# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from collections import OrderedDict import os from docutils import nodes from docutils.parsers.rst.directives.tables import Table from docutils.statemachine import ViewList import pbr.version from sphinx.util.compat import Directive from sphinx.util.osutil import copyfile import yaml __version__ = pbr.version.VersionInfo( 'os_api_ref').version_string() """This provides a sphinx extension able to create the HTML needed for the api-ref website. It contains 2 new stanzas. .. rest_method:: GET /foo/bar Which is designed to be used as the first stanza in a new section to state that section is about that REST method. During processing the rest stanza will be reparented to be before the section in question, and used as a show/hide selector for it's details. .. rest_parameters:: file.yaml - name1: name_in_file1 - name2: name_in_file2 - name3: name_in_file3 Which is designed to build structured tables for either response or request parameters. The stanza takes a value which is a file to lookup details about the parameters in question. The contents of the stanza are a yaml list of key / value pairs. The key is the name of the parameter to be shown in the table. The value is the key in the file.yaml where all other metadata about the parameter will be extracted. This allows for reusing parameter definitions widely in API definitions, but still providing for control in both naming and ordering of parameters at every declaration. """ def ordered_load(stream, Loader=yaml.Loader, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict): """Load yaml as an ordered dict This allows us to inspect the order of the file on disk to make sure it was correct by our rules. """ class OrderedLoader(Loader): pass def construct_mapping(loader, node): loader.flatten_mapping(node) return object_pairs_hook(loader.construct_pairs(node)) OrderedLoader.add_constructor( yaml.resolver.BaseResolver.DEFAULT_MAPPING_TAG, construct_mapping) return yaml.load(stream, OrderedLoader) class rest_method(nodes.Part, nodes.Element): """Node for rest_method stanza Because we need to insert very specific HTML at the final stage of processing, the rest_method stanza needs a custom node type. This lets us accumulate the relevant data into this node, during parsing, but not turn it into known sphinx types (lists, tables, sections). Then, during the final build phase we transform directly to the html that we want. NOTE: this means we error trying to build latex or man pages for these stanza types right now. This is all fixable if we add an output formatter for this node type, but it's not yet a priority. Contributions welcomed. """ pass class rest_expand_all(nodes.Part, nodes.Element): """A node placeholder for the expand all button. This is a node that we can insert into the doctree which on final render can be converted to the custom HTML we need for the expand all button. It is automatically inserted at the top of the page for API ref documents. """ pass class RestExpandAllDirective(Directive): # This tells sphinx that the directive will need to generate # content during the final build phase. has_content = True def run(self): return [rest_expand_all()] class RestMethodDirective(Directive): # this enables content in the directive has_content = True def run(self): lineno = self.state_machine.abs_line_number() target = nodes.target() section = nodes.section(classes=["detail-control"]) # env = self.state.document.settings.env # env.app.info("Parent %s" % self.state.parent.attributes) node = rest_method() # TODO(sdague): this is a super simplistic parser, should be # more robust. method, sep, url = self.content[0].partition(' ') node['method'] = method node['url'] = url node['target'] = self.state.parent.attributes['ids'][0] # We need to build a temporary target that we can replace # later in the processing to get the TOC to resolve correctly. temp_target = "%s-selector" % node['target'] target = nodes.target(ids=[temp_target]) self.state.add_target(temp_target, '', target, lineno) section += node return [target, section] # cache for file -> yaml so we only do the load and check of a yaml # file once during a sphinx processing run. YAML_CACHE = {} class RestParametersDirective(Table): headers = ["Name", "In", "Type", "Description"] def _load_param_file(self, fpath): global YAML_CACHE if fpath in YAML_CACHE: return YAML_CACHE[fpath] # self.app.info("Fpath: %s" % fpath) try: with open(fpath, 'r') as stream: lookup = ordered_load(stream) self._check_yaml_sorting(fpath, lookup) except IOError: self.env.warn( self.env.docname, "Parameters file %s not found" % fpath) return except yaml.YAMLError as exc: self.app.warn(exc) raise YAML_CACHE[fpath] = lookup return lookup def _check_yaml_sorting(self, fpath, yaml_data): """check yaml sorting Assuming we got an ordered dict, we iterate through it basically doing a gnome sort test (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gnome_sort) and ensure the item we are looking at is > the last item we saw. This is done at the section level first, so we're grouped, then alphabetically by lower case name within a section. Every time there is a mismatch we raise an warn message. """ sections = {"header": 1, "path": 2, "query": 3, "body": 4} last = None for key, value in yaml_data.items(): # use of an invalid 'in' value if value['in'] not in sections: self.app.warn( "``%s`` is not a valid value for 'in' (must be one of: %s)" ". (see ``%s``)" % ( value['in'], ", ".join(sorted(sections.keys())), key) ) continue if last is None: last = (key, value) continue # ensure that sections only go up current_section = value['in'] last_section = last[1]['in'] if sections[current_section] < sections[last_section]: self.app.warn( "Section out of order. All parameters in section ``%s`` " "should be after section ``%s``. (see ``%s``)" % ( last_section, current_section, last[0])) if (sections[value['in']] == sections[last[1]['in']] and key.lower() < last[0].lower()): self.app.warn( "Parameters out of order ``%s`` should be after ``%s``" % ( last[0], key)) last = (key, value) def yaml_from_file(self, fpath): """Collect Parameter stanzas from inline + file. This allows use to reference an external file for the actual parameter definitions. """ lookup = self._load_param_file(fpath) content = "\n".join(self.content) parsed = yaml.load(content) # self.app.info("Params loaded is %s" % parsed) # self.app.info("Lookup table looks like %s" % lookup) new_content = list() for paramlist in parsed: for name, ref in paramlist.items(): if ref in lookup: new_content.append((name, lookup[ref])) else: # TODO(sdague): this provides a kind of confusing # error message because env.warn isn't meant to be # used this way, however it does provide a way to # track down where the parameters list is that is # wrong. So it's good enough for now. self.env.warn( "%s:%s " % ( self.state_machine.node.source, self.state_machine.node.line), ("No field definition for ``%s`` found in ``%s``. " " Skipping." % (ref, fpath))) # self.app.info("New content %s" % new_content) self.yaml = new_content def run(self): self.env = self.state.document.settings.env self.app = self.env.app # Make sure we have some content, which should be yaml that # defines some parameters. if not self.content: error = self.state_machine.reporter.error( 'No parameters defined', nodes.literal_block(self.block_text, self.block_text), line=self.lineno) return [error] if not len(self.arguments) >= 1: error = self.state_machine.reporter.error( 'No reference file defined', nodes.literal_block(self.block_text, self.block_text), line=self.lineno) return [error] # NOTE(sdague): it's important that we pop the arg otherwise # we end up putting the filename as the table caption. rel_fpath, fpath = self.env.relfn2path(self.arguments.pop()) self.yaml_file = fpath self.yaml_from_file(self.yaml_file) self.max_cols = len(self.headers) # TODO(sdague): it would be good to dynamically set column # widths (or basically make the colwidth thing go away # entirely) self.options['widths'] = (20, 10, 10, 60) self.col_widths = self.get_column_widths(self.max_cols) # Actually convert the yaml title, messages = self.make_title() # self.app.info("Title %s, messages %s" % (title, messages)) table_node = self.build_table() self.add_name(table_node) if title: table_node.insert(0, title) return [table_node] + messages def get_rows(self, table_data): rows = [] groups = [] trow = nodes.row() entry = nodes.entry() para = nodes.paragraph(text=unicode(table_data)) entry += para trow += entry rows.append(trow) return rows, groups # Add a column for a field. In order to have the RST inside # these fields get rendered, we need to use the # ViewList. Note, ViewList expects a list of lines, so chunk # up our content as a list to make it happy. def add_col(self, value): entry = nodes.entry() result = ViewList(value.split('\n')) self.state.nested_parse(result, 0, entry) return entry def show_no_yaml_error(self): trow = nodes.row(classes=["no_yaml"]) trow += self.add_col("No yaml found %s" % self.yaml_file) trow += self.add_col("") trow += self.add_col("") trow += self.add_col("") return trow def collect_rows(self): rows = [] groups = [] try: # self.app.info("Parsed content is: %s" % self.yaml) for key, values in self.yaml: min_version = values.get('min_version', '') max_version = values.get('max_version', '') desc = values.get('description', '') classes = [] if min_version: desc += ("\n\n**New in version %s**\n" % min_version) min_ver_css_name = ("rp_min_ver_" + str(min_version).replace('.', '_')) classes.append(min_ver_css_name) if max_version: desc += ("\n\n**Deprecated in version %s**\n" % max_version) max_ver_css_name = ("rp_max_ver_" + str(max_version).replace('.', '_')) classes.append(max_ver_css_name) trow = nodes.row(classes=classes) name = key if values.get('required', False) is False: name += " (Optional)" trow += self.add_col(name) trow += self.add_col(values.get('in')) trow += self.add_col(values.get('type')) trow += self.add_col(desc) rows.append(trow) except AttributeError as exc: if 'key' in locals(): self.app.warn("Failure on key: %s, values: %s. %s" % (key, values, exc)) else: rows.append(self.show_no_yaml_error()) return rows, groups def build_table(self): table = nodes.table() tgroup = nodes.tgroup(cols=len(self.headers)) table += tgroup # TODO(sdague): it would be really nice to figure out how not # to have this stanza, it kind of messes up all of the table # formatting because it doesn't let tables just be the right # size. tgroup.extend( nodes.colspec(colwidth=col_width, colname='c' + str(idx)) for idx, col_width in enumerate(self.col_widths) ) thead = nodes.thead() tgroup += thead row_node = nodes.row() thead += row_node row_node.extend(nodes.entry(h, nodes.paragraph(text=h)) for h in self.headers) tbody = nodes.tbody() tgroup += tbody rows, groups = self.collect_rows() tbody.extend(rows) table.extend(groups) return table def rest_method_html(self, node): tmpl = """
""" self.body.append(tmpl % node) raise nodes.SkipNode def rest_expand_all_html(self, node): tmpl = """
""" self.body.append(tmpl % node) raise nodes.SkipNode def resolve_rest_references(app, doctree): for node in doctree.traverse(): if isinstance(node, rest_method): rest_node = node rest_method_section = node.parent rest_section = rest_method_section.parent gp = rest_section.parent # Added required classes to the top section rest_section.attributes['classes'].append('api-detail') rest_section.attributes['classes'].append('collapse') # Pop the title off the collapsed section title = rest_section.children.pop(0) rest_node['desc'] = title.children[0] # In order to get the links in the sidebar to be right, we # have to do some id flipping here late in the game. The # rest_method_section has basically had a dummy id up # until this point just to keep it from colliding with # it's parent. rest_section.attributes['ids'][0] = ( "%s-detail" % rest_section.attributes['ids'][0]) rest_method_section.attributes['ids'][0] = rest_node['target'] # Pop the overall section into it's grand parent, # right before where the current parent lives idx = gp.children.index(rest_section) rest_section.remove(rest_method_section) gp.insert(idx, rest_method_section) def copy_assets(app, exception): assets = ('bootstrap.min.css', 'api-site.css', 'bootstrap.min.js', 'api-site.js', 'glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf', 'glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff') if app.builder.name != 'html' or exception: return app.info('Copying assets: %s' % ', '.join(assets)) for asset in assets: dest = os.path.join(app.builder.outdir, '_static', asset) source = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) copyfile(os.path.join(source, 'assets', asset), dest) def add_assets(app): app.add_stylesheet('bootstrap.min.css') app.add_stylesheet('api-site.css') app.add_javascript('bootstrap.min.js') app.add_javascript('api-site.js') def setup(app): # TODO(sdague): if someone wants to support latex/pdf, or man page # generation using these stanzas, here is where you'd need to # specify content specific renderers. app.add_node(rest_method, html=(rest_method_html, None)) app.add_node(rest_expand_all, html=(rest_expand_all_html, None)) # This specifies all our directives that we're adding app.add_directive('rest_parameters', RestParametersDirective) app.add_directive('rest_method', RestMethodDirective) app.add_directive('rest_expand_all', RestExpandAllDirective) # The doctree-read hook is used do the slightly crazy doc # transformation that we do to get the rest_method document # structure. app.connect('doctree-read', resolve_rest_references) # Add all the static assets to our build during the early stage of building app.connect('builder-inited', add_assets) # This copies all the assets (css, js, fonts) over to the build # _static directory during final build. app.connect('build-finished', copy_assets) return {'version': __version__}