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# (c) Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Generic linux Fibre Channel utilities."""
import errno
import os
from oslo_concurrency import processutils as putils
from oslo_log import log as logging
import six
from os_brick.initiator import linuxscsi
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class LinuxFibreChannel(linuxscsi.LinuxSCSI):
def has_fc_support(self):
FC_HOST_SYSFS_PATH = '/sys/class/fc_host'
if os.path.isdir(FC_HOST_SYSFS_PATH):
return True
return False
def _get_hba_channel_scsi_target(self, hba, conn_props):
"""Try to get the HBA channel and SCSI target for an HBA.
This method only works for Fibre Channel targets that implement a
single WWNN for all ports, so caller should expect us to return either
None or an empty list.
:returns: List or None
# We want the target's WWPNs, so we use the initiator_target_map if
# present for this hba or default to target_wwns if not present.
wwpns = conn_props['target_wwn']
if 'initiator_target_map' in conn_props:
wwpns = conn_props['initiator_target_map'].get(hba['port_name'],
# If it's not a string then it's an iterable (most likely a list),
# so we need to create a BRE for the grep query.
if not isinstance(wwpns, six.string_types):
wwpns = '\|'.join(wwpns)
# Leave only the number from the host_device field (ie: host6)
host_device = hba['host_device']
if host_device and len(host_device) > 4:
host_device = host_device[4:]
path = '/sys/class/fc_transport/target%s:' % host_device
# Since we'll run the command in a shell ensure BRE are being used
cmd = 'grep -Gil "%(wwpns)s" %(path)s*/port_name' % {'wwpns': wwpns,
'path': path}
# We need to run command in shell to expand the * glob
out, _err = self._execute(cmd, shell=True)
return [line.split('/')[4].split(':')[1:]
for line in out.split('\n') if line.startswith(path)]
except Exception as exc:
LOG.debug('Could not get HBA channel and SCSI target ID, path: '
'%(path)s*, reason: %(reason)s', {'path': path,
'reason': exc})
return None
def rescan_hosts(self, hbas, connection_properties):
LOG.debug('Rescaning HBAs %(hbas)s with connection properties '
'%(conn_props)s', {'hbas': hbas,
'conn_props': connection_properties})
target_lun = connection_properties['target_lun']
get_cts = self._get_hba_channel_scsi_target
# Use initiator_target_map provided by backend as HBA exclussion map
ports = connection_properties.get('initiator_target_map')
if ports:
hbas = [hba for hba in hbas if hba['port_name'] in ports]
LOG.debug('Using initiator target map to exclude HBAs')
process = [(hba, get_cts(hba, connection_properties))
for hba in hbas]
# With no target map we'll check if target implements single WWNN for
# all ports, if it does we only use HBAs connected (info was found),
# otherwise we are forced to blindly scan all HBAs.
with_info = []
no_info = []
for hba in hbas:
cts = get_cts(hba, connection_properties)
target_list = with_info if cts else no_info
cts = cts or [('-', '-')]
target_list.append((hba, cts))
process = with_info or no_info
msg = "implements" if with_info else "doesn't implement"
LOG.debug('FC target %s single WWNN for all ports.', msg)
for hba, cts in process:
for hba_channel, target_id in cts:
LOG.debug('Scanning host %(host)s (wwnn: %(wwnn)s, c: '
'%(channel)s, t: %(target)s, l: %(lun)s)',
{'host': hba['host_device'],
'wwnn': hba['node_name'], 'channel': hba_channel,
'target': target_id, 'lun': target_lun})
"/sys/class/scsi_host/%s/scan" % hba['host_device'],
"%(c)s %(t)s %(l)s" % {'c': hba_channel,
't': target_id,
'l': target_lun})
def get_fc_hbas(self):
"""Get the Fibre Channel HBA information."""
if not self.has_fc_support():
# there is no FC support in the kernel loaded
# so there is no need to even try to run systool
LOG.debug("No Fibre Channel support detected on system.")
return []
out = None
out, _err = self._execute('systool', '-c', 'fc_host', '-v',
except putils.ProcessExecutionError as exc:
# This handles the case where rootwrap is used
# and systool is not installed
# 96 = nova.cmd.rootwrap.RC_NOEXECFOUND:
if exc.exit_code == 96:
LOG.warning("systool is not installed")
return []
except OSError as exc:
# This handles the case where rootwrap is NOT used
# and systool is not installed
if exc.errno == errno.ENOENT:
LOG.warning("systool is not installed")
return []
# No FC HBAs were found
if out is None:
return []
lines = out.split('\n')
# ignore the first 2 lines
lines = lines[2:]
hbas = []
hba = {}
lastline = None
for line in lines:
line = line.strip()
# 2 newlines denotes a new hba port
if line == '' and lastline == '':
if len(hba) > 0:
hba = {}
val = line.split('=')
if len(val) == 2:
key = val[0].strip().replace(" ", "")
value = val[1].strip()
hba[key] = value.replace('"', '')
lastline = line
return hbas
def get_fc_hbas_info(self):
"""Get Fibre Channel WWNs and device paths from the system, if any."""
# Note(walter-boring) modern Linux kernels contain the FC HBA's in /sys
# and are obtainable via the systool app
hbas = self.get_fc_hbas()
hbas_info = []
for hba in hbas:
wwpn = hba['port_name'].replace('0x', '')
wwnn = hba['node_name'].replace('0x', '')
device_path = hba['ClassDevicepath']
device = hba['ClassDevice']
hbas_info.append({'port_name': wwpn,
'node_name': wwnn,
'host_device': device,
'device_path': device_path})
return hbas_info
def get_fc_wwpns(self):
"""Get Fibre Channel WWPNs from the system, if any."""
# Note(walter-boring) modern Linux kernels contain the FC HBA's in /sys
# and are obtainable via the systool app
hbas = self.get_fc_hbas()
wwpns = []
for hba in hbas:
if hba['port_state'] == 'Online':
wwpn = hba['port_name'].replace('0x', '')
return wwpns
def get_fc_wwnns(self):
"""Get Fibre Channel WWNNs from the system, if any."""
# Note(walter-boring) modern Linux kernels contain the FC HBA's in /sys
# and are obtainable via the systool app
hbas = self.get_fc_hbas()
wwnns = []
for hba in hbas:
if hba['port_state'] == 'Online':
wwnn = hba['node_name'].replace('0x', '')
return wwnns
class LinuxFibreChannelS390X(LinuxFibreChannel):
def get_fc_hbas_info(self):
"""Get Fibre Channel WWNs and device paths from the system, if any."""
hbas = self.get_fc_hbas()
hbas_info = []
for hba in hbas:
if hba['port_state'] == 'Online':
wwpn = hba['port_name'].replace('0x', '')
wwnn = hba['node_name'].replace('0x', '')
device_path = hba['ClassDevicepath']
device = hba['ClassDevice']
hbas_info.append({'port_name': wwpn,
'node_name': wwnn,
'host_device': device,
'device_path': device_path})
return hbas_info
def configure_scsi_device(self, device_number, target_wwn, lun):
"""Write the LUN to the port's unit_add attribute.
If auto-discovery of Fibre-Channel target ports is
disabled on s390 platforms, ports need to be added to
the configuration.
If auto-discovery of LUNs is disabled on s390 platforms
luns need to be added to the configuration through the
unit_add interface
LOG.debug("Configure lun for s390: device_number=%(device_num)s "
"target_wwn=%(target_wwn)s target_lun=%(target_lun)s",
{'device_num': device_number,
'target_wwn': target_wwn,
'target_lun': lun})
filepath = ("/sys/bus/ccw/drivers/zfcp/%s/%s" %
(device_number, target_wwn))
if not (os.path.exists(filepath)):
zfcp_device_command = ("/sys/bus/ccw/drivers/zfcp/%s/port_rescan" %
LOG.debug("port_rescan call for s390: %s", zfcp_device_command)
self.echo_scsi_command(zfcp_device_command, "1")
except putils.ProcessExecutionError as exc:
LOG.warning("port_rescan call for s390 failed exit"
" %(code)s, stderr %(stderr)s",
{'code': exc.exit_code, 'stderr': exc.stderr})
zfcp_device_command = ("/sys/bus/ccw/drivers/zfcp/%s/%s/unit_add" %
(device_number, target_wwn))
LOG.debug("unit_add call for s390 execute: %s", zfcp_device_command)
self.echo_scsi_command(zfcp_device_command, lun)
except putils.ProcessExecutionError as exc:
LOG.warning("unit_add call for s390 failed exit %(code)s, "
"stderr %(stderr)s",
{'code': exc.exit_code, 'stderr': exc.stderr})
def deconfigure_scsi_device(self, device_number, target_wwn, lun):
"""Write the LUN to the port's unit_remove attribute.
If auto-discovery of LUNs is disabled on s390 platforms
luns need to be removed from the configuration through the
unit_remove interface
LOG.debug("Deconfigure lun for s390: "
"device_number=%(device_num)s "
"target_wwn=%(target_wwn)s target_lun=%(target_lun)s",
{'device_num': device_number,
'target_wwn': target_wwn,
'target_lun': lun})
zfcp_device_command = ("/sys/bus/ccw/drivers/zfcp/%s/%s/unit_remove" %
(device_number, target_wwn))
LOG.debug("unit_remove call for s390 execute: %s", zfcp_device_command)
self.echo_scsi_command(zfcp_device_command, lun)
except putils.ProcessExecutionError as exc:
LOG.warning("unit_remove call for s390 failed exit %(code)s, "
"stderr %(stderr)s",
{'code': exc.exit_code, 'stderr': exc.stderr})