# Copyright (C) 2013,2014,2015 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation. # Copyright (C) 2013,2014,2015 YAMAMOTO Takashi # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import gettext import os import unittest import six import sys import types import logging from nose import result from nose import core from nose import config class _AnsiColorizer(object): """ A colorizer is an object that loosely wraps around a stream, allowing callers to write text to the stream in a particular color. Colorizer classes must implement C{supported()} and C{write(text, color)}. """ _colors = dict(black=30, red=31, green=32, yellow=33, blue=34, magenta=35, cyan=36, white=37) def __init__(self, stream): self.stream = stream def supported(cls, stream=sys.stdout): """ A class method that returns True if the current platform supports coloring terminal output using this method. Returns False otherwise. """ if not stream.isatty(): return False # auto color only on TTYs try: import curses except ImportError: return False else: try: try: return curses.tigetnum("colors") > 2 except curses.error: curses.setupterm() return curses.tigetnum("colors") > 2 except: # guess false in case of error return False supported = classmethod(supported) def write(self, text, color): """ Write the given text to the stream in the given color. @param text: Text to be written to the stream. @param color: A string label for a color. e.g. 'red', 'white'. """ color = self._colors[color] self.stream.write('\x1b[%s;1m%s\x1b[0m' % (color, text)) class _Win32Colorizer(object): """ See _AnsiColorizer docstring. """ def __init__(self, stream): from win32console import GetStdHandle, STD_OUT_HANDLE from win32console import FOREGROUND_RED, FOREGROUND_BLUE from win32console import FOREGROUND_GREEN, FOREGROUND_INTENSITY red, green, blue, bold = (FOREGROUND_RED, FOREGROUND_GREEN, FOREGROUND_BLUE, FOREGROUND_INTENSITY) self.stream = stream self.screenBuffer = GetStdHandle(STD_OUT_HANDLE) self._colors = { 'normal': red | green | blue, 'red': red | bold, 'green': green | bold, 'blue': blue | bold, 'yellow': red | green | bold, 'magenta': red | blue | bold, 'cyan': green | blue | bold, 'white': red | green | blue | bold} def supported(cls, stream=sys.stdout): try: import win32console screenBuffer = win32console.GetStdHandle( win32console.STD_OUT_HANDLE) except ImportError: return False import pywintypes try: screenBuffer.SetConsoleTextAttribute( win32console.FOREGROUND_RED | win32console.FOREGROUND_GREEN | win32console.FOREGROUND_BLUE) except pywintypes.error: return False else: return True supported = classmethod(supported) def write(self, text, color): color = self._colors[color] self.screenBuffer.SetConsoleTextAttribute(color) self.stream.write(text) self.screenBuffer.SetConsoleTextAttribute(self._colors['normal']) class _NullColorizer(object): """ See _AnsiColorizer docstring. """ def __init__(self, stream): self.stream = stream def supported(cls, stream=sys.stdout): return True supported = classmethod(supported) def write(self, text, color): self.stream.write(text) class OSKenTestResult(result.TextTestResult): def __init__(self, *args, **kw): result.TextTestResult.__init__(self, *args, **kw) self._last_case = None self.colorizer = None # NOTE(vish, tfukushima): reset stdout for the terminal check stdout = sys.__stdout__ sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ for colorizer in [_Win32Colorizer, _AnsiColorizer, _NullColorizer]: if colorizer.supported(): self.colorizer = colorizer(self.stream) break sys.stdout = stdout def getDescription(self, test): return str(test) # NOTE(vish, tfukushima): copied from unittest with edit to add color def addSuccess(self, test): unittest.TestResult.addSuccess(self, test) if self.showAll: self.colorizer.write("OK", 'green') self.stream.writeln() elif self.dots: self.stream.write('.') self.stream.flush() # NOTE(vish, tfukushima): copied from unittest with edit to add color def addFailure(self, test, err): unittest.TestResult.addFailure(self, test, err) if self.showAll: self.colorizer.write("FAIL", 'red') self.stream.writeln() elif self.dots: self.stream.write('F') self.stream.flush() # NOTE(vish, tfukushima): copied from unittest with edit to add color def addError(self, test, err): """Overrides normal addError to add support for errorClasses. If the exception is a registered class, the error will be added to the list for that class, not errors. """ stream = getattr(self, 'stream', None) ec, ev, tb = err try: exc_info = self._exc_info_to_string(err, test) except TypeError: # This is for compatibility with Python 2.3. exc_info = self._exc_info_to_string(err) for cls, (storage, label, isfail) in self.errorClasses.items(): if result.isclass(ec) and issubclass(ec, cls): if isfail: test.passwd = False storage.append((test, exc_info)) # Might get patched into a streamless result if stream is not None: if self.showAll: message = [label] detail = result._exception_detail(err[1]) if detail: message.append(detail) stream.writeln(": ".join(message)) elif self.dots: stream.write(label[:1]) return self.errors.append((test, exc_info)) test.passed = False if stream is not None: if self.showAll: self.colorizer.write("ERROR", 'red') self.stream.writeln() elif self.dots: stream.write('E') def startTest(self, test): unittest.TestResult.startTest(self, test) current_case = test.test.__class__.__name__ if self.showAll: if current_case != self._last_case: self.stream.writeln(current_case) self._last_case = current_case # NOTE(salvatore-orlando): # slightly changed in order to print test case class # together with unit test name self.stream.write( ' %s' % str(test.test).ljust(60)) self.stream.flush() class OSKenTestRunner(core.TextTestRunner): def _makeResult(self): return OSKenTestResult(self.stream, self.descriptions, self.verbosity, self.config) def run_tests(c=None): logger = logging.getLogger() hdlr = logging.StreamHandler() formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s') hdlr.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(hdlr) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # NOTE(bgh): I'm not entirely sure why but nose gets confused here when # calling run_tests from a plugin directory run_tests.py (instead of the # main run_tests.py). It will call run_tests with no arguments and the # testing of run_tests will fail (though the plugin tests will pass). For # now we just return True to let the run_tests test pass. if not c: return True runner = OSKenTestRunner(stream=c.stream, verbosity=c.verbosity, config=c) return not core.run(config=c, testRunner=runner) def add_method(cls, method_name, method): """Add the method to the class dynamically, keeping unittest/nose happy.""" method.func_name = method_name method.__name__ = method_name if six.PY3: methodtype = types.MethodType(method, cls) if not hasattr(method, "__qualname__"): method.__qualname__ = "%s.%s" % (cls.__qualname__, method_name) else: methodtype = types.MethodType(method, None, cls) setattr(cls, method_name, methodtype)