Stephen Finucane dee5bffb28 Include usage in 'inventory list', 'inventory show'
The 'resource provider inventory list' and 'resource provider inventory
show' commands describe everything about some given inventory *except*
their usage, which is a pretty important metric in quickly assessing
availability of a given resource. Instead, usage is hidden behind the
'resource provider usage show' command. There doesn't appear to be any
reason for this to the case, aside from wanting to directly map to the
placement API which shouldn't be a goal. Make these commands more
friendly by including usage information. We may want to consider
deprecating the 'resource provider usage show' command in the future,
but that's left for another day.

Change-Id: Iafedac3ff7a5ae60e6027741c44904babf64d3f1
Signed-off-by: Stephen Finucane <stephenfin@redhat.com>
2020-08-07 15:12:02 +01:00

427 lines
15 KiB

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import collections
import itertools
from osc_lib.command import command
from osc_lib import exceptions
from osc_lib.i18n import _
from osc_lib import utils
from oslo_utils import excutils
from osc_placement.resources import common
from osc_placement import version
BASE_URL = '/resource_providers/{uuid}/inventories'
PER_CLASS_URL = BASE_URL + '/{resource_class}'
RP_BASE_URL = '/resource_providers'
USAGES_BASE_URL = '/resource_providers/{uuid}/usages'
'allocation_ratio': {
'type': float,
'required': False,
'help': ('It is used in determining whether consumption '
'of the resource of the provider can exceed '
'physical constraints. For example, for a vCPU resource '
'with: allocation_ratio = 16.0, total = 8. '
'Overall capacity is equal to 128 vCPUs.')
'min_unit': {
'type': int,
'required': False,
'help': ('A minimum amount any single allocation against '
'an inventory can have.')
'max_unit': {
'type': int,
'required': False,
'help': ('A maximum amount any single allocation against '
'an inventory can have.')
'reserved': {
'type': int,
'required': False,
'help': ('The amount of the resource a provider has reserved '
'for its own use.')
'step_size': {
'type': int,
'required': False,
'help': ('A representation of the divisible amount of the resource '
'that may be requested. For example, step_size = 5 means '
'that only values divisible by 5 (5, 10, 15, etc.) '
'can be requested.')
'total': {
'type': int,
'required': True,
'help': ('The actual amount of the resource that the provider '
'can accommodate.')
RC_HELP = ('<resource_class> is an entity that indicates standard or '
'deployer-specific resources that can be provided by a resource '
'provider. For example, VCPU, MEMORY_MB, DISK_GB.')
def parse_resource_argument(resource):
parts = resource.split('=')
if len(parts) != 2:
raise ValueError(
'Resource argument must have "name=value" format')
name, value = parts
parts = name.split(':')
if len(parts) == 2:
name, field = parts
elif len(parts) == 1:
name = parts[0]
field = 'total'
raise ValueError('Resource argument can contain only one colon')
if not all([name, field, value]):
raise ValueError('Name, field and value must be not empty')
if field not in INVENTORY_FIELDS:
raise ValueError('Unknown inventory field %s' % field)
value = INVENTORY_FIELDS[field]['type'](value)
return name, field, value
class SetInventory(command.Lister, version.CheckerMixin):
"""Replaces the set of inventory records for the resource provider.
Note that by default this is a full replacement of the existing inventory.
If you want to retain the existing inventory and add a new resource class
inventory, you must specify all resource class inventory, old and new, or
specify the ``--amend`` option.
If a specific inventory field is not specified for a given resource class,
it is assumed to be the total, i.e. ``--resource VCPU=16`` is equivalent to
``--resource VCPU:total=16``.
openstack resource provider inventory set <uuid> \
--resource VCPU=16 \
--resource MEMORY_MB=2048 \
--resource MEMORY_MB:step_size=128
def get_parser(self, prog_name):
parser = super(SetInventory, self).get_parser(prog_name)
help='UUID of the resource provider or UUID of the aggregate, '
'if --aggregate is specified'
fields_help = '\n'.join(
'{} - {}'.format(f, INVENTORY_FIELDS[f]['help'].lower())
help='String describing resource.\n' + RC_HELP + '\n'
'<inventory_field> (optional) can be:\n' + fields_help,
help='If this option is specified, the inventories for all '
'resource providers that are members of the aggregate will '
'be set. This option requires at least '
'``--os-placement-api-version 1.3``'
help='If this option is specified, the inventories will be '
'amended instead of being fully replaced'
help='If this option is specified, the inventories that would be '
'set will be returned without actually setting any '
return parser
def take_action(self, parsed_args):
http = self.app.client_manager.placement
if parsed_args.aggregate:
filters = {'member_of': parsed_args.uuid}
url = common.url_with_filters(RP_BASE_URL, filters)
rps = http.request('GET', url).json()['resource_providers']
if not rps:
raise exceptions.CommandError(
'No resource providers found in aggregate with uuid %s.' %
url = RP_BASE_URL + '/' + parsed_args.uuid
rps = [http.request('GET', url).json()]
resources_list = []
ret = 0
for rp in rps:
inventories = collections.defaultdict(dict)
url = BASE_URL.format(uuid=rp['uuid'])
if parsed_args.amend:
# Get existing inventories
# TODO(melwitt): Do something to handle the possibility of the
# GET failing here (example: resource provider deleted from
# underneath us).
payload = http.request('GET', url).json()
payload['inventories'] = inventories
payload = {'inventories': inventories,
'resource_provider_generation': rp['generation']}
# Apply resource values to inventories
for r in parsed_args.resource:
name, field, value = parse_resource_argument(r)
inventories[name][field] = value
if not parsed_args.dry_run:
resources = http.request('PUT', url, json=payload).json()
resources = payload
except Exception as exp:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception() as err_ctx:
if parsed_args.aggregate:
self.log.error(_('Failed to set inventory for '
'resource provider %(rp)s: %(exp)s.'),
{'rp': rp['uuid'], 'exp': exp})
err_ctx.reraise = False
ret += 1
resources_list.append((rp['uuid'], resources))
if ret > 0:
msg = _('Failed to set inventory for %(ret)s of %(total)s '
'resource providers.') % {'ret': ret, 'total': len(rps)}
raise exceptions.CommandError(msg)
def get_rows(fields, resources, rp_uuid=None):
inventories = [
dict(resource_class=k, **v)
for k, v in resources['inventories'].items()
prepend = (rp_uuid, ) if rp_uuid else ()
# This is a generator expression
rows = (prepend + utils.get_dict_properties(i, fields)
for i in inventories)
return rows
fields = ('resource_class', ) + FIELDS
if parsed_args.aggregate:
# If this is an aggregate batch, create output that will include
# resource provider as the first field to differentiate the values
rows = ()
for rp_uuid, resources in resources_list:
subrows = get_rows(fields, resources, rp_uuid=rp_uuid)
rows = itertools.chain(rows, subrows)
fields = ('resource_provider', ) + fields
return fields, rows
# If this was not an aggregate batch, show output for the one
# resource provider (show payload of the first item in the list),
# keeping the behavior prior to the addition of --aggregate option
return fields, get_rows(fields, resources_list[0][1])
class SetClassInventory(command.ShowOne):
"""Replace the inventory record of the class for the resource provider.
openstack resource provider inventory class set <uuid> VCPU \
--total 16 \
--max_unit 4 \
--reserved 1
def get_parser(self, prog_name):
parser = super(SetClassInventory, self).get_parser(prog_name)
help='UUID of the resource provider'
for name, props in INVENTORY_FIELDS.items():
'--' + name,
return parser
def take_action(self, parsed_args):
http = self.app.client_manager.placement
url = RP_BASE_URL + '/' + parsed_args.uuid
rp = http.request('GET', url).json()
payload = {'resource_provider_generation': rp['generation']}
for field in FIELDS:
value = getattr(parsed_args, field, None)
if value is not None:
payload[field] = value
url = PER_CLASS_URL.format(uuid=parsed_args.uuid,
resource = http.request('PUT', url, json=payload).json()
return FIELDS, utils.get_dict_properties(resource, FIELDS)
class DeleteInventory(command.Command, version.CheckerMixin):
"""Delete the inventory.
Depending on the resource class argument presence, delete all inventory for
a given resource provider or for a resource provider/class pair.
Delete all inventories for given resource provider requires at least
``--os-placement-api-version 1.5``.
def get_parser(self, prog_name):
parser = super(DeleteInventory, self).get_parser(prog_name)
help='UUID of the resource provider'
help=(RC_HELP + '\n'
'This argument can be omitted starting with '
'``--os-placement-api-version 1.5``. If it is omitted all '
'inventories of the specified resource provider '
'will be deleted.')
return parser
def take_action(self, parsed_args):
http = self.app.client_manager.placement
url = BASE_URL
params = {'uuid': parsed_args.uuid}
if parsed_args.resource_class is not None:
params = {'uuid': parsed_args.uuid,
'resource_class': parsed_args.resource_class}
http.request('DELETE', url.format(**params))
class ShowInventory(command.ShowOne):
"""Show the inventory for a given resource provider/class pair."""
def get_parser(self, prog_name):
parser = super(ShowInventory, self).get_parser(prog_name)
help='UUID of the resource provider'
return parser
def take_action(self, parsed_args):
http = self.app.client_manager.placement
url = PER_CLASS_URL.format(uuid=parsed_args.uuid,
resource = http.request('GET', url).json()
# TODO(stephenfin): We should just include this information in the
# above API. Alternatively, we should add an API to retrieve usage for
# a single resource class
url = USAGES_BASE_URL.format(uuid=parsed_args.uuid)
resources = http.request('GET', url).json()['usages']
resource['used'] = resources[parsed_args.resource_class]
fields = FIELDS + ('used', )
return fields, utils.get_dict_properties(resource, fields)
class ListInventory(command.Lister):
"""List inventories for a given resource provider."""
def get_parser(self, prog_name):
parser = super(ListInventory, self).get_parser(prog_name)
help='UUID of the resource provider'
return parser
def take_action(self, parsed_args):
http = self.app.client_manager.placement
url = BASE_URL.format(uuid=parsed_args.uuid)
resources = http.request('GET', url).json()
inventories = [
dict(resource_class=k, **v)
for k, v in resources['inventories'].items()
# TODO(stephenfin): We should just include this information in the
# above API
url = USAGES_BASE_URL.format(uuid=parsed_args.uuid)
resources = http.request('GET', url).json()['usages']
for inventory in inventories:
inventory['used'] = resources[inventory['resource_class']]
fields = ('resource_class', ) + FIELDS + ('used', )
rows = (utils.get_dict_properties(i, fields) for i in inventories)
return fields, rows