#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- class RPCError(Exception): """Base class for all excetions thrown by :py:mod:`tinyrpc`.""" class BadRequestError(RPCError): """Base class for all errors that caused the processing of a request to abort before a request object could be instantiated.""" def error_respond(self): """Create :py:class:`~tinyrpc.RPCErrorResponse` to respond the error. :return: A error responce instance or ``None``, if the protocol decides to drop the error silently.""" raise RuntimeError('Not implemented') class BadReplyError(RPCError): """Base class for all errors that caused processing of a reply to abort before it could be turned in a response object.""" class InvalidRequestError(BadRequestError): """A request made was malformed (i.e. violated the specification) and could not be parsed.""" class InvalidReplyError(BadReplyError): """A reply received was malformed (i.e. violated the specification) and could not be parsed into a response.""" class MethodNotFoundError(RPCError): """The desired method was not found.""" class ServerError(RPCError): """An internal error in the RPC system occured."""