# Copyright (C) 2013 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation. # Copyright (C) 2013 Isaku Yamahata # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # based on of-config-1.1.1.xsd # commonly used TYPE = 'type' ID = 'id' OPERATION = 'operation' PORT = 'port' PROTOCOL = 'protocol' # of-configuration-point-protocol SSH = 'ssh' SOAP = 'soap' TLS = 'tls' BEEP = 'beep' # of-open-flow-version VERSION = 'version' NOT_APPLICABLE = 'not-applicable' OF_VERSION_1_0 = '1.0' OF_VERSION_1_0_1 = '1.0.1' OF_VERSION_1_1 = '1.1' OF_VERSION_1_2 = '1.2' OF_VERSION_1_3 = '1.3' OF_VERSION_1_3_1 = '1.3.1' # of-up-down-state UP = 'up' DOWN = 'down' # of-port-rate PORT_RATE_10MB_HD = '10Mb-HD' PORT_RATE_10MB_FD = '10Mb-FD' PORT_RATE_100MB_HD = '100Mb-HD' PORT_RATE_100MB_FD = '100Mb-FD' PORT_RATE_1GB_HD = '1Gb-HD' PORT_RATE_1GB_FD = '1Gb-FD' PORT_RATE_10GB = '10Gb' PORT_RATE_40GB = '40Gb' PORT_RATE_100GB = '100Gb' PORT_RATE_1TB = '1 Tb' PORT_RATE_1TB_ = '1Tb' # of-config-1.1.1.xsd uses non space version # to be checked after of-config 1.1.1 is # publicly release PORT_RATE_OTHER = 'Other' PORT_RATE_other = 'other' # of-config-1.1.1 uses lower case. # to be checked after of-config 1.1.1 is # publicly release # of-action OUTPUT = 'output' COPY_TTL_OUT = 'copy-ttl-out' COPY_TTL_IN = 'copy-ttl-in' SET_MPLS_TTL = 'set-mpls-ttl' DEC_MPLS_TTL = 'dec-mpls-ttl' PUSH_VLAN = 'push-vlan' POP_VLAN = 'pop-vlan' PUSH_MPLS = 'push-mpls' POP_MPLS = 'pop-mpls' SET_QUEUE = 'set-queue' GROUP = 'group' SET_NW_TTL = 'set-nw-ttl' DEC_NW_TTL = 'dec-nw-ttl' SET_FIELD = 'set-field' # of-instruction APPLY_ACTIONS = 'apply-actions' CLEAR_ACTIONS = 'clear-actions' WRITE_ACTIONS = 'write-actions' WRITE_METADATA = 'write-metadata' GOTO_TABLE = 'goto-table' # of-match-field INPUT_PORT = 'input-port' PHYSICAL_INPUT_PORT = 'physical-input-port' METADATA = 'metadata' ETHERNET_DEST = 'ethernet-dest' ETHERNET_SRC = 'ethernet-src' ETHERNET_FRAME_TYPE = 'ethernet-frame-type' VLAN_ID = 'vlan-id' VLAN_PRIORITY = 'vlan-priority' IP_DSCP = 'ip-dscp' IP_ECN = 'ip-ecn' IP_PROTOCOL = 'ip-protocol' IPV4_SRC = 'ipv4-src' IPV4_DEST = 'ipv4-dest' TCP_SRC = 'tcp-src' TCP_DEST = 'tcp-dest' UDP_SRC = 'udp-src' UDP_DEST = 'udp-dest' SCTP_SRC = 'sctp-src' SCTP_DEST = 'sctp-dest' ICMPV4_TYPE = 'icmpv4-type' ICMPV4_CODE = 'icmpv4-code' ARP_OP = 'arp-op' ARP_SRC_IP_ADDRESS = 'arp-src-ip-address' ARP_TARGET_IP_ADDRESS = 'arp-target-ip-address' ARP_SRC_HARDWARE_ADDRESS = 'arp-src-hardware-address' ARP_TARGET_HARDWARE_ADDRESS = 'arp-target-hardware-address' IPV6_SRC = 'ipv6-src' IPV6_DEST = 'ipv6-dest' IPV6_FLOW_LABEL = 'ipv6-flow-label' ICMPV6_TYPE = 'icmpv6-type' ICMPV6_CODE = 'icmpv6-code' IPV6_ND_TARGET = 'ipv6-nd-target' IPV6_ND_SOURCE_LINK_LAYER = 'ipv6-nd-source-link-layer' IPV6_ND_TARGET_LINK_LAYER = 'ipv6-nd-target-link-layer' MPLS_LABEL = 'mpls-label' MPLS_TC = 'mpls-tc' # of-port-current-feature-list and of-port-other-feature-list RATE = 'rate' AUTO_NEGOTIATE = 'auto-negotiate' MEDIUM = 'medium' COPPER = 'copper' FIBER = 'fiber' PAUSE = 'pause' UNSUPPORTED = 'unsupported' SYMMETRIC = 'symmetric' ASYMMETRIC = 'asymmetric' # DSA-key-value DSA_KEY_VALUE_P = 'P' DSA_KEY_VALUE_Q = 'Q' DSA_KEY_VALUE_J = 'J' DSA_KEY_VALUE_G = 'G' DSA_KEY_VALUE_Y = 'Y' DSA_KEY_VALUE_SEED = 'Seed' DSA_KEY_VALUE_PGENCOUNTER = 'PgenCounter' # of-port-base-tunnel LOCAL_ENDPOINT_IPV4_ADDRESS = 'local-endpoint-ipv4-address' REMOTE_ENDPOINT_IPV4_ADDRESS = 'remote-endpoint-ipv4-address' LOCAL_ENDPOINT_IPV6_ADDRESS = 'local-endpoint-ipv6-address' REMOTE_ENDPOINT_IPV6_ADDRESS = 'remote-endpoint-ipv6-address' LOCAL_ENDPOINT_MAC_ADRESS = 'local-endpoint-mac-adress' REMOTE_ENDPOINT_MAC_ADRESS = 'remote-endpoint-mac-adress' # of-port-ip-gre-tunnel CHECKSUM_PRESENT = 'checksum-present' KEY_PRESENT = 'key-present' KEY = 'key' SEQUENCE_NUMBER_PRESENT = 'sequence-number-present' # of-port-nvgre-tunnel TNI = 'tni' TNI_RESV = 'tni-resv' TNI_MULTICAST_GROUP = 'tni-multicast-group' # of-queue # ID = 'id' # PORT = 'port' PROPERTIES = 'properties' MIN_RATE = 'min-rate' MAX_RATE = 'max-rate' EXPERIMENTER = 'experimenter' # of-owned-certificate and of-external-certificate CERTIFICATE = 'certificate' PRIVATE_KEY = 'private-key' # of-configuration-point # ID = 'id' URI = 'uri' # PROTOCOL = 'protocol' # rsa-key-value MODULUS = 'Modulus' EXPONENT = 'Exponent' # of-flow-table MAX_ENTRIES = 'max-entries' NEXT_TABLES = 'next-tables' TABLE_ID = 'table-id' INSTRUCTIONS = 'instructions' # TYPE = 'type' MATCHES = 'matches' # TYPE = 'type' # WRITE_ACTIONS = 'write-actions' # TYPE = 'type' # APPLY_ACTIONS = 'apply-actions' # TYPE = 'type' # WRITE_SETFIELDS = 'write-setfields' # TYPE = 'type' # APPLY_SETFIELDS = 'apply-setfields' # TYPE = 'type' WILDCARDS = 'wildcards' # TYPE = 'type' METADATA_MATCH = 'metadata-match' METADATA_WRITE = 'metadata-write' # of-logical-switch # ID = 'id' CAPABILITIES = 'capabilities' DATAPATH_ID = 'datapath-id' ENABLED = 'enabled' CHECK_CONTROLLER_CERTIFICATE = 'check-controller-certificate' LOST_CONNECTION_BEHAVIOR = 'lost-connection-behavior' FAILSECUREMODE = 'failSecureMode' FAILSTANDALONEMODE = 'failStandaloneMode' CONTROLLERS = 'controllers' CONTROLLER = 'controller' # OPERATION = 'operation' KEY_CONTROLLERS_CONTROLLER = 'key_controllers_controller' RESOURCES = 'resources' # PORT = 'port' QUEUE = 'queue' # CERTIFICATE = 'certificate' # FLOW_TABLE = 'flow-table' # key-value DSAKEYVALUE = 'DSAKeyValue' RSAKEYVALUE = 'RSAKeyValue' # of-logical-switch-capabilities MAX_BUFFERED_PACKETS = 'max-buffered-packets' MAX_TABLES = 'max-tables' MAX_PORTS = 'max-ports' FLOW_STATISTICS = 'flow-statistics' TABLE_STATISTICS = 'table-statistics' # PORT_STATISTICS = 'port-statistics' GROUP_STATISTICS = 'group-statistics' QUEUE_STATISTICS = 'queue-statistics' REASSEMBLE_IP_FRAGMENTS = 'reassemble-ip-fragments' BLOCK_LOOPING_PORTS = 'block-looping-ports' RESERVED_PORT_TYPES = 'reserved-port-types' # TYPE = 'type' ALL = 'all' # CONTROLLER = 'controller' TABLE = 'table' INPORT = 'inport' ANY = 'any' NORMAL = 'normal' FLOOD = 'flood' GROUP_TYPES = 'group-types' # TYPE = 'type' # ALL = 'all' SELECT = 'select' INDIRECT = 'indirect' FAST_FAILOVER = 'fast-failover' GROUP_CAPABILITIES = 'group-capabilities' CAPABILITY = 'capability' SELECT_WEIGHT = 'select-weight' SELECT_LIVENESS = 'select-liveness' CHAINING = 'chaining' CHAINING_CHECK = 'chaining-check' ACTION_TYPES = 'action-types' # TYPE = 'type' INSTRUCTION_TYPES = 'instruction-types' # TYPE = 'type' # of-port NUMBER = 'number' NAME = 'name' CURRENT_RATE = 'current-rate' # MAX_RATE = 'max-rate' CONFIGURATION = 'configuration' ADMIN_STATE = 'admin-state' NO_RECEIVE = 'no-receive' NO_FORWARD = 'no-forward' NO_PACKET_IN = 'no-packet-in' # OPERATION = 'operation' STATE = 'state' OPER_STATE = 'oper-state' BLOCKED = 'blocked' LIVE = 'live' FEATURES = 'features' CURRENT = 'current' ADVERTISED = 'advertised' # OPERATION = 'operation' SUPPORTED = 'supported' ADVERTISED_PEER = 'advertised-peer' TUNNEL = 'tunnel' IPGRE_TUNNEL = 'ipgre-tunnel' VXLAN_TUNNEL = 'vxlan-tunnel' NVGRE_TUNNEL = 'nvgre-tunnel' # of-resource RESOURCE_ID = 'resource-id' # of-port-vxlan-tunnel VNI_VALID = 'vni-valid' VNI = 'vni' VNI_MULTICAST_GROUP = 'vni-multicast-group' UDP_SOURCE_PORT = 'udp-source-port' UDP_DEST_PORT = 'udp-dest-port' UDP_CHECKSUM = 'udp-checksum' # of-controller # ID = 'id' ROLE = 'role' MASTER = 'master' SLAVE = 'slave' EQUAL = 'equal' IP_ADDRESS = 'ip-address' # PORT = 'port' LOCAL_IP_ADDRESS = 'local-ip-address' LOCAL_PORT = 'local-port' # PROTOCOL = 'protocol' TCP = 'tcp' # TLS = 'tls' # STATE = 'state' CONNECTION_STATE = 'connection-state' CURRENT_VERSION = 'current-version' SUPPORTED_VERSIONS = 'supported-versions' LOCAL_IP_ADDRESS_IN_USE = 'local-ip-address-in-use' LOCAL_PORT_IN_USE = 'local-port-in-use' CAPABLE_SWITCH = 'capable-switch' # ID = 'id' CONFIG_VERSION = 'config-version' CONFIGURATION_POINTS = 'configuration-points' CONFIGURATION_POINT = 'configuration-point' KEY_CONFIGURATION_POINTS_CAPABLESWITCH_CONFIGURATION_POINT = ( 'key_configuration-points_capableswitch_configuration-point') # RESOURCES = 'resources' # PORT = 'port' # QUEUE = 'queue' # OPERATION = 'operation' OWNED_CERTIFICATE = 'owned-certificate' EXTERNAL_CERTIFICATE = 'external-certificate' # OPERATION = 'operation' FLOW_TABLE = 'flow-table' KEY_RESOURCES_CAPABLE_SWITCH_PORT = 'key_resources_capable-switch_port' KEY_RESOURCES_CAPABLE_SWITCH_QUEUE = 'key_resources_capable-switch_queue' KEY_RESOURCES_CAPABLE_SWITCH_OWNED_CERTIFICATE = ( 'key_resources_capable-switch_owned-certificate') KEY_RESOURCES_CAPABLE_SWITCH_EXTERNAL_CERTIFICATE = ( 'key_resources_capable-switch_external-certificate') KEY_RESOURCES_CAPABLE_SWITCH_FLOW_TABLE = ( 'key_resources_capable-switch_flow-table') LOGICAL_SWITCHES = 'logical-switches' SWITCH = 'switch' KEY_LOGICAL_SWITCHES_CAPABLE_SWITCH_SWITCH = ( 'key_logical-switches_capable-switch_switch')