# Copyright (C) 2013 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import logging import time from ryu.base import app_manager from ryu.controller import handler from ryu.lib import hub from ryu.topology import event from ryu.topology import switches LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class DiscoveryEventDumper(app_manager.RyuApp): ''' This app dumps discovery events ''' _CONTEXTS = { 'switches': switches.Switches, } def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(DiscoveryEventDumper, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # For testing when sync and async request. # self.threads.append( # hub.spawn(self._switch_request_sync, 5)) # self.threads.append( # hub.spawn(self._switch_request_async, 10)) # # self.threads.append( # hub.spawn(self._link_request_sync, 5)) # self.threads.append( # hub.spawn(self._link_request_async, 10)) self.is_active = True @handler.set_ev_cls(event.EventSwitchEnter) def switch_enter_handler(self, ev): LOG.debug(ev) @handler.set_ev_cls(event.EventSwitchLeave) def switch_leave_handler(self, ev): LOG.debug(ev) @handler.set_ev_cls(event.EventPortAdd) def port_add_handler(self, ev): LOG.debug(ev) @handler.set_ev_cls(event.EventPortDelete) def port_delete_handler(self, ev): LOG.debug(ev) @handler.set_ev_cls(event.EventPortModify) def port_modify_handler(self, ev): LOG.debug(ev) @handler.set_ev_cls(event.EventLinkAdd) def link_add_handler(self, ev): LOG.debug(ev) @handler.set_ev_cls(event.EventLinkDelete) def link_del_handler(self, ev): LOG.debug(ev) def _switch_request_sync(self, interval): while self.is_active: request = event.EventSwitchRequest() LOG.debug('switch_request sync %s thread(%s)', request, id(hub.getcurrent())) reply = self.send_request(request) LOG.debug('switch_reply sync %s', reply) if len(reply.switches) > 0: for sw in reply.switches: LOG.debug(' %s', sw) hub.sleep(interval) def _switch_request_async(self, interval): while self.is_active: request = event.EventSwitchRequest() LOG.debug('switch_request async %s thread(%s)', request, id(hub.getcurrent())) self.send_event(request.dst, request) start = time.time() busy = interval / 2 i = 0 while i < busy: if time.time() > start + i: i += 1 LOG.debug(' thread is busy... %s/%s thread(%s)', i, busy, id(hub.getcurrent())) LOG.debug(' thread yield to switch_reply handler. thread(%s)', id(hub.getcurrent())) # yield hub.sleep(0) LOG.debug(' thread get back. thread(%s)', id(hub.getcurrent())) hub.sleep(interval - busy) @handler.set_ev_cls(event.EventSwitchReply) def switch_reply_handler(self, reply): LOG.debug('switch_reply async %s', reply) if len(reply.switches) > 0: for sw in reply.switches: LOG.debug(' %s', sw) def _link_request_sync(self, interval): while self.is_active: request = event.EventLinkRequest() LOG.debug('link_request sync %s thread(%s)', request, id(hub.getcurrent())) reply = self.send_request(request) LOG.debug('link_reply sync %s', reply) if len(reply.links) > 0: for link in reply.links: LOG.debug(' %s', link) hub.sleep(interval) def _link_request_async(self, interval): while self.is_active: request = event.EventLinkRequest() LOG.debug('link_request async %s thread(%s)', request, id(hub.getcurrent())) self.send_event(request.dst, request) start = time.time() busy = interval / 2 i = 0 while i < busy: if time.time() > start + i: i += 1 LOG.debug(' thread is busy... %s/%s thread(%s)', i, busy, id(hub.getcurrent())) LOG.debug(' thread yield to link_reply handler. thread(%s)', id(hub.getcurrent())) # yield hub.sleep(0) LOG.debug(' thread get back. thread(%s)', id(hub.getcurrent())) hub.sleep(interval - busy) @handler.set_ev_cls(event.EventLinkReply) def link_reply_handler(self, reply): LOG.debug('link_reply async %s', reply) if len(reply.links) > 0: for link in reply.links: LOG.debug(' %s', link)