# Copyright (C) 2014 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation. # Copyright (C) 2014 YAMAMOTO Takashi # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # client for os_ken.app.ofctl.service from os_ken.base import app_manager from . import event def get_datapath(app, dpid=None): """ Get datapath object by dpid. :param app: Client OSKenApp instance :param dpid: Datapath ID (int type) or None to get all datapath objects Returns a object of datapath, a list of datapath objects when no dpid given or None when error. Raises an exception if any of the given values is invalid. Example:: # ...(snip)... import os_ken.app.ofctl.api as ofctl_api class MyApp(app_manager.OSKenApp): def _my_handler(self, ev): # Get all datapath objects result = ofctl_api.get_datapath(self) # Get the datapath object which has the given dpid result = ofctl_api.get_datapath(self, dpid=1) """ return app.send_request(event.GetDatapathRequest(dpid=dpid))() def send_msg(app, msg, reply_cls=None, reply_multi=False): """ Send an OpenFlow message and wait for reply messages. :param app: Client OSKenApp instance :param msg: An OpenFlow controller-to-switch message to send :param reply_cls: OpenFlow message class for expected replies. None means no replies are expected. The default is None. :param reply_multi: True if multipart replies are expected. The default is False. If no replies, returns None. If reply_multi=False, returns OpenFlow switch-to-controller message. If reply_multi=True, returns a list of OpenFlow switch-to-controller messages. Raise an exception on error. Example:: # ...(snip)... import os_ken.app.ofctl.api as ofctl_api class MyApp(app_manager.OSKenApp): def _my_handler(self, ev): # ...(snip)... msg = parser.OFPPortDescStatsRequest(datapath=datapath) result = ofctl_api.send_msg( self, msg, reply_cls=parser.OFPPortDescStatsReply, reply_multi=True) """ return app.send_request(event.SendMsgRequest(msg=msg, reply_cls=reply_cls, reply_multi=reply_multi))() app_manager.require_app('os_ken.app.ofctl.service', api_style=True)