Signed-off-by: Satoshi Fujimoto <> Signed-off-by: FUJITA Tomonori <>
114 KiB provides REST APIs for retrieving the switch stats and Updating the switch stats. This application helps you debug your application and get various statistics.
This application supports OpenFlow version 1.0, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5.
Retrieve the switch stats
Get all switches
Get the list of all switches which connected to the controller.
Method GET URI /stats/switches Response message body:
Attribute Description Example dpid Datapath ID 1 Example of use:
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/stats/switches
[1, 2, 3 ]
The result of the REST command is formatted for easy viewing.
Get the desc stats
Get the desc stats of the switch which specified with Datapath ID in URI.
Method GET URI /stats/desc/<dpid> Response message body:
Attribute Description Example dpid Datapath ID "1" mfr_desc Manufacturer description "Nicira, Inc.", hw_desc Hardware description "Open vSwitch", sw_desc Software description "2.3.90", serial_num Serial number "None", dp_desc Human readable description of datapath "None" Example of use:
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/stats/desc/1
{"1": { "mfr_desc": "Nicira, Inc.", "hw_desc": "Open vSwitch", "sw_desc": "2.3.90", "serial_num": "None", "dp_desc": "None" } }
Get all flows stats
Get all flows stats of the switch which specified with Datapath ID in URI.
Method GET URI /stats/flow/<dpid> Response message body(OpenFlow1.3 or earlier):
Attribute Description Example dpid Datapath ID "1" length Length of this entry 88 table_id Table ID 0 duration_sec Time flow has been alive in seconds 2 duration_nsec Time flow has been alive in nanoseconds beyond duration_sec 6.76e+08 priority Priority of the entry 11111 idle_timeout Number of seconds idle before expiration 0 hard_timeout Number of seconds before expiration 0 flags Bitmap of OFPFF* flags 1 cookie Opaque controller-issued identifier 1 packet_count Number of packets in flow 0 byte_count Number of bytes in flow 0 match Fields to match {"in_port": 1} actions Instruction set ["OUTPUT:2"] Response message body(OpenFlow1.4 or later):
Attribute Description Example dpid Datapath ID "1" length Length of this entry 88 table_id Table ID 0 duration_sec Time flow has been alive in seconds 2 duration_nsec Time flow has been alive in nanoseconds beyond duration_sec 6.76e+08 priority Priority of the entry 11111 idle_timeout Number of seconds idle before expiration 0 hard_timeout Number of seconds before expiration 0 flags Bitmap of OFPFF* flags 1 cookie Opaque controller-issued identifier 1 packet_count Number of packets in flow 0 byte_count Number of bytes in flow 0 importance Eviction precedence 0 match Fields to match {"eth_type": 2054} instructions struct ofp_instruction_header [{"type":GOTO_TABLE", "table_id":1}] Example of use:
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/stats/flow/1
Response (OpenFlow1.3 or earlier):
{"1": [ {"length": 88, "table_id": 0, "duration_sec": 2, "duration_nsec": 6.76e+08, "priority": 11111, "idle_timeout": 0, "hard_timeout": 0, "flags": 1, "cookie": 1, "packet_count": 0, "byte_count": 0, "match": { "in_port": 1 , }"actions": [ "OUTPUT:2" ] } ] }
Response (OpenFlow1.4 or later):
{"1": [ {"length": 88, "table_id": 0, "duration_sec": 2, "duration_nsec": 6.76e+08, "priority": 11111, "idle_timeout": 0, "hard_timeout": 0, "flags": 1, "cookie": 1, "packet_count": 0, "byte_count": 0, "match": { "eth_type": 2054 , }"importance": 0, "instructions": [ {"type": "APPLY_ACTIONS", "actions": [ {"port": 2, "max_len": 0, "type": "OUTPUT" } ] } ] } ] }
Get flows stats filtered by fields
Get flows stats of the switch filtered by the OFPFlowStats fields. This is POST method version of
Method POST URI /stats/flow/<dpid> Request message body:
Attribute Description Example Default table_id Table ID (int) 0 OFPTT_ALL out_port Require matching entries to include this as an output port (int) 2 OFPP_ANY out_group Require matching entries to include this as an output group (int) 1 OFPG_ANY cookie Require matching entries to contain this cookie value (int) 1 0 cookie_mask Mask used to restrict the cookie bits that must match (int) 1 0 match Fields to match (dict) {"in_port": 1} {} #wildcarded priority Priority of the entry (int) (See Note) 11111 #wildcarded Note
OpenFlow Spec does not allow to filter flow entries by priority, but when with a large amount of flow entries, filtering by priority is convenient to get statistics efficiently. So, this app provides priority field for filtering.
- Response message body:
The same as
Example of use:
$ curl -X POST -d '{ "table_id": 0, "out_port": 2, "cookie": 1, "cookie_mask": 1, "match":{ "in_port":1 } }' http://localhost:8080/stats/flow/1
Response (OpenFlow1.3 or earlier):
{"1": [ {"length": 88, "table_id": 0, "duration_sec": 2, "duration_nsec": 6.76e+08, "priority": 11111, "idle_timeout": 0, "hard_timeout": 0, "flags": 1, "cookie": 1, "packet_count": 0, "byte_count": 0, "match": { "in_port": 1 , }"actions": [ "OUTPUT:2" ] } ] }
Response (OpenFlow1.4 or later):
{"1": [ {"length": 88, "table_id": 0, "duration_sec": 2, "duration_nsec": 6.76e+08, "priority": 11111, "idle_timeout": 0, "hard_timeout": 0, "flags": 1, "cookie": 1, "packet_count": 0, "byte_count": 0, "match": { "eth_type": 2054 , }"importance": 0, "instructions": [ {"type": "APPLY_ACTIONS", "actions": [ {"port": 2, "max_len": 0, "type": "OUTPUT" } ] } ] } ] }
Get aggregate flow stats
Get aggregate flow stats of the switch which specified with Datapath ID in URI.
Method GET URI /stats/aggregateflow/<dpid> Response message body:
Attribute Description Example dpid Datapath ID "1" packet_count Number of packets in flows 18 byte_count Number of bytes in flows 756 flow_count Number of flows 3 Example of use:
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/stats/aggregateflow/1
{"1": [ {"packet_count": 18, "byte_count": 756, "flow_count": 3 } ] }
Get aggregate flow stats filtered by fields
Get aggregate flow stats of the switch filtered by the OFPAggregateStats fields. This is POST method version of
Method POST URI /stats/aggregateflow/<dpid> Request message body:
Attribute Description Example Default table_id Table ID (int) 0 OFPTT_ALL out_port Require matching entries to include this as an output port (int) 2 OFPP_ANY out_group Require matching entries to include this as an output group (int) 1 OFPG_ANY cookie Require matching entries to contain this cookie value (int) 1 0 cookie_mask Mask used to restrict the cookie bits that must match (int) 1 0 match Fields to match (dict) {"in_port": 1} {} #wildcarded
- Response message body:
The same as
Example of use:
$ curl -X POST -d '{ "table_id": 0, "out_port": 2, "cookie": 1, "cookie_mask": 1, "match":{ "in_port":1 } }' http://localhost:8080/stats/aggregateflow/1
{"1": [ {"packet_count": 18, "byte_count": 756, "flow_count": 3 } ] }
Get table stats
Get table stats of the switch which specified with Datapath ID in URI.
Method GET URI /stats/table/<dpid> Response message body(OpenFlow1.0):
Attribute Description Example dpid Datapath ID "1" table_id Table ID 0 name Name of Table "classifier" max_entries Max number of entries supported 1e+06 wildcards Bitmap of OFPFW* wildcards that are supported by the table ["IN_PORT","DL_VLAN"] active_count Number of active entries 0 lookup_count Number of packets looked up in table 8 matched_count Number of packets that hit table 0 Response message body(OpenFlow1.2):
Attribute Description Example dpid Datapath ID "1" table_id Table ID 0 name Name of Table "classifier" match
Bitmap of (1 << OFPXMT*) that indicate the fields the table can match on
Bitmap of (1 << OFPXMT*) wildcards that are supported by the table
Bitmap of OFPAT* that are supported by the table with OFPIT_WRITE_ACTIONS
Bitmap of OFPAT* that are supported by the table with OFPIT_APPLY_ACTIONS
Bitmap of (1 << OFPXMT*) header fields that can be set with OFPIT_WRITE_ACTIONS
Bitmap of (1 << OFPXMT*) header fields that can be set with OFPIT_APPLY_ACTIONS
metadata_match Bits of metadata table can match 18446744073709552000 metadata_write Bits of metadata table can write 18446744073709552000 instructions Bitmap of OFPIT* values supported ["GOTO_TABLE","WRITE_METADATA"] config Bitmap of OFPTC* values [] max_entries Max number of entries supported 1e+06 active_count Number of active entries 0 lookup_count Number of packets looked up in table 0 matched_count Number of packets that hit table 8 Response message body(OpenFlow1.3):
Attribute Description Example dpid Datapath ID "1" table_id Table ID 0 active_count Number of active entries 0 lookup_count Number of packets looked up in table 8 matched_count Number of packets that hit table 0 Example of use:
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/stats/table/1
Response (OpenFlow1.0):
{"1": [ {"table_id": 0, "lookup_count": 8, "max_entries": 1e+06, "active_count": 0, "name": "classifier", "matched_count": 0, "wildcards": [ "IN_PORT", "DL_VLAN" ], }... {"table_id": 253, "lookup_count": 0, "max_entries": 1e+06, "active_count": 0, "name": "table253", "matched_count": 0, "wildcards": [ "IN_PORT", "DL_VLAN" ] } ] }
Response (OpenFlow1.2):
{"1": [ {"apply_setfields": [ "OFB_IN_PORT", "OFB_METADATA" , ]"match": [ "OFB_IN_PORT", "OFB_METADATA" , ]"metadata_write": 18446744073709552000, "config": [], "instructions":[ "GOTO_TABLE", "WRITE_METADATA" , ]"table_id": 0, "metadata_match": 18446744073709552000, "lookup_count": 8, "wildcards": [ "OFB_IN_PORT", "OFB_METADATA" , ]"write_setfields": [ "OFB_IN_PORT", "OFB_METADATA" , ]"write_actions": [ "OUTPUT", "SET_MPLS_TTL" , ]"name": "classifier", "matched_count": 0, "apply_actions": [ "OUTPUT", "SET_MPLS_TTL" , ]"active_count": 0, "max_entries": 1e+06 , }... {"apply_setfields": [ "OFB_IN_PORT", "OFB_METADATA" , ]"match": [ "OFB_IN_PORT", "OFB_METADATA" , ]"metadata_write": 18446744073709552000, "config": [], "instructions": [ "GOTO_TABLE", "WRITE_METADATA" , ]"table_id": 253, "metadata_match": 18446744073709552000, "lookup_count": 0, "wildcards": [ "OFB_IN_PORT", "OFB_METADATA" , ]"write_setfields": [ "OFB_IN_PORT", "OFB_METADATA" , ]"write_actions": [ "OUTPUT", "SET_MPLS_TTL" , ]"name": "table253", "matched_count": 0, "apply_actions": [ "OUTPUT", "SET_MPLS_TTL" , ]"active_count": 0, "max_entries": 1e+06 } ] }
Response (OpenFlow1.3):
{"1": [ {"active_count": 0, "table_id": 0, "lookup_count": 8, "matched_count": 0 , }... {"active_count": 0, "table_id": 253, "lookup_count": 0, "matched_count": 0 } ] }
Get table features
Get table features of the switch which specified with Datapath ID in URI.
Method GET URI /stats/tablefeatures/<dpid> Response message body:
Attribute Description Example dpid Datapath ID "1" table_id Table ID 0 name Name of Table "table_0" metadata_match Bits of metadata table can match 18446744073709552000 metadata_write Bits of metadata table can write 18446744073709552000 config Bitmap of OFPTC* values 0 max_entries Max number of entries supported 4096 properties struct ofp_table_feature_prop_header [{"type": "INSTRUCTIONS","instruction_ids": [...]},...] Example of use:
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/stats/tablefeatures/1
{"1": [ {"metadata_write": 18446744073709552000, "config": 0, "table_id": 0, "metadata_match": 18446744073709552000, "max_entries": 4096, "properties": [ {"type": "INSTRUCTIONS", "instruction_ids": [ {"len": 4, "type": 1 , }... ], }... , ]"name": "table_0" , } {"metadata_write": 18446744073709552000, "config": 0, "table_id": 1, "metadata_match": 18446744073709552000, "max_entries": 4096, "properties": [ {"type": "INSTRUCTIONS", "instruction_ids": [ {"len": 4, "type": 1 , }... ], }... , ]"name": "table_1" , }... ] }
Get ports stats
Get ports stats of the switch which specified with Datapath ID in URI.
Method GET URI /stats/port/<dpid>[/<port>] Note
Specification of port number is optional.
Response message body(OpenFlow1.3 or earlier):
Attribute Description Example dpid Datapath ID "1" port_no Port number 1 rx_packets Number of received packets 9 tx_packets Number of transmitted packets 6 rx_bytes Number of received bytes 738 tx_bytes Number of transmitted bytes 252 rx_dropped Number of packets dropped by RX 0 tx_dropped Number of packets dropped by TX 0 rx_errors Number of receive errors 0 tx_errors Number of transmit errors 0 rx_frame_err Number of frame alignment errors 0 rx_over_err Number of packets with RX overrun 0 rx_crc_err Number of CRC errors 0 collisions Number of collisions 0 duration_sec Time port has been alive in seconds 12 duration_nsec Time port has been alive in nanoseconds beyond duration_sec 9.76e+08 Response message body(OpenFlow1.4 or later):
Attribute Description Example dpid Datapath ID "1" port_no Port number 1 rx_packets Number of received packets 9 tx_packets Number of transmitted packets 6 rx_bytes Number of received bytes 738 tx_bytes Number of transmitted bytes 252 rx_dropped Number of packets dropped by RX 0 tx_dropped Number of packets dropped by TX 0 rx_errors Number of receive errors 0 tx_errors Number of transmit errors 0 duration_sec Time port has been alive in seconds 12 duration_nsec Time port has been alive in nanoseconds beyond duration_sec 9.76e+08 properties struct ofp_port_desc_prop_header [{"rx_frame_err": 0, "rx_over_err": 0, "rx_crc_err": 0, "collisions": 0,...},...] Example of use:
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/stats/port/1
Response (OpenFlow1.3 or earlier):
{"1": [ {"port_no": 1, "rx_packets": 9, "tx_packets": 6, "rx_bytes": 738, "tx_bytes": 252, "rx_dropped": 0, "tx_dropped": 0, "rx_errors": 0, "tx_errors": 0, "rx_frame_err": 0, "rx_over_err": 0, "rx_crc_err": 0, "collisions": 0, "duration_sec": 12, "duration_nsec": 9.76e+08 , } {: : } ] }
Response (OpenFlow1.4 or later):
{"1": [ {"port_no": 1, "rx_packets": 9, "tx_packets": 6, "rx_bytes": 738, "tx_bytes": 252, "rx_dropped": 0, "tx_dropped": 0, "rx_errors": 0, "tx_errors": 0, "duration_nsec": 12, "duration_sec": 9.76e+08, "properties": [ {"rx_frame_err": 0, "rx_over_err": 0, "rx_crc_err": 0, "collisions": 0, "type": "ETHERNET" , } {"bias_current": 300, "flags": 3, "rx_freq_lmda": 1500, "rx_grid_span": 500, "rx_offset": 700, "rx_pwr": 2000, "temperature": 273, "tx_freq_lmda": 1500, "tx_grid_span": 500, "tx_offset": 700, "tx_pwr": 2000, "type": "OPTICAL" , } {"data": [], "exp_type": 0, "experimenter": 101, "type": "EXPERIMENTER" , } {: : } ] } ] }
Get ports description
Get ports description of the switch which specified with Datapath ID in URI.
Usage(OpenFlow1.4 or earlier):
Method GET URI /stats/portdesc/<dpid> Usage(OpenFlow1.5 or later):
Method GET URI /stats/portdesc/<dpid>/[<port>] Note
Specification of port number is optional.
Response message body(OpenFlow1.3 or earlier):
Attribute Description Example dpid Datapath ID "1" port_no Port number 1 hw_addr Ethernet hardware address "0a:b6:d0:0c:e1:d7" name Name of port "s1-eth1" config Bitmap of OFPPC* flags 0 state Bitmap of OFPPS* flags 0 curr Current features 2112 advertised Features being advertised by the port 0 supported Features supported by the port 0 peer Features advertised by peer 0 curr_speed Current port bitrate in kbps 1e+07 max_speed Max port bitrate in kbps 0 Response message body(OpenFlow1.4 or later):
Attribute Description Example dpid Datapath ID "1" port_no Port number 1 hw_addr Ethernet hardware address "0a:b6:d0:0c:e1:d7" name Name of port "s1-eth1" config Bitmap of OFPPC* flags 0 state Bitmap of OFPPS* flags 0 length Length of this entry 168 properties struct ofp_port_desc_prop_header [{"length": 32, "curr": 10248,...}...] Example of use:
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/stats/portdesc/1
Response (OpenFlow1.3 or earlier):
{"1": [ {"port_no": 1, "hw_addr": "0a:b6:d0:0c:e1:d7", "name": "s1-eth1", "config": 0, "state": 0, "curr": 2112, "advertised": 0, "supported": 0, "peer": 0, "curr_speed": 1e+07, "max_speed": 0 , } {: : } ] }
Response (OpenFlow1.4 or later):
{"1": [ {"port_no": 1, "hw_addr": "0a:b6:d0:0c:e1:d7", "name": "s1-eth1", "config": 0, "state": 0, "length": 168, "properties": [ {"length": 32, "curr": 10248, "advertised": 10240, "supported": 10248, "peer": 10248, "curr_speed": 5000, "max_speed": 5000, "type": "ETHERNET" , } {"length": 40, "rx_grid_freq_lmda": 1500, "tx_grid_freq_lmda": 1500, "rx_max_freq_lmda": 2000, "tx_max_freq_lmda": 2000, "rx_min_freq_lmda": 1000, "tx_min_freq_lmda": 1000, "tx_pwr_max": 2000, "tx_pwr_min": 1000, "supported": 1, "type": "OPTICAL" , } {"data": [], "exp_type": 0, "experimenter": 101, "length": 12, "type": "EXPERIMENTER" , } {: : } ] } ] }
Get queues stats
Get queues stats of the switch which specified with Datapath ID in URI.
Method GET URI /stats/queue/<dpid>[/<port>[/<queue_id>]] Note
Specification of port number and queue id are optional.
If you want to omitting the port number and setting the queue id, please specify the keyword "ALL" to the port number.
Response message body(OpenFlow1.3 or earlier):
Attribute Description Example dpid Datapath ID "1" port_no Port number 1 queue_id Queue ID 0 tx_bytes Number of transmitted bytes 0 tx_packets Number of transmitted packets 0 tx_errors Number of packets dropped due to overrun 0 duration_sec Time queue has been alive in seconds 4294963425 duration_nsec Time queue has been alive in nanoseconds beyond duration_sec 3912967296 Response message body(OpenFlow1.4 or later):
Attribute Description Example dpid Datapath ID "1" port_no Port number 1 queue_id Queue ID 0 tx_bytes Number of transmitted bytes 0 tx_packets Number of transmitted packets 0 tx_errors Number of packets dropped due to overrun 0 duration_sec Time queue has been alive in seconds 4294963425 duration_nsec Time queue has been alive in nanoseconds beyond duration_sec 3912967296 length Length of this entry 104 properties struct ofp_queue_stats_prop_header [{"type": 65535,"length": 12,...},...] Example of use:
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/stats/queue/1
Response (OpenFlow1.3 or earlier):
{"1": [ {"port_no": 1, "queue_id": 0, "tx_bytes": 0, "tx_packets": 0, "tx_errors": 0, "duration_sec": 4294963425, "duration_nsec": 3912967296 , } {"port_no": 1, "queue_id": 1, "tx_bytes": 0, "tx_packets": 0, "tx_errors": 0, "duration_sec": 4294963425, "duration_nsec": 3912967296 } ] }
Response (OpenFlow1.4 or later):
{"1": [ {"port_no": 1, "queue_id": 0, "tx_bytes": 0, "tx_packets": 0, "tx_errors": 0, "duration_sec": 4294963425, "duration_nsec": 3912967296, "length": 104, "properties": [ {"OFPQueueStatsPropExperimenter": { "type": 65535, "length": 16, "data": [ 1 , ]"exp_type": 1, "experimenter": 101 }, } {: : } ], } {"port_no": 2, "queue_id": 1, "tx_bytes": 0, "tx_packets": 0, "tx_errors": 0, "duration_sec": 4294963425, "duration_nsec": 3912967296, "length": 48, "properties": [] } ] }
Get queues config
Get queues config of the switch which specified with Datapath ID and Port in URI.
Method GET URI /stats/queueconfig/<dpid>/[<port>] Note
Specification of port number is optional.
This message is deprecated in Openflow1.4. If OpenFlow 1.4 or later is in use, please refer to
instead.Response message body:
Attribute Description Example dpid Datapath ID "1" port queues
Port which was queried struct ofp_packet_queue
-- queue_id ID for the specific queue 2 -- port Port this queue is attached to 0 -- properties struct ofp_queue_prop_header properties [{"property": "MIN_RATE","rate": 80}] Example of use:
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/stats/queueconfig/1/1
{"1": [ {"port": 1, "queues": [ {"properties": [ {"property": "MIN_RATE", "rate": 80 }, ]"port": 0, "queue_id": 1 , } {"properties": [ {"property": "MAX_RATE", "rate": 120 }, ]"port": 2, "queue_id": 2 , } {"properties": [ {"property": "EXPERIMENTER", "data": [], "experimenter": 999 }, ]"port": 3, "queue_id": 3 } ] } ] }
Get queues description
Get queues description of the switch which specified with Datapath ID, Port and Queue_id in URI.
Method GET URI /stats/queuedesc/<dpid>[/<port>/[<queue_id>]] Note
Specification of port number and queue id are optional.
If you want to omitting the port number and setting the queue id, please specify the keyword "ALL" to the port number.
This message is available in OpenFlow1.4 or later. If Openflow1.3 or earlier is in use, please refer to
instead.Response message body:
Attribute Description Example dpid Datapath ID "1" len Length in bytes of this queue desc 88 port_no Port which was queried 1 queue_id Queue ID 1 properties struct ofp_queue_desc_prop_header [{"length": 8, ...},...] Example of use:
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/stats/queuedesc/1/1/1
{"1": [ {"len": 88, "port_no": 1, "queue_id": 1, "properties": [ {"length": 8, "rate": 300, "type": "MIN_RATE" , } {"length": 8, "rate": 900, "type": "MAX_RATE" , } {"length": 16, "exp_type": 0, "experimenter": 101, "data": [1], "type": "EXPERIMENTER" , } {: : } ] } ] }
Get groups stats
Get groups stats of the switch which specified with Datapath ID in URI.
Method GET URI /stats/group/<dpid>[/<group_id>] Note
Specification of group id is optional.
Response message body:
Attribute Description Example dpid Datapath ID "1" length Length of this entry 56 group_id Group ID 1 ref_count Number of flows or groups that directly forward to this group 1 packet_count Number of packets processed by group 0 byte_count Number of bytes processed by group 0 duration_sec Time group has been alive in seconds 161 duration_nsec bucket_stats
Time group has been alive in nanoseconds beyond duration_sec struct ofp_bucket_counter
-- packet_count Number of packets processed by bucket 0 -- byte_count Number of bytes processed by bucket 0 Example of use:
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/stats/group/1
{"1": [ {"length": 56, "group_id": 1, "ref_count": 1, "packet_count": 0, "byte_count": 0, "duration_sec": 161, "duration_nsec": 3.03e+08, "bucket_stats": [ {"packet_count": 0, "byte_count": 0 } ] } ] }
Get group description stats
Get group description stats of the switch which specified with Datapath ID in URI.
Usage(Openflow1.4 or earlier):
Method GET URI /stats/groupdesc/<dpid> Usage(Openflow1.5 or later):
Method GET URI /stats/groupdesc/<dpid>/[<group_id>] Note
Specification of group id is optional.
Response message body(Openflow1.3 or earlier):
Attribute Description Example dpid Datapath ID "1" type One of OFPGT* "ALL" group_id buckets
Group ID struct ofp_bucket
-- weight
Relative weight of bucket (Only defined for select groups)
-- watch_port
Port whose state affects whether this bucket is live (Only required for fast failover groups)
-- watch_group
Group whose state affects whether this bucket is live (Only required for fast failover groups)
-- actions 0 or more actions associated with the bucket ["OUTPUT:1"] Response message body(Openflow1.4 or later):
Attribute Description Example dpid Datapath ID "1" type One of OFPGT* "ALL" group_id Group ID 1 length buckets
Length of this entry struct ofp_bucket
-- weight
Relative weight of bucket (Only defined for select groups)
-- watch_port
Port whose state affects whether this bucket is live (Only required for fast failover groups)
-- watch_group
Group whose state affects whether this bucket is live (Only required for fast failover groups)
-- len
Length the bucket in bytes, including this header and any adding to make it 64-bit aligned.
-- actions 0 or more actions associated with the bucket [{"OUTPUT:1", "max_len": 65535,...}] Example of use:
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/stats/groupdesc/1
Response (Openflow1.3 or earlier):
{"1": [ {"type": "ALL", "group_id": 1, "buckets": [ {"weight": 0, "watch_port": 4294967295, "watch_group": 4294967295, "actions": [ "OUTPUT:1" ] } ] } ] }
Response (Openflow1.4 or later):
{"1": [ {"type": "ALL", "group_id": 1, "length": 40, "buckets": [ {"weight": 1, "watch_port": 1, "watch_group": 1, "len": 32, "actions": [ {"type": "OUTPUT", "max_len": 65535, "port": 2 } ] } ] } ] }
Get group features stats
Get group features stats of the switch which specified with Datapath ID in URI.
Method GET URI /stats/groupfeatures/<dpid> Response message body:
Attribute Description Example dpid Datapath ID "1" types Bitmap of (1 << OFPGT*) values supported [] capabilities Bitmap of OFPGFC* capability supported ["SELECT_WEIGHT","SELECT_LIVENESS","CHAINING"] max_groups Maximum number of groups for each type [{"ALL": 4294967040},...] actions Bitmaps of (1 << OFPAT*) values supported [{"ALL": ["OUTPUT",...]},...] Example of use:
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/stats/groupfeatures/1
{"1": [ {"types": [], "capabilities": [ "SELECT_WEIGHT", "SELECT_LIVENESS", "CHAINING" , ]"max_groups": [ {"ALL": 4294967040 , } {"SELECT": 4294967040 , } {"INDIRECT": 4294967040 , } {"FF": 4294967040 }, ]"actions": [ {"ALL": [ "OUTPUT", "COPY_TTL_OUT", "COPY_TTL_IN", "SET_MPLS_TTL", "DEC_MPLS_TTL", "PUSH_VLAN", "POP_VLAN", "PUSH_MPLS", "POP_MPLS", "SET_QUEUE", "GROUP", "SET_NW_TTL", "DEC_NW_TTL", "SET_FIELD" ], } {"SELECT": [] , } {"INDIRECT": [] , } {"FF": [] } ] } ] }
Get meters stats
Get meters stats of the switch which specified with Datapath ID in URI.
Method GET URI /stats/meter/<dpid>[/<meter_id>] Note
Specification of meter id is optional.
Response message body:
Attribute Description Example dpid Datapath ID "1" meter_id Meter ID 1 len Length in bytes of this stats 56 flow_count Number of flows bound to meter 0 packet_in_count Number of packets in input 0 byte_in_count Number of bytes in input 0 duration_sec Time meter has been alive in seconds 37 duration_nsec band_stats
Time meter has been alive in nanoseconds beyond duration_sec struct ofp_meter_band_stats
-- packet_band_count Number of packets in band 0 -- byte_band_count Number of bytes in band 0 Example of use:
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/stats/meter/1
{"1": [ {"meter_id": 1, "len": 56, "flow_count": 0, "packet_in_count": 0, "byte_in_count": 0, "duration_sec": 37, "duration_nsec": 988000, "band_stats": [ {"packet_band_count": 0, "byte_band_count": 0 } ] } ] }
Get meter config stats
Get meter description stats
Get meter config stats of the switch which specified with Datapath ID in URI.
This message has been renamed in openflow 1.5. If Openflow 1.4 or earlier is in use, please used as Get meter description stats. If Openflow 1.5 or later is in use, please used as Get meter description stats.
Usage(Openflow1.4 or earlier):
Method GET URI /stats/meterconfig/<dpid>[/<meter_id>] Usage(Openflow1.5 or later):
Method GET URI /stats/meterdesc/<dpid>[/<meter_id>] Note
Specification of meter id is optional.
Response message body:
Attribute Description Example dpid Datapath ID "1" flags All OFPMC* that apply "KBPS" meter_id bands
Meter ID struct ofp_meter_band_header
-- type One of OFPMBT* "DROP" -- rate Rate for this band 1000 -- burst_size Size of bursts 0 Example of use:
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/stats/meterconfig/1
{"1": [ {"flags": [ "KBPS" , ]"meter_id": 1, "bands": [ {"type": "DROP", "rate": 1000, "burst_size": 0 } ] } ] }
Get meter features stats
Get meter features stats of the switch which specified with Datapath ID in URI.
Method GET URI /stats/meterfeatures/<dpid> Response message body:
Attribute Description Example dpid Datapath ID "1" max_meter Maximum number of meters 256 band_types Bitmaps of (1 << OFPMBT*) values supported ["DROP"] capabilities Bitmaps of "ofp_meter_flags" ["KBPS", "BURST", "STATS"] max_bands Maximum bands per meters 16 max_color Maximum color value 8 Example of use:
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/stats/meterfeatures/1
{"1": [ {"max_meter": 256, "band_types": [ "DROP" , ]"capabilities": [ "KBPS", "BURST", "STATS" , ]"max_bands": 16, "max_color": 8 } ] }
Get role
Get the current role of the controller from the switch.
Method GET URI /stats/role/<dpid> Response message body(Openflow1.4 or earlier):
Attribute Description Example dpid Datapath ID 1 role One of OFPCR_ROLE* "EQUAL" generation_id Master Election Generation Id 0 Response message body(Openflow1.5 or later):
Attribute Description Example dpid Datapath ID 1 role One of OFPCR_ROLE* "EQUAL" short_id ID number for the controller 0 generation_id Master Election Generation Id 0 Example of use:
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/stats/role/1
Response (Openflow1.4 or earlier):
{"1": [ {"generation_id": 0, "role": "EQUAL" } ] }
Response (Openflow1.5 or later):
{"1": [ {"generation_id": 0, "role": "EQUAL", "short_id": 0 } ] }
Update the switch stats
Add a flow entry
Add a flow entry to the switch.
Method POST URI /stats/flowentry/add Request message body(Openflow1.3 or earlier):
Attribute Description Example Default dpid Datapath ID (int) 1 (Mandatory) cookie Opaque controller-issued identifier (int) 1 0 cookie_mask Mask used to restrict the cookie bits (int) 1 0 table_id Table ID to put the flow in (int) 0 0 idle_timeout Idle time before discarding (seconds) (int) 30 0 hard_timeout Max time before discarding (seconds) (int) 30 0 priority Priority level of flow entry (int) 11111 0 buffer_id Buffered packet to apply to, or OFP_NO_BUFFER (int) 1 OFP_NO_BUFFER flags Bitmap of OFPFF* flags (int) 1 0 match Fields to match (dict) {"in_port":1} {} #wildcarded actions Instruction set (list of dict) [{"type":"OUTPUT", "port":2}] [] #DROP Request message body(Openflow1.4 or later):
Attribute Description Example Default dpid Datapath ID (int) 1 (Mandatory) cookie Opaque controller-issued identifier (int) 1 0 cookie_mask Mask used to restrict the cookie bits (int) 1 0 table_id Table ID to put the flow in (int) 0 0 idle_timeout Idle time before discarding (seconds) (int) 30 0 hard_timeout Max time before discarding (seconds) (int) 30 0 priority Priority level of flow entry (int) 11111 0 buffer_id Buffered packet to apply to, or OFP_NO_BUFFER (int) 1 OFP_NO_BUFFER flags Bitmap of OFPFF* flags (int) 1 0 match Fields to match (dict) {"in_port":1} {} #wildcarded instructions Instruction set (list of dict) [{"type":"METER", "meter_id":2}] [] #DROP Note
For description of match and actions, please see
.Example of use(Openflow1.3 or earlier):
$ curl -X POST -d '{ "dpid": 1, "cookie": 1, "cookie_mask": 1, "table_id": 0, "idle_timeout": 30, "hard_timeout": 30, "priority": 11111, "flags": 1, "match":{ "in_port":1 }, "actions":[ { "type":"OUTPUT", "port": 2 } ] }' http://localhost:8080/stats/flowentry/add
$ curl -X POST -d '{ "dpid": 1, "priority": 22222, "match":{ "in_port":1 }, "actions":[ { "type":"GOTO_TABLE", "table_id": 1 } ] }' http://localhost:8080/stats/flowentry/add
$ curl -X POST -d '{ "dpid": 1, "priority": 33333, "match":{ "in_port":1 }, "actions":[ { "type":"WRITE_METADATA", "metadata": 1, "metadata_mask": 1 } ] }' http://localhost:8080/stats/flowentry/add
$ curl -X POST -d '{ "dpid": 1, "priority": 44444, "match":{ "in_port":1 }, "actions":[ { "type":"METER", "meter_id": 1 } ] }' http://localhost:8080/stats/flowentry/add
Example of use(Openflow1.4 or later):
$ curl -X POST -d '{ "dpid": 1, "cookie": 1, "cookie_mask": 1, "table_id": 0, "idle_timeout": 30, "hard_timeout": 30, "priority": 11111, "flags": 1, "match":{ "in_port":1 }, "instructions": [ { "type": "APPLY_ACTIONS", "actions": [ { "max_len": 65535, "port": 2, "type": "OUTPUT" } ] } ] }' http://localhost:8080/stats/flowentry/add
$ curl -X POST -d '{ "dpid": 1, "priority": 22222, "match":{ "in_port":1 }, "instructions": [ { "type":"GOTO_TABLE", "table_id": 1 } ] }' http://localhost:8080/stats/flowentry/add
$ curl -X POST -d '{ "dpid": 1, "priority": 33333, "match":{ "in_port":1 }, "instructions": [ { "type":"WRITE_METADATA", "metadata": 1, "metadata_mask": 1 } ] }' http://localhost:8080/stats/flowentry/add
$ curl -X POST -d '{ "dpid": 1, "priority": 44444, "match":{ "in_port":1 }, "instructions": [ { "type":"METER", "meter_id": 1 } ] }' http://localhost:8080/stats/flowentry/add
To confirm flow entry registration, please see
Modify all matching flow entries
Modify all matching flow entries of the switch.
Method POST URI /stats/flowentry/modify Request message body:
Attribute Description Example Default dpid Datapath ID (int) 1 (Mandatory) cookie Opaque controller-issued identifier (int) 1 0 cookie_mask Mask used to restrict the cookie bits (int) 1 0 table_id Table ID to put the flow in (int) 0 0 idle_timeout Idle time before discarding (seconds) (int) 30 0 hard_timeout Max time before discarding (seconds) (int) 30 0 priority Priority level of flow entry (int) 11111 0 buffer_id Buffered packet to apply to, or OFP_NO_BUFFER (int) 1 OFP_NO_BUFFER flags Bitmap of OFPFF* flags (int) 1 0 match Fields to match (dict) {"in_port":1} {} #wildcarded actions Instruction set (list of dict) [{"type":"OUTPUT", "port":2}] [] #DROP Example of use:
$ curl -X POST -d '{ "dpid": 1, "cookie": 1, "cookie_mask": 1, "table_id": 0, "idle_timeout": 30, "hard_timeout": 30, "priority": 11111, "flags": 1, "match":{ "in_port":1 }, "actions":[ { "type":"OUTPUT", "port": 2 } ] }' http://localhost:8080/stats/flowentry/modify
Modify flow entry strictly
Modify flow entry strictly matching wildcards and priority
Method POST URI /stats/flowentry/modify_strict Request message body:
Attribute Description Example Default dpid Datapath ID (int) 1 (Mandatory) cookie Opaque controller-issued identifier (int) 1 0 cookie_mask Mask used to restrict the cookie bits (int) 1 0 table_id Table ID to put the flow in (int) 0 0 idle_timeout Idle time before discarding (seconds) (int) 30 0 hard_timeout Max time before discarding (seconds) (int) 30 0 priority Priority level of flow entry (int) 11111 0 buffer_id Buffered packet to apply to, or OFP_NO_BUFFER (int) 1 OFP_NO_BUFFER flags Bitmap of OFPFF* flags (int) 1 0 match Fields to match (dict) {"in_port":1} {} #wildcarded actions Instruction set (list of dict) [{"type":"OUTPUT", "port":2}] [] #DROP Example of use:
$ curl -X POST -d '{ "dpid": 1, "cookie": 1, "cookie_mask": 1, "table_id": 0, "idle_timeout": 30, "hard_timeout": 30, "priority": 11111, "flags": 1, "match":{ "in_port":1 }, "actions":[ { "type":"OUTPUT", "port": 2 } ] }' http://localhost:8080/stats/flowentry/modify_strict
Delete all matching flow entries
Delete all matching flow entries of the switch.
Method POST URI /stats/flowentry/delete Request message body:
Attribute Description Example Default dpid Datapath ID (int) 1 (Mandatory) cookie Opaque controller-issued identifier (int) 1 0 cookie_mask Mask used to restrict the cookie bits (int) 1 0 table_id Table ID to put the flow in (int) 0 0 idle_timeout Idle time before discarding (seconds) (int) 30 0 hard_timeout Max time before discarding (seconds) (int) 30 0 priority Priority level of flow entry (int) 11111 0 buffer_id Buffered packet to apply to, or OFP_NO_BUFFER (int) 1 OFP_NO_BUFFER out_port Output port (int) 1 OFPP_ANY out_group Output group (int) 1 OFPG_ANY flags Bitmap of OFPFF* flags (int) 1 0 match Fields to match (dict) {"in_port":1} {} #wildcarded actions Instruction set (list of dict) [{"type":"OUTPUT", "port":2}] [] #DROP Example of use:
$ curl -X POST -d '{ "dpid": 1, "cookie": 1, "cookie_mask": 1, "table_id": 0, "idle_timeout": 30, "hard_timeout": 30, "priority": 11111, "flags": 1, "match":{ "in_port":1 }, "actions":[ { "type":"OUTPUT", "port": 2 } ] }' http://localhost:8080/stats/flowentry/delete
Delete flow entry strictly
Delete flow entry strictly matching wildcards and priority.
Method POST URI /stats/flowentry/delete_strict Request message body:
Attribute Description Example Default dpid Datapath ID (int) 1 (Mandatory) cookie Opaque controller-issued identifier (int) 1 0 cookie_mask Mask used to restrict the cookie bits (int) 1 0 table_id Table ID to put the flow in (int) 0 0 idle_timeout Idle time before discarding (seconds) (int) 30 0 hard_timeout Max time before discarding (seconds) (int) 30 0 priority Priority level of flow entry (int) 11111 0 buffer_id Buffered packet to apply to, or OFP_NO_BUFFER (int) 1 OFP_NO_BUFFER out_port Output port (int) 1 OFPP_ANY out_group Output group (int) 1 OFPG_ANY flags Bitmap of OFPFF* flags (int) 1 0 match Fields to match (dict) {"in_port":1} {} #wildcarded actions Instruction set (list of dict) [{"type":"OUTPUT", "port":2}] [] #DROP Example of use:
$ curl -X POST -d '{ "dpid": 1, "cookie": 1, "cookie_mask": 1, "table_id": 0, "idle_timeout": 30, "hard_timeout": 30, "priority": 11111, "flags": 1, "match":{ "in_port":1 }, "actions":[ { "type":"OUTPUT", "port": 2 } ] }' http://localhost:8080/stats/flowentry/delete_strict
Delete all flow entries
Delete all flow entries of the switch which specified with Datapath ID in URI.
Method DELETE URI /stats/flowentry/clear/<dpid> Example of use:
$ curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/stats/flowentry/clear/1
Add a group entry
Add a group entry to the switch.
Method POST URI /stats/groupentry/add Request message body:
Attribute Description Example Default dpid Datapath ID (int) 1 (Mandatory) type One of OFPGT* (string) "ALL" "ALL" group_id buckets
Group ID (int) struct ofp_bucket
-- weight
Relative weight of bucket (Only defined for select groups)
-- watch_port
Port whose state affects whether this bucket is live (Only required for fast failover groups)
-- watch_group
Group whose state affects whether this bucket is live (Only required for fast failover groups)
-- actions 0 or more actions associated with the bucket (list of dict) [{"type": "OUTPUT", "port": 1}] [] #DROP Example of use:
$ curl -X POST -d '{ "dpid": 1, "type": "ALL", "group_id": 1, "buckets": [ { "actions": [ { "type": "OUTPUT", "port": 1 } ] } ] }' http://localhost:8080/stats/groupentry/add
To confirm group entry registration, please see
Modify a group entry
Modify a group entry to the switch.
Method POST URI /stats/groupentry/modify Request message body:
Attribute Description Example Default dpid Datapath ID (int) 1 (Mandatory) type One of OFPGT* (string) "ALL" "ALL" group_id buckets
Group ID (int) struct ofp_bucket
-- weight
Relative weight of bucket (Only defined for select groups)
-- watch_port
Port whose state affects whether this bucket is live (Only required for fast failover groups)
-- watch_group
Group whose state affects whether this bucket is live (Only required for fast failover groups)
-- actions 0 or more actions associated with the bucket (list of dict) [{"type": "OUTPUT", "port": 1}] [] #DROP Example of use:
$ curl -X POST -d '{ "dpid": 1, "type": "ALL", "group_id": 1, "buckets": [ { "actions": [ { "type": "OUTPUT", "port": 1 } ] } ] }' http://localhost:8080/stats/groupentry/modify
Delete a group entry
Delete a group entry to the switch.
Method POST URI /stats/groupentry/delete Request message body:
Attribute Description Example Default dpid Datapath ID (int) 1 (Mandatory) group_id Group ID (int) 1 0 Example of use:
$ curl -X POST -d '{ "dpid": 1, "group_id": 1 }' http://localhost:8080/stats/groupentry/delete
Modify the behavior of the port
Modify the behavior of the physical port.
Method POST URI /stats/portdesc/modify Request message body:
Attribute Description Example Default dpid Datapath ID (int) 1 (Mandatory) port_no Port number (int) 1 0 config Bitmap of OFPPC* flags (int) 1 0 mask Bitmap of OFPPC* flags to be changed (int) 1 0 Example of use:
$ curl -X POST -d '{ "dpid": 1, "port_no": 1, "config": 1, "mask": 1 }' http://localhost:8080/stats/portdesc/modify
To confirm port description, please see
Add a meter entry
Add a meter entry to the switch.
Method POST URI /stats/meterentry/add Request message body:
Attribute Description Example Default dpid Datapath ID (int) 1 (Mandatory) flags Bitmap of OFPMF* flags (list) ["KBPS"] [] #Empty meter_id bands
Meter ID (int) struct ofp_meter_band_header
-- type One of OFPMBT* (string) "DROP" None -- rate Rate for this band (int) 1000 None -- burst_size Size of bursts (int) 100 None Example of use:
$ curl -X POST -d '{ "dpid": 1, "flags": "KBPS", "meter_id": 1, "bands": [ { "type": "DROP", "rate": 1000 } ] }' http://localhost:8080/stats/meterentry/add
To confirm meter entry registration, please see
Modify a meter entry
Modify a meter entry to the switch.
Method POST URI /stats/meterentry/modify Request message body:
Attribute Description Example Default dpid Datapath ID (int) 1 (Mandatory) flags Bitmap of OFPMF* flags (list) ["KBPS"] [] #Empty meter_id bands
Meter ID (int) struct ofp_meter_band_header
-- type One of OFPMBT* (string) "DROP" None -- rate Rate for this band (int) 1000 None -- burst_size Size of bursts (int) 100 None Example of use:
$ curl -X POST -d '{ "dpid": 1, "meter_id": 1, "flags": "KBPS", "bands": [ { "type": "DROP", "rate": 1000 } ] }' http://localhost:8080/stats/meterentry/modify
Delete a meter entry
Delete a meter entry to the switch.
Method POST URI /stats/meterentry/delete Request message body:
Attribute Description Example Default dpid Datapath ID (int) 1 (Mandatory) meter_id Meter ID (int) 1 0 Example of use:
$ curl -X POST -d '{ "dpid": 1, "meter_id": 1 }' http://localhost:8080/stats/meterentry/delete
Modify role
modify the role of the switch.
Method POST URI /stats/role Request message body:
Attribute Description Example Default dpid Datapath ID (int) 1 (Mandatory) role One of OFPCR_ROLE*(string) "MASTER" OFPCR_ROLE_EQUAL Example of use:
$ curl -X POST -d '{ "dpid": 1, "role": "MASTER" }' http://localhost:8080/stats/role
Support for experimenter multipart
Send a experimenter message
Send a experimenter message to the switch which specified with Datapath ID in URI.
Method POST URI /stats/experimenter/<dpid> Request message body:
Attribute Description Example Default dpid Datapath ID (int) 1 (Mandatory) experimenter Experimenter ID (int) 1 0 exp_type Experimenter defined (int) 1 0 data_type Data format type ("ascii" or "base64") "ascii" "ascii" data Data to send (string) "data" "" #Empty Example of use:
$ curl -X POST -d '{ "dpid": 1, "experimenter": 1, "exp_type": 1, "data_type": "ascii", "data": "data" }' http://localhost:8080/stats/experimenter/1
Reference: Description of Match and Actions
Description of Match on request messages
List of Match fields (OpenFlow1.0):
Match field Description Example in_port Input switch port (int) {"in_port": 7} dl_src Ethernet source address (string) {"dl_src": "aa:bb:cc:11:22:33"} dl_dst Ethernet destination address (string) {"dl_dst": "aa:bb:cc:11:22:33"} dl_vlan Input VLAN id (int) {"dl_vlan": 5} dl_vlan_pcp Input VLAN priority (int) {"dl_vlan_pcp": 3, "dl_vlan": 3} dl_type Ethernet frame type (int) {"dl_type": 123} nw_tos IP ToS (int) {"nw_tos": 16, "dl_type": 2048} nw_proto IP protocol or lower 8 bits of ARP opcode (int) {"nw_proto": 5, "dl_type": 2048} nw_src IPv4 source address (string) {"nw_src": "", "dl_type": 2048} nw_dst IPv4 destination address (string) {"nw_dst": "", "dl_type": 2048} tp_src TCP/UDP source port (int) {"tp_src": 1, "nw_proto": 6, "dl_type": 2048} tp_dst TCP/UDP destination port (int) {"tp_dst": 2, "nw_proto": 6, "dl_type": 2048} Note
IPv4 address field can be described as IP Prefix like as follows.
IPv4 address:
"" ""
List of Match fields (OpenFlow1.2 or later):
Match field Description Example in_port Switch input port (int) {"in_port": 7} in_phy_port Switch physical input port (int) {"in_phy_port": 5, "in_port": 3} metadata Metadata passed between tables (int or string) {"metadata": 12345} or {"metadata": "0x1212/0xffff"} eth_dst Ethernet destination address (string) {"eth_dst": "aa:bb:cc:11:22:33/00:00:00:00:ff:ff"} eth_src Ethernet source address (string) {"eth_src": "aa:bb:cc:11:22:33"} eth_type Ethernet frame type (int) {"eth_type": 2048} vlan_vid VLAN id (int or string) See example-of-vlan-id-match-field
vlan_pcp VLAN priority (int) {"vlan_pcp": 3, "vlan_vid": 3} ip_dscp IP DSCP (6 bits in ToS field) (int) {"ip_dscp": 3, "eth_type": 2048} ip_ecn IP ECN (2 bits in ToS field) (int) {"ip_ecn": 0, "eth_type": 34525} ip_proto IP protocol (int) {"ip_proto": 5, "eth_type": 34525} ipv4_src IPv4 source address (string) {"ipv4_src": "", "eth_type": 2048} ipv4_dst IPv4 destination address (string) {"ipv4_dst": "", "eth_type": 2048} tcp_src TCP source port (int) {"tcp_src": 3, "ip_proto": 6, "eth_type": 2048} tcp_dst TCP destination port (int) {"tcp_dst": 5, "ip_proto": 6, "eth_type": 2048} udp_src UDP source port (int) {"udp_src": 2, "ip_proto": 17, "eth_type": 2048} udp_dst UDP destination port (int) {"udp_dst": 6, "ip_proto": 17, "eth_type": 2048} sctp_src SCTP source port (int) {"sctp_src": 99, "ip_proto": 132, "eth_type": 2048} sctp_dst SCTP destination port (int) {"sctp_dst": 99, "ip_proto": 132, "eth_type": 2048} icmpv4_type ICMP type (int) {"icmpv4_type": 5, "ip_proto": 1, "eth_type": 2048} icmpv4_code ICMP code (int) {"icmpv4_code": 6, "ip_proto": 1, "eth_type": 2048} arp_op ARP opcode (int) {"arp_op": 3, "eth_type": 2054} arp_spa ARP source IPv4 address (string) {"arp_spa": "", "eth_type": 2054} arp_tpa ARP target IPv4 address (string) {"arp_tpa": "", "eth_type": 2054} arp_sha ARP source hardware address (string) {"arp_sha": "aa:bb:cc:11:22:33", "eth_type": 2054} arp_tha ARP target hardware address (string) {"arp_tha": "aa:bb:cc:11:22:33/00:00:00:00:ff:ff", "eth_type": 2054} ipv6_src IPv6 source address (string) {"ipv6_src": "2001::aaaa:bbbb:cccc:1111", "eth_type": 34525} ipv6_dst IPv6 destination address (string) {"ipv6_dst": "2001::ffff:cccc:bbbb:1111/64", "eth_type": 34525} ipv6_flabel IPv6 Flow Label (int) {"ipv6_flabel": 2, "eth_type": 34525} icmpv6_type ICMPv6 type (int) {"icmpv6_type": 3, "ip_proto": 58, "eth_type": 34525} icmpv6_code ICMPv6 code (int) {"icmpv6_code": 4, "ip_proto": 58, "eth_type": 34525} ipv6_nd_target Target address for Neighbor Discovery (string) {"ipv6_nd_target": "2001::ffff:cccc:bbbb:1111", "icmpv6_type": 135, "ip_proto": 58, "eth_type": 34525} ipv6_nd_sll Source link-layer for Neighbor Discovery (string) {"ipv6_nd_sll": "aa:bb:cc:11:22:33", "icmpv6_type": 135, "ip_proto": 58, "eth_type": 34525} ipv6_nd_tll Target link-layer for Neighbor Discovery (string) {"ipv6_nd_tll": "aa:bb:cc:11:22:33", "icmpv6_type": 136, "ip_proto": 58, "eth_type": 34525} mpls_label MPLS label (int) {"mpls_label": 3, "eth_type": 34888} mpls_tc MPLS Traffic Class (int) {"mpls_tc": 2, "eth_type": 34888} mpls_bos
MPLS BoS bit (int) (Openflow1.3+)
{"mpls_bos": 1, "eth_type": 34888}
PBB I-SID (int or string) (Openflow1.3+)
{"pbb_isid": 5, "eth_type": 35047} or{"pbb_isid": "0x05/0xff", "eth_type": 35047}
Logical Port Metadata (int or string) (Openflow1.3+)
{"tunnel_id": 7} or {"tunnel_id": "0x07/0xff"}
IPv6 Extension Header pseudo-field (int or string) (Openflow1.3+)
{"ipv6_exthdr": 3, "eth_type": 34525} or {"ipv6_exthdr": "0x40/0x1F0", "eth_type": 34525}
PBB UCA hander field(int) (Openflow1.4+)
{"pbb_uca": 1, "eth_type": 35047}
TCP flags(int) (Openflow1.5+)
{"tcp_flags": 2, "ip_proto": 6, "eth_type": 2048}
Output port from action set metadata(int) (Openflow1.5+)
{"actset_output": 3}
Packet type value(int) (Openflow1.5+)
{"packet_type": [1, 2048]}
Some field can be described with mask like as follows.
Ethernet address:
"aa:bb:cc:11:22:33" "aa:bb:cc:11:22:33/00:00:00:00:ff:ff"
IPv4 address:
"" "" ""
IPv6 address:
"2001::ffff:cccc:bbbb:1111" "2001::ffff:cccc:bbbb:2222/64" "2001::ffff:cccc:bbbb:2222/ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::0"
"0x1212121212121212" "0x3434343434343434/0x01010101010101010"
Example of VLAN ID match field
The following is available in OpenFlow1.0 or later.
To match only packets with VLAN tag and VLAN ID equal value 5:
$ curl -X POST -d '{ "dpid": 1, "match":{ "dl_vlan": 5 }, "actions":[ { "type":"OUTPUT", "port": 1 } ] }' http://localhost:8080/stats/flowentry/add
When "dl_vlan" field is described as decimal int value, OFPVID_PRESENT(0x1000) bit is automatically applied.
The following is available in OpenFlow1.2 or later.
To match only packets without a VLAN tag:
$ curl -X POST -d '{ "dpid": 1, "match":{ "dl_vlan": "0x0000" # Describe OFPVID_NONE(0x0000) }, "actions":[ { "type":"OUTPUT", "port": 1 } ] }' http://localhost:8080/stats/flowentry/add
To match only packets with a VLAN tag regardless of its value:
$ curl -X POST -d '{ "dpid": 1, "match":{ "dl_vlan": "0x1000/0x1000" # Describe OFPVID_PRESENT(0x1000/0x1000) }, "actions":[ { "type":"OUTPUT", "port": 1 } ] }' http://localhost:8080/stats/flowentry/add
To match only packets with VLAN tag and VLAN ID equal value 5:
$ curl -X POST -d '{ "dpid": 1, "match":{ "dl_vlan": "0x1005" # Describe sum of VLAN-ID(e.g. 5) | OFPVID_PRESENT(0x1000) }, "actions":[ { "type":"OUTPUT", "port": 1 } ] }' http://localhost:8080/stats/flowentry/add
When using the descriptions for OpenFlow1.2 or later, please describe "dl_vlan" field as hexadecimal string value, and OFPVID_PRESENT(0x1000) bit is NOT automatically applied.
Description of Actions on request messages
List of Actions (OpenFlow1.0):
Actions Description Example OUTPUT Output packet from "port" {"type": "OUTPUT", "port": 3} SET_VLAN_VID Set the 802.1Q VLAN ID using "vlan_vid" {"type": "SET_VLAN_VID", "vlan_vid": 5} SET_VLAN_PCP Set the 802.1Q priority using "vlan_pcp" {"type": "SET_VLAN_PCP", "vlan_pcp": 3} STRIP_VLAN Strip the 802.1Q header {"type": "STRIP_VLAN"} SET_DL_SRC Set ethernet source address using "dl_src" {"type": "SET_DL_SRC", "dl_src": "aa:bb:cc:11:22:33"} SET_DL_DST Set ethernet destination address using "dl_dst" {"type": "SET_DL_DST", "dl_dst": "aa:bb:cc:11:22:33"} SET_NW_SRC IP source address using "nw_src" {"type": "SET_NW_SRC", "nw_src": ""} SET_NW_DST IP destination address using "nw_dst" {"type": "SET_NW_DST", "nw_dst": ""} SET_NW_TOS Set IP ToS (DSCP field, 6 bits) using "nw_tos" {"type": "SET_NW_TOS", "nw_tos": 184} SET_TP_SRC Set TCP/UDP source port using "tp_src" {"type": "SET_TP_SRC", "tp_src": 8080} SET_TP_DST Set TCP/UDP destination port using "tp_dst" {"type": "SET_TP_DST", "tp_dst": 8080} ENQUEUE Output to queue with "queue_id" attached to "port" {"type": "ENQUEUE", "queue_id": 3, "port": 1} List of Actions (OpenFlow1.2 or later):
Actions Description Example OUTPUT Output packet from "port" {"type": "OUTPUT", "port": 3} COPY_TTL_OUT Copy TTL outwards {"type": "COPY_TTL_OUT"} COPY_TTL_IN Copy TTL inwards {"type": "COPY_TTL_IN"} SET_MPLS_TTL Set MPLS TTL using "mpls_ttl" {"type": "SET_MPLS_TTL", "mpls_ttl": 64} DEC_MPLS_TTL Decrement MPLS TTL {"type": "DEC_MPLS_TTL"} PUSH_VLAN Push a new VLAN tag with "ethertype" {"type": "PUSH_VLAN", "ethertype": 33024} POP_VLAN Pop the outer VLAN tag {"type": "POP_VLAN"} PUSH_MPLS Push a new MPLS tag with "ethertype" {"type": "PUSH_MPLS", "ethertype": 34887} POP_MPLS Pop the outer MPLS tag with "ethertype" {"type": "POP_MPLS", "ethertype": 2054} SET_QUEUE Set queue id using "queue_id" when outputting to a port {"type": "SET_QUEUE", "queue_id": 7} GROUP Apply group identified by "group_id" {"type": "GROUP", "group_id": 5} SET_NW_TTL Set IP TTL using "nw_ttl" {"type": "SET_NW_TTL", "nw_ttl": 64} DEC_NW_TTL Decrement IP TTL {"type": "DEC_NW_TTL"} SET_FIELD
Set a "field" using "value" (The set of keywords available for "field" is the same as match field)
Push a new PBB service tag with "ethertype" (Openflow1.3+)
{"type": "PUSH_PBB", "ethertype": 35047}
Pop the outer PBB service tag (Openflow1.3+)
{"type": "POP_PBB"}
Copy value between header and register (Openflow1.5+)
{"type": "COPY_FIELD", "n_bits": 32, "src_offset": 1, "dst_offset": 2, "src_oxm_id": "eth_src", "dst_oxm_id": "eth_dst"}
Apply meter identified by "meter_id" (Openflow1.5+)
{"type": "METER", "meter_id": 3}
Extensible action for the experimenter (Set "base64" or "ascii" to "data_type" field)
{"type": "EXPERIMENTER", "experimenter": 101, "data": "AAECAwQFBgc=", "data_type": "base64"}
GOTO_TABLE (Instruction) Setup the next table identified by "table_id" {"type": "GOTO_TABLE", "table_id": 8} WRITE_METADATA (Instruction) Setup the metadata field using "metadata" and "metadata_mask" {"type": "WRITE_METADATA", "metadata": 0x3, "metadata_mask": 0x3} METER
(Instruction) Apply meter identified by "meter_id" (deprecated in Openflow1.5)
{"type": "METER", "meter_id": 3}
WRITE_ACTIONS (Instruction) Write the action(s) onto the datapath action set {"type": "WRITE_ACTIONS", actions":[{"type":"POP_VLAN",},{ "type":"OUTPUT", "port": 2}]} CLEAR_ACTIONS (Instruction) Clears all actions from the datapath action set {"type": "CLEAR_ACTIONS"}
Example of set-field action
To set VLAN ID to non-VLAN-tagged frame:
$ curl -X POST -d '{ "dpid": 1, "match":{ "dl_type": "0x8000" }, "actions":[ { "type": "PUSH_VLAN", # Push a new VLAN tag if a input frame is non-VLAN-tagged "ethertype": 33024 # Ethertype 0x8100(=33024): IEEE 802.1Q VLAN-tagged frame }, { "type": "SET_FIELD", "field": "vlan_vid", # Set VLAN ID "value": 4102 # Describe sum of vlan_id(e.g. 6) | OFPVID_PRESENT(0x1000=4096) }, { "type": "OUTPUT", "port": 2 } ] }' http://localhost:8080/stats/flowentry/add