=================== os-resource-classes =================== A list of standardized resource classes for OpenStack. A resource class is a distinct type of inventory that exists in a cloud environment, for example ``VCPU``, ``DISK_GB``. They are upper case with underscores. They often include a unit in their name. This package provides a collection of symbols representing those standard resource classes which are expected to be available in any OpenStack deployment. There also exists a concept of custom resource classes. These are countable types that are custom to a particular environment. The OpenStack `placement API`_ provides a way to create these. A custom resource class always begins with a ``CUSTOM_`` prefix. * Free software: Apache license * Documentation: https://docs.openstack.org/os-resource-classes/latest * Source: https://opendev.org/openstack/os-resource-classes * Bugs: https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project/openstack/os-resource-classes .. _placement API: https://docs.openstack.org/api-ref/placement/