# All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import json import os import urllib from oslo_log import log as logging import requests from os_brick import exception from os_brick.i18n import _ from os_brick import initiator from os_brick.initiator.connectors import base from os_brick.privileged import scaleio as priv_scaleio from os_brick import utils LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) DEVICE_SCAN_ATTEMPTS_DEFAULT = 3 CONNECTOR_CONF_PATH = '/opt/emc/scaleio/openstack/connector.conf' def io(_type, nr): """Implementation of _IO macro from .""" return ioc(0x0, _type, nr, 0) def ioc(direction, _type, nr, size): """Implementation of _IOC macro from .""" return direction | (size & 0x1fff) << 16 | ord(_type) << 8 | nr class ScaleIOConnector(base.BaseLinuxConnector): """Class implements the connector driver for ScaleIO.""" OK_STATUS_CODE = 200 VOLUME_NOT_MAPPED_ERROR = 84 VOLUME_NOT_MAPPED_ERROR_v4 = 4039 VOLUME_ALREADY_MAPPED_ERROR = 81 VOLUME_ALREADY_MAPPED_ERROR_v4 = 4037 GET_GUID_OP_CODE = io('a', 14) RESCAN_VOLS_OP_CODE = io('a', 10) def __init__(self, root_helper, driver=None, device_scan_attempts=initiator.DEVICE_SCAN_ATTEMPTS_DEFAULT, *args, **kwargs): super(ScaleIOConnector, self).__init__( root_helper, driver=driver, device_scan_attempts=device_scan_attempts, *args, **kwargs ) self.local_sdc_ip = None self.server_ip = None self.server_port = None self.server_username = None self.server_password = None self.server_token = None self.volume_id = None self.volume_name = None self.volume_path = None self.iops_limit = None self.bandwidth_limit = None self.verify_certificate = None self.certificate_path = None def _get_guid(self): try: guid = priv_scaleio.get_guid(self.GET_GUID_OP_CODE) LOG.info("Current sdc guid: %s", guid) return guid except (IOError, OSError, ValueError) as e: msg = _("Error querying sdc guid: %s") % e LOG.error(msg) raise exception.BrickException(message=msg) @staticmethod def _get_password_token(connection_properties): # In old connection format we had the password and token in properties if 'serverPassword' in connection_properties: return (connection_properties['serverPassword'], connection_properties['serverToken']) # The new format reads password from file and doesn't have the token LOG.info("Get ScaleIO connector password from configuration file") try: password = priv_scaleio.get_connector_password( CONNECTOR_CONF_PATH, connection_properties['config_group'], connection_properties.get('failed_over', False)) return password, None except Exception as e: msg = _("Error getting ScaleIO connector password from " "configuration file: %s") % e LOG.error(msg) raise exception.BrickException(message=msg) def _rescan_vols(self): LOG.info("ScaleIO rescan volumes") try: priv_scaleio.rescan_vols(self.RESCAN_VOLS_OP_CODE) except (IOError, OSError) as e: msg = _("Error querying volumes: %s") % e LOG.error(msg) raise exception.BrickException(message=msg) @staticmethod def get_connector_properties(root_helper, *args, **kwargs): """The ScaleIO connector properties.""" return {} def get_search_path(self): return "/dev/disk/by-id" def get_volume_paths(self, connection_properties): self.get_config(connection_properties) volume_paths = [] device_paths = [self._find_volume_path()] for path in device_paths: if os.path.exists(path): volume_paths.append(path) return volume_paths def _find_volume_path(self): LOG.info( "Looking for volume %(volume_id)s, maximum tries: %(tries)s", {'volume_id': self.volume_id, 'tries': self.device_scan_attempts} ) # look for the volume in /dev/disk/by-id directory by_id_path = self.get_search_path() disk_filename = self._wait_for_volume_path(by_id_path) full_disk_name = ("%(path)s/%(filename)s" % {'path': by_id_path, 'filename': disk_filename}) LOG.info("Full disk name is %(full_path)s", {'full_path': full_disk_name}) return full_disk_name # NOTE: Usually 3 retries is enough to find the volume. # If there are network issues, it could take much longer. Set # the max retries to 15 to make sure we can find the volume. @utils.retry(exception.BrickException, retries=15, backoff_rate=1) def _wait_for_volume_path(self, path): if not os.path.isdir(path): msg = ( _("ScaleIO volume %(volume_id)s not found at " "expected path.") % {'volume_id': self.volume_id} ) LOG.debug(msg) raise exception.BrickException(message=msg) disk_filename = None filenames = os.listdir(path) LOG.info( "Files found in %(path)s path: %(files)s ", {'path': path, 'files': filenames} ) for filename in filenames: if (filename.startswith("emc-vol") and filename.endswith(self.volume_id)): disk_filename = filename break if not disk_filename: msg = (_("ScaleIO volume %(volume_id)s not found.") % {'volume_id': self.volume_id}) LOG.debug(msg) raise exception.BrickException(message=msg) return disk_filename def _get_client_id(self): request = ( "https://%(server_ip)s:%(server_port)s/" "api/types/Client/instances/getByIp::%(sdc_ip)s/" % { 'server_ip': self.server_ip, 'server_port': self.server_port, 'sdc_ip': self.local_sdc_ip } ) LOG.info("ScaleIO get client id by ip request: %(request)s", {'request': request}) r = requests.get( request, auth=(self.server_username, self.server_token), verify=self._verify_cert() ) r = self._check_response(r, request) sdc_id = r.json() if not sdc_id: msg = (_("Client with ip %(sdc_ip)s was not found.") % {'sdc_ip': self.local_sdc_ip}) raise exception.BrickException(message=msg) if r.status_code != 200 and "errorCode" in sdc_id: msg = (_("Error getting sdc id from ip %(sdc_ip)s: %(err)s") % {'sdc_ip': self.local_sdc_ip, 'err': sdc_id['message']}) LOG.error(msg) raise exception.BrickException(message=msg) LOG.info("ScaleIO sdc id is %(sdc_id)s.", {'sdc_id': sdc_id}) return sdc_id def _get_volume_id(self): volname_encoded = urllib.parse.quote(self.volume_name, '') volname_double_encoded = urllib.parse.quote(volname_encoded, '') LOG.debug(_( "Volume name after double encoding is %(volume_name)s."), {'volume_name': volname_double_encoded} ) request = ( "https://%(server_ip)s:%(server_port)s/api/types/Volume/instances" "/getByName::%(encoded_volume_name)s" % { 'server_ip': self.server_ip, 'server_port': self.server_port, 'encoded_volume_name': volname_double_encoded } ) LOG.info( "ScaleIO get volume id by name request: %(request)s", {'request': request} ) r = requests.get(request, auth=(self.server_username, self.server_token), verify=self._verify_cert()) r = self._check_response(r, request) volume_id = r.json() if not volume_id: msg = (_("Volume with name %(volume_name)s wasn't found.") % {'volume_name': self.volume_name}) LOG.error(msg) raise exception.BrickException(message=msg) if r.status_code != self.OK_STATUS_CODE and "errorCode" in volume_id: msg = ( _("Error getting volume id from name %(volume_name)s: " "%(err)s") % {'volume_name': self.volume_name, 'err': volume_id['message']} ) LOG.error(msg) raise exception.BrickException(message=msg) LOG.info("ScaleIO volume id is %(volume_id)s.", {'volume_id': volume_id}) return volume_id def _check_response(self, response, request, is_get_request=True, params=None): if response.status_code == 401 or response.status_code == 403: LOG.info("Token is invalid, " "going to re-login to get a new one") login_request = ( "https://%(server_ip)s:%(server_port)s/api/login" % {'server_ip': self.server_ip, 'server_port': self.server_port} ) r = requests.get( login_request, auth=(self.server_username, self.server_password), verify=self._verify_cert() ) token = r.json() # repeat request with valid token LOG.debug(_("Going to perform request %(request)s again " "with valid token"), {'request': request}) if is_get_request: res = requests.get(request, auth=(self.server_username, token), verify=self._verify_cert()) else: headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'} res = requests.post( request, data=json.dumps(params), headers=headers, auth=(self.server_username, token), verify=self._verify_cert() ) self.server_token = token return res return response def _verify_cert(self): verify_cert = self.verify_certificate if self.verify_certificate and self.certificate_path: verify_cert = self.certificate_path return verify_cert def get_config(self, connection_properties): self.local_sdc_ip = connection_properties['hostIP'] self.volume_name = connection_properties['scaleIO_volname'] # instances which were created before Newton release don't have # 'scaleIO_volume_id' property, in such cases connector will resolve # volume_id from volname self.volume_id = connection_properties.get('scaleIO_volume_id') self.server_ip = connection_properties['serverIP'] self.server_port = connection_properties['serverPort'] self.server_username = connection_properties['serverUsername'] self.server_password, server_token = self._get_password_token( connection_properties) if server_token: self.server_token = server_token self.iops_limit = connection_properties['iopsLimit'] self.bandwidth_limit = connection_properties['bandwidthLimit'] self.verify_certificate = ( connection_properties.get('verify_certificate') ) self.certificate_path = connection_properties.get('certificate_path') device_info = {'type': 'block', 'path': self.volume_path} return device_info @utils.trace @utils.connect_volume_prepare_result @base.synchronized('scaleio', 'scaleio-', external=True) def connect_volume(self, connection_properties): """Connect the volume. :param connection_properties: The dictionary that describes all of the target volume attributes. :type connection_properties: dict :returns: dict """ device_info = self.get_config(connection_properties) LOG.debug( _( "scaleIO Volume name: %(volume_name)s, SDC IP: %(sdc_ip)s, " "REST Server IP: %(server_ip)s, " "REST Server username: %(username)s, " "iops limit: %(iops_limit)s, " "bandwidth limit: %(bandwidth_limit)s." ), { 'volume_name': self.volume_name, 'volume_id': self.volume_id, 'sdc_ip': self.local_sdc_ip, 'server_ip': self.server_ip, 'username': self.server_username, 'iops_limit': self.iops_limit, 'bandwidth_limit': self.bandwidth_limit } ) guid = self._get_guid() params = {'guid': guid, 'allowMultipleMappings': 'TRUE'} self.volume_id = self.volume_id or self._get_volume_id() headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'} request = ( "https://%(server_ip)s:%(server_port)s/api/instances/" "Volume::%(volume_id)s/action/addMappedSdc" % {'server_ip': self.server_ip, 'server_port': self.server_port, 'volume_id': self.volume_id} ) LOG.info("map volume request: %(request)s", {'request': request}) r = requests.post( request, data=json.dumps(params), headers=headers, auth=(self.server_username, self.server_token), verify=self._verify_cert() ) r = self._check_response(r, request, False, params) if r.status_code != self.OK_STATUS_CODE: response = r.json() error_code = response['errorCode'] if error_code == self.VOLUME_ALREADY_MAPPED_ERROR or \ error_code == self.VOLUME_ALREADY_MAPPED_ERROR_v4: LOG.warning( "Ignoring error mapping volume %(volume_name)s: " "volume already mapped.", {'volume_name': self.volume_name} ) else: msg = ( _("Error mapping volume %(volume_name)s: %(err)s") % {'volume_name': self.volume_name, 'err': response['message']} ) LOG.error(msg) raise exception.BrickException(message=msg) self.volume_path = self._find_volume_path() device_info['path'] = self.volume_path # Set QoS settings after map was performed if self.iops_limit is not None or self.bandwidth_limit is not None: params = {'guid': guid} if self.bandwidth_limit is not None: params['bandwidthLimitInKbps'] = self.bandwidth_limit if self.iops_limit is not None: params['iopsLimit'] = self.iops_limit request = ( "https://%(server_ip)s:%(server_port)s/api/instances/" "Volume::%(volume_id)s/action/setMappedSdcLimits" % {'server_ip': self.server_ip, 'server_port': self.server_port, 'volume_id': self.volume_id} ) LOG.info("Set client limit request: %(request)s", {'request': request}) r = requests.post( request, data=json.dumps(params), headers=headers, auth=(self.server_username, self.server_token), verify=self._verify_cert() ) r = self._check_response(r, request, False, params) if r.status_code != self.OK_STATUS_CODE: response = r.json() LOG.info("Set client limit response: %(response)s", {'response': response}) msg = ( _("Error setting client limits for volume " "%(volume_name)s: %(err)s") % {'volume_name': self.volume_name, 'err': response['message']} ) LOG.error(msg) return device_info @utils.trace @base.synchronized('scaleio', 'scaleio-', external=True) @utils.connect_volume_undo_prepare_result(unlink_after=True) def disconnect_volume(self, connection_properties, device_info, force=False, ignore_errors=False): """Disconnect the ScaleIO volume. :param connection_properties: The dictionary that describes all of the target volume attributes. :type connection_properties: dict :param device_info: historical difference, but same as connection_props :type device_info: dict :type force: bool :param ignore_errors: When force is True, this will decide whether to ignore errors or raise an exception once finished the operation. Default is False. """ self.get_config(connection_properties) self.volume_id = self.volume_id or self._get_volume_id() LOG.info( "ScaleIO disconnect volume in ScaleIO brick volume driver." ) LOG.debug( _("ScaleIO Volume name: %(volume_name)s, SDC IP: %(sdc_ip)s, " "REST Server IP: %(server_ip)s"), {'volume_name': self.volume_name, 'sdc_ip': self.local_sdc_ip, 'server_ip': self.server_ip} ) guid = self._get_guid() params = {'guid': guid} headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'} request = ( "https://%(server_ip)s:%(server_port)s/api/instances/" "Volume::%(volume_id)s/action/removeMappedSdc" % {'server_ip': self.server_ip, 'server_port': self.server_port, 'volume_id': self.volume_id} ) LOG.info("Unmap volume request: %(request)s", {'request': request}) r = requests.post( request, data=json.dumps(params), headers=headers, auth=(self.server_username, self.server_token), verify=self._verify_cert() ) r = self._check_response(r, request, False, params) if r.status_code != self.OK_STATUS_CODE: response = r.json() error_code = response['errorCode'] if error_code == self.VOLUME_NOT_MAPPED_ERROR or \ error_code == self.VOLUME_NOT_MAPPED_ERROR_v4: LOG.warning( "Ignoring error unmapping volume %(volume_id)s: " "volume not mapped.", {'volume_id': self.volume_name} ) else: msg = (_("Error unmapping volume %(volume_id)s: %(err)s") % {'volume_id': self.volume_name, 'err': response['message']}) LOG.error(msg) raise exception.BrickException(message=msg) @utils.connect_volume_undo_prepare_result def extend_volume(self, connection_properties): """Update the local kernel's size information. Try and update the local kernel's size information for a ScaleIO volume. """ self._rescan_vols() volume_paths = self.get_volume_paths(connection_properties) if volume_paths: return utils.get_device_size(self, volume_paths[0]) # if we got here, the volume is not mapped msg = (_("Error extending ScaleIO volume")) LOG.error(msg) raise exception.BrickException(message=msg)