# Copyright 2012-2013 OpenStack Foundation # Copyright 2013 Nebula Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # import copy import json as jsonutils import mock import os import fixtures from keystoneauth1 import loading from os_client_config import cloud_config from oslo_utils import importutils from requests_mock.contrib import fixture import testtools from osc_lib import clientmanager from osc_lib import shell from osc_lib.tests import fakes def fake_execute(shell, cmd): """Pretend to execute shell commands.""" return shell.run(cmd.split()) def make_shell(shell_class=None): """Create a new command shell and mock out some bits.""" if shell_class is None: shell_class = shell.OpenStackShell _shell = shell_class() _shell.command_manager = mock.Mock() # _shell.cloud = mock.Mock() return _shell def opt2attr(opt): if opt.startswith('--os-'): attr = opt[5:] elif opt.startswith('--'): attr = opt[2:] else: attr = opt return attr.lower().replace('-', '_') def opt2env(opt): return opt[2:].upper().replace('-', '_') class EnvFixture(fixtures.Fixture): """Environment Fixture. This fixture replaces os.environ with provided env or an empty env. """ def __init__(self, env=None): self.new_env = env or {} def _setUp(self): self.orig_env, os.environ = os.environ, self.new_env self.addCleanup(self.revert) def revert(self): os.environ = self.orig_env class ParserException(Exception): pass class TestCase(testtools.TestCase): def setUp(self): testtools.TestCase.setUp(self) if (os.environ.get("OS_STDOUT_CAPTURE") == "True" or os.environ.get("OS_STDOUT_CAPTURE") == "1"): stdout = self.useFixture(fixtures.StringStream("stdout")).stream self.useFixture(fixtures.MonkeyPatch("sys.stdout", stdout)) if (os.environ.get("OS_STDERR_CAPTURE") == "True" or os.environ.get("OS_STDERR_CAPTURE") == "1"): stderr = self.useFixture(fixtures.StringStream("stderr")).stream self.useFixture(fixtures.MonkeyPatch("sys.stderr", stderr)) def assertNotCalled(self, m, msg=None): """Assert a function was not called""" if m.called: if not msg: msg = 'method %s should not have been called' % m self.fail(msg) class TestCommand(TestCase): """Test cliff command classes""" def setUp(self): super(TestCommand, self).setUp() # Build up a fake app self.fake_stdout = fakes.FakeStdout() self.fake_log = fakes.FakeLog() self.app = fakes.FakeApp(self.fake_stdout, self.fake_log) self.app.client_manager = fakes.FakeClientManager() def check_parser(self, cmd, args, verify_args): cmd_parser = cmd.get_parser('check_parser') try: parsed_args = cmd_parser.parse_args(args) except SystemExit: raise ParserException("Argument parse failed") for av in verify_args: attr, value = av if attr: self.assertIn(attr, parsed_args) self.assertEqual(value, getattr(parsed_args, attr)) return parsed_args class TestClientManager(TestCase): """ClientManager class test framework""" default_password_auth = { 'auth_url': fakes.AUTH_URL, 'username': fakes.USERNAME, 'password': fakes.PASSWORD, 'project_name': fakes.PROJECT_NAME, } default_token_auth = { 'auth_url': fakes.AUTH_URL, 'token': fakes.AUTH_TOKEN, } def setUp(self): super(TestClientManager, self).setUp() self.mock = mock.Mock() self.requests = self.useFixture(fixture.Fixture()) # fake v2password token retrieval self.stub_auth(json=fakes.TEST_RESPONSE_DICT) # fake token and token_endpoint retrieval self.stub_auth(json=fakes.TEST_RESPONSE_DICT, url='/'.join([fakes.AUTH_URL, 'v2.0/tokens'])) # fake v3password token retrieval self.stub_auth(json=fakes.TEST_RESPONSE_DICT_V3, url='/'.join([fakes.AUTH_URL, 'v3/auth/tokens'])) # fake password token retrieval self.stub_auth(json=fakes.TEST_RESPONSE_DICT_V3, url='/'.join([fakes.AUTH_URL, 'auth/tokens'])) # fake password version endpoint discovery self.stub_auth(json=fakes.TEST_VERSIONS, url=fakes.AUTH_URL, verb='GET') # Mock the auth plugin self.auth_mock = mock.Mock() def stub_auth(self, json=None, url=None, verb=None, **kwargs): subject_token = fakes.AUTH_TOKEN base_url = fakes.AUTH_URL if json: text = jsonutils.dumps(json) headers = { 'X-Subject-Token': subject_token, 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } if not url: url = '/'.join([base_url, 'tokens']) url = url.replace("/?", "?") if not verb: verb = 'POST' self.requests.register_uri( verb, url, headers=headers, text=text, ) def _clientmanager_class(self): """Allow subclasses to override the ClientManager class""" return clientmanager.ClientManager def _make_clientmanager( self, auth_args=None, config_args=None, identity_api_version=None, auth_plugin_name=None, ): if identity_api_version is None: identity_api_version = '2.0' if auth_plugin_name is None: auth_plugin_name = 'password' if auth_plugin_name.endswith('password'): auth_dict = copy.deepcopy(self.default_password_auth) elif auth_plugin_name.endswith('token'): auth_dict = copy.deepcopy(self.default_token_auth) else: auth_dict = {} if auth_args is not None: auth_dict = auth_args cli_options = { 'auth_type': auth_plugin_name, 'auth': auth_dict, 'interface': fakes.INTERFACE, 'region_name': fakes.REGION_NAME, } if config_args is not None: cli_options.update(config_args) loader = loading.get_plugin_loader(auth_plugin_name) auth_plugin = loader.load_from_options(**auth_dict) client_manager = self._clientmanager_class()( cli_options=cloud_config.CloudConfig( name='t1', region='1', config=cli_options, auth_plugin=auth_plugin, ), api_version={ 'identity': identity_api_version, }, ) client_manager.setup_auth() client_manager.auth_ref self.assertEqual( auth_plugin_name, client_manager.auth_plugin_name, ) return client_manager class TestShell(TestCase): # Full name of the OpenStackShell class to test (cliff.app.App subclass) shell_class_name = "osc_lib.shell.OpenStackShell" def setUp(self): super(TestShell, self).setUp() self.shell_class = importutils.import_class(self.shell_class_name) self.cmd_patch = mock.patch(self.shell_class_name + ".run_subcommand") self.cmd_save = self.cmd_patch.start() self.addCleanup(self.cmd_patch.stop) self.app = mock.Mock("Test Shell") def _assert_initialize_app_arg(self, cmd_options, default_args): """Check the args passed to initialize_app() The argv argument to initialize_app() is the remainder from parsing global options declared in both cliff.app and osc_lib.OpenStackShell build_option_parser(). Any global options passed on the command line should not be in argv but in _shell.options. """ with mock.patch( self.shell_class_name + ".initialize_app", self.app, ): _shell = make_shell(shell_class=self.shell_class) _cmd = cmd_options + " module list" fake_execute(_shell, _cmd) self.app.assert_called_with(["module", "list"]) for k in default_args.keys(): self.assertEqual( default_args[k], vars(_shell.options)[k], "%s does not match" % k, ) def _assert_cloud_config_arg(self, cmd_options, default_args): """Check the args passed to cloud_config.get_one_cloud() The argparse argument to get_one_cloud() is an argparse.Namespace object that contains all of the options processed to this point in initialize_app(). """ cloud = mock.Mock(name="cloudy") cloud.config = {} self.occ_get_one = mock.Mock(return_value=cloud) with mock.patch( "os_client_config.config.OpenStackConfig.get_one_cloud", self.occ_get_one, ): _shell = make_shell(shell_class=self.shell_class) _cmd = cmd_options + " module list" fake_execute(_shell, _cmd) self.app.assert_called_with(["module", "list"]) opts = self.occ_get_one.call_args[1]['argparse'] for k in default_args.keys(): self.assertEqual( default_args[k], vars(opts)[k], "%s does not match" % k, ) def _test_options_init_app(self, test_opts): """Test options on the command line""" for opt in test_opts.keys(): if not test_opts[opt][1]: continue key = opt2attr(opt) if isinstance(test_opts[opt][0], str): cmd = opt + " " + test_opts[opt][0] else: cmd = opt kwargs = { key: test_opts[opt][0], } self._assert_initialize_app_arg(cmd, kwargs) def _test_env_init_app(self, test_opts): """Test options in the environment""" for opt in test_opts.keys(): if not test_opts[opt][2]: continue key = opt2attr(opt) kwargs = { key: test_opts[opt][0], } env = { opt2env(opt): test_opts[opt][0], } os.environ = env.copy() self._assert_initialize_app_arg("", kwargs) def _test_options_get_one_cloud(self, test_opts): """Test options sent "to os_client_config""" for opt in test_opts.keys(): if not test_opts[opt][1]: continue key = opt2attr(opt) if isinstance(test_opts[opt][0], str): cmd = opt + " " + test_opts[opt][0] else: cmd = opt kwargs = { key: test_opts[opt][0], } self._assert_cloud_config_arg(cmd, kwargs) def _test_env_get_one_cloud(self, test_opts): """Test environment options sent "to os_client_config""" for opt in test_opts.keys(): if not test_opts[opt][2]: continue key = opt2attr(opt) kwargs = { key: test_opts[opt][0], } env = { opt2env(opt): test_opts[opt][0], } os.environ = env.copy() self._assert_cloud_config_arg("", kwargs)