
239 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2013 IBM Corp.
# Copyright (c) 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Copyright (c) 2014 Rackspace Australia
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import collections
import fileinput
import os.path
import re
import sys
import types
import wsgiref.util
import zlib
import os_loganalyze.util as util
import swiftclient
except ImportError:
class UnsafePath(Exception):
class NoSuchFile(Exception):
def does_file_exist(fname):
"""Figure out if we'll be able to read this file.
Because we are handling the file streams as generators, we actually raise
an exception too late for us to be able to handle it before apache has
completely control. This attempts to do the same open outside of the
generator to trigger the IOError early enough for us to catch it, without
completely changing the logic flow, as we really want the generator
pipeline for performance reasons.
This does open us up to a small chance for a race where the file comes
or goes between this call and the next, however that is a vanishingly
small possibility.
f = open(fname)
return True
except IOError:
return False
def log_name(environ):
path = wsgiref.util.request_uri(environ, include_query=0)
match = re.search('htmlify/(.*)', path)
if match:
raw = match.groups(1)[0]
return raw
return None
def safe_path(root, log_name):
"""Pull out a safe path from a url.
Basically we need to ensure that the final computed path
remains under the root path. If not, we return None to indicate
that we are very sad.
if log_name:
newpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(root, log_name))
if newpath.find(root) == 0:
return newpath
return None
def _get_swift_connection(swift_config):
# TODO(jhesketh): refactor the generator into a class so we can keep a
# persistent connection. For now, emulate a static variable on this method
# called 'con'.
if not _get_swift_connection.con:
_get_swift_connection.con = swiftclient.client.Connection(
os_options={'region_name': swift_config['region']},
return _get_swift_connection.con
_get_swift_connection.con = None
class SwiftIterableBuffer(collections.Iterable):
file_headers = {}
def __init__(self, logname, config):
self.logname = logname
self.resp_headers = {}
self.obj = None
self.file_headers['filename'] = logname
if not config.has_section('swift'):
sys.stderr.write('Not configured to use swift..\n')
sys.stderr.write('logname: %s\n' % logname)
swift_config = dict(config.items('swift'))
# NOTE(jhesketh): While _get_siwft_connection seems like it
# should be part of this class we actually still need it
# outside to maintain the connection across multiple objects.
# Each SwiftIterableBuffer is a new object request, not
# necessarily a new swift connection (hopefully we can reuse
# connections). I think the place to put the get connection
# in the future would be in the server.py (todo).
con = _get_swift_connection(swift_config)
chunk_size = int(swift_config.get('chunk_size', 64))
if chunk_size < 1:
chunk_size = None
self.resp_headers, self.obj = con.get_object(
swift_config['container'], logname,
except Exception as e:
# Only print the traceback if the error was anything but a
# 404. File not found errors are handled separately.
if 'http_status' not in dir(e) or e.http_status != 404:
import traceback
sys.stderr.write("Error fetching from swift.\n")
sys.stderr.write('logname: %s\n' % logname)
def __iter__(self):
ext = os.path.splitext(self.logname)[1]
if ext == '.gz':
# Set up a decompression object assuming the deflate
# compression algorithm was used
d = zlib.decompressobj(16 + zlib.MAX_WBITS)
if isinstance(self.obj, types.GeneratorType):
buf = next(self.obj)
partial = ''
while buf:
if ext == '.gz':
string = partial + d.decompress(buf)
string = partial + buf
split = string.split('\n')
for line in split[:-1]:
yield line + '\n'
partial = split[-1]
buf = next(self.obj)
except StopIteration:
if partial != '':
yield partial
output = self.obj
if ext == '.gz':
output = d.decompress(output)
split = output.split('\n')
for line in split[:-1]:
yield line + '\n'
partial = split[-1]
if partial != '':
yield partial
class DiskIterableBuffer(collections.Iterable):
file_headers = {}
def __init__(self, logname, logpath, config):
self.logname = logname
self.logpath = logpath
self.resp_headers = {}
self.obj = fileinput.FileInput(self.logpath,
self.file_headers['filename'] = logname
def __iter__(self):
return self.obj
def get_file_generator(environ, root_path, config=None):
logname = log_name(environ)
logpath = safe_path(root_path, logname)
file_headers = {}
if not logpath:
raise UnsafePath()
file_headers['filename'] = os.path.basename(logpath)
file_generator = None
# if we want swift only, we'll skip processing files
use_files = (util.parse_param(environ, 'source', default='all')
!= 'swift')
if use_files and does_file_exist(logpath):
file_generator = DiskIterableBuffer(logname, logpath, config)
# NOTE(jhesketh): If the requested URL ends in a trailing slash we
# assume that this is meaning to load an index.html from our pseudo
# filesystem and attempt that first.
if logname[-1] == '/':
file_generator = SwiftIterableBuffer(
os.path.join(logname, 'index.html'), config)
if not file_generator.obj:
# Maybe our assumption was wrong, lets go back to trying the
# original object name.
file_generator = SwiftIterableBuffer(logname, config)
file_generator = SwiftIterableBuffer(logname, config)
if not file_generator.obj:
# The object doesn't exist. Try again appending index.html
logname = os.path.join(logname, 'index.html')
file_generator = SwiftIterableBuffer(logname, config)
if not file_generator.obj:
raise NoSuchFile()
return file_generator