# Copyright (C) 2012 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation. # Copyright (C) 2012 Isaku Yamahata # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ This module provides a set of REST API for switch configuration. - Per-switch Key-Value store Used by OpenStack Ryu agent. """ import httplib import json import logging from webob import Response from ryu.app.wsgi import ControllerBase from ryu.base import app_manager from ryu.controller import conf_switch from ryu.lib import dpid as dpid_lib # REST API for switch configuration # # get all the switches # GET /v1.0/conf/switches # # get all the configuration keys of a switch # GET /v1.0/conf/switches/ # # delete all the configuration of a switch # DELETE /v1.0/conf/switches/ # # set the configuration of a switch # PUT /v1.0/conf/switches// # # get the configuration of a switch # GET /v1.0/conf/switches// # # delete the configuration of a switch # DELETE /v1.0/conf/switches// # # where # : datapath id in 16 hex class ConfSwitchController(ControllerBase): def __init__(self, req, link, data, **config): super(ConfSwitchController, self).__init__(req, link, data, **config) self.conf_switch = data def list_switches(self, _req, **_kwargs): dpids = self.conf_switch.dpids() body = json.dumps([dpid_lib.dpid_to_str(dpid) for dpid in dpids]) return Response(content_type='application/json', body=body) @staticmethod def _do_switch(dpid, func, ret_func): dpid = dpid_lib.str_to_dpid(dpid) try: ret = func(dpid) except KeyError: return Response(status=httplib.NOT_FOUND, body='no dpid is found %s' % dpid_lib.dpid_to_str(dpid)) return ret_func(ret) def delete_switch(self, _req, dpid, **_kwargs): def _delete_switch(dpid): self.conf_switch.del_dpid(dpid) return None def _ret(_ret): return Response(status=httplib.ACCEPTED) return self._do_switch(dpid, _delete_switch, _ret) def list_keys(self, _req, dpid, **_kwargs): def _list_keys(dpid): return self.conf_switch.keys(dpid) def _ret(keys): body = json.dumps(keys) return Response(content_type='application/json', body=body) return self._do_switch(dpid, _list_keys, _ret) @staticmethod def _do_key(dpid, key, func, ret_func): dpid = dpid_lib.str_to_dpid(dpid) try: ret = func(dpid, key) except KeyError: return Response(status=httplib.NOT_FOUND, body='no dpid/key is found %s %s' % (dpid_lib.dpid_to_str(dpid), key)) return ret_func(ret) def set_key(self, req, dpid, key, **_kwargs): def _set_val(dpid, key): val = json.loads(req.body) self.conf_switch.set_key(dpid, key, val) return None def _ret(_ret): return Response(status=httplib.CREATED) return self._do_key(dpid, key, _set_val, _ret) def get_key(self, _req, dpid, key, **_kwargs): def _get_key(dpid, key): return self.conf_switch.get_key(dpid, key) def _ret(val): return Response(content_type='application/json', body=json.dumps(val)) return self._do_key(dpid, key, _get_key, _ret) def delete_key(self, _req, dpid, key, **_kwargs): def _delete_key(dpid, key): self.conf_switch.del_key(dpid, key) return None def _ret(_ret): return Response() return self._do_key(dpid, key, _delete_key, _ret) class ConfSwitchAPI(app_manager.RyuApp): _CONTEXTS = { 'conf_switch': conf_switch.ConfSwitchSet, } def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ConfSwitchAPI, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.conf_switch = kwargs['conf_switch'] wsgi = kwargs['wsgi'] mapper = wsgi.mapper controller = ConfSwitchController wsgi.registory[controller.__name__] = self.conf_switch route_name = 'conf_switch' uri = '/v1.0/conf/switches' mapper.connect(route_name, uri, controller=controller, action='list_switches', conditions=dict(method=['GET'])) uri += '/{dpid}' requirements = {'dpid': dpid_lib.DPID_PATTERN} s = mapper.submapper(controller=controller, requirements=requirements) s.connect(route_name, uri, action='delete_switch', conditions=dict(method=['DELETE'])) s.connect(route_name, uri, action='list_keys', conditions=dict(method=['GET'])) uri += '/{key}' s.connect(route_name, uri, action='set_key', conditions=dict(method=['PUT'])) s.connect(route_name, uri, action='get_key', conditions=dict(method=['GET'])) s.connect(route_name, uri, action='delete_key', conditions=dict(method=['DELETE']))