
1925 lines
85 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2014-2015 Red Hat, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import glob
import itertools
import logging
import netaddr
import os
import re
import os_net_config
from os_net_config import common
from os_net_config import objects
from os_net_config import utils
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Import the raw NetConfig object so we can call its methods
netconfig = os_net_config.NetConfig()
_ROUTE_TABLE_DEFAULT = """# reserved values
# local
def ifcfg_config_path(name):
return "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-%s" % name
def remove_ifcfg_config(ifname):
if re.match(r'[\w-]+$', ifname):
ifcfg_file = ifcfg_config_path(ifname)
if os.path.exists(ifcfg_file):
# NOTE(dprince): added here for testability
def bridge_config_path(name):
return ifcfg_config_path(name)
def ivs_config_path():
return "/etc/sysconfig/ivs"
def nfvswitch_config_path():
return "/etc/sysconfig/nfvswitch"
def vpp_config_path():
return "/etc/vpp/startup.conf"
def route_config_path(name):
return "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-%s" % name
def route6_config_path(name):
return "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route6-%s" % name
def route_rule_config_path(name):
return "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/rule-%s" % name
def route_table_config_path():
return "/etc/iproute2/rt_tables"
def cleanup_pattern():
return "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*"
def dhclient_path():
if os.path.exists("/usr/sbin/dhclient"):
return "/usr/sbin/dhclient"
elif os.path.exists("/sbin/dhclient"):
return "/sbin/dhclient"
raise RuntimeError("Could not find dhclient")
def stop_dhclient_process(interface):
"""Stop a DHCP process when no longer needed.
This method exists so that it may be stubbed out for unit tests.
:param interface: The interface on which to stop dhclient.
pid_file = '/var/run/dhclient-%s.pid' % (interface)
dhclient = dhclient_path()
except RuntimeError as err:
logger.info('Exception when stopping dhclient: %s' % err)
if os.path.exists(pid_file):
msg = 'Stopping %s on interface %s' % (dhclient, interface)
netconfig.execute(msg, dhclient, '-r', '-pf',
pid_file, interface)
except OSError as err:
logger.error('Could not remove dhclient pid file \'%s\': %s' %
(pid_file, err))
class IfcfgNetConfig(os_net_config.NetConfig):
"""Configure network interfaces using the ifcfg format."""
def __init__(self, noop=False, root_dir=''):
super(IfcfgNetConfig, self).__init__(noop, root_dir)
self.interface_data = {}
self.ivsinterface_data = {}
self.nfvswitch_intiface_data = {}
self.nfvswitch_options = None
self.vlan_data = {}
self.ib_childs_data = {}
self.route_data = {}
self.route6_data = {}
self.route_table_data = {}
self.rule_data = {}
self.bridge_data = {}
self.linuxbridge_data = {}
self.linuxbond_data = {}
self.ib_interface_data = {}
self.linuxteam_data = {}
self.vpp_interface_data = {}
self.vpp_bond_data = {}
self.member_names = {}
self.renamed_interfaces = {}
self.bond_primary_ifaces = {}
logger.info('Ifcfg net config provider created.')
def parse_ifcfg(self, ifcfg_data):
"""Break out the key/value pairs from ifcfg_data
Return the keys and values without quotes.
ifcfg_values = {}
for line in ifcfg_data.split("\n"):
if not line.startswith("#") and line.find("=") > 0:
k, v = line.split("=", 1)
ifcfg_values[k] = v.strip("\"'")
return ifcfg_values
def parse_ifcfg_routes(self, ifcfg_data):
"""Break out the individual routes from an ifcfg route file."""
routes = []
for line in ifcfg_data.split("\n"):
if not line.startswith("#"):
return routes
def parse_ifcfg_rules(self, ifcfg_data):
"""Break out the individual rules from an ifcfg rule file."""
rules = []
for line in ifcfg_data.split("\n"):
if not line.startswith("#"):
return rules
def enumerate_ifcfg_changes(self, ifcfg_data_old, ifcfg_data_new):
"""Determine which values are added/modified/removed
:param ifcfg_data_old: content of existing ifcfg file
:param ifcfg_data_new: content of replacement ifcfg file
:return: dict of changed values and states (added, removed, modified)
changed_values = {}
for key in ifcfg_data_old:
if key in ifcfg_data_new:
if ifcfg_data_old[key].upper() != ifcfg_data_new[key].upper():
changed_values[key] = "modified"
changed_values[key] = "removed"
for key in ifcfg_data_new:
if key not in ifcfg_data_old:
changed_values[key] = "added"
return changed_values
def enumerate_ifcfg_route_changes(self, old_routes, new_routes):
"""Determine which routes are added or removed.
:param file_values: contents of existing interface route file
:param data_values: contents of replacement interface route file
:return: list of tuples representing changes (route, state), where
state is one of added or removed
route_changes = []
for route in old_routes:
if route not in new_routes:
route_changes.append((route, 'removed'))
for route in new_routes:
if route not in old_routes:
route_changes.append((route, 'added'))
return route_changes
def enumerate_ifcfg_rule_changes(self, old_rules, new_rules):
"""Determine which routes are added or removed.
:param file_values: contents of existing interface route rule file
:param data_values: contents of replacement interface route rule file
:return: list of tuples representing changes (rule, state), where
state is one of added or removed
rule_changes = []
for rule in old_rules:
if rule not in new_rules:
rule_changes.append((rule, 'removed'))
for rule in new_rules:
if rule not in old_rules:
rule_changes.append((rule, 'added'))
return rule_changes
def ifcfg_requires_restart(self, filename, new_data):
"""Determine if changes to the ifcfg file require a restart to apply.
Simple changes like IP, MTU, and routes can be directly applied
without restarting the interface.
:param filename: The ifcfg-<int> filename.
:type filename: string
:param new_data: The data for the new ifcfg-<int> file.
:type new_data: string
:returns: boolean value for whether a restart is required
file_data = common.get_file_data(filename)
logger.debug("Original ifcfg file:\n%s" % file_data)
logger.debug("New ifcfg file:\n%s" % new_data)
file_values = self.parse_ifcfg(file_data)
new_values = self.parse_ifcfg(new_data)
restart_required = False
# Certain changes can be applied without restarting the interface
permitted_changes = [
# Check whether any of the changes require restart
for change in self.enumerate_ifcfg_changes(file_values, new_values):
if change not in permitted_changes:
# Moving to DHCP requires restarting interface
if change in ["BOOTPROTO", "OVSBOOTPROTO"]:
if change in new_values:
if (new_values[change].upper() == "DHCP"):
restart_required = True
"DHCP on %s requires restart" % change)
restart_required = True
if not restart_required:
logger.debug("Changes do not require restart")
return restart_required
def iproute2_apply_commands(self, device_name, filename, data):
"""Return list of commands needed to implement changes.
Given ifcfg data for an interface, return commands required to
apply the configuration using 'ip' commands.
:param device_name: The name of the int, bridge, or bond
:type device_name: string
:param filename: The ifcfg-<int> filename.
:type filename: string
:param data: The data for the new ifcfg-<int> file.
:type data: string
:returns: commands (commands to be run)
previous_cfg = common.get_file_data(filename)
file_values = self.parse_ifcfg(previous_cfg)
data_values = self.parse_ifcfg(data)
logger.debug("File values:\n%s" % file_values)
logger.debug("Data values:\n%s" % data_values)
changes = self.enumerate_ifcfg_changes(file_values, data_values)
commands = []
new_cidr = 0
old_cidr = 0
# Convert dot notation netmask to CIDR length notation
if "NETMASK" in file_values:
netmask = file_values["NETMASK"]
old_cidr = netaddr.IPAddress(netmask).netmask_bits()
if "NETMASK" in data_values:
netmask = data_values["NETMASK"]
new_cidr = netaddr.IPAddress(netmask).netmask_bits()
if "IPADDR" in changes:
if changes["IPADDR"] == "removed" or changes[
"IPADDR"] == "modified":
if old_cidr:
commands.append("addr del %s/%s dev %s" %
(file_values["IPADDR"], old_cidr,
# Cannot remove old IP specifically if netmask not known
commands.append("addr flush dev %s" % device_name)
if changes["IPADDR"] == "added" or changes["IPADDR"] == "modified":
commands.insert(0, "addr add %s/%s dev %s" %
(data_values["IPADDR"], new_cidr, device_name))
if "MTU" in changes:
if changes["MTU"] == "added" or changes["MTU"] == "modified":
commands.append("link set dev %s mtu %s" %
(device_name, data_values["MTU"]))
elif changes["MTU"] == "removed":
commands.append("link set dev %s mtu 1500" % device_name)
return commands
def iproute2_route_commands(self, filename, data):
"""Return a list of commands for 'ip route' to modify routing table.
The list of commands is generated by comparing the old and new
configs, and calculating which routes need to be added and which
need to be removed.
:param filename: path to the original interface route file
:param data: data that is to be written to new route file
:return: list of commands to feed to 'ip' to reconfigure routes
file_values = self.parse_ifcfg_routes(common.get_file_data(filename))
data_values = self.parse_ifcfg_routes(data)
route_changes = self.enumerate_ifcfg_route_changes(file_values,
commands = []
for route in route_changes:
if route[1] == 'removed':
commands.append('route del ' + route[0])
elif route[1] == 'added':
commands.append('route add ' + route[0])
return commands
def iproute2_rule_commands(self, filename, data):
"""Return a list of commands for 'ip route' to modify routing rules.
The list of commands is generated by comparing the old and new
configs, and calculating which rules need to be added and which
need to be removed.
:param filename: path to the original interface route rule file
:param data: data that is to be written to new route rule file
:return: list of commands to feed to 'ip' to reconfigure route rules
file_values = self.parse_ifcfg_rules(common.get_file_data(filename))
data_values = self.parse_ifcfg_rules(data)
rule_changes = self.enumerate_ifcfg_rule_changes(file_values,
commands = []
for rule in rule_changes:
if rule[1] == 'removed':
commands.append('rule del ' + rule[0])
elif rule[1] == 'added':
commands.append('rule add ' + rule[0])
return commands
def child_members(self, name):
children = set()
for member in self.member_names[name]:
except KeyError:
return children
def _add_common(self, base_opt):
ovs_extra = []
data = "# This file is autogenerated by os-net-config\n"
data += "DEVICE=%s\n" % base_opt.name
if base_opt.onboot:
data += "ONBOOT=yes\n"
data += "ONBOOT=no\n"
if isinstance(base_opt, objects.Interface) and base_opt.hotplug:
data += "HOTPLUG=yes\n"
data += "HOTPLUG=no\n"
if base_opt.nm_controlled:
data += "NM_CONTROLLED=yes\n"
data += "NM_CONTROLLED=no\n"
if not base_opt.dns_servers and not base_opt.use_dhcp:
data += "PEERDNS=no\n"
if isinstance(base_opt, objects.Vlan):
if not base_opt.ovs_port:
# vlans on OVS bridges are internal ports (no device, etc)
data += "VLAN=yes\n"
if base_opt.device:
data += "PHYSDEV=%s\n" % base_opt.device
elif base_opt.linux_bond_name:
data += "PHYSDEV=%s\n" % base_opt.linux_bond_name
if base_opt.ovs_options:
data += "OVS_OPTIONS=\"%s\"\n" % base_opt.ovs_options
elif isinstance(base_opt, objects.IvsInterface):
data += "TYPE=IVSIntPort\n"
elif isinstance(base_opt, objects.NfvswitchInternal):
data += "TYPE=NFVSWITCHIntPort\n"
elif isinstance(base_opt, objects.IbInterface):
data += "TYPE=Infiniband\n"
elif isinstance(base_opt, objects.IbChildInterface):
data += "TYPE=Infiniband\n"
data += "PKEY=yes\n"
data += "PHYSDEV=%s\n" % base_opt.parent
data += "PKEY_ID=%d\n" % base_opt.pkey_id
elif re.match(r'\w+\.\d+$', base_opt.name):
data += "VLAN=yes\n"
elif isinstance(base_opt, objects.Interface):
if base_opt.linkdelay:
data += "LINKDELAY=%s\n" % base_opt.linkdelay
if base_opt.linux_bond_name:
data += "MASTER=%s\n" % base_opt.linux_bond_name
data += "SLAVE=yes\n"
if base_opt.linux_team_name:
data += "TEAM_MASTER=%s\n" % base_opt.linux_team_name
if base_opt.primary:
data += "TEAM_PORT_CONFIG='{\"prio\": 100}'\n"
if base_opt.ivs_bridge_name:
data += "DEVICETYPE=ivs\n"
data += "IVS_BRIDGE=%s\n" % base_opt.ivs_bridge_name
if base_opt.nfvswitch_bridge_name:
data += "DEVICETYPE=nfvswitch\n"
data += "NFVSWITCH_BRIDGE=%s\n" % base_opt.nfvswitch_bridge_name
if base_opt.ovs_port:
if not isinstance(base_opt, objects.LinuxTeam):
data += "DEVICETYPE=ovs\n"
if base_opt.bridge_name:
if isinstance(base_opt, objects.Vlan):
data += "TYPE=OVSIntPort\n"
data += "OVS_BRIDGE=%s\n" % base_opt.bridge_name
data += "OVS_OPTIONS=\"tag=%s\"\n" % base_opt.vlan_id
data += "TYPE=OVSPort\n"
data += "OVS_BRIDGE=%s\n" % base_opt.bridge_name
if base_opt.linux_bridge_name:
data += "BRIDGE=%s\n" % base_opt.linux_bridge_name
if isinstance(base_opt, objects.OvsBridge):
data += "DEVICETYPE=ovs\n"
data += "TYPE=OVSBridge\n"
if base_opt.use_dhcp or base_opt.use_dhcpv6:
data += "OVSBOOTPROTO=dhcp\n"
if base_opt.members:
members = [member.name for member in base_opt.members]
self.member_names[base_opt.name] = members
if base_opt.use_dhcp:
data += ("OVSDHCPINTERFACES=\"%s\"\n" % " ".join(members))
if base_opt.primary_interface_name:
mac = common.interface_mac(base_opt.primary_interface_name)
ovs_extra.append("set bridge %s other-config:hwaddr=%s" %
(base_opt.name, mac))
if base_opt.ovs_options:
data += "OVS_OPTIONS=\"%s\"\n" % base_opt.ovs_options
elif isinstance(base_opt, objects.OvsUserBridge):
data += "DEVICETYPE=ovs\n"
data += "TYPE=OVSUserBridge\n"
if base_opt.use_dhcp or base_opt.use_dhcpv6:
data += "OVSBOOTPROTO=dhcp\n"
if base_opt.members:
members = [member.name for member in base_opt.members]
self.member_names[base_opt.name] = members
if base_opt.use_dhcp:
data += ("OVSDHCPINTERFACES=\"%s\"\n" % " ".join(members))
if base_opt.ovs_options:
data += "OVS_OPTIONS=\"%s\"\n" % base_opt.ovs_options
elif isinstance(base_opt, objects.OvsBond):
if base_opt.primary_interface_name:
primary_name = base_opt.primary_interface_name
self.bond_primary_ifaces[base_opt.name] = primary_name
data += "DEVICETYPE=ovs\n"
data += "TYPE=OVSBond\n"
if base_opt.use_dhcp or base_opt.use_dhcpv6:
data += "OVSBOOTPROTO=dhcp\n"
if base_opt.members:
members = [member.name for member in base_opt.members]
self.member_names[base_opt.name] = members
data += ("BOND_IFACES=\"%s\"\n" % " ".join(members))
if base_opt.ovs_options:
data += "OVS_OPTIONS=\"%s\"\n" % base_opt.ovs_options
elif isinstance(base_opt, objects.LinuxBridge):
data += "TYPE=Bridge\n"
data += "DELAY=0\n"
if base_opt.use_dhcp:
data += "BOOTPROTO=dhcp\n"
if base_opt.members:
members = [member.name for member in base_opt.members]
self.member_names[base_opt.name] = members
if base_opt.primary_interface_name:
primary_name = base_opt.primary_interface_name
primary_mac = common.interface_mac(primary_name)
data += "MACADDR=\"%s\"\n" % primary_mac
elif isinstance(base_opt, objects.LinuxBond):
if base_opt.primary_interface_name:
primary_name = base_opt.primary_interface_name
primary_mac = common.interface_mac(primary_name)
data += "MACADDR=\"%s\"\n" % primary_mac
if base_opt.use_dhcp:
data += "BOOTPROTO=dhcp\n"
if base_opt.members:
members = [member.name for member in base_opt.members]
self.member_names[base_opt.name] = members
if base_opt.bonding_options:
data += "BONDING_OPTS=\"%s\"\n" % base_opt.bonding_options
elif isinstance(base_opt, objects.LinuxTeam):
if base_opt.primary_interface_name:
primary_name = base_opt.primary_interface_name
primary_mac = common.interface_mac(primary_name)
data += "MACADDR=\"%s\"\n" % primary_mac
if base_opt.use_dhcp:
data += "BOOTPROTO=dhcp\n"
if base_opt.members:
members = [member.name for member in base_opt.members]
self.member_names[base_opt.name] = members
data += "DEVICETYPE=Team\n"
if base_opt.bonding_options:
data += "TEAM_CONFIG='%s'\n" % base_opt.bonding_options
elif isinstance(base_opt, objects.OvsTunnel):
data += "DEVICETYPE=ovs\n"
data += "TYPE=OVSTunnel\n"
data += "OVS_BRIDGE=%s\n" % base_opt.bridge_name
data += "OVS_TUNNEL_TYPE=%s\n" % base_opt.tunnel_type
data += "OVS_TUNNEL_OPTIONS=\"%s\"\n" % \
' '.join(base_opt.ovs_options)
elif isinstance(base_opt, objects.OvsPatchPort):
data += "DEVICETYPE=ovs\n"
data += "TYPE=OVSPatchPort\n"
data += "OVS_BRIDGE=%s\n" % base_opt.bridge_name
data += "OVS_PATCH_PEER=%s\n" % base_opt.peer
elif isinstance(base_opt, objects.OvsDpdkPort):
data += "DEVICETYPE=ovs\n"
data += "TYPE=OVSDPDKPort\n"
data += "OVS_BRIDGE=%s\n" % base_opt.bridge_name
# Validation of DPDK port having only one interface is done prior
# to this. So accesing the interface name statically.
# Also dpdk_devargs would be valid here, since
# bind_dpdk_interfaces() is invoked before this.
dpdk_devargs = utils.get_dpdk_devargs(
base_opt.members[0].name, self.noop)
ovs_extra.append("set Interface $DEVICE options:dpdk-devargs="
"%s" % dpdk_devargs)
if base_opt.mtu:
ovs_extra.append("set Interface $DEVICE mtu_request=$MTU")
if base_opt.rx_queue:
data += "RX_QUEUE=%i\n" % base_opt.rx_queue
ovs_extra.append("set Interface $DEVICE " +
elif isinstance(base_opt, objects.OvsDpdkBond):
# Referring to bug:1643026, the below commenting of the interfaces,
# is to workaround the error, but is not the long term solution.
# The long term solution is to run DPDK options before
# os-net-config, which is being tracked at BUG:1654975
# if base_opt.primary_interface_name:
# primary_name = base_opt.primary_interface_name
# self.bond_primary_ifaces[base_opt.name] = primary_name
data += "DEVICETYPE=ovs\n"
data += "TYPE=OVSDPDKBond\n"
data += "OVS_BRIDGE=%s\n" % base_opt.bridge_name
if base_opt.members:
for bond_member in base_opt.members:
# Validation of DPDK port having only one interface is done
# prior to this. So accesing the interface name statically.
# Also dpdk_devargs would be valid here, since
# bind_dpdk_interfaces () is invoked before this.
dpdk_devargs = utils.get_dpdk_devargs(
bond_member.members[0].name, self.noop)
ovs_extra.append("set Interface %s options:"
% (bond_member.name, dpdk_devargs))
members = [member.name for member in base_opt.members]
data += ("BOND_IFACES=\"%s\"\n" % " ".join(members))
# MTU configuration given for the OvsDpdkbond shall be applied
# to each of the members of the OvsDpdkbond
if base_opt.mtu:
for member in base_opt.members:
ovs_extra.append("set Interface %s mtu_request=$MTU" %
if base_opt.rx_queue:
data += "RX_QUEUE=%i\n" % base_opt.rx_queue
for member in base_opt.members:
ovs_extra.append("set Interface %s options:n_rxq="
"$RX_QUEUE" % member.name)
if base_opt.ovs_options:
data += "OVS_OPTIONS=\"%s\"\n" % base_opt.ovs_options
if base_opt.use_dhcp:
data += "BOOTPROTO=dhcp\n"
elif not base_opt.addresses:
data += "BOOTPROTO=none\n"
if hasattr(base_opt, 'ethtool_opts') and base_opt.ethtool_opts:
data += "ETHTOOL_OPTS=\"%s\"\n" % base_opt.ethtool_opts
if base_opt.mtu:
data += "MTU=%i\n" % base_opt.mtu
if base_opt.use_dhcpv6 or base_opt.v6_addresses():
data += "IPV6INIT=yes\n"
if base_opt.mtu:
data += "IPV6_MTU=%i\n" % base_opt.mtu
if base_opt.use_dhcpv6:
data += "DHCPV6C=yes\n"
elif base_opt.addresses:
v4_addresses = base_opt.v4_addresses()
if v4_addresses:
data += "BOOTPROTO=static\n"
for i, address in enumerate(v4_addresses):
num = '%s' % i if i else ''
data += "IPADDR%s=%s\n" % (num, address.ip)
data += "NETMASK%s=%s\n" % (num, address.netmask)
v6_addresses = base_opt.v6_addresses()
if v6_addresses:
first_v6 = v6_addresses[0]
data += "IPV6_AUTOCONF=no\n"
data += "IPV6ADDR=%s\n" % first_v6.ip_netmask
if len(v6_addresses) > 1:
secondaries_v6 = " ".join(map(lambda a: a.ip_netmask,
data += "IPV6ADDR_SECONDARIES=\"%s\"\n" % secondaries_v6
if base_opt.hwaddr:
data += "HWADDR=%s\n" % base_opt.hwaddr
if ovs_extra:
data += "OVS_EXTRA=\"%s\"\n" % " -- ".join(ovs_extra)
if not base_opt.defroute:
data += "DEFROUTE=no\n"
if base_opt.dhclient_args:
data += "DHCLIENTARGS=%s\n" % base_opt.dhclient_args
if base_opt.dns_servers:
data += "DNS1=%s\n" % base_opt.dns_servers[0]
if len(base_opt.dns_servers) >= 2:
data += "DNS2=%s\n" % base_opt.dns_servers[1]
if len(base_opt.dns_servers) > 2:
logger.warning('ifcfg format supports max 2 resolvers.')
if base_opt.domain:
if type(base_opt.domain) == list:
data += "DOMAIN=\"%s\"\n" % ' '.join(base_opt.domain)
data += "DOMAIN=%s\n" % base_opt.domain
return data
def _add_routes(self, interface_name, routes=[]):
logger.info('adding custom route for interface: %s' % interface_name)
data = ""
first_line = ""
data6 = ""
first_line6 = ""
for route in routes:
options = ""
table = ""
if route.route_options:
options = " %s" % route.route_options
if route.route_table:
if route.route_options.find('table ') == -1:
table = " table %s" % route.route_table
if ":" not in route.next_hop:
# Route is an IPv4 route
if route.default:
first_line = "default via %s dev %s%s%s\n" % (
route.next_hop, interface_name,
table, options)
data += "%s via %s dev %s%s%s\n" % (
route.ip_netmask, route.next_hop,
interface_name, table, options)
# Route is an IPv6 route
if route.default:
first_line6 = "default via %s dev %s%s%s\n" % (
route.next_hop, interface_name,
table, options)
data6 += "%s via %s dev %s%s%s\n" % (
route.ip_netmask, route.next_hop,
interface_name, table, options)
self.route_data[interface_name] = first_line + data
self.route6_data[interface_name] = first_line6 + data6
logger.debug('route data: %s' % self.route_data[interface_name])
logger.debug('ipv6 route data: %s' % self.route6_data[interface_name])
def _add_rules(self, interface, rules):
"""Add RouteRule objects to an interface.
:param interface: the name of the interface to apply rules.
:param rules: the list of rules to apply to the interface.
logger.info('adding route rules for interface: %s' % interface)
data = ""
first_line = "# This file is autogenerated by os-net-config\n"
for rule in rules:
if rule.comment:
data += "# %s\n" % rule.comment
data += "%s\n" % rule.rule
self.rule_data[interface] = first_line + data
logger.debug('rules for interface: %s' % self.rule_data[interface])
def add_route_table(self, route_table):
"""Add a RouteTable object to the net config object.
:param route_table: the RouteTable object to add.
logger.info('adding route table: %s %s' % (route_table.table_id,
self.route_table_data[int(route_table.table_id)] = route_table.name
def add_interface(self, interface):
"""Add an Interface object to the net config object.
:param interface: The Interface object to add.
logger.info('adding interface: %s' % interface.name)
data = self._add_common(interface)
logger.debug('interface data: %s' % data)
self.interface_data[interface.name] = data
if interface.routes:
self._add_routes(interface.name, interface.routes)
if interface.rules:
self._add_rules(interface.name, interface.rules)
if interface.renamed:
logger.info("Interface %s being renamed to %s"
% (interface.hwname, interface.name))
self.renamed_interfaces[interface.hwname] = interface.name
def add_vlan(self, vlan):
"""Add a Vlan object to the net config object.
:param vlan: The vlan object to add.
logger.info('adding vlan: %s' % vlan.name)
data = self._add_common(vlan)
logger.debug('vlan data: %s' % data)
self.vlan_data[vlan.name] = data
if vlan.routes:
self._add_routes(vlan.name, vlan.routes)
if vlan.rules:
self._add_rules(vlan.name, vlan.rules)
def add_ivs_interface(self, ivs_interface):
"""Add a ivs_interface object to the net config object.
:param ivs_interface: The ivs_interface object to add.
logger.info('adding ivs_interface: %s' % ivs_interface.name)
data = self._add_common(ivs_interface)
logger.debug('ivs_interface data: %s' % data)
self.ivsinterface_data[ivs_interface.name] = data
if ivs_interface.routes:
self._add_routes(ivs_interface.name, ivs_interface.routes)
if ivs_interface.rules:
self._add_rules(ivs_interface.name, ivs_interface.rules)
def add_nfvswitch_internal(self, nfvswitch_internal):
"""Add a nfvswitch_internal interface object to the net config object.
:param nfvswitch_internal: The nfvswitch_internal object to add.
iface_name = nfvswitch_internal.name
logger.info('adding nfvswitch_internal interface: %s' % iface_name)
data = self._add_common(nfvswitch_internal)
logger.debug('nfvswitch_internal interface data: %s' % data)
self.nfvswitch_intiface_data[iface_name] = data
if nfvswitch_internal.routes:
self._add_routes(iface_name, nfvswitch_internal.routes)
if nfvswitch_internal.rules:
self._add_rules(iface_name, nfvswitch_internal.rules)
def add_bridge(self, bridge):
"""Add an OvsBridge object to the net config object.
:param bridge: The OvsBridge object to add.
logger.info('adding bridge: %s' % bridge.name)
data = self._add_common(bridge)
logger.debug('bridge data: %s' % data)
self.bridge_data[bridge.name] = data
if bridge.routes:
self._add_routes(bridge.name, bridge.routes)
if bridge.rules:
self._add_rules(bridge.name, bridge.rules)
def add_ovs_user_bridge(self, bridge):
"""Add an OvsUserBridge object to the net config object.
:param bridge: The OvsUserBridge object to add.
logger.info('adding ovs user bridge: %s' % bridge.name)
data = self._add_common(bridge)
logger.debug('ovs user bridge data: %s' % data)
self.bridge_data[bridge.name] = data
if bridge.routes:
self._add_routes(bridge.name, bridge.routes)
if bridge.rules:
self._add_rules(bridge.name, bridge.rules)
def add_linux_bridge(self, bridge):
"""Add a LinuxBridge object to the net config object.
:param bridge: The LinuxBridge object to add.
logger.info('adding linux bridge: %s' % bridge.name)
data = self._add_common(bridge)
logger.debug('bridge data: %s' % data)
self.linuxbridge_data[bridge.name] = data
if bridge.routes:
self._add_routes(bridge.name, bridge.routes)
if bridge.rules:
self._add_rules(bridge.name, bridge.rules)
def add_ivs_bridge(self, bridge):
"""Add a IvsBridge object to the net config object.
IVS can only support one virtual switch per node,
using "ivs" as its name. As long as the ivs service
is running, the ivs virtual switch will be there.
It is impossible to add multiple ivs virtual switches
per node.
:param bridge: The IvsBridge object to add.
def add_nfvswitch_bridge(self, bridge):
"""Add a NFVSwitchBridge object to the net config object.
NFVSwitch can only support one virtual switch per node,
using "nfvswitch" as its name. As long as the nfvswitch service
is running, the nfvswitch virtual switch will be available.
:param bridge: The NfvswitchBridge object to add.
self.nfvswitch_options = bridge.options
def add_bond(self, bond):
"""Add an OvsBond object to the net config object.
:param bond: The OvsBond object to add.
logger.info('adding bond: %s' % bond.name)
data = self._add_common(bond)
logger.debug('bond data: %s' % data)
self.interface_data[bond.name] = data
if bond.routes:
self._add_routes(bond.name, bond.routes)
if bond.rules:
self._add_rules(bond.name, bond.rules)
def add_linux_bond(self, bond):
"""Add a LinuxBond object to the net config object.
:param bond: The LinuxBond object to add.
logger.info('adding linux bond: %s' % bond.name)
data = self._add_common(bond)
logger.debug('bond data: %s' % data)
self.linuxbond_data[bond.name] = data
if bond.routes:
self._add_routes(bond.name, bond.routes)
if bond.rules:
self._add_rules(bond.name, bond.rules)
def add_linux_team(self, team):
"""Add a LinuxTeam object to the net config object.
:param team: The LinuxTeam object to add.
logger.info('adding linux team: %s' % team.name)
data = self._add_common(team)
logger.debug('team data: %s' % data)
self.linuxteam_data[team.name] = data
if team.routes:
self._add_routes(team.name, team.routes)
if team.rules:
self._add_rules(team.name, team.rules)
def add_ovs_tunnel(self, tunnel):
"""Add a OvsTunnel object to the net config object.
:param tunnel: The OvsTunnel object to add.
logger.info('adding ovs tunnel: %s' % tunnel.name)
data = self._add_common(tunnel)
logger.debug('ovs tunnel data: %s' % data)
self.interface_data[tunnel.name] = data
def add_ovs_patch_port(self, ovs_patch_port):
"""Add a OvsPatchPort object to the net config object.
:param ovs_patch_port: The OvsPatchPort object to add.
logger.info('adding ovs patch port: %s' % ovs_patch_port.name)
data = self._add_common(ovs_patch_port)
logger.debug('ovs patch port data: %s' % data)
self.interface_data[ovs_patch_port.name] = data
def add_ib_interface(self, ib_interface):
"""Add an InfiniBand interface object to the net config object.
:param ib_interface: The InfiniBand interface object to add.
logger.info('adding ib_interface: %s' % ib_interface.name)
data = self._add_common(ib_interface)
logger.debug('ib_interface data: %s' % data)
self.ib_interface_data[ib_interface.name] = data
if ib_interface.routes:
self._add_routes(ib_interface.name, ib_interface.routes)
if ib_interface.rules:
self._add_rules(ib_interface.name, ib_interface.rules)
if ib_interface.renamed:
logger.info("InfiniBand interface %s being renamed to %s"
% (ib_interface.hwname, ib_interface.name))
self.renamed_interfaces[ib_interface.hwname] = ib_interface.name
def add_ib_child_interface(self, ib_child_interface):
"""Add an InfiniBand child interface object to the net config object.
:param ib_child_interface: The InfiniBand child
interface object to add.
logger.info('adding ib_child_interface: %s' % ib_child_interface.name)
data = self._add_common(ib_child_interface)
logger.debug('ib_child_interface data: %s' % data)
self.ib_childs_data[ib_child_interface.name] = data
if ib_child_interface.routes:
if ib_child_interface.rules:
self._add_rules(ib_child_interface.name, ib_child_interface.rules)
def add_ovs_dpdk_port(self, ovs_dpdk_port):
"""Add a OvsDpdkPort object to the net config object.
:param ovs_dpdk_port: The OvsDpdkPort object to add.
logger.info('adding ovs dpdk port: %s' % ovs_dpdk_port.name)
# DPDK Port will have only one member of type Interface, validation
# checks are added at the object creation stage.
ifname = ovs_dpdk_port.members[0].name
# Bind the dpdk interface
utils.bind_dpdk_interfaces(ifname, ovs_dpdk_port.driver, self.noop)
if not self.noop:
data = self._add_common(ovs_dpdk_port)
logger.debug('ovs dpdk port data: %s' % data)
self.interface_data[ovs_dpdk_port.name] = data
"""Add an extra ifcfg entry for mellanox NICs,
for the interface which is a member of ovs_dpdk_port
with NM and DHCP disabled
if common.is_mellanox_interface(ifname):
self.nm_controlled = False
self.use_dhcp = False
dpdk_if_name = objects.Interface(ifname)
def add_ovs_dpdk_bond(self, ovs_dpdk_bond):
"""Add an OvsDPDKBond object to the net config object.
:param ovs_dpdk_bond: The OvsBond object to add.
logger.info('adding ovs dpdk bond: %s' % ovs_dpdk_bond.name)
# Bind the dpdk interface
for dpdk_port in ovs_dpdk_bond.members:
# DPDK Port will have only one member of type Interface, validation
# checks are added at the object creation stage.
ifname = dpdk_port.members[0].name
utils.bind_dpdk_interfaces(ifname, dpdk_port.driver, self.noop)
if not self.noop:
data = self._add_common(ovs_dpdk_bond)
logger.debug('ovs dpdk bond data: %s' % data)
self.interface_data[ovs_dpdk_bond.name] = data
if ovs_dpdk_bond.routes:
self._add_routes(ovs_dpdk_bond.name, ovs_dpdk_bond.routes)
if ovs_dpdk_bond.rules:
self._add_rules(ovs_dpdk_bond.name, ovs_dpdk_bond.rules)
"""Add an extra ifcfg entry for mellanox NICs,
for all interfaces which is a member of ovs_dpdk_bond
with NM and DHCP disabled
for dpdk_port in ovs_dpdk_bond.members:
ifname = dpdk_port.members[0].name
if common.is_mellanox_interface(ifname):
self.nm_controlled = False
self.use_dhcp = False
dpdk_if_name = objects.Interface(ifname)
def add_sriov_pf(self, sriov_pf):
"""Add a SriovPF object to the net config object
:param sriov_pf: The SriovPF object to add
logger.info('adding sriov pf: %s' % sriov_pf.name)
data = self._add_common(sriov_pf)
logger.debug('sriov pf data: %s' % data)
utils.update_sriov_pf_map(sriov_pf.name, sriov_pf.numvfs,
self.noop, promisc=sriov_pf.promisc,
self.interface_data[sriov_pf.name] = data
if sriov_pf.routes:
self._add_routes(sriov_pf.name, sriov_pf.routes)
if sriov_pf.rules:
self._add_rules(sriov_pf.name, sriov_pf.rules)
def add_sriov_vf(self, sriov_vf):
"""Add a SriovVF object to the net config object
:param sriov_vf: The SriovVF object to add
logger.info('adding sriov vf: %s for pf: %s, vfid: %d'
% (sriov_vf.name, sriov_vf.device, sriov_vf.vfid))
data = self._add_common(sriov_vf)
logger.debug('sriov vf data: %s' % data)
self.interface_data[sriov_vf.name] = data
if sriov_vf.routes:
self._add_routes(sriov_vf.name, sriov_vf.routes)
if sriov_vf.rules:
self._add_rules(sriov_vf.name, sriov_vf.rules)
def add_vpp_interface(self, vpp_interface):
"""Add a VppInterface object to the net config object
:param vpp_interface: The VppInterface object to add
vpp_interface.pci_dev = utils.get_pci_address(vpp_interface.name,
if not vpp_interface.pci_dev:
vpp_interface.pci_dev = utils.get_stored_pci_address(
vpp_interface.name, False)
vpp_interface.hwaddr = common.interface_mac(vpp_interface.name)
if not self.noop:
logger.info('adding vpp interface: %s %s'
% (vpp_interface.name, vpp_interface.pci_dev))
self.vpp_interface_data[vpp_interface.name] = vpp_interface
def add_vpp_bond(self, vpp_bond):
"""Add a VppInterface object to the net config object
:param vpp_bond: The VPPBond object to add
logger.info('adding vpp bond: %s' % vpp_bond.name)
self.vpp_bond_data[vpp_bond.name] = vpp_bond
def add_contrail_vrouter(self, contrail_vrouter):
"""Add a ContraiVrouter object to the net config object
:param contrail_vrouter:
The ContrailVrouter object to add
logger.info('adding contrail_vrouter interface: %s'
% contrail_vrouter.name)
ifnames = ",".join([m.name for m in contrail_vrouter.members])
data = self._add_common(contrail_vrouter)
data += "DEVICETYPE=vhost\n"
data += "TYPE=kernel_mode\n"
data += "BIND_INT=%s\n" % ifnames
logger.debug('contrail data: %s' % data)
self.interface_data[contrail_vrouter.name] = data
if contrail_vrouter.routes:
self._add_routes(contrail_vrouter.name, contrail_vrouter.routes)
if contrail_vrouter.rules:
self._add_rules(contrail_vrouter.name, contrail_vrouter.rules)
def add_contrail_vrouter_dpdk(self, contrail_vrouter_dpdk):
"""Add a ContraiVrouterDpdk object to the net config object
:param contrail_vrouter_dpdk:
The ContrailVrouterDpdk object to add
logger.info('adding contrail vrouter dpdk interface: %s'
% contrail_vrouter_dpdk.name)
pci_string = ",".join(
utils.translate_ifname_to_pci_address(bind_int.name, self.noop)
for bind_int in contrail_vrouter_dpdk.members)
data = self._add_common(contrail_vrouter_dpdk)
data += "DEVICETYPE=vhost\n"
data += "TYPE=dpdk\n"
data += "BIND_INT=%s\n" % pci_string
if len(contrail_vrouter_dpdk.members) > 1:
data += "BOND_MODE=%s\n" % contrail_vrouter_dpdk.bond_mode
data += "BOND_POLICY=%s\n" % contrail_vrouter_dpdk.bond_policy
data += "DRIVER=%s\n" % contrail_vrouter_dpdk.driver
data += "CPU_LIST=%s\n" % contrail_vrouter_dpdk.cpu_list
if contrail_vrouter_dpdk.vlan_id:
data += "VLAN_ID=%s\n" % contrail_vrouter_dpdk.vlan_id
logger.debug('contrail dpdk data: %s' % data)
self.interface_data[contrail_vrouter_dpdk.name] = data
if contrail_vrouter_dpdk.routes:
if contrail_vrouter_dpdk.rules:
def add_linux_tap(self, linux_tap):
"""Add a LinuxTap object to the net config object
:param linux_tap:
The LinuxTap object to add
logger.info('adding Linux TAP interface: %s'
% linux_tap.name)
data = self._add_common(linux_tap)
data += "TYPE=Tap\n"
self.interface_data[linux_tap.name] = data
if linux_tap.routes:
if linux_tap.rules:
def generate_ivs_config(self, ivs_uplinks, ivs_interfaces):
"""Generate configuration content for ivs."""
intfs = []
for intf in ivs_uplinks:
intfs.append(' -u ')
uplink_str = ''.join(intfs)
intfs = []
for intf in ivs_interfaces:
intfs.append(' --internal-port=')
intf_str = ''.join(intfs)
data = ("DAEMON_ARGS=\"--hitless --certificate /etc/ivs "
"--inband-vlan 4092%s%s\""
% (uplink_str, intf_str))
return data
def generate_nfvswitch_config(self, nfvswitch_ifaces,
"""Generate configuration content for nfvswitch."""
options_str = ""
if self.nfvswitch_options:
options_str = self.nfvswitch_options
ifaces = []
for iface in nfvswitch_ifaces:
ifaces.append(' -u ')
iface_str = ''.join(ifaces)
ifaces = []
for iface in nfvswitch_internal_ifaces:
ifaces.append(' -m ')
internal_str = ''.join(ifaces)
data = "SETUP_ARGS=\"%s%s%s\"" % (options_str, iface_str, internal_str)
return data
def generate_route_table_config(self, route_tables):
"""Generate configuration content for routing tables.
This method first extracts the existing route table definitions. If
any non-default tables exist, they will be kept unless they conflict
with new tables defined in the route_tables dict.
:param route_tables: A dict of RouteTable objects
custom_tables = {}
res_ids = ['0', '253', '254', '255']
res_names = ['unspec', 'default', 'main', 'local']
rt_config = common.get_file_data(route_table_config_path()).split('\n')
rt_defaults = _ROUTE_TABLE_DEFAULT.split("\n")
for line in (line for line in rt_config if line not in rt_defaults):
# Leave non-standard comments intact in file
if line.startswith('#') and not line.strip() in rt_defaults:
data += "%s\n" % line
# Ignore old managed entries, will be added back if in new config.
elif line.find("# os-net-config managed table") == -1:
id_name = line.split()
# Keep custom tables if there is no conflict with new tables.
if id_name[0].isdigit() and len(id_name) > 1:
if not id_name[0] in res_ids:
if not id_name[1] in res_names:
if not int(id_name[0]) in route_tables:
if not id_name[1] in route_tables.values():
# Replicate line with any comments appended
custom_tables[id_name[0]] = id_name[1]
data += "%s\n" % line
if custom_tables:
logger.debug("Existing route tables: %s" % custom_tables)
for id in sorted(route_tables):
if str(id) in res_ids:
message = "Table %s(%s) conflicts with reserved table %s(%s)" \
% (route_tables[id], id,
res_names[res_ids.index(str(id))], id)
raise os_net_config.ConfigurationError(message)
elif route_tables[id] in res_names:
message = "Table %s(%s) conflicts with reserved table %s(%s)" \
% (route_tables[id], id, route_tables[id],
raise os_net_config.ConfigurationError(message)
data += "%s\t%s # os-net-config managed table\n" \
% (id, route_tables[id])
return data
def apply(self, cleanup=False, activate=True):
"""Apply the network configuration.
:param cleanup: A boolean which indicates whether any undefined
(existing but not present in the object model) interface
should be disabled and deleted.
:param activate: A boolean which indicates if the config should
be activated by stopping/starting interfaces
NOTE: if cleanup is specified we will deactivate interfaces even
if activate is false
:returns: a dict of the format: filename/data which contains info
for each file that was changed (or would be changed if in --noop
Note the noop mode is set via the constructor noop boolean
logger.info('applying network configs...')
restart_interfaces = []
restart_vlans = []
restart_ib_childs = []
restart_bridges = []
restart_linux_bonds = []
start_linux_bonds = []
restart_linux_teams = []
restart_vpp = False
apply_interfaces = []
apply_bridges = []
apply_routes = []
apply_rules = []
update_files = {}
all_file_names = []
linux_bond_children = {}
ivs_uplinks = [] # ivs physical uplinks
ivs_interfaces = [] # ivs internal ports
nfvswitch_interfaces = [] # nfvswitch physical interfaces
nfvswitch_internal_ifaces = [] # nfvswitch internal/management ports
stop_dhclient_interfaces = []
ovs_needs_restart = False
vpp_interfaces = self.vpp_interface_data.values()
vpp_bonds = self.vpp_bond_data.values()
ipcmd = utils.iproute2_path()
for interface_name, iface_data in self.interface_data.items():
route_data = self.route_data.get(interface_name, '')
route6_data = self.route6_data.get(interface_name, '')
rule_data = self.rule_data.get(interface_name, '')
interface_path = self.root_dir + ifcfg_config_path(interface_name)
route_path = self.root_dir + route_config_path(interface_name)
route6_path = self.root_dir + route6_config_path(interface_name)
rule_path = self.root_dir + route_rule_config_path(interface_name)
if "IVS_BRIDGE" in iface_data:
if "NFVSWITCH_BRIDGE" in iface_data:
if utils.diff(interface_path, iface_data):
if self.ifcfg_requires_restart(interface_path, iface_data):
# Openvswitch needs to be restarted when OVSDPDKPort or
# OVSDPDKBond is added
if "OVSDPDK" in iface_data:
ovs_needs_restart = True
(interface_name, interface_path, iface_data))
update_files[interface_path] = iface_data
if "BOOTPROTO=dhcp" not in iface_data:
logger.info('No changes required for interface: %s' %
if utils.diff(route_path, route_data):
update_files[route_path] = route_data
if interface_name not in restart_interfaces:
apply_routes.append((interface_name, route_data))
if utils.diff(route6_path, route6_data):
update_files[route6_path] = route6_data
if interface_name not in restart_interfaces:
apply_routes.append((interface_name, route6_data))
if utils.diff(rule_path, rule_data):
update_files[rule_path] = rule_data
if interface_name not in restart_interfaces:
apply_rules.append((interface_name, rule_data))
for interface_name, iface_data in self.ivsinterface_data.items():
route_data = self.route_data.get(interface_name, '')
route6_data = self.route6_data.get(interface_name, '')
rule_data = self.rule_data.get(interface_name, '')
interface_path = self.root_dir + ifcfg_config_path(interface_name)
route_path = self.root_dir + route_config_path(interface_name)
route6_path = self.root_dir + route6_config_path(interface_name)
rule_path = self.root_dir + route_rule_config_path(interface_name)
if utils.diff(interface_path, iface_data):
if self.ifcfg_requires_restart(interface_path, iface_data):
(interface_name, interface_path, iface_data))
update_files[interface_path] = iface_data
logger.info('No changes required for ivs interface: %s' %
if utils.diff(route_path, route_data):
update_files[route_path] = route_data
if interface_name not in restart_interfaces:
apply_routes.append((interface_name, route_data))
if utils.diff(route6_path, route6_data):
update_files[route6_path] = route6_data
if interface_name not in restart_interfaces:
apply_routes.append((interface_name, route6_data))
if utils.diff(rule_path, rule_data):
update_files[rule_path] = rule_data
if interface_name not in restart_interfaces:
apply_rules.append((interface_name, rule_data))
for iface_name, iface_data in self.nfvswitch_intiface_data.items():
route_data = self.route_data.get(iface_name, '')
route6_data = self.route6_data.get(iface_name, '')
rule_data = self.rule_data.get(iface_name, '')
iface_path = self.root_dir + ifcfg_config_path(iface_name)
route_path = self.root_dir + route_config_path(iface_name)
route6_path = self.root_dir + route6_config_path(iface_name)
rule_path = self.root_dir + route_rule_config_path(iface_name)
if utils.diff(iface_path, iface_data):
if self.ifcfg_requires_restart(iface_path, iface_data):
(iface_name, iface_path, iface_data))
update_files[iface_path] = iface_data
logger.info('No changes required for nfvswitch interface: %s' %
if utils.diff(route_path, route_data):
update_files[route_path] = route_data
if iface_name not in restart_interfaces:
apply_routes.append((iface_name, route_data))
if utils.diff(route6_path, route6_data):
update_files[route6_path] = route6_data
if iface_name not in restart_interfaces:
apply_routes.append((iface_name, route6_data))
if utils.diff(rule_path, rule_data):
update_files[rule_path] = rule_data
if iface_name not in restart_interfaces:
apply_rules.append((iface_name, rule_data))
for bridge_name, bridge_data in self.bridge_data.items():
route_data = self.route_data.get(bridge_name, '')
route6_data = self.route6_data.get(bridge_name, '')
rule_data = self.rule_data.get(bridge_name, '')
bridge_path = self.root_dir + bridge_config_path(bridge_name)
br_route_path = self.root_dir + route_config_path(bridge_name)
br_route6_path = self.root_dir + route6_config_path(bridge_name)
br_rule_path = self.root_dir + route_rule_config_path(bridge_name)
if utils.diff(bridge_path, bridge_data):
if self.ifcfg_requires_restart(bridge_path, bridge_data):
# Avoid duplicate interface being added to the restart list
children = self.child_members(bridge_name)
for child in children:
if child not in restart_interfaces:
apply_bridges.append((bridge_name, bridge_path,
update_files[bridge_path] = bridge_data
logger.info('No changes required for bridge: %s' % bridge_name)
if utils.diff(br_route_path, route_data):
update_files[br_route_path] = route_data
if bridge_name not in restart_interfaces:
apply_routes.append((bridge_name, route_data))
if utils.diff(br_route6_path, route6_data):
update_files[br_route6_path] = route6_data
if bridge_name not in restart_interfaces:
apply_routes.append((bridge_name, route6_data))
if utils.diff(br_rule_path, rule_data):
update_files[br_rule_path] = rule_data
if bridge_name not in restart_interfaces:
apply_rules.append((bridge_name, rule_data))
for bridge_name, bridge_data in self.linuxbridge_data.items():
route_data = self.route_data.get(bridge_name, '')
route6_data = self.route6_data.get(bridge_name, '')
rule_data = self.rule_data.get(bridge_name, '')
bridge_path = self.root_dir + bridge_config_path(bridge_name)
br_route_path = self.root_dir + route_config_path(bridge_name)
br_route6_path = self.root_dir + route6_config_path(bridge_name)
br_rule_path = self.root_dir + route_rule_config_path(bridge_name)
if utils.diff(bridge_path, bridge_data):
if self.ifcfg_requires_restart(bridge_path, bridge_data):
# Avoid duplicate interface being added to the restart list
children = self.child_members(bridge_name)
for child in children:
if child not in restart_interfaces:
apply_bridges.append((bridge_name, bridge_path,
update_files[bridge_path] = bridge_data
logger.info('No changes required for bridge: %s' % bridge_name)
if utils.diff(br_route_path, route_data):
update_files[br_route_path] = route_data
if bridge_name not in restart_bridges:
apply_routes.append((bridge_name, route_data))
if utils.diff(route6_path, route6_data):
update_files[route6_path] = route6_data
if bridge_name not in restart_bridges:
apply_routes.append((bridge_name, route6_data))
if utils.diff(br_rule_path, rule_data):
update_files[br_rule_path] = rule_data
if bridge_name not in restart_bridges:
apply_rules.append((bridge_name, rule_data))
for team_name, team_data in self.linuxteam_data.items():
route_data = self.route_data.get(team_name, '')
route6_data = self.route6_data.get(team_name, '')
rule_data = self.rule_data.get(team_name, '')
team_path = self.root_dir + bridge_config_path(team_name)
team_route_path = self.root_dir + route_config_path(team_name)
team_route6_path = self.root_dir + route6_config_path(team_name)
team_rule_path = self.root_dir + route_rule_config_path(team_name)
if utils.diff(team_path, team_data):
if self.ifcfg_requires_restart(team_path, team_data):
# Avoid duplicate interface being added to the restart list
children = self.child_members(team_name)
for child in children:
if child not in restart_interfaces:
(team_name, team_path, team_data))
update_files[team_path] = team_data
logger.info('No changes required for linux team: %s' %
if utils.diff(team_route_path, route_data):
update_files[team_route_path] = route_data
if team_name not in restart_linux_teams:
apply_routes.append((team_name, route_data))
if utils.diff(team_route6_path, route6_data):
update_files[team_route6_path] = route6_data
if team_name not in restart_linux_teams:
apply_routes.append((team_name, route6_data))
if utils.diff(team_rule_path, rule_data):
update_files[team_rule_path] = rule_data
for bond_name, bond_data in self.linuxbond_data.items():
route_data = self.route_data.get(bond_name, '')
route6_data = self.route6_data.get(bond_name, '')
rule_data = self.rule_data.get(bond_name, '')
bond_path = self.root_dir + bridge_config_path(bond_name)
bond_route_path = self.root_dir + route_config_path(bond_name)
bond_route6_path = self.root_dir + route6_config_path(bond_name)
bond_rule_path = self.root_dir + route_rule_config_path(bond_name)
children = self.child_members(bond_name)
linux_bond_children[bond_name] = children
if utils.diff(bond_path, bond_data):
if self.ifcfg_requires_restart(bond_path, bond_data):
# Avoid duplicate interface being added to the restart list
for child in children:
if child not in restart_interfaces:
(bond_name, bond_path, bond_data))
update_files[bond_path] = bond_data
logger.info('No changes required for linux bond: %s' %
if utils.diff(bond_route_path, route_data):
update_files[bond_route_path] = route_data
if bond_name not in restart_linux_bonds:
apply_routes.append((bond_name, route_data))
if utils.diff(bond_route6_path, route6_data):
update_files[bond_route6_path] = route6_data
if bond_name not in restart_linux_bonds:
apply_routes.append((bond_name, route6_data))
if utils.diff(bond_rule_path, rule_data):
update_files[bond_rule_path] = rule_data
# Infiniband interfaces are handled similarly to Ethernet interfaces
for interface_name, iface_data in self.ib_interface_data.items():
route_data = self.route_data.get(interface_name, '')
route6_data = self.route6_data.get(interface_name, '')
rule_data = self.rule_data.get(interface_name, '')
interface_path = self.root_dir + ifcfg_config_path(interface_name)
route_path = self.root_dir + route_config_path(interface_name)
route6_path = self.root_dir + route6_config_path(interface_name)
rule_path = self.root_dir + route_rule_config_path(interface_name)
# TODO(dsneddon) determine if InfiniBand can be used with IVS
if "IVS_BRIDGE" in iface_data:
if utils.diff(interface_path, iface_data):
if self.ifcfg_requires_restart(interface_path, iface_data):
(interface_name, interface_path, iface_data))
update_files[interface_path] = iface_data
logger.info('No changes required for InfiniBand iface: %s' %
if utils.diff(route_path, route_data):
update_files[route_path] = route_data
if interface_name not in restart_interfaces:
apply_routes.append((interface_name, route_data))
if utils.diff(route6_path, route6_data):
update_files[route6_path] = route6_data
if interface_name not in restart_interfaces:
apply_routes.append((interface_name, route6_data))
if utils.diff(rule_path, rule_data):
update_files[rule_path] = rule_data
if interface_name not in restart_interfaces:
apply_rules.append((interface_name, rule_data))
# NOTE(hjensas): Process the VLAN's last so that we know if the vlan's
# parent interface is being restarted.
for vlan_name, vlan_data in self.vlan_data.items():
route_data = self.route_data.get(vlan_name, '')
route6_data = self.route6_data.get(vlan_name, '')
rule_data = self.rule_data.get(vlan_name, '')
vlan_path = self.root_dir + ifcfg_config_path(vlan_name)
vlan_route_path = self.root_dir + route_config_path(vlan_name)
vlan_route6_path = self.root_dir + route6_config_path(vlan_name)
vlan_rule_path = self.root_dir + route_rule_config_path(vlan_name)
restarts_concatenated = itertools.chain(restart_interfaces,
if (self.parse_ifcfg(vlan_data).get('PHYSDEV') in
if vlan_name not in restart_vlans:
update_files[vlan_path] = vlan_data
elif utils.diff(vlan_path, vlan_data):
if self.ifcfg_requires_restart(vlan_path, vlan_data):
(vlan_name, vlan_path, vlan_data))
update_files[vlan_path] = vlan_data
logger.info('No changes required for vlan interface: %s' %
if utils.diff(vlan_route_path, route_data):
update_files[vlan_route_path] = route_data
if vlan_name not in restart_vlans:
apply_routes.append((vlan_name, route_data))
if utils.diff(vlan_route6_path, route6_data):
update_files[vlan_route6_path] = route6_data
if vlan_name not in restart_vlans:
apply_routes.append((vlan_name, route6_data))
if utils.diff(vlan_rule_path, rule_data):
update_files[vlan_rule_path] = rule_data
if vlan_name not in restart_vlans:
apply_rules.append((vlan_name, rule_data))
for ib_child_name, ib_child_data in self.ib_childs_data.items():
route_data = self.route_data.get(ib_child_name, '')
route6_data = self.route6_data.get(ib_child_name, '')
rule_data = self.rule_data.get(ib_child_name, '')
ib_child_path = self.root_dir + ifcfg_config_path(ib_child_name)
ib_child_route_path = \
self.root_dir + route_config_path(ib_child_name)
ib_child_route6_path = \
self.root_dir + route6_config_path(ib_child_name)
ib_child_rule_path = \
self.root_dir + route_rule_config_path(ib_child_name)
restarts_concatenated = itertools.chain(restart_interfaces,
if (self.parse_ifcfg(ib_child_data).get('PHYSDEV') in
if ib_child_name not in restart_ib_childs:
update_files[ib_child_path] = ib_child_data
elif utils.diff(ib_child_path, ib_child_data):
if self.ifcfg_requires_restart(ib_child_path, ib_child_data):
(ib_child_name, ib_child_path, ib_child_data))
update_files[ib_child_path] = ib_child_data
logger.info('No changes required for the ib child interface: '
'%s' % ib_child_name)
if utils.diff(ib_child_route_path, route_data):
update_files[ib_child_route_path] = route_data
if ib_child_name not in restart_ib_childs:
apply_routes.append((ib_child_name, route_data))
if utils.diff(ib_child_route6_path, route6_data):
update_files[ib_child_route6_path] = route6_data
if ib_child_name not in restart_ib_childs:
apply_routes.append((ib_child_name, route6_data))
if utils.diff(ib_child_rule_path, rule_data):
update_files[ib_child_rule_path] = rule_data
if ib_child_name not in restart_ib_childs:
apply_rules.append((ib_child_name, rule_data))
if self.vpp_interface_data or self.vpp_bond_data:
vpp_path = self.root_dir + vpp_config_path()
vpp_config = utils.generate_vpp_config(vpp_path, vpp_interfaces,
if utils.diff(vpp_path, vpp_config):
restart_vpp = True
update_files[vpp_path] = vpp_config
logger.info('No changes required for VPP')
if cleanup:
for ifcfg_file in glob.iglob(cleanup_pattern()):
if ifcfg_file not in all_file_names:
interface_name = ifcfg_file[len(cleanup_pattern()) - 1:]
if interface_name != 'lo':
logger.info('cleaning up interface: %s'
% interface_name)
if activate:
for interface in apply_interfaces:
logger.debug('Running ip commands on interface: %s' %
commands = self.iproute2_apply_commands(interface[0],
for command in commands:
args = command.split()
self.execute('Running ip %s' % command, ipcmd, *args)
except Exception as e:
logger.warning("Error in 'ip %s', restarting %s:\n%s" %
(command, interface[0], str(e)))
for bridge in apply_bridges:
logger.debug('Running ip commands on bridge: %s' %
commands = self.iproute2_apply_commands(bridge[0],
for command in commands:
args = command.split()
self.execute('Running ip %s' % command, ipcmd, *args)
except Exception as e:
logger.warning("Error in 'ip %s', restarting %s:\n%s" %
(command, bridge[0], str(e)))
for interface in apply_routes:
logger.debug('Applying routes for interface %s' % interface[0])
filename = self.root_dir + route_config_path(interface[0])
commands = self.iproute2_route_commands(filename, interface[1])
for command in commands:
args = command.split()
if len(args) > 0:
self.execute('Running ip %s' % command, ipcmd,
except Exception as e:
logger.warning("Error in 'ip %s', restarting %s:\n%s" %
(command, interface[0], str(e)))
for interface in apply_rules:
logger.debug('Applying rules for interface %s' % interface[0])
filename = self.root_dir + route_rule_config_path(interface[0])
commands = self.iproute2_rule_commands(filename, interface[1])
for command in commands:
args = command.split()
if len(args) > 0:
self.execute('Running ip %s' % command, ipcmd,
except Exception as e:
logger.warning("Error in 'ip %s', restarting %s:\n%s" %
(command, interface[0], str(e)))
for vlan in restart_vlans:
for ib_child in restart_ib_childs:
for interface in restart_interfaces:
for bond in linux_bond_children:
if interface in linux_bond_children[bond]:
if bond not in restart_linux_bonds:
for linux_bond in restart_linux_bonds:
for linux_team in restart_linux_teams:
for bridge in restart_bridges:
self.ifdown(bridge, iftype='bridge')
for vpp_interface in vpp_interfaces:
for oldname, newname in self.renamed_interfaces.items():
self.ifrename(oldname, newname)
# DPDK initialization is done before running os-net-config, to make
# the DPDK ports available when enabled. DPDK Hotplug support is
# supported only in OvS 2.7 version. Until then, OvS needs to be
# restarted after adding a DPDK port. This change will be removed
# on migration to OvS 2.7 where DPDK Hotplug support is available.
if ovs_needs_restart:
msg = "Restart openvswitch"
self.execute(msg, '/usr/bin/systemctl',
'restart', 'openvswitch')
for location, data in update_files.items():
self.write_config(location, data)
if self.route_table_data:
location = route_table_config_path()
data = self.generate_route_table_config(self.route_table_data)
self.write_config(location, data)
if ivs_uplinks or ivs_interfaces:
location = ivs_config_path()
data = self.generate_ivs_config(ivs_uplinks, ivs_interfaces)
if (utils.diff(location, data)):
self.write_config(location, data)
msg = "Restart ivs"
self.execute(msg, '/usr/bin/systemctl',
'restart', 'ivs')
if nfvswitch_interfaces or nfvswitch_internal_ifaces:
location = nfvswitch_config_path()
data = self.generate_nfvswitch_config(nfvswitch_interfaces,
if (utils.diff(location, data)):
self.write_config(location, data)
msg = "Restart nfvswitch"
self.execute(msg, '/usr/bin/systemctl',
'restart', 'nfvswitch')
if activate:
for linux_team in restart_linux_teams:
for bridge in restart_bridges:
self.ifup(bridge, iftype='bridge')
# If dhclient is running and dhcp not set, stop dhclient
for interface in stop_dhclient_interfaces:
logger.debug("Calling stop_dhclient_interfaces() for %s" %
if not self.noop:
for interface in restart_interfaces:
for linux_bond in start_linux_bonds:
if linux_bond not in restart_linux_bonds:
for linux_bond in restart_linux_bonds:
for bond in self.bond_primary_ifaces:
self.ovs_appctl('bond/set-active-slave', bond,
if ivs_uplinks or ivs_interfaces:
logger.info("Attach to ivs with "
"uplinks: %s, "
"interfaces: %s" %
(ivs_uplinks, ivs_interfaces))
for ivs_uplink in ivs_uplinks:
for ivs_interface in ivs_interfaces:
if nfvswitch_interfaces or nfvswitch_internal_ifaces:
logger.info("Attach to nfvswitch with "
"interfaces: %s, "
"internal interfaces: %s" %
(nfvswitch_interfaces, nfvswitch_internal_ifaces))
for nfvswitch_interface in nfvswitch_interfaces:
for nfvswitch_internal in nfvswitch_internal_ifaces:
for ib_child in restart_ib_childs:
for vlan in restart_vlans:
if not self.noop:
if restart_vpp:
logger.info('Restarting VPP')
if self.vpp_interface_data:
logger.info('Updating VPP mapping')
utils.update_vpp_mapping(vpp_interfaces, vpp_bonds)
if self.errors:
message = 'Failure(s) occurred when applying configuration'
for e in self.errors:
logger.error('stdout: %s, stderr: %s', e.stdout, e.stderr)
raise os_net_config.ConfigurationError(message)
return update_files