link
<para>Report a bug in <link
<para>Report a bug in <link
<para>Report a bug in <link
<para>Report a bug in <link
<para>Report a bug in <link
<para>Report a bug in <link
<para>Report a bug in <link
<para>Report a bug in <link
<para>Report a bug with the <link
<para>Report a bug with the <link
xlink:href="https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-api-site/+filebug/+login">API documentation</link>.</para>
<para>To write a good bug report, the following process is essential.
First, search for the bug to make sure there is no bug already filed for
the same issue. If you find one, be sure to click on "This bug affects X
people. Does this bug affect you?" If you can't find the issue, then enter
the details of your report. It should at least include:</para>
<para>The release, or milestone, or commit ID corresponding to the
software that you are running</para>
<para>The operating system and version where you've identified the
<para>Steps to reproduce the bug, including what went wrong</para>
<para>Description of the expected results instead of what you
<para>Portions of your log files so that you include only relevant
<para>When you do this, the bug is created with:</para>
<para>Status: <emphasis>New</emphasis></para>
<para>In the bug comments, you can contribute instructions on how to fix a
given bug, and set it to <emphasis>Triaged</emphasis>. Or you can directly
fix it: assign the bug to yourself, set it to <emphasis>In
progress</emphasis>, branch the code, implement the fix, and propose your
change for merging. But let's not get ahead of ourselves; there are bug
triaging tasks as well.</para>
<section xml:id="confirm_priority">
<title>Confirming and Prioritizing</title>
<para>This stage is about checking that a bug is real and assessing its
impact. Some of these steps require bug supervisor rights (usually
limited to core teams). If the bug lacks information to properly
reproduce or assess the importance of the bug, the bug is set to:</para>
<para>Status: <emphasis>Incomplete</emphasis></para>
<para>Once you have reproduced the issue (or are 100 percent confident
that this is indeed a valid bug) and have permissions to do so,
<para>Status: <emphasis>Confirmed</emphasis></para>
<para>Core developers also prioritize the bug, based on its
<para>Importance: &lt;Bug impact&gt;</para>
<para>The bug impacts are categorized as follows:</para>
<?hard-pagebreak ?>
<para><emphasis>Critical</emphasis> if the bug prevents a key
feature from working properly (regression) for all users (or without
a simple workaround) or results in data loss</para>
<para><emphasis>High</emphasis> if the bug prevents a key feature
from working properly for some users (or with a workaround)</para>
<para><emphasis>Medium</emphasis> if the bug prevents a secondary
feature from working properly</para>
<para><emphasis>Low</emphasis> if the bug is mostly cosmetic</para>
<para><emphasis>Wishlist</emphasis> if the bug is not really a bug
but rather a welcome change in behavior</para>
<para>If the bug contains the solution, or a patch, set the bug status
to <emphasis>Triaged</emphasis>.</para>
<section xml:id="bug_fixing">
<title>Bug Fixing</title>
<para>At this stage, a developer works on a fix. During that time, to
avoid duplicating the work, the developer should set:</para>
<para>Status: <emphasis>In Progress</emphasis></para>
<para>Assignee: &lt;yourself&gt;</para>
<para>When the fix is ready, the developer proposes a change and gets
the change reviewed.</para>
<section xml:id="after_change_is_accepted">
<title>After the Change Is Accepted</title>
<para>After the change is reviewed, accepted, and lands in master, it
automatically moves to:</para>
<para>Status: <emphasis>Fix Committed</emphasis></para>
<para>When the fix makes it into a milestone or release branch, it
automatically moves to:</para>
<para>Milestone: Milestone the bug was fixed in</para>
<para>Status:&#160;<emphasis>Fix Released</emphasis></para>
<section xml:id="openstack_community">
<title>Join the OpenStack Community</title>
<para>Since you've made it this far in the book, you should consider
becoming an official individual member of the community and <link
xlink:href="https://www.openstack.org/join/">join the OpenStack
Foundation</link>.&#160;The OpenStack Foundation is an independent body
providing shared resources to help achieve the OpenStack mission by
protecting, empowering, and promoting OpenStack software and the community
around it, including users, developers, and the entire ecosystem. We all
share the responsibility to make this community the best it can possibly
be, and signing up to be a member is the first step to participating. Like
the software, individual membership within the OpenStack Foundation is
free and accessible to anyone.<indexterm class="singular">
<primary>OpenStack community</primary>
<section xml:id="contribute_to_docs">
<title>How to Contribute to the Documentation</title>
<para>OpenStack documentation efforts encompass operator and administrator
docs, API docs, and user docs.<indexterm class="singular">
<primary>OpenStack community</primary>
<secondary>contributing to</secondary>
<para>The genesis of this book was an in-person event, but now that the
book is in your hands, we want you to contribute to it. OpenStack
documentation follows the coding principles of iterative work, with bug
logging, investigating, and fixing.</para>
<para>Just like the code, <link
xlink:href="http://docs.openstack.org"></link> is updated constantly using
the Gerrit review system, with source stored in git.openstack.org in the <link
xlink:href="https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/openstack-manuals/">openstack-manuals repository</link>
and the <link xlink:href="https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/api-site/">api-site
<para>To review the documentation before it's published, go to the
OpenStack Gerrit server at&#160;<link
xlink:href="http://review.openstack.org"></link> and search for <link
or <link
<para>See the <link xlink:href="https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/How_To_Contribute">How To Contribute
page on the wiki</link> for more information on the steps you need to take
to submit your first documentation review or change.</para>
<section xml:id="security_info">
<title>Security Information</title>
<para>As a community, we take security very seriously and follow a
specific process for reporting potential issues. We vigilantly pursue
fixes and regularly eliminate exposures. You can report security issues
you discover through this specific process. The OpenStack Vulnerability
Management Team is a very small group of experts in vulnerability
management drawn from the OpenStack community. The team's job is
facilitating the reporting of vulnerabilities, coordinating security fixes
and handling progressive disclosure of the vulnerability information.
Specifically, the team is responsible for the following
functions:<indexterm class="singular">
<primary>vulnerability tracking/management</primary>
</indexterm><indexterm class="singular">
<primary>security issues</primary>
<secondary>reporting/fixing vulnerabilities</secondary>
</indexterm><indexterm class="singular">
<primary>OpenStack community</primary>
<secondary>security information</secondary>
<term>Vulnerability management</term>
<para>All vulnerabilities discovered by community members (or users)
can be reported to the team.</para>
<term>Vulnerability tracking</term>
<para>The team will curate a set of vulnerability related issues in
the issue tracker. Some of these issues are private to the team and
the affected product leads, but once remediation is in place, all
vulnerabilities are public.</para>
<term>Responsible disclosure</term>
<para>As part of our commitment to work with the security community,
the team ensures that proper credit is given to security researchers
who responsibly report issues in OpenStack.</para>
<para>We provide two ways to report issues to the OpenStack Vulnerability
Management Team, depending on how sensitive the issue is:</para>
<para>Open a bug in Launchpad and mark it as a "security bug." This
makes the bug private and accessible to only the Vulnerability
Management Team.</para>
<para>If the issue is extremely sensitive, send an encrypted email to
one of the team's members. Find their GPG keys at <link
<para>You can find the full list of security-oriented teams you can join
at <link xlink:href="https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/SecurityTeams">Security Teams</link>. The
vulnerability management process is fully documented at <link
<section xml:id="additional_info">
<title>Finding Additional Information</title>
<para>In addition to this book, there are many other sources of
information about OpenStack. The&#160;<link
xlink:href="http://www.openstack.org/">OpenStack website</link> is a good
starting point, with&#160;<link
xlink:href="http://developer.openstack.org/">OpenStack API Docs</link> providing
technical documentation about OpenStack. The <link
xlink:href="https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Main_Page">OpenStack wiki</link> contains a lot
of general information that cuts across the OpenStack projects, including
a list of <link xlink:href="https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/OperationsTools">recommended
tools</link>. Finally, there are a number of blogs aggregated
at&#160;<link xlink:href="http://planet.openstack.org/">Planet
OpenStack</link>.<indexterm class="singular">
<primary>OpenStack community</primary>
<secondary>additional information</secondary>