When a lock can't be acquired there is currently a hard coded delay (0.01) that is used before trying again, instead of having a hard coded delay we should allow this delay to be configured since having it set at a hard coded value can limit concurrency (if the delay is actually way to high) or cause to much contention (if the delay is actually way to low). This review adds on that logic and also uses the retrying library to perform the acquisition attempts (and associated failures when/if they occur); as well as shows logs after a given amount of time has elapsed with the logs being output at a given periodicity. Change-Id: Ideeefba1439ddd677c608d01becb4f6a0d4bc83d
500 lines
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500 lines
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# Copyright 2011 OpenStack Foundation.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import contextlib
import errno
import functools
import logging
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import threading
import time
import weakref
from oslo.config import cfg
from oslo.config import cfgfilter
import retrying
import six
from oslo_concurrency._i18n import _, _LE, _LI
from oslo_concurrency.openstack.common import fileutils
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_opts = [
cfg.BoolOpt('disable_process_locking', default=False,
help='Enables or disables inter-process locks.',
help='Directory to use for lock files. For security, the '
'specified directory should only be writable by the user '
'running the processes that need locking. '
'Defaults to environment variable OSLO_LOCK_PATH. '
'If external locks are used, a lock path must be set.',
CONF = cfgfilter.ConfigFilter(cfg.CONF)
CONF.register_opts(_opts, group='oslo_concurrency')
def set_defaults(lock_path):
"""Set value for lock_path.
This can be used by tests to set lock_path to a temporary directory.
cfg.set_defaults(_opts, lock_path=lock_path)
class _Hourglass(object):
"""A hourglass like periodic timer."""
def __init__(self, period):
self._period = period
self._last_flipped = None
def flip(self):
"""Flips the hourglass.
The drain() method will now only return true until the period
is reached again.
self._last_flipped = time.time()
def drain(self):
"""Drains the hourglass, returns True if period reached."""
if self._last_flipped is None:
return True
elapsed = max(0, time.time() - self._last_flipped)
return elapsed >= self._period
def _lock_retry(delay, filename,
# These parameters trigger logging to begin after a certain
# amount of time has elapsed where the lock couldn't be
# acquired (log statements will be emitted after that duration
# at the provided periodicity).
log_begins_after=1.0, log_periodicity=0.5):
"""Retry logic that acquiring a lock will go through."""
# If this returns True, a retry attempt will occur (using the defined
# retry policy we have requested the retrying library to apply), if it
# returns False then the original exception will be re-raised (if it
# raises a new or different exception the original exception will be
# replaced with that one and raised).
def retry_on_exception(e):
if isinstance(e, IOError) and e.errno in (errno.EACCES, errno.EAGAIN):
return True
raise threading.ThreadError(_("Unable to acquire lock on"
" `%(filename)s` due to"
" %(exception)s") %
'filename': filename,
'exception': e,
# Logs all attempts (with information about how long we have been trying
# to acquire the underlying lock...); after a threshold has been passed,
# and only at a fixed rate...
def never_stop(hg, attempt_number, delay_since_first_attempt_ms):
delay_since_first_attempt = delay_since_first_attempt_ms / 1000.0
if delay_since_first_attempt >= log_begins_after:
if hg.drain():
LOG.debug("Attempting to acquire %s (delayed %0.2f seconds)",
filename, delay_since_first_attempt)
return False
# The retrying library seems to prefer milliseconds for some reason; this
# might be changed in (see: https://github.com/rholder/retrying/issues/6)
# someday in the future...
delay_ms = delay * 1000.0
def decorator(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
hg = _Hourglass(log_periodicity)
r = retrying.Retrying(wait_fixed=delay_ms,
stop_func=functools.partial(never_stop, hg))
return r.call(func, *args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
return decorator
class _FileLock(object):
"""Lock implementation which allows multiple locks, working around
issues like bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=632857 and does
not require any cleanup. Since the lock is always held on a file
descriptor rather than outside of the process, the lock gets dropped
automatically if the process crashes, even if __exit__ is not executed.
There are no guarantees regarding usage by multiple green threads in a
single process here. This lock works only between processes. Exclusive
access between local threads should be achieved using the semaphores
in the @synchronized decorator.
Note these locks are released when the descriptor is closed, so it's not
safe to close the file descriptor while another green thread holds the
lock. Just opening and closing the lock file can break synchronisation,
so lock files must be accessed only using this abstraction.
def __init__(self, name):
self.lockfile = None
self.fname = name
self.acquire_time = None
def acquire(self, delay=0.01):
if delay < 0:
raise ValueError("Delay must be greater than or equal to zero")
basedir = os.path.dirname(self.fname)
if not os.path.exists(basedir):
LOG.info(_LI('Created lock path: %s'), basedir)
# Open in append mode so we don't overwrite any potential contents of
# the target file. This eliminates the possibility of an attacker
# creating a symlink to an important file in our lock_path.
self.lockfile = open(self.fname, 'a')
start_time = time.time()
# Using non-blocking locks (with retries) since green threads are not
# patched to deal with blocking locking calls. Also upon reading the
# MSDN docs for locking(), it seems to have a 'laughable' 10
# attempts "blocking" mechanism.
do_acquire = _lock_retry(delay=delay,
self.acquire_time = time.time()
LOG.debug('Acquired file lock "%s" after waiting %0.3fs',
self.fname, (self.acquire_time - start_time))
return True
def __enter__(self):
return self
def release(self):
if self.acquire_time is None:
raise threading.ThreadError(_("Unable to release an unacquired"
" lock"))
release_time = time.time()
LOG.debug('Releasing file lock "%s" after holding it for %0.3fs',
self.fname, (release_time - self.acquire_time))
self.acquire_time = None
except IOError:
LOG.exception(_LE("Could not unlock the acquired lock `%s`"),
except IOError:
LOG.exception(_LE("Could not close the acquired file handle"
" `%s`"), self.fname)
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
def exists(self):
return os.path.exists(self.fname)
def trylock(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
def unlock(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
class _WindowsLock(_FileLock):
def trylock(self):
msvcrt.locking(self.lockfile.fileno(), msvcrt.LK_NBLCK, 1)
def unlock(self):
msvcrt.locking(self.lockfile.fileno(), msvcrt.LK_UNLCK, 1)
class _FcntlLock(_FileLock):
def trylock(self):
fcntl.lockf(self.lockfile, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB)
def unlock(self):
fcntl.lockf(self.lockfile, fcntl.LOCK_UN)
if os.name == 'nt':
import msvcrt
InterProcessLock = _WindowsLock
import fcntl
InterProcessLock = _FcntlLock
class Semaphores(object):
"""A garbage collected container of semaphores.
This collection internally uses a weak value dictionary so that when a
semaphore is no longer in use (by any threads) it will automatically be
removed from this container by the garbage collector.
def __init__(self):
self._semaphores = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
self._lock = threading.Lock()
def get(self, name):
"""Gets (or creates) a semaphore with a given name.
:param name: The semaphore name to get/create (used to associate
previously created names with the same semaphore).
Returns an newly constructed semaphore (or an existing one if it was
already created for the given name).
with self._lock:
return self._semaphores[name]
except KeyError:
sem = threading.Semaphore()
self._semaphores[name] = sem
return sem
def __len__(self):
"""Returns how many semaphores exist at the current time."""
return len(self._semaphores)
_semaphores = Semaphores()
def _get_lock_path(name, lock_file_prefix, lock_path=None):
# NOTE(mikal): the lock name cannot contain directory
# separators
name = name.replace(os.sep, '_')
if lock_file_prefix:
sep = '' if lock_file_prefix.endswith('-') else '-'
name = '%s%s%s' % (lock_file_prefix, sep, name)
local_lock_path = lock_path or CONF.oslo_concurrency.lock_path
if not local_lock_path:
raise cfg.RequiredOptError('lock_path')
return os.path.join(local_lock_path, name)
def external_lock(name, lock_file_prefix=None, lock_path=None):
lock_file_path = _get_lock_path(name, lock_file_prefix, lock_path)
return InterProcessLock(lock_file_path)
def remove_external_lock_file(name, lock_file_prefix=None, lock_path=None,
"""Remove an external lock file when it's not used anymore
This will be helpful when we have a lot of lock files
with internal_lock(name, semaphores=semaphores):
lock_file_path = _get_lock_path(name, lock_file_prefix, lock_path)
except OSError:
LOG.info(_LI('Failed to remove file %(file)s'),
{'file': lock_file_path})
def internal_lock(name, semaphores=None):
if semaphores is None:
semaphores = _semaphores
return semaphores.get(name)
def lock(name, lock_file_prefix=None, external=False, lock_path=None,
do_log=True, semaphores=None, delay=0.01):
"""Context based lock
This function yields a `threading.Semaphore` instance (if we don't use
eventlet.monkey_patch(), else `semaphore.Semaphore`) unless external is
True, in which case, it'll yield an InterProcessLock instance.
:param lock_file_prefix: The lock_file_prefix argument is used to provide
lock files on disk with a meaningful prefix.
:param external: The external keyword argument denotes whether this lock
should work across multiple processes. This means that if two different
workers both run a method decorated with @synchronized('mylock',
external=True), only one of them will execute at a time.
:param lock_path: The path in which to store external lock files. For
external locking to work properly, this must be the same for all
references to the lock.
:param do_log: Whether to log acquire/release messages. This is primarily
intended to reduce log message duplication when `lock` is used from the
`synchronized` decorator.
:param semaphores: Container that provides semaphores to use when locking.
This ensures that threads inside the same application can not collide,
due to the fact that external process locks are unaware of a processes
active threads.
:param delay: Delay between acquisition attempts (in seconds).
int_lock = internal_lock(name, semaphores=semaphores)
with int_lock:
if do_log:
LOG.debug('Acquired semaphore "%(lock)s"', {'lock': name})
if external and not CONF.oslo_concurrency.disable_process_locking:
ext_lock = external_lock(name, lock_file_prefix, lock_path)
yield ext_lock
yield int_lock
if do_log:
LOG.debug('Releasing semaphore "%(lock)s"', {'lock': name})
def synchronized(name, lock_file_prefix=None, external=False, lock_path=None,
semaphores=None, delay=0.01):
"""Synchronization decorator.
Decorating a method like so::
def foo(self, *args):
ensures that only one thread will execute the foo method at a time.
Different methods can share the same lock::
def foo(self, *args):
def bar(self, *args):
This way only one of either foo or bar can be executing at a time.
def wrap(f):
def inner(*args, **kwargs):
t1 = time.time()
t2 = None
with lock(name, lock_file_prefix, external, lock_path,
do_log=False, semaphores=semaphores, delay=delay):
t2 = time.time()
LOG.debug('Lock "%(name)s" acquired by "%(function)s" :: '
'waited %(wait_secs)0.3fs',
{'name': name, 'function': f.__name__,
'wait_secs': (t2 - t1)})
return f(*args, **kwargs)
t3 = time.time()
if t2 is None:
held_secs = "N/A"
held_secs = "%0.3fs" % (t3 - t2)
LOG.debug('Lock "%(name)s" released by "%(function)s" :: held '
{'name': name, 'function': f.__name__,
'held_secs': held_secs})
return inner
return wrap
def synchronized_with_prefix(lock_file_prefix):
"""Partial object generator for the synchronization decorator.
Redefine @synchronized in each project like so::
(in nova/utils.py)
from nova.openstack.common import lockutils
synchronized = lockutils.synchronized_with_prefix('nova-')
(in nova/foo.py)
from nova import utils
def bar(self, *args):
The lock_file_prefix argument is used to provide lock files on disk with a
meaningful prefix.
return functools.partial(synchronized, lock_file_prefix=lock_file_prefix)
def _lock_wrapper(argv):
"""Create a dir for locks and pass it to command from arguments
This is exposed as a console script entry point named
If you run this:
lockutils-wrapper python setup.py testr <etc>
a temporary directory will be created for all your locks and passed to all
your tests in an environment variable. The temporary dir will be deleted
afterwards and the return value will be preserved.
lock_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
os.environ["OSLO_LOCK_PATH"] = lock_dir
ret_val = subprocess.call(argv[1:])
shutil.rmtree(lock_dir, ignore_errors=True)
return ret_val
def main():
if __name__ == '__main__':
raise NotImplementedError(_('Calling lockutils directly is no longer '
'supported. Please use the '
'lockutils-wrapper console script instead.'))