fumihiko kakuma b48fedc729 python3: Continuous patch to replace str to six.binary_type
python3: Continuous patch to replace str to six.binary_type

Signed-off-by: Fumihiko Kakuma <kakuma@valinux.co.jp>
Signed-off-by: FUJITA Tomonori <fujita.tomonori@lab.ntt.co.jp>
2015-06-27 21:08:46 +09:00

290 lines
10 KiB

Parsing libpcap and reading/writing PCAP file.
Reference source: http://wiki.wireshark.org/Development/LibpcapFileFormat
Libpcap File Format
| |
| Global Header |
| |
| Packet Header |
| Packet Data |
| Packet Header |
| Packet Data |
| ...
+---------------- ...
Sample usage of dump packets:
from ryu.lib import pcaplib
class SimpleSwitch13(app_manager.RyuApp):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(SimpleSwitch13, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.mac_to_port = {}
# Creating an instance with a PCAP filename
self.pcap_pen = Writer(open('mypcap.pcap', 'wb'))
@set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPPacketIn, MAIN_DISPATCHER)
def _packet_in_handler(self, ev):
msg = ev.msg
# Dump the data packet into PCAP file
pkt = packet.Packet(msg.data)
Sample usage of reading PCAP files:
from ryu.lib import pcaplib
from ryu.lib.packet import packet
frame_count = 0
# Using the Reader iterator that yields packets in PCAP file
for ts, buf in pcaplib.Reader(open('test.pcap', 'rb')):
frame_count += 1
pkt = packet.Packet(buf)
eth = pkt.get_protocols(ethernet.ethernet)[0]
dst = eth.dst
src = eth.src
# print frames count, timestamp, ethernet src, ethernet dst
# and raw packet.
print frame_count, ts, dst, src, pkt
import six
import struct
import sys
import time
class PcapFileHdr(object):
Global Header
typedef struct pcap_hdr_s {
guint32 magic_number; /* magic number */
guint16 version_major; /* major version number */
guint16 version_minor; /* minor version number */
gint32 thiszone; /* GMT to local correction */
guint32 sigfigs; /* accuracy of timestamps */
guint32 snaplen; /* max length of captured packets,
in octets */
guint32 network; /* data link type */
} pcap_hdr_t;
0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
| Magic Number |
| Version Major | Version Minor |
| Thiszone |
| Sigfigs |
| Snaplen |
| Network |
File Format
def __init__(self, magic=b'\xd4\xc3\xb2\xa1', version_major=2,
version_minor=4, thiszone=0, sigfigs=0, snaplen=0,
self.magic = magic
self.version_major = version_major
self.version_minor = version_minor
self.thiszone = thiszone
self.sigfigs = sigfigs
self.snaplen = snaplen
self.linktype = linktype
def parser(cls, buf):
if buf[:4] == b'\xa1\xb2\xc3\xd4':
# Big Endian
byteorder = '>'
elif buf[:4] == b'\xd4\xc3\xb2\xa1':
# Little Endian
byteorder = '<'
raise Exception('Invalid pcap file.')
(magic, version_major, version_minor, thiszone, sigfigs,
snaplen, linktype) = struct.unpack_from(cls._FILE_HDR_FMT, buf)
hdr = cls(magic, version_major, version_minor, thiszone, sigfigs,
snaplen, linktype)
return hdr, byteorder
def serialize(self, fmt):
return struct.pack(fmt, self.magic, self.version_major,
self.version_minor, self.thiszone,
self.sigfigs, self.snaplen, self.linktype)
class PcapPktHdr(object):
Record (Packet) Header
typedef struct pcaprec_hdr_s {
guint32 ts_sec; /* timestamp seconds */
guint32 ts_usec; /* timestamp microseconds */
guint32 incl_len; /* number of octets of packet
saved in file */
guint32 orig_len; /* actual length of packet */
} pcaprec_hdr_t;
0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
| Timestamp Seconds |
| Timestamp Microseconds |
| Number of octets of saved in file |
| Actual length of packet |
Record (Packet) Header Format
def __init__(self, ts_sec=0, ts_usec=0, incl_len=0, orig_len=0):
self.ts_sec = ts_sec
self.ts_usec = ts_usec
self.incl_len = incl_len
self.orig_len = orig_len
def parser(cls, byteorder, buf):
if not buf:
raise IndexError('No data')
cls._PKT_HDR_FMT = byteorder + 'IIII'
PKT_HDR_LEN = struct.calcsize(cls._PKT_HDR_FMT)
(ts_sec, ts_usec, incl_len,
orig_len) = struct.unpack_from(cls._PKT_HDR_FMT, buf)
hdr = cls(ts_sec, ts_usec, incl_len, orig_len)
# print repr(buf[0:16])
return hdr, buf[PKT_HDR_LEN:PKT_HDR_LEN + incl_len]
def serialize(self, fmt):
return struct.pack(fmt, self.ts_sec, self.ts_usec,
self.incl_len, self.orig_len)
class Reader(object):
_PKT_HDR_LEN = struct.calcsize(_PKT_HDR_FMT)
_FILE_HDR_FMT_LEN = struct.calcsize(_FILE_HDR_FMT)
def __init__(self, file_obj):
self._fp = file_obj
# self.__filename = filename
self._file_byteorder = None
self._hdr_data = None
self.incl_len_pos = 0
def __iter__(self):
buf = self._fp.read(Reader._FILE_HDR_FMT_LEN)
# Only Read PCAP file from 0 to 24th byte
(filehdr, self._file_byteorder) = PcapFileHdr.parser(buf)
# self._fp.seek(Reader._FILE_HDR_FMT_LEN)
# Read PCAP file from 24th byte to EOF
self._hdr_data = self._fp.read()
return self
def next(self):
pkt_hdr, pkt_data = PcapPktHdr.parser(self._file_byteorder,
next_pos = pkt_hdr.incl_len + Reader._PKT_HDR_LEN
self.incl_len_pos += next_pos
except IndexError:
raise StopIteration
return float(pkt_hdr.ts_sec + (pkt_hdr.ts_usec / 1e6)), pkt_data
class Writer(object):
def __init__(self, file_obj, snaplen=65535, linktype=1):
self._f = file_obj
self._write_pcap_file_hdr(snaplen, linktype)
def _write_pcap_file_hdr(self, snaplen, linktype):
if sys.byteorder == 'little':
pcap_file_hdr = PcapFileHdr(magic=0xa1b2c3d4,
p = pcap_file_hdr.serialize(fmt='<IHHIIII')
pcap_file_hdr, byteorder = PcapFileHdr(magic=0xd4c3b2a1,
p = pcap_file_hdr.serialize(fmt='>IHHIIII')
def _write_pkt_hdr(self, ts, buf_str_len):
sec = int(ts)
if sec == 0:
usec = 0
usec = int(ts * 1e6) % int(ts)
if sys.byteorder == 'little':
# usec = int(ts * 1e6) % int(ts)
# old_usec = int((float(ts) - int(ts)) * 1e6)
pc_pkt_hdr = PcapPktHdr(ts_sec=sec,
p = pc_pkt_hdr.serialize(fmt='<IIII')
pc_pkt_hdr = PcapPktHdr(ts_sec=sec,
p = pc_pkt_hdr.serialize(fmt='>IIII')
def write_pkt(self, buf, ts=None):
if ts is None:
ts = time.time()
buf_str = six.binary_type(buf)
buf_str_len = len(buf_str)
self._write_pkt_hdr(ts, buf_str_len)
def __del__(self):