Lana Brindley a15d78f652 Adding 'running slowly' troubleshooting section
Added in Steve Deaton's content about troubleshooting a slow cloud.

Also, address the broken link.

Change-Id: Iadf7d2df62e9d4d77e0c36cb33467af3546bb2cb
Closes-Bug: #1251088
Co-Authored-By: Steven Deaton <sdeaton2@gmail.com>
2016-03-09 07:06:27 +00:00

1493 lines
57 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<chapter version="5.0" xml:id="maintenance"
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<title>Maintenance, Failures, and Debugging</title>
<para>Downtime, whether planned or unscheduled, is a certainty when running
a cloud. This chapter aims to provide useful information for dealing
proactively, or reactively, with these occurrences.<indexterm
class="startofrange" xml:id="maindebug">
<section xml:id="cloud_controller_storage">
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<title>Cloud Controller and Storage Proxy Failures and Maintenance</title>
<para>The cloud controller and storage proxy are very similar to each
other when it comes to expected and unexpected downtime. One of each
server type typically runs in the cloud, which makes them very noticeable
when they are not running.</para>
<para>For the cloud controller, the good news is if your cloud is using
the FlatDHCP multi-host HA network mode, existing instances and volumes
continue to operate while the cloud controller is offline. For the storage
proxy, however, no storage traffic is possible until it is back up and
<section xml:id="planned_maintenance">
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<title>Planned Maintenance</title>
<para>One way to plan for cloud controller or storage proxy maintenance
is to simply do it off-hours, such as at 1 a.m. or 2 a.m. This strategy
affects fewer users. If your cloud controller or storage proxy is too
important to have unavailable at any point in time, you must look into
high-availability options.<indexterm class="singular">
<primary>cloud controllers</primary>
<secondary>planned maintenance of</secondary>
</indexterm><indexterm class="singular">
<secondary>cloud controller planned maintenance</secondary>
<section xml:id="reboot_cloud_controller">
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<title>Rebooting a Cloud Controller or Storage Proxy</title>
<para>All in all, just issue the "reboot" command. The operating system
cleanly shuts down services and then automatically reboots. If you want
to be very thorough, run your backup jobs just before you
reboot.<indexterm class="singular">
<secondary>rebooting following</secondary>
</indexterm><indexterm class="singular">
<secondary>storage proxy maintenance</secondary>
</indexterm><indexterm class="singular">
<secondary>cloud controller or storage proxy</secondary>
</indexterm><indexterm class="singular">
<primary>cloud controllers</primary>
<section xml:id="after_a_cc_reboot">
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<title>After a Cloud Controller or Storage Proxy Reboots</title>
<para>After a cloud controller reboots, ensure that all required
services were successfully started. The following commands use
<code>ps</code> and <code>grep</code> to determine if nova, glance, and
keystone are currently running:</para>
<programlisting><?db-font-size 65%?># ps aux | grep nova-
# ps aux | grep glance-
# ps aux | grep keystone
# ps aux | grep cinder</programlisting>
<para>Also check that all services are functioning. The following set of
commands sources the <code>openrc</code> file, then runs some basic
glance, nova, and openstack commands. If the commands work as expected,
you can be confident that those services are in working
<programlisting><?db-font-size 65%?># source openrc
# glance index
# nova list
# openstack project list</programlisting>
<para>For the storage proxy, ensure that the Object Storage service has
<programlisting><?db-font-size 65%?># ps aux | grep swift</programlisting>
<para>Also check that it is functioning:</para>
<programlisting><?db-font-size 65%?># swift stat</programlisting>
<section xml:id="cc_failure">
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<title>Total Cloud Controller Failure</title>
<para>The cloud controller could completely fail if, for example, its
motherboard goes bad. Users will immediately notice the loss of a cloud
controller since it provides core functionality to your cloud
environment. If your infrastructure monitoring does not alert you that
your cloud controller has failed, your users definitely will.
Unfortunately, this is a rough situation. The cloud controller is an
integral part of your cloud. If you have only one controller, you will
have many missing services if it goes down.<indexterm class="singular">
<primary>cloud controllers</primary>
<secondary>total failure of</secondary>
</indexterm><indexterm class="singular">
<secondary>cloud controller total failure</secondary>
<para>To avoid this situation, create a highly available cloud
controller cluster. This is outside the scope of this document, but you
can read more in the <link
xlink:href="http://docs.openstack.org/ha-guide/index.html">OpenStack High Availability
<para>The next best approach is to use a configuration-management tool,
such as Puppet, to automatically build a cloud controller. This should
not take more than 15 minutes if you have a spare server available.
After the controller rebuilds, restore any backups taken (see <xref
linkend="backup_and_recovery" />).</para>
<para>Also, in practice, the <literal>nova-compute</literal> services on
the compute nodes do not always reconnect cleanly to rabbitmq hosted on
the controller when it comes back up after a long reboot; a restart on
the nova services on the compute nodes is required.</para>
<section xml:id="compute_node_failures">
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<title>Compute Node Failures and Maintenance</title>
<para>Sometimes a compute node either crashes unexpectedly or requires a
reboot for maintenance reasons.</para>
<section xml:id="planned_maintenance_compute_node">
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<title>Planned Maintenance</title>
<para>If you need to reboot a compute node due to planned maintenance
(such as a software or hardware upgrade), first ensure that all hosted
instances have been moved off the node. If your cloud is utilizing
shared storage, use the <code>nova live-migration</code> command. First,
get a list of instances that need to be moved:<indexterm
<primary>compute nodes</primary>
</indexterm><indexterm class="singular">
<secondary>compute node planned maintenance</secondary>
<programlisting><?db-font-size 65%?># nova list --host c01.example.com --all-tenants</programlisting>
<para>Next, migrate them one by one:</para>
<programlisting><?db-font-size 65%?># nova live-migration &lt;uuid&gt; c02.example.com</programlisting>
<para>If you are not using shared storage, you can use the
<code>--block-migrate</code> option:</para>
<programlisting><?db-font-size 65%?># nova live-migration --block-migrate &lt;uuid&gt; c02.example.com</programlisting>
<para>After you have migrated all instances, ensure that the
<code>nova-compute</code> service has <phrase
<programlisting><?db-font-size 65%?># stop nova-compute</programlisting>
<para>If you use a configuration-management system, such as Puppet, that
ensures the <code>nova-compute</code> service is always running, you can
temporarily move the <literal>init</literal> files:</para>
<programlisting><?db-font-size 65%?># mkdir /root/tmp
# mv /etc/init/nova-compute.conf /root/tmp
# mv /etc/init.d/nova-compute /root/tmp</programlisting>
<para>Next, shut down your compute node, perform your maintenance, and
turn the node back on. You can reenable the <code>nova-compute</code>
service by undoing the previous commands:</para>
<programlisting><?db-font-size 65%?># mv /root/tmp/nova-compute.conf /etc/init
# mv /root/tmp/nova-compute /etc/init.d/</programlisting>
<para>Then start the <code>nova-compute</code> service:</para>
<programlisting><?db-font-size 65%?># start nova-compute</programlisting>
<para>You can now optionally migrate the instances back to their
original compute node.</para>
<section xml:id="after_compute_node_reboot">
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<title>After a Compute Node Reboots</title>
<para>When you reboot a compute node, first verify that it booted
successfully. This includes ensuring that the <code>nova-compute</code>
service is running:<indexterm class="singular">
<secondary>compute node</secondary>
</indexterm><indexterm class="singular">
<secondary>compute node reboot</secondary>
<programlisting><?db-font-size 65%?># ps aux | grep nova-compute
# status nova-compute</programlisting>
<para>Also ensure that it has successfully connected to the AMQP
<programlisting><?db-font-size 65%?># grep AMQP /var/log/nova/nova-compute
2013-02-26 09:51:31 12427 INFO nova.openstack.common.rpc.common [-] Connected to AMQP server on</programlisting>
<para>After the compute node is successfully running, you must deal with
the instances that are hosted on that compute node because none of them
are running. Depending on your SLA with your users or customers, you
might have to start each instance and ensure that they start
<section xml:id="maintenance_instances">
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<para>You can create a list of instances that are hosted on the compute
node by performing the following command:<indexterm class="singular">
</indexterm><indexterm class="singular">
<programlisting><?db-font-size 65%?># nova list --host c01.example.com --all-tenants</programlisting>
<para>After you have the list, you can use the nova command to start
each instance:</para>
<programlisting><?db-font-size 65%?># nova reboot &lt;uuid&gt;</programlisting>
<para>Any time an instance shuts down unexpectedly, it might have
problems on boot. For example, the instance might require an
<code>fsck</code> on the root partition. If this happens, the user can
use the dashboard VNC console to fix this.</para>
<para>If an instance does not boot, meaning <code>virsh list</code>
never shows the instance as even attempting to boot, do the following on
the compute node:</para>
<programlisting><?db-font-size 65%?># tail -f /var/log/nova/nova-compute.log</programlisting>
<para>Try executing the <code>nova reboot</code> command again. You
should see an error message about why the instance was not able to
<para>In most cases, the error is the result of something in libvirt's
XML file (<code>/etc/libvirt/qemu/instance-xxxxxxxx.xml</code>) that no
longer exists. You can enforce re-creation of the XML file as well as
rebooting the instance by running the following command:</para>
<programlisting><?db-font-size 65%?># nova reboot --hard &lt;uuid&gt;</programlisting>
<section xml:id="inspect_and_recover_failed_instances">
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<title>Inspecting and Recovering Data from Failed Instances</title>
<para>In some scenarios, instances are running but are inaccessible
through SSH and do not respond to any command. The VNC console could be
displaying a boot failure or kernel panic error messages. This could be
an indication of file system corruption on the VM itself. If you need to
recover files or inspect the content of the instance, qemu-nbd can be
used to mount the disk.<indexterm class="singular">
<secondary>inspecting/recovering failed instances</secondary>
<para>If you access or view the user's content and data, get approval
first!<indexterm class="singular">
<primary>security issues</primary>
<secondary>failed instance data inspection</secondary>
<para>To access the instance's disk
use the following steps:</para>
<para>Suspend the instance using the <literal>virsh</literal>
<para>Connect the qemu-nbd device to the disk.</para>
<para>Mount the qemu-nbd device.</para>
<para>Unmount the device after inspecting.</para>
<para>Disconnect the qemu-nbd device.</para>
<para>Resume the instance.</para>
<para>If you do not follow steps 4 through 6, OpenStack Compute cannot
manage the instance any longer. It fails to respond to any command
issued by OpenStack Compute, and it is marked as shut down.</para>
<para>Once you mount the disk file, you should be able to access it and
treat it as a collection of normal directories with files and a
directory structure. However, we do not recommend that you edit or touch
any files because this could change the access control lists (ACLs) that
are used to determine which accounts can perform what operations on
files and directories. Changing ACLs can make the instance unbootable if
it is not already.<indexterm class="singular">
<primary>access control list (ACL)</primary>
<para>Suspend the instance using the <literal>virsh</literal>
command, taking note of the internal ID:</para>
<programlisting><?db-font-size 65%?># virsh list
Id Name State
1 instance-00000981 running
2 instance-000009f5 running
30 instance-0000274a running
# virsh suspend 30
Domain 30 suspended</programlisting>
<para>Connect the qemu-nbd device to the disk:</para>
<programlisting><?db-font-size 65%?># cd /var/lib/nova/instances/instance-0000274a
# ls -lh
total 33M
-rw-rw---- 1 libvirt-qemu kvm 6.3K Oct 15 11:31 console.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 libvirt-qemu kvm 33M Oct 15 22:06 disk
-rw-r--r-- 1 libvirt-qemu kvm 384K Oct 15 22:06 disk.local
-rw-rw-r-- 1 nova nova 1.7K Oct 15 11:30 libvirt.xml
# qemu-nbd -c /dev/nbd0 `pwd`/disk</programlisting>
<para>Mount the qemu-nbd device.</para>
<para>The qemu-nbd device tries to export the instance disk's
different partitions as separate devices. For example, if vda is the
disk and vda1 is the root partition, qemu-nbd exports the device as
<literal>/dev/nbd0</literal> and <literal>/dev/nbd0p1</literal>,
<programlisting><?db-font-size 65%?># mount /dev/nbd0p1 /mnt/</programlisting>
<para>You can now access the contents of <code>/mnt</code>, which
correspond to the first partition of the instance's disk.</para>
<para>To examine the secondary or ephemeral disk, use an alternate
mount point if you want both primary and secondary drives mounted at
the same time:</para>
<programlisting><?db-font-size 65%?># umount /mnt
# qemu-nbd -c /dev/nbd1 `pwd`/disk.local
# mount /dev/nbd1 /mnt/</programlisting>
<programlisting><?db-font-size 65%?># ls -lh /mnt/
total 76K
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 7 Oct 15 00:44 bin -&gt; usr/bin
dr-xr-xr-x. 4 root root 4.0K Oct 15 01:07 boot
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4.0K Oct 15 00:42 dev
drwxr-xr-x. 70 root root 4.0K Oct 15 11:31 etc
drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root 4.0K Oct 15 01:07 home
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 7 Oct 15 00:44 lib -&gt; usr/lib
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 9 Oct 15 00:44 lib64 -&gt; usr/lib64
drwx------. 2 root root 16K Oct 15 00:42 lost+found
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4.0K Feb 3 2012 media
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4.0K Feb 3 2012 mnt
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4.0K Feb 3 2012 opt
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4.0K Oct 15 00:42 proc
dr-xr-x---. 3 root root 4.0K Oct 15 21:56 root
drwxr-xr-x. 14 root root 4.0K Oct 15 01:07 run
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 8 Oct 15 00:44 sbin -&gt; usr/sbin
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4.0K Feb 3 2012 srv
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4.0K Oct 15 00:42 sys
drwxrwxrwt. 9 root root 4.0K Oct 15 16:29 tmp
drwxr-xr-x. 13 root root 4.0K Oct 15 00:44 usr
drwxr-xr-x. 17 root root 4.0K Oct 15 00:44 var</programlisting>
<para>Once you have completed the inspection, unmount the mount
point and release the qemu-nbd device:</para>
<programlisting><?db-font-size 65%?># umount /mnt
# qemu-nbd -d /dev/nbd0
/dev/nbd0 disconnected</programlisting>
<para>Resume the instance using <literal>virsh</literal>:</para>
<programlisting><?db-font-size 65%?># virsh list
Id Name State
1 instance-00000981 running
2 instance-000009f5 running
30 instance-0000274a paused
# virsh resume 30
Domain 30 resumed</programlisting>
<section xml:id="volumes">
<?dbhtml stop-chunking?>
<para>If the affected instances also had attached volumes, first
generate a list of instance and volume UUIDs:<indexterm class="singular">
</indexterm><indexterm class="singular">
<programlisting><?db-font-size 65%?>mysql&gt; select nova.instances.uuid as instance_uuid,
cinder.volumes.id as volume_uuid, cinder.volumes.status,
cinder.volumes.attach_status, cinder.volumes.mountpoint,
cinder.volumes.display_name from cinder.volumes
inner join nova.instances on cinder.volumes.instance_uuid=nova.instances.uuid
where nova.instances.host = 'c01.example.com';</programlisting>
<para>You should see a result similar to the following:</para>
<programlisting><?db-font-size 55%?>
|instance_uuid |volume_uuid |status |attach_status |mountpoint | display_name |
|9b969a05 |1f0fbf36 |in-use |attached |/dev/vdc | test |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)</programlisting>
<para>Next, manually detach and reattach the volumes, where X is the
proper mount point:</para>
<programlisting><?db-font-size 65%?># nova volume-detach &lt;instance_uuid&gt; &lt;volume_uuid&gt;
# nova volume-attach &lt;instance_uuid&gt; &lt;volume_uuid&gt; /dev/vdX</programlisting>
<para>Be sure that the instance has successfully booted and is at a
login screen before doing the above.</para>
<section xml:id="totle_compute_node_failure">
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<title>Total Compute Node Failure</title>
<para>Compute nodes can fail the same way a cloud controller can fail. A
motherboard failure or some other type of hardware failure can cause an
entire compute node to go offline. When this happens, all instances
running on that compute node will not be available. Just like with a
cloud controller failure, if your infrastructure monitoring does not
detect a failed compute node, your users will notify you because of
their lost instances.<indexterm class="singular">
<primary>compute nodes</primary>
</indexterm><indexterm class="singular">
<secondary>compute node total failures</secondary>
<para>If a compute node fails and won't be fixed for a few hours (or at
all), you can relaunch all instances that are hosted on the failed node
if you use shared storage for
<para>To do this, generate a list of instance UUIDs that are hosted on
the failed node by running the following query on the nova
<programlisting><?db-font-size 65%?>mysql&gt; select uuid from instances where host = \
'c01.example.com' and deleted = 0;</programlisting>
<para>Next, update the nova database to indicate that all instances that
used to be hosted on c01.example.com are now hosted on
<programlisting><?db-font-size 65%?>mysql&gt; update instances set host = 'c02.example.com' where host = \
'c01.example.com' and deleted = 0;</programlisting>
<para>If you're using the Networking service ML2 plug-in, update the
Networking service database to indicate that all ports that
used to be hosted on c01.example.com are now hosted on
<programlisting><?db-font-size 65%?>mysql&gt; update ml2_port_bindings set host = 'c02.example.com' where host = \
<programlisting><?db-font-size 65%?>mysql&gt; update ml2_port_binding_levels set host = 'c02.example.com' where host = \
<para>After that, use the <literal>nova</literal> command to reboot all
instances that were on c01.example.com while regenerating their XML
files at the same time:</para>
<programlisting><?db-font-size 65%?># nova reboot --hard &lt;uuid&gt;</programlisting>
<para>Finally, reattach volumes using the same method described in the
section <link linkend="volumes">Volumes</link>.</para>
<section xml:id="var_lib_nova_instances">
<?dbhtml stop-chunking?>
<para>It's worth mentioning this directory in the context of failed
compute nodes. This directory contains the libvirt KVM file-based disk
images for the instances that are hosted on that compute node. If you
are not running your cloud in a shared storage environment, this
directory is unique across all compute nodes.<indexterm class="singular">
<primary>/var/lib/nova/instances directory</primary>
</indexterm><indexterm class="singular">
<para><code>/var/lib/nova/instances</code> contains two types of
<para>The first is the <code>_base</code> directory. This contains all
the cached base images from glance for each unique image that has been
launched on that compute node. Files ending in <code>_20</code> (or a
different number) are the ephemeral base images.</para>
<para>The other directories are titled <code>instance-xxxxxxxx</code>.
These directories correspond to instances running on that compute node.
The files inside are related to one of the files in the
<code>_base</code> directory. They're essentially differential-based
files containing only the changes made from the original
<code>_base</code> directory.</para>
<para>All files and directories in <code>/var/lib/nova/instances</code>
are uniquely named. The files in _base are uniquely titled for the
glance image that they are based on, and the directory names
<code>instance-xxxxxxxx</code> are uniquely titled for that particular
instance. For example, if you copy all data from
<code>/var/lib/nova/instances</code> on one compute node to another, you
do not overwrite any files or cause any damage to images that have the
same unique name, because they are essentially the same file.</para>
<para>Although this method is not documented or supported, you can use
it when your compute node is permanently offline but you have instances
locally stored on it.</para>
<section xml:id="storage_node_failures">
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<title>Storage Node Failures and Maintenance</title>
<para>Because of the high redundancy of Object Storage, dealing with
object storage node issues is a lot easier than dealing with compute node
<section xml:id="reboot_storage_node">
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<title>Rebooting a Storage Node</title>
<para>If a storage node requires a reboot, simply reboot it. Requests
for data hosted on that node are redirected to other copies while the
server is rebooting.<indexterm class="singular">
<primary>storage node</primary>
</indexterm><indexterm class="singular">
<secondary>storage nodes</secondary>
</indexterm><indexterm class="singular">
<secondary>storage node reboot</secondary>
<section xml:id="shut_down_storage_node">
<?dbhtml stop-chunking?>
<title>Shutting Down a Storage Node</title>
<para>If you need to shut down a storage node for an extended period of
time (one or more days), consider removing the node from the storage
ring. For example:<indexterm class="singular">
<secondary>storage node shut down</secondary>
<programlisting><?db-font-size 65%?># swift-ring-builder account.builder remove &lt;ip address of storage node&gt;
# swift-ring-builder container.builder remove &lt;ip address of storage node&gt;
# swift-ring-builder object.builder remove &lt;ip address of storage node&gt;
# swift-ring-builder account.builder rebalance
# swift-ring-builder container.builder rebalance
# swift-ring-builder object.builder rebalance</programlisting>
<para>Next, redistribute the ring files to the other nodes:</para>
<programlisting><?db-font-size 65%?># for i in s01.example.com s02.example.com s03.example.com
&gt; do
&gt; scp *.ring.gz $i:/etc/swift
&gt; done</programlisting>
<para>These actions effectively take the storage node out of the storage
<para>When the node is able to rejoin the cluster, just add it back to
the ring. The exact syntax you use to add a node to your swift cluster
with <code>swift-ring-builder</code> heavily depends on the original
options used when you originally created your cluster. Please refer back
to those commands.</para>
<section xml:id="replace_swift_disk">
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<title>Replacing a Swift Disk</title>
<para>If a hard drive fails in an Object Storage node, replacing it is
relatively easy. This assumes that your Object Storage environment is
configured correctly, where the data that is stored on the failed drive
is also replicated to other drives in the Object Storage
environment.<indexterm class="singular">
<primary>hard drives, replacing</primary>
</indexterm><indexterm class="singular">
<secondary>swift disk replacement</secondary>
<para>This example assumes that <code>/dev/sdb</code> has failed.</para>
<para>First, unmount the disk:</para>
<programlisting><?db-font-size 65%?># umount /dev/sdb</programlisting>
<para>Next, physically remove the disk from the server and replace it
with a working disk.</para>
<para>Ensure that the operating system has recognized the new
<programlisting><?db-font-size 65%?># dmesg | tail</programlisting>
<para>You should see a message about <code>/dev/sdb</code>.</para>
<para>Because it is recommended to not use partitions on a swift disk,
simply format the disk as a whole:</para>
<programlisting><?db-font-size 65%?># mkfs.xfs /dev/sdb</programlisting>
<para>Finally, mount the disk:</para>
<programlisting><?db-font-size 65%?># mount -a</programlisting>
<para>Swift should notice the new disk and that no data exists. It then
begins replicating the data to the disk from the other existing
<section xml:id="complete_failure">
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<title>Handling a Complete Failure</title>
<para>A common way of dealing with the recovery from a full system
failure, such as a power outage of a data center, is to assign each
service a priority, and restore in order. <xref
linkend="restor-prior-table" /> shows an example.<indexterm
<primary>service restoration</primary>
</indexterm><indexterm class="singular">
<secondary>complete failures</secondary>
<table rules="all" xml:id="restor-prior-table">
<caption>Example service restoration priority list</caption>
<td><para>Internal network connectivity</para></td>
<td><para>Backing storage services</para></td>
<td><para>Public network connectivity for user virtual
<literal>nova-network</literal>, cinder hosts</para></td>
<td><para>User virtual machines</para></td>
<td><para>Message queue and database services</para></td>
<td><para>Keystone services</para></td>
<td><para>Image Catalog and Delivery services</para></td>
<td><para><literal>nova-scheduler</literal> services</para></td>
<td><para><literal>nova-api</literal> services</para></td>
<td><para>Dashboard node</para></td>
<para>Use this example priority list to ensure that user-affected services
are restored as soon as possible, but not before a stable environment is
in place. Of course, despite being listed as a single-line item, each step
requires significant work. For example, just after starting the database,
you should check its integrity, or, after starting the nova services, you
should verify that the hypervisor matches the database and fix any <phrase
<section xml:id="config_mgmt">
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<title>Configuration Management</title>
<para>Maintaining an OpenStack cloud requires that you manage multiple
physical servers, and this number might grow over time. Because managing
nodes manually is error prone, we strongly recommend that you use a
configuration-management tool. These tools automate the process of
ensuring that all your nodes are configured properly and encourage you to
maintain your configuration information (such as packages and
configuration options) in a version-controlled repository.<indexterm
<primary>configuration management</primary>
</indexterm><indexterm class="singular">
<secondary>configuration management</secondary>
</indexterm><indexterm class="singular">
<secondary>configuration management</secondary>
<para>Several configuration-management tools are available, and this
guide does not recommend a specific one. The two most popular ones in
the OpenStack community are <link
xlink:href="https://puppetlabs.com/">Puppet</link>, with available
<link xlink:href="https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-openstack">OpenStack Puppet
modules</link>; and <link
xlink:href="http://www.getchef.com/chef/">Chef</link>, with available <link
xlink:href="https://github.com/opscode/openstack-chef-repo">OpenStack Chef recipes</link>.
Other newer configuration tools include <link
xlink:href="https://juju.ubuntu.com/">Juju</link>, <link
xlink:href="https://www.ansible.com/">Ansible</link>, and <link
xlink:href="http://www.saltstack.com/">Salt</link>; and more mature
configuration management tools include <link
xlink:href="http://cfengine.com/">CFEngine</link> and <link
<section xml:id="hardware">
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<title>Working with Hardware</title>
<para>As for your initial deployment, you should ensure that all hardware
is appropriately burned in before adding it to production. Run software
that uses the hardware to its limits—maxing out RAM, CPU, disk, and
network. Many options are available, and normally double as benchmark
software, so you also get a good idea of the performance of your
system.<indexterm class="singular">
</indexterm><indexterm class="singular">
<section xml:id="add_new_node">
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<title>Adding a Compute Node</title>
<para>If you find that you have reached or are reaching the capacity
limit of your computing resources, you should plan to add additional
compute nodes. Adding more nodes is quite easy. The process for adding
compute nodes is the same as when the initial compute nodes were
deployed to your cloud: use an automated deployment system to bootstrap
the bare-metal server with the operating system and then have a
configuration-management system install and configure OpenStack Compute.
Once the Compute service has been installed and configured in the same
way as the other compute nodes, it automatically attaches itself to the
cloud. The cloud controller notices the new node(s) and begins
scheduling instances to launch there.<indexterm class="singular">
<primary>cloud controllers</primary>
<secondary>new compute nodes and</secondary>
</indexterm><indexterm class="singular">
</indexterm><indexterm class="singular">
<primary>compute nodes</primary>
<para>If your OpenStack Block Storage nodes are separate from your
compute nodes, the same procedure still applies because the same queuing
and polling system is used in both services.</para>
<para>We recommend that you use the same hardware for new compute and
block storage nodes. At the very least, ensure that the CPUs are similar
in the compute nodes to not break live migration.</para>
<section xml:id="add_new_object_node">
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<title>Adding an Object Storage Node</title>
<para>Adding a new object storage node is different from adding compute
or block storage nodes. You still want to initially configure the server
by using your automated deployment and configuration-management systems.
After that is done, you need to add the local disks of the object
storage node into the object storage ring. The exact command to do this
is the same command that was used to add the initial disks to the ring.
Simply rerun this command on the object storage proxy server for all
disks on the new object storage node. Once this has been done, rebalance
the ring and copy the resulting ring files to the other storage
nodes.<indexterm class="singular">
<primary>Object Storage</primary>
<secondary>adding nodes</secondary>
<para>If your new object storage node has a different number of disks
than the original nodes have, the command to add the new node is
different from the original commands. These parameters vary from
environment to environment.</para>
<section xml:id="replace_components">
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<title>Replacing Components</title>
<para>Failures of hardware are common in large-scale deployments such as
an infrastructure cloud. Consider your processes and balance time saving
against availability. For example, an Object Storage cluster can easily
live with dead disks in it for some period of time if it has sufficient
capacity. Or, if your compute installation is not full, you could
consider live migrating instances off a host with a RAM failure until
you have time to deal with the problem.</para>
<section xml:id="databases">
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<para>Almost all OpenStack components have an underlying database to store
persistent information. Usually this database is MySQL. Normal MySQL
administration is applicable to these databases. OpenStack does not
configure the databases out of the ordinary. Basic administration includes
performance tweaking, high availability, backup, recovery, and repairing.
For more information, see a standard MySQL administration guide.<indexterm
</indexterm><indexterm class="singular">
<para>You can perform a couple of tricks with the database to either more
quickly retrieve information or fix a data inconsistency error—for
example, an instance was terminated, but the status was not updated in the
database. These tricks are discussed throughout this book.</para>
<section xml:id="database_connect">
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<title>Database Connectivity</title>
<para>Review the component's configuration file to see how each
OpenStack component accesses its corresponding database. Look for either
<code>sql_connection</code> or simply <code>connection</code>. The
following command uses <code>grep</code> to display the SQL connection
string for nova, glance, cinder, and keystone:</para>
<programlisting><?db-font-size 65%?># <emphasis role="bold">grep -hE "connection ?=" /etc/nova/nova.conf /etc/glance/glance-*.conf
/etc/cinder/cinder.conf /etc/keystone/keystone.conf</emphasis>
sql_connection = mysql+pymysql://nova:nova@cloud.alberta.sandbox.cybera.ca/nova
sql_connection = mysql+pymysql://glance:password@cloud.example.com/glance
sql_connection = mysql+pymysql://glance:password@cloud.example.com/glance
sql_connection = mysql+pymysql://cinder:password@cloud.example.com/cinder
connection = mysql+pymysql://keystone_admin:password@cloud.example.com/keystone</programlisting>
<para>The connection strings take this format:</para>
<programlisting><?db-font-size 65%?>mysql+pymysql:// &lt;username&gt; : &lt;password&gt; @ &lt;hostname&gt; / &lt;database name&gt;</programlisting>
<section xml:id="perf_and_opt">
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<title>Performance and Optimizing</title>
<para>As your cloud grows, MySQL is utilized more and more. If you
suspect that MySQL might be becoming a bottleneck, you should start
researching MySQL optimization. The MySQL manual has an entire section
dedicated to this topic: <link
<section xml:id="hdmy">
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<para>Here's a quick list of various to-do items for each hour, day, week,
month, and year. Please note that these tasks are neither required nor
definitive but helpful ideas:<indexterm class="singular">
<secondary>schedule of tasks</secondary>
<section xml:id="hourly">
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<para>Check your monitoring system for alerts and act on
<para>Check your ticket queue for new tickets.</para>
<section xml:id="daily">
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<para>Check for instances in a failed or weird state and investigate
<para>Check for security patches and apply them as needed.</para>
<section xml:id="weekly">
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<para>Check cloud usage: <itemizedlist>
<para>User quotas</para>
<para>Disk space</para>
<para>Image usage</para>
<para>Large instances</para>
<para>Network usage (bandwidth and IP usage)</para>
<para>Verify your alert mechanisms are still working.</para>
<section xml:id="monthly">
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<para>Check usage and trends over the past month.</para>
<para>Check for user accounts that should be removed.</para>
<para>Check for operator accounts that should be removed.</para>
<section xml:id="quarterly">
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<para>Review usage and trends over the past quarter.</para>
<para>Prepare any quarterly reports on usage and statistics.</para>
<para>Review and plan any necessary cloud additions.</para>
<para>Review and plan any major OpenStack upgrades.</para>
<section xml:id="semiannual">
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<para>Upgrade OpenStack.</para>
<para>Clean up after an OpenStack upgrade (any unused or new
services to be aware of?).</para>
<section xml:id="broken_component">
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<title>Determining Which Component Is Broken</title>
<para>OpenStack's collection of different components interact with each
other strongly. For example, uploading an image requires interaction from
<code>nova-api</code>, <code>glance-api</code>,
<code>glance-registry</code>, keystone, and potentially
<code>swift-proxy</code>. As a result, it is sometimes difficult to
determine exactly where problems lie. Assisting in this is the purpose of
this section.<indexterm class="singular">
<secondary>tailing logs</secondary>
</indexterm><indexterm class="singular">
<secondary>determining component affected</secondary>
<section xml:id="tailing_logs">
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<title>Tailing Logs</title>
<para>The first place to look is the log file related to the command you
are trying to run. For example, if <code>nova list</code> is failing,
try tailing a nova log file and running the command again:<indexterm
<primary>tailing logs</primary>
<para>Terminal 1:</para>
<programlisting><?db-font-size 65%?># tail -f /var/log/nova/nova-api.log</programlisting>
<para>Terminal 2:</para>
<programlisting><?db-font-size 65%?># nova list</programlisting>
<para>Look for any errors or traces in the log file. For more
information, see <xref linkend="logging_monitoring" />.</para>
<para>If the error indicates that the problem is with another component,
switch to tailing that component's log file. For example, if nova cannot
access glance, look at the <literal>glance-api</literal> log:</para>
<para>Terminal 1:</para>
<programlisting><?db-font-size 65%?># tail -f /var/log/glance/api.log</programlisting>
<para>Terminal 2:</para>
<programlisting><?db-font-size 65%?># nova list</programlisting>
<para>Wash, rinse, and repeat until you find the core cause of the
<section xml:id="daemons_cli">
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<title>Running Daemons on the CLI</title>
<para>Unfortunately, sometimes the error is not apparent from the log
files. In this case, switch tactics and use a different command; maybe
run the service directly on the command line. For example, if the
<code>glance-api</code> service refuses to start and stay running, try
launching the daemon from the command line:<indexterm class="singular">
<secondary>running on CLI</secondary>
</indexterm><indexterm class="singular">
<primary>Command-line interface (CLI)</primary>
<programlisting><?db-font-size 65%?># sudo -u glance -H glance-api</programlisting>
<para>This might print the error and cause of the problem.<note>
<para>The <literal>-H</literal> flag is required when running the
daemons with sudo because some daemons will write files relative to
the user's home directory, and this write may fail if
<literal>-H</literal> is left off.</para>
<title>Example of Complexity</title>
<para>One morning, a compute node failed to run any instances. The log
files were a bit vague, claiming that a certain instance was unable to
be started. This ended up being a red herring because the instance was
simply the first instance in alphabetical order, so it was the first
instance that <literal>nova-compute</literal> would touch.</para>
<para>Further troubleshooting showed that libvirt was not running at
all. This made more sense. If libvirt wasn't running, then no instance
could be virtualized through KVM. Upon trying to start libvirt, it
would silently die immediately. The libvirt logs did not explain
<para>Next, the <code>libvirtd</code> daemon was run on the command
line. Finally a helpful error message: it could not connect to d-bus.
As ridiculous as it sounds, libvirt, and thus
<code>nova-compute</code>, relies on d-bus and somehow d-bus crashed.
Simply starting d-bus set the entire chain back on track, and soon
everything was back up and running.</para>
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<section xml:id="runningslow">
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<title>What to do when things are running slowly</title>
When you are getting slow responses from various services, it can be
hard to know where to start looking. The first thing to check is the
extent of the slowness: is it specific to a single service, or varied
among different services? If your problem is isolated to a specific
service, it can temporarily be fixed by restarting the service, but that
is often only a fix for the symptom and not the actual problem.
This is a collection of ideas from experienced operators on common
things to look at that may be the cause of slowness. It is not, however,
designed to be an exhaustive list.
<section xml:id="runningslow_keystone">
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<title>OpenStack Identity service</title>
If OpenStack Identity is responding slowly, it could be due to the
token table getting large. This can be fixed by running the
<command>keystone-manage token_flush</command> command.
Additionally, for Identity-related issues, try the tips in
<xref linkend="runningslow_sql" />.
<section xml:id="runningslow_glance">
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<title>OpenStack Image service</title>
OpenStack Image service can be slowed down by things related to the
Identity service, but the Image service itself can be slowed down if
connectivity to the back-end storage in use is slow or otherwise
problematic. For example, your back-end NFS server might have gone
<section xml:id="runningslow_cinder">
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<title>OpenStack Block Storage service</title>
OpenStack Block Storage service is similar to the Image service, so
start by checking Identity-related services, and the back-end storage.
Additionally, both the Block Storage and Image services rely on AMQP
and SQL functionality, so consider these when debugging.
<section xml:id="runningslow_nova">
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<title>OpenStack Compute service</title>
Services related to OpenStack Compute are normally fairly fast and
rely on a couple of backend services: Identity for authentication and
authorization), and AMQP for interoperability. Any slowness related to
services is normally related to one of these. Also, as with all other
services, SQL is used extensively.
<section xml:id="runningslow_neutron">
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<title>OpenStack Networking service</title>
Slowness in the OpenStack Networking service can be caused by services
that it relies upon, but it can also be related to either physical or
virtual networking. For example: network namespaces that do not exist
or are not tied to interfaces correctly; DHCP daemons that have hung
or are not running; a cable being physically disconnected; a switch
not being configured correctly. When debugging Networking service
problems, begin by verifying all physical networking functionality
(switch configuration, physical cabling, etc.). After the physical
networking is verified, check to be sure all of the Networking
services are running (neutron-server, neutron-dhcp-agent, etc.), then
check on AMQP and SQL back ends.
<section xml:id="runningslow_amqp">
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<title>AMQP broker</title>
Regardless of which AMQP broker you use, such as RabbitMQ, there are
common issues which not only slow down operations, but can also cause
real problems. Sometimes messages queued for services stay on the
queues and are not consumed. This can be due to dead or stagnant
services and can be commonly cleared up by either restarting the
AMQP-related services or the OpenStack service in question.
<section xml:id="runningslow_sql">
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<title>SQL back end</title>
Whether you use SQLite or an RDBMS (such as MySQL), SQL
interoperability is essential to a functioning OpenStack environment.
A large or fragmented SQLite file can cause slowness when using files
as a back end. A locked or long-running query can cause delays for
most RDBMS services. In this case, do not kill the query immediately,
but look into it to see if it is a problem with something that is
hung, or something that is just taking a long time to run and needs to
finish on its own. The administration of an RDBMS is outside the scope
of this document, but it should be noted that a properly functioning
RDBMS is essential to most OpenStack services.
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<section xml:id="uninstalling">
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<para>While we'd always recommend using your automated deployment system
to reinstall systems from scratch, sometimes you do need to remove
OpenStack from a system the hard way. Here's how:<indexterm
<primary>uninstall operation</primary>
</indexterm><indexterm class="singular">
<para>Remove all packages.</para>
<para>Remove remaining files.</para>
<para>Remove databases.</para>
<para>These steps depend on your underlying distribution, but in general
you should be looking for "purge" commands in your package manager, like
<literal>aptitude purge ~c $package</literal>. Following this, you can
look for orphaned files in the directories referenced throughout this
guide. To uninstall the database properly, refer to the manual appropriate
for the product in use.<indexterm class="endofrange"
startref="maindebug" /></para>