======================== Team and repository tags ======================== .. image:: https://governance.openstack.org/tc/badges/os-net-config.svg :target: https://governance.openstack.org/tc/reference/tags/index.html .. Change things from this point on =============================== os-net-config =============================== host network configuration tool An implementation of the 'network configuration' spec @ https://review.openstack.org/#/c/97859/. The intention is for this code to be moved under the tripleo project in due course. * Free software: Apache License (2.0) * Source: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/os-net-config * Bugs: http://bugs.launchpad.net/os-net-config Features -------- The core aim of this project is to allow fine grained (but extendable) configuration of the networking parameters for a network host. The project consists of: * A CLI (os-net-config) which provides configuration via a YAML or JSON file formats. By default os-net-config uses a YAML config file located at /etc/os-net-config/config.yaml. This can be customized via the --config-file CLI option. * A python library which provides configuration via an object model. YAML Config Examples -------------------- * Configure an OVS bridge with a single attached interface (port) .. code-block:: yaml network_config: - type: ovs_bridge name: br-ctlplane use_dhcp: true ovs_extra: - br-set-external-id br-ctlplane bridge-id br-ctlplane members: - type: interface name: em1 .. * Configure an OVS bridge on top of an OVS bond .. code-block:: yaml network_config: - type: ovs_bridge name: br-ctlplane use_dhcp: true members: - type: ovs_bond name: bond1 members: - type: interface name: em1 - type: interface name: em2 .. * Configure a tagged VLAN interface on top of an OVS bridge .. code-block:: yaml network_config: - type: ovs_bridge name: br-ctlplane use_dhcp: true members: - type: interface name: em1 - type: vlan vlan_id: 16 addresses: - ip_netmask: .. Provider Configuration ---------------------- Providers are use to apply (implement) the desired configuration on the host system. By default 3 providers are implemented: * Ifcfg: persistent network config format stored in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts * ENI: persistent network config format stored in /etc/network/interfaces * iproute2: non-persistent provider which implements the config using iproute2, vconfig, etc... (implementation in progress) When using bin/os-net-config the provider is automatically selected based on the host systems perferred persistent network type (ifcfg or ENI). This can be customized via the --provider CLI option.