Add Production Use data for Ocata

Using (early/unreleased) survey data for deployments updated between 2017-01-17 and 2017-02-17,
* Isolate deployments in "Production or Full Operational Use"
* Look for project usage either in "Production" or "Testing"
* Count the project use, and calculate an overall percentage by dividing by the number of deployments (253)

Keystone (Identity Service)	225	95.74%
Nova (Compute)	224	95.32%
Glance (Image Service)	222	94.47%
Neutron (Networking)	218	92.77%
Cinder (Block Storage)	207	88.09%
Horizon (Dashboard)	205	87.23%
Heat (Orchestration)	157	66.81%
Ceilometer (Metering & Monitoring)	131	55.74%
Swift (Object Storage)	121	51.49%
Rally (Benchmark Service)	52	22.13%
Ironic (Bare Metal)	48	20.43%
Designate (DNS Service)	38	16.17%
Manila (Shared File Systems)	33	14.04%
Trove (Database Service)	30	12.77%
Kolla (Containerized Deployment)	30	12.77%
Murano (Application Catalog)	29	12.34%
Magnum(Containers Service)	26	11.06%
Sahara (Data Processing)	24	10.21%
Barbican (Key Management)	20	8.51%
TripleO (Deployment)	20	8.51%
Mistral (Workflow Service)	13	5.53%
Zaqar (Message Service)	9	3.83%
Congress (Governance Service)	5	2.13%
Magnetodb (Key-Value Store as a Service)	5	2.13%
Solum (Software Dev Lifecycle Mgmt)	5	2.13%
Cue (Message Broker Service)	4	1.70%

Change-Id: I6cbe6e9d6299551d64c938d23f294178737a720a
This commit is contained in:
Tom Fifield 2017-02-18 12:11:18 +08:00
parent f9ddbed27e
commit 282f1385d4

View File

@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
"Compute service (Nova)":
"status": "96%"
"Object Storage service (Swift)":
"status": "51%"
"Image service (Glance)":
"status": "94%"
"Identity service (Keystone)":
"status": "96%"
"Dashboard (Horizon)":
"status": "87%"
"Networking service (Neutron)":
"status": "93%"
"Block Storage service (Cinder)":
"status": "88%"
"Telemetry service (Ceilometer)":
"status": "56%"
"Orchestration service (Heat)":
"status": "67%"
"Database service (Trove)":
"status": "13%"
"Data Processing service (Sahara)":
"status": "10%"
"Bare Metal service (Ironic)":
"status": "20%"
"Message service (Zaqar)":
"status": "4%"
"Key Management service (Barbican)":
"status": "9%"
"DNS service (Designate)":
"status": "16%"
"Shared File Systems service (Manila)":
"status": "14%"
"Benchmark service (Rally)":
"status": "22%"
"Containers service (Magnum)":
"status": "11%"
"Application Catalog service (Murano)":
"status": "12%"
"Deployment service (TripleO)":
"status": "9%"
"Governance service (Congress)":
"status": "2%"
"Container-based deployment tools (Kolla)":
"status": "13%"
"Workflow service (Mistral)":
"status": "6%"
"Message Broker service (Cue)":
"status": "2%"
"Software Dev Lifecycle Management service (Solum)":
"status": "2%"
"Key-Value Store as a Service (Magnetodb)":
"status": "2%"