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# Copyright (C) 2013 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation.
# Copyright (C) 2013 YAMAMOTO Takashi <yamamoto at valinux co jp>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# there are two representations of value and mask this module deal with.
# "user"
# (value, mask) or value. the latter means no mask.
# value and mask are strings.
# "internal"
# value and mask are on-wire bytes.
# mask is None if no mask.
import itertools
from ryu.lib import addrconv
class TypeDescr(object):
class IntDescr(TypeDescr):
def __init__(self, size):
self.size = size
def to_user(self, bin):
i = 0
for x in xrange(self.size):
c = bin[:1]
i = i * 256 + ord(c)
bin = bin[1:]
return i
def from_user(self, i):
bin = ''
for x in xrange(self.size):
bin = chr(i & 255) + bin
i /= 256
return bin
Int1 = IntDescr(1)
Int2 = IntDescr(2)
Int3 = IntDescr(3)
Int4 = IntDescr(4)
Int8 = IntDescr(8)
class MacAddr(TypeDescr):
size = 6
to_user = addrconv.mac.bin_to_text
from_user = addrconv.mac.text_to_bin
class IPv4Addr(TypeDescr):
size = 4
to_user = addrconv.ipv4.bin_to_text
from_user = addrconv.ipv4.text_to_bin
class IPv6Addr(TypeDescr):
size = 16
to_user = addrconv.ipv6.bin_to_text
from_user = addrconv.ipv6.text_to_bin
class UnknownType(TypeDescr):
import base64
to_user = staticmethod(base64.b64encode)
from_user = staticmethod(base64.b64decode)
class OpenFlowBasic(object):
def __init__(self, name, num, type_):
self.name = name
self.num = num | (self._class << 7)
self.type = type_
def generate(modname):
import sys
import string
import functools
mod = sys.modules[modname]
def add_attr(k, v):
setattr(mod, k, v)
for i in mod.oxm_types:
uk = string.upper(i.name)
oxm_class = i.num >> 7
if oxm_class != OFPXMC_OPENFLOW_BASIC:
ofpxmt = i.num & 0x3f
td = i.type
add_attr('OFPXMT_OFB_' + uk, ofpxmt)
add_attr('OXM_OF_' + uk, mod.oxm_tlv_header(ofpxmt, td.size))
add_attr('OXM_OF_' + uk + '_W', mod.oxm_tlv_header_w(ofpxmt, td.size))
name_to_field = dict((f.name, f) for f in mod.oxm_types)
num_to_field = dict((f.num, f) for f in mod.oxm_types)
add_attr('oxm_from_user', functools.partial(from_user, name_to_field))
add_attr('oxm_to_user', functools.partial(to_user, num_to_field))
add_attr('oxm_normalize_user', functools.partial(normalize_user, mod))
def from_user(name_to_field, name, user_value):
f = name_to_field[name]
t = f.type
num = f.num
except KeyError:
t = UnknownType
if name.startswith('field_'):
num = int(name.split('_')[1])
raise KeyError('unknown match field ' + name)
# the 'list' case below is a bit hack; json.dumps silently maps
# python tuples into json lists.
if isinstance(user_value, (tuple, list)):
(value, mask) = user_value
value = user_value
mask = None
value = t.from_user(value)
if not mask is None:
mask = t.from_user(mask)
return num, value, mask
def to_user(num_to_field, n, v, m):
f = num_to_field[n]
t = f.type
name = f.name
except KeyError:
t = UnknownType
name = 'field_%d' % n
value = t.to_user(v)
if m is None:
user_value = value
user_value = (value, t.to_user(m))
return name, user_value
def normalize_user(mod, k, uv):
(n, v, m) = mod.oxm_from_user(k, uv)
# apply mask
if not m is None:
v = ''.join(chr(ord(x) & ord(y)) for (x, y)
in itertools.izip(v, m))
(k2, uv2) = mod.oxm_to_user(n, v, m)
assert k2 == k
return (k2, uv2)