Signed-off-by: IWAMOTO Toshihiro <iwamoto@valinux.co.jp> Signed-off-by: FUJITA Tomonori <fujita.tomonori@lab.ntt.co.jp>
948 lines
31 KiB
948 lines
31 KiB
# Copyright (C) 2012 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import abc
import struct
import six
import sys
import array
import binascii
from . import packet_base
from . import packet_utils
from ryu.lib import addrconv
from ryu.lib import stringify
ICMPV6_DST_UNREACH = 1 # dest unreachable, codes:
ICMPV6_PACKET_TOO_BIG = 2 # packet too big
ICMPV6_TIME_EXCEEDED = 3 # time exceeded, code:
ICMPV6_PARAM_PROB = 4 # ip6 header bad
ICMPV6_ECHO_REQUEST = 128 # echo service
ICMPV6_ECHO_REPLY = 129 # echo reply
MLD_LISTENER_QUERY = 130 # multicast listener query
MLD_LISTENER_REPOR = 131 # multicast listener report
MLD_LISTENER_DONE = 132 # multicast listener done
MLDV2_LISTENER_REPORT = 143 # multicast listern report (v2)
# RFC2292 decls
ICMPV6_MEMBERSHIP_QUERY = 130 # group membership query
ICMPV6_MEMBERSHIP_REPORT = 131 # group membership report
ICMPV6_MEMBERSHIP_REDUCTION = 132 # group membership termination
ND_ROUTER_SOLICIT = 133 # router solicitation
ND_ROUTER_ADVERT = 134 # router advertisment
ND_NEIGHBOR_SOLICIT = 135 # neighbor solicitation
ND_NEIGHBOR_ADVERT = 136 # neighbor advertisment
ND_REDIREC = 137 # redirect
ICMPV6_ROUTER_RENUMBERING = 138 # router renumbering
ICMPV6_WRUREQUEST = 139 # who are you request
ICMPV6_WRUREPLY = 140 # who are you reply
ICMPV6_FQDN_QUERY = 139 # FQDN query
ICMPV6_FQDN_REPLY = 140 # FQDN reply
ICMPV6_NI_QUERY = 139 # node information request
ICMPV6_NI_REPLY = 140 # node information reply
# ND_OPTIONS from RFC 4861
ND_OPTION_SLA = 1 # Source Link-Layer Address
ND_OPTION_TLA = 2 # Target Link-Layer Address
ND_OPTION_PI = 3 # Prefix Information
ND_OPTION_RH = 4 # Redirected Header
class icmpv6(packet_base.PacketBase):
"""ICMPv6 (RFC 2463) header encoder/decoder class.
An instance has the following attributes at least.
Most of them are same to the on-wire counterparts but in host byte order.
__init__ takes the corresponding args in this order.
.. tabularcolumns:: |l|p{35em}|
============== ====================
Attribute Description
============== ====================
type\_ Type
code Code
csum CheckSum
(0 means automatically-calculate when encoding)
data Payload.
ryu.lib.packet.icmpv6.echo object, \
ryu.lib.packet.icmpv6.nd_neighbor object, \
ryu.lib.packet.icmpv6.nd_router_solicit object, \
ryu.lib.packet.icmpv6.nd_router_advert object, \
ryu.lib.packet.icmpv6.mld object, \
or a bytearray.
============== ====================
_MIN_LEN = struct.calcsize(_PACK_STR)
def register_icmpv6_type(*args):
def _register_icmpv6_type(cls):
for type_ in args:
icmpv6._ICMPV6_TYPES[type_] = cls
return cls
return _register_icmpv6_type
def __init__(self, type_=0, code=0, csum=0, data=None):
super(icmpv6, self).__init__()
self.type_ = type_
self.code = code
self.csum = csum
self.data = data
def parser(cls, buf):
(type_, code, csum) = struct.unpack_from(cls._PACK_STR, buf)
msg = cls(type_, code, csum)
offset = cls._MIN_LEN
if len(buf) > offset:
cls_ = cls._ICMPV6_TYPES.get(type_, None)
if cls_:
msg.data = cls_.parser(buf, offset)
msg.data = buf[offset:]
return msg, None, None
def serialize(self, payload, prev):
hdr = bytearray(struct.pack(icmpv6._PACK_STR, self.type_,
self.code, self.csum))
if self.data is not None:
if self.type_ in icmpv6._ICMPV6_TYPES:
hdr += self.data.serialize()
hdr += self.data
if self.csum == 0:
self.csum = packet_utils.checksum_ip(prev, len(hdr), hdr + payload)
struct.pack_into('!H', hdr, 2, self.csum)
return hdr
def __len__(self):
length = self._MIN_LEN
if self.data is not None:
length += len(self.data)
return length
@icmpv6.register_icmpv6_type(ND_NEIGHBOR_SOLICIT, ND_NEIGHBOR_ADVERT)
class nd_neighbor(stringify.StringifyMixin):
"""ICMPv6 sub encoder/decoder class for Neighbor Solicitation and
Neighbor Advertisement messages. (RFC 4861)
This is used with ryu.lib.packet.icmpv6.icmpv6.
An instance has the following attributes at least.
Most of them are same to the on-wire counterparts but in host byte order.
__init__ takes the corresponding args in this order.
.. tabularcolumns:: |l|p{35em}|
============== ====================
Attribute Description
============== ====================
res R,S,O Flags for Neighbor Advertisement. \
The 3 MSBs of "Reserved" field for Neighbor Solicitation.
dst Target Address
option a derived object of ryu.lib.packet.icmpv6.nd_option \
or a bytearray. None if no options.
============== ====================
_PACK_STR = '!I16s'
_MIN_LEN = struct.calcsize(_PACK_STR)
_TYPE = {
'ascii': [
def register_nd_option_type(*args):
def _register_nd_option_type(cls):
nd_neighbor._ND_OPTION_TYPES[cls.option_type()] = cls
return cls
return _register_nd_option_type(args[0])
def __init__(self, res=0, dst='::', option=None):
self.res = res
self.dst = dst
self.option = option
def parser(cls, buf, offset):
(res, dst) = struct.unpack_from(cls._PACK_STR, buf, offset)
offset += cls._MIN_LEN
option = None
if len(buf) > offset:
(type_, ) = struct.unpack_from('!B', buf, offset)
cls_ = cls._ND_OPTION_TYPES.get(type_)
if cls_ is not None:
option = cls_.parser(buf, offset)
option = buf[offset:]
msg = cls(res >> 29, addrconv.ipv6.bin_to_text(dst), option)
return msg
def serialize(self):
res = self.res << 29
hdr = bytearray(struct.pack(
nd_neighbor._PACK_STR, res,
if self.option is not None:
if isinstance(self.option, nd_option):
return str(hdr)
def __len__(self):
length = self._MIN_LEN
if self.option is not None:
length += len(self.option)
return length
class nd_router_solicit(stringify.StringifyMixin):
"""ICMPv6 sub encoder/decoder class for Router Solicitation messages.
(RFC 4861)
This is used with ryu.lib.packet.icmpv6.icmpv6.
An instance has the following attributes at least.
Most of them are same to the on-wire counterparts but in host byte order.
__init__ takes the corresponding args in this order.
.. tabularcolumns:: |l|p{35em}|
============== ====================
Attribute Description
============== ====================
res This field is unused. It MUST be initialized to zero.
option a derived object of ryu.lib.packet.icmpv6.nd_option \
or a bytearray. None if no options.
============== ====================
_PACK_STR = '!I'
_MIN_LEN = struct.calcsize(_PACK_STR)
def register_nd_option_type(*args):
def _register_nd_option_type(cls):
nd_router_solicit._ND_OPTION_TYPES[cls.option_type()] = cls
return cls
return _register_nd_option_type(args[0])
def __init__(self, res=0, option=None):
self.res = res
self.option = option
def parser(cls, buf, offset):
(res, ) = struct.unpack_from(cls._PACK_STR, buf, offset)
offset += cls._MIN_LEN
option = None
if len(buf) > offset:
(type_, ) = struct.unpack_from('!B', buf, offset)
cls_ = cls._ND_OPTION_TYPES.get(type_)
if cls_ is not None:
option = cls_.parser(buf, offset)
option = buf[offset:]
msg = cls(res, option)
return msg
def serialize(self):
hdr = bytearray(struct.pack(
nd_router_solicit._PACK_STR, self.res))
if self.option is not None:
if isinstance(self.option, nd_option):
return str(hdr)
def __len__(self):
length = self._MIN_LEN
if self.option is not None:
length += len(self.option)
return length
class nd_router_advert(stringify.StringifyMixin):
"""ICMPv6 sub encoder/decoder class for Router Advertisement messages.
(RFC 4861)
This is used with ryu.lib.packet.icmpv6.icmpv6.
An instance has the following attributes at least.
Most of them are same to the on-wire counterparts but in host byte order.
__init__ takes the corresponding args in this order.
.. tabularcolumns:: |l|p{35em}|
============== ====================
Attribute Description
============== ====================
ch_l Cur Hop Limit.
res M,O Flags for Router Advertisement.
rou_l Router Lifetime.
rea_t Reachable Time.
ret_t Retrans Timer.
options List of a derived object of \
ryu.lib.packet.icmpv6.nd_option or a bytearray. \
None if no options.
============== ====================
_MIN_LEN = struct.calcsize(_PACK_STR)
def register_nd_option_type(*args):
def _register_nd_option_type(cls):
nd_router_advert._ND_OPTION_TYPES[cls.option_type()] = cls
return cls
return _register_nd_option_type(args[0])
def __init__(self, ch_l=0, res=0, rou_l=0, rea_t=0, ret_t=0, options=None):
self.ch_l = ch_l
self.res = res
self.rou_l = rou_l
self.rea_t = rea_t
self.ret_t = ret_t
options = options or []
assert isinstance(options, list)
self.options = options
def parser(cls, buf, offset):
(ch_l, res, rou_l, rea_t, ret_t
) = struct.unpack_from(cls._PACK_STR, buf, offset)
offset += cls._MIN_LEN
options = []
while len(buf) > offset:
(type_, length) = struct.unpack_from('!BB', buf, offset)
cls_ = cls._ND_OPTION_TYPES.get(type_)
if cls_ is not None:
option = cls_.parser(buf, offset)
option = buf[offset:offset + (length * 8 - 2)]
offset += len(option)
msg = cls(ch_l, res >> 6, rou_l, rea_t, ret_t, options)
return msg
def serialize(self):
res = self.res << 6
hdr = bytearray(struct.pack(
nd_router_advert._PACK_STR, self.ch_l, res, self.rou_l,
self.rea_t, self.ret_t))
for option in self.options:
if isinstance(option, nd_option):
return str(hdr)
def __len__(self):
length = self._MIN_LEN
for option in self.options:
length += len(option)
return length
class nd_option(stringify.StringifyMixin):
def option_type(cls):
def __init__(self, _type, length):
self._type = _type
self.length = length
def parser(cls, buf):
def serialize(self):
def __len__(self):
return self._MIN_LEN
class nd_option_la(nd_option):
_PACK_STR = '!BB6s'
_MIN_LEN = struct.calcsize(_PACK_STR)
_TYPE = {
'ascii': [
def __init__(self, length, hw_src, data):
super(nd_option_la, self).__init__(self.option_type(), length)
self.hw_src = hw_src
self.data = data
def parser(cls, buf, offset):
(_, length, hw_src) = struct.unpack_from(cls._PACK_STR, buf, offset)
msg = cls(length, addrconv.mac.bin_to_text(hw_src))
offset += cls._MIN_LEN
if len(buf) > offset:
msg.data = buf[offset:]
return msg
def serialize(self):
buf = bytearray(struct.pack(
self._PACK_STR, self.option_type(), self.length,
if self.data is not None:
mod = len(buf) % 8
if mod:
buf.extend(bytearray(8 - mod))
if 0 == self.length:
self.length = len(buf) // 8
struct.pack_into('!B', buf, 1, self.length)
return str(buf)
def __len__(self):
length = self._MIN_LEN
if self.data is not None:
length += len(self.data)
return length
class nd_option_sla(nd_option_la):
"""ICMPv6 sub encoder/decoder class for Neighbor discovery
Source Link-Layer Address Option. (RFC 4861)
This is used with ryu.lib.packet.icmpv6.nd_neighbor,
ryu.lib.packet.icmpv6.nd_router_solicit or
An instance has the following attributes at least.
Most of them are same to the on-wire counterparts but in host byte order.
__init__ takes the corresponding args in this order.
.. tabularcolumns:: |l|p{35em}|
============== ====================
Attribute Description
============== ====================
length length of the option. \
(0 means automatically-calculate when encoding)
hw_src Link-Layer Address. \
NOTE: If the address is longer than 6 octets this contains \
the first 6 octets in the address. \
This implementation assumes the address has at least \
6 octets.
data A bytearray which contains the rest of Link-Layer Address \
and padding. When encoding a packet, it's user's \
responsibility to provide necessary padding for 8-octets \
alignment required by the protocol.
============== ====================
def option_type(cls):
def __init__(self, length=0, hw_src='00:00:00:00:00:00', data=None):
super(nd_option_sla, self).__init__(length, hw_src, data)
class nd_option_tla(nd_option_la):
"""ICMPv6 sub encoder/decoder class for Neighbor discovery
Target Link-Layer Address Option. (RFC 4861)
This is used with ryu.lib.packet.icmpv6.nd_neighbor.
An instance has the following attributes at least.
Most of them are same to the on-wire counterparts but in host byte order.
__init__ takes the corresponding args in this order.
.. tabularcolumns:: |l|p{35em}|
============== ====================
Attribute Description
============== ====================
length length of the option. \
(0 means automatically-calculate when encoding)
hw_src Link-Layer Address. \
NOTE: If the address is longer than 6 octets this contains \
the first 6 octets in the address. \
This implementation assumes the address has at least \
6 octets.
data A bytearray which contains the rest of Link-Layer Address \
and padding. When encoding a packet, it's user's \
responsibility to provide necessary padding for 8-octets \
alignment required by the protocol.
============== ====================
def option_type(cls):
def __init__(self, length=0, hw_src='00:00:00:00:00:00', data=None):
super(nd_option_tla, self).__init__(length, hw_src, data)
class nd_option_pi(nd_option):
"""ICMPv6 sub encoder/decoder class for Neighbor discovery
Prefix Information Option. (RFC 4861)
This is used with ryu.lib.packet.icmpv6.nd_router_advert.
An instance has the following attributes at least.
Most of them are same to the on-wire counterparts but in host byte order.
__init__ takes the corresponding args in this order.
.. tabularcolumns:: |l|p{35em}|
============== ====================
Attribute Description
============== ====================
length length of the option. \
(0 means automatically-calculate when encoding)
pl Prefix Length.
res1 L,A,R\* Flags for Prefix Information.
val_l Valid Lifetime.
pre_l Preferred Lifetime.
res2 This field is unused. It MUST be initialized to zero.
prefix An IP address or a prefix of an IP address.
============== ====================
\*R flag is defined in (RFC 3775)
_MIN_LEN = struct.calcsize(_PACK_STR)
_TYPE = {
'ascii': [
def option_type(cls):
def __init__(self, length=0, pl=0, res1=0, val_l=0, pre_l=0, res2=0,
super(nd_option_pi, self).__init__(self.option_type(), length)
self.pl = pl
self.res1 = res1
self.val_l = val_l
self.pre_l = pre_l
self.res2 = res2
self.prefix = prefix
def parser(cls, buf, offset):
(_, length, pl, res1, val_l, pre_l, res2, prefix
) = struct.unpack_from(cls._PACK_STR, buf, offset)
msg = cls(length, pl, res1 >> 5, val_l, pre_l, res2,
return msg
def serialize(self):
res1 = self.res1 << 5
hdr = bytearray(struct.pack(
self._PACK_STR, self.option_type(), self.length, self.pl,
res1, self.val_l, self.pre_l, self.res2,
if 0 == self.length:
self.length = len(hdr) // 8
struct.pack_into('!B', hdr, 1, self.length)
return str(hdr)
@icmpv6.register_icmpv6_type(ICMPV6_ECHO_REPLY, ICMPV6_ECHO_REQUEST)
class echo(stringify.StringifyMixin):
"""ICMPv6 sub encoder/decoder class for Echo Request and Echo Reply
This is used with ryu.lib.packet.icmpv6.icmpv6 for
ICMPv6 Echo Request and Echo Reply messages.
An instance has the following attributes at least.
Most of them are same to the on-wire counterparts but in host byte order.
__init__ takes the corresponding args in this order.
============== ====================
Attribute Description
============== ====================
id Identifier
seq Sequence Number
data Data
============== ====================
_MIN_LEN = struct.calcsize(_PACK_STR)
def __init__(self, id_=0, seq=0, data=None):
self.id = id_
self.seq = seq
self.data = data
def parser(cls, buf, offset):
(id_, seq) = struct.unpack_from(cls._PACK_STR, buf, offset)
msg = cls(id_, seq)
offset += cls._MIN_LEN
if len(buf) > offset:
msg.data = buf[offset:]
return msg
def serialize(self):
hdr = bytearray(struct.pack(echo._PACK_STR, self.id,
if self.data is not None:
hdr += bytearray(self.data)
return hdr
def __len__(self):
length = self._MIN_LEN
if self.data is not None:
length += len(self.data)
return length
class mld(stringify.StringifyMixin):
"""ICMPv6 sub encoder/decoder class for MLD Lister Query,
MLD Listener Report, and MLD Listener Done messages. (RFC 2710)
This is used with ryu.lib.packet.icmpv6.icmpv6.
An instance has the following attributes at least.
Most of them are same to the on-wire counterparts but in host byte order.
__init__ takes the corresponding args in this order.
============== =========================================
Attribute Description
============== =========================================
maxresp max response time in millisecond. it is
meaningful only in Query Message.
address a group address value.
============== =========================================
_PACK_STR = '!H2x16s'
_MIN_LEN = struct.calcsize(_PACK_STR)
def __init__(self, maxresp=0, address='::'):
self.maxresp = maxresp
self.address = address
def parser(cls, buf, offset):
if cls._MIN_LEN < len(buf[offset:]):
msg = mldv2_query.parser(buf[offset:])
(maxresp, address) = struct.unpack_from(
cls._PACK_STR, buf, offset)
msg = cls(maxresp, addrconv.ipv6.bin_to_text(address))
return msg
def serialize(self):
buf = struct.pack(mld._PACK_STR, self.maxresp,
return buf
def __len__(self):
return self._MIN_LEN
class mldv2_query(mld):
ICMPv6 sub encoder/decoder class for MLD v2 Lister Query messages.
(RFC 3810)
This is used with ryu.lib.packet.icmpv6.icmpv6.
An instance has the following attributes at least.
Most of them are same to the on-wire counterparts but in host byte order.
__init__ takes the corresponding args in this order.
============== =========================================
Attribute Description
============== =========================================
maxresp max response time in millisecond. it is
meaningful only in Query Message.
address a group address value.
s_flg when set to 1, routers suppress the timer
qrv robustness variable for a querier.
qqic an interval time for a querier in unit of
num a number of the multicast servers.
srcs a list of IPv6 addresses of the multicast
============== =========================================
_PACK_STR = '!H2x16sBBH'
_MIN_LEN = struct.calcsize(_PACK_STR)
def __init__(self, maxresp=0, address='::', s_flg=0, qrv=2,
qqic=0, num=0, srcs=None):
super(mldv2_query, self).__init__(maxresp, address)
self.s_flg = s_flg
self.qrv = qrv
self.qqic = qqic
self.num = num
srcs = srcs or []
assert isinstance(srcs, list)
for src in srcs:
assert isinstance(src, str)
self.srcs = srcs
def parser(cls, buf):
(maxresp, address, s_qrv, qqic, num
) = struct.unpack_from(cls._PACK_STR, buf)
s_flg = (s_qrv >> 3) & 0b1
qrv = s_qrv & 0b111
offset = cls._MIN_LEN
srcs = []
while 0 < len(buf[offset:]) and num > len(srcs):
assert 16 <= len(buf[offset:])
(src, ) = struct.unpack_from('16s', buf, offset)
offset += 16
assert num == len(srcs)
return cls(maxresp, addrconv.ipv6.bin_to_text(address), s_flg,
qrv, qqic, num, srcs)
def serialize(self):
s_qrv = self.s_flg << 3 | self.qrv
buf = bytearray(struct.pack(self._PACK_STR, self.maxresp,
addrconv.ipv6.text_to_bin(self.address), s_qrv,
self.qqic, self.num))
for src in self.srcs:
buf.extend(struct.pack('16s', addrconv.ipv6.text_to_bin(src)))
if 0 == self.num:
self.num = len(self.srcs)
struct.pack_into('!H', buf, 22, self.num)
return str(buf)
def __len__(self):
return self._MIN_LEN + len(self.srcs) * 16
class mldv2_report(mld):
ICMPv6 sub encoder/decoder class for MLD v2 Lister Report messages.
(RFC 3810)
This is used with ryu.lib.packet.icmpv6.icmpv6.
An instance has the following attributes at least.
Most of them are same to the on-wire counterparts but in host byte order.
__init__ takes the corresponding args in this order.
============== =========================================
Attribute Description
============== =========================================
record_num a number of the group records.
records a list of ryu.lib.packet.icmpv6.mldv2_report_group.
None if no records.
============== =========================================
_PACK_STR = '!2xH'
_MIN_LEN = struct.calcsize(_PACK_STR)
_class_prefixes = ['mldv2_report_group']
def __init__(self, record_num=0, records=None):
self.record_num = record_num
records = records or []
assert isinstance(records, list)
for record in records:
assert isinstance(record, mldv2_report_group)
self.records = records
def parser(cls, buf, offset):
(record_num, ) = struct.unpack_from(cls._PACK_STR, buf, offset)
offset += cls._MIN_LEN
records = []
while 0 < len(buf[offset:]) and record_num > len(records):
record = mldv2_report_group.parser(buf[offset:])
offset += len(record)
assert record_num == len(records)
return cls(record_num, records)
def serialize(self):
buf = bytearray(struct.pack(self._PACK_STR, self.record_num))
for record in self.records:
if 0 == self.record_num:
self.record_num = len(self.records)
struct.pack_into('!H', buf, 2, self.record_num)
return str(buf)
def __len__(self):
records_len = 0
for record in self.records:
records_len += len(record)
return self._MIN_LEN + records_len
class mldv2_report_group(stringify.StringifyMixin):
ICMPv6 sub encoder/decoder class for MLD v2 Lister Report Group
Record messages. (RFC 3810)
This is used with ryu.lib.packet.icmpv6.mldv2_report.
An instance has the following attributes at least.
Most of them are same to the on-wire counterparts but in host byte
__init__ takes the corresponding args in this order.
=============== ====================================================
Attribute Description
=============== ====================================================
type\_ a group record type for v3.
aux_len the length of the auxiliary data in 32-bit words.
num a number of the multicast servers.
address a group address value.
srcs a list of IPv6 addresses of the multicast servers.
aux the auxiliary data.
=============== ====================================================
_PACK_STR = '!BBH16s'
_MIN_LEN = struct.calcsize(_PACK_STR)
def __init__(self, type_=0, aux_len=0, num=0, address='::',
srcs=None, aux=None):
self.type_ = type_
self.aux_len = aux_len
self.num = num
self.address = address
srcs = srcs or []
assert isinstance(srcs, list)
for src in srcs:
assert isinstance(src, str)
self.srcs = srcs
self.aux = aux
def parser(cls, buf):
(type_, aux_len, num, address
) = struct.unpack_from(cls._PACK_STR, buf)
offset = cls._MIN_LEN
srcs = []
while 0 < len(buf[offset:]) and num > len(srcs):
assert 16 <= len(buf[offset:])
(src, ) = struct.unpack_from('16s', buf, offset)
offset += 16
assert num == len(srcs)
aux = None
if aux_len:
(aux, ) = struct.unpack_from('%ds' % (aux_len * 4), buf, offset)
msg = cls(type_, aux_len, num, addrconv.ipv6.bin_to_text(address),
srcs, aux)
return msg
def serialize(self):
buf = bytearray(struct.pack(self._PACK_STR, self.type_,
self.aux_len, self.num,
for src in self.srcs:
buf.extend(struct.pack('16s', addrconv.ipv6.text_to_bin(src)))
if 0 == self.num:
self.num = len(self.srcs)
struct.pack_into('!H', buf, 2, self.num)
if self.aux is not None:
mod = len(self.aux) % 4
if mod:
self.aux += bytearray(4 - mod)
self.aux = str(self.aux)
if 0 == self.aux_len:
self.aux_len = len(self.aux) // 4
struct.pack_into('!B', buf, 1, self.aux_len)
return str(buf)
def __len__(self):
return self._MIN_LEN + len(self.srcs) * 16 + self.aux_len * 4