move some documentation out of the source files

The cfg module is very large, and starts with a huge block of
documentation. This patch moves that information into separate files
in the reference section of the docs. A few formatting fixes need to
be made to have it build cleanly, but the content is not changed in a
substantive way.

Change-Id: I86aa90bbf180b5dc9acbcedb024e5361d49954c3
Signed-off-by: Doug Hellmann <>
This commit is contained in:
Doug Hellmann 2018-07-19 17:26:38 -04:00
parent ce150b1037
commit bd463ee3b6
12 changed files with 537 additions and 486 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
Accessing Option Values In Your Code
Option values in the default group are referenced as attributes/properties on
the config manager; groups are also attributes on the config manager, with
attributes for each of the options associated with the group:
.. code-block:: python
server.start(app, conf.bind_port, conf.bind_host, conf)
self.connection = kombu.connection.BrokerConnection(,

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
The cfg Module
.. automodule:: oslo_config.cfg

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
Command Line Options
Positional Command Line Arguments
Positional command line arguments are supported via a 'positional' Opt
constructor argument:
.. code-block:: console
>>> conf = cfg.ConfigOpts()
>>> conf.register_cli_opt(cfg.MultiStrOpt('bar', positional=True))
>>> conf(['a', 'b'])
['a', 'b']
It is also possible to use argparse "sub-parsers" to parse additional
command line arguments using the SubCommandOpt class:
.. code-block:: console
>>> def add_parsers(subparsers):
... list_action = subparsers.add_parser('list')
... list_action.add_argument('id')
>>> conf = cfg.ConfigOpts()
>>> conf.register_cli_opt(cfg.SubCommandOpt('action', handler=add_parsers))
>>> conf(args=['list', '10'])
('list', '10')

View File

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
Loading Configuration Files
The config manager has two CLI options defined by default, ``--config-file``
and ``--config-dir``:
.. code-block:: python
class ConfigOpts(object):
def __call__(self, ...):
opts = [
Option values are parsed from any supplied config files using
oslo_config.iniparser. If none are specified, a default set is used
for example glance-api.conf and glance-common.conf:
.. code-block:: text
bind_port = 9292
bind_host =
Lines in a configuration file should not start with whitespace. A
configuration file also supports comments, which must start with '#' or ';'.
Option values in config files and those on the command line are parsed
in order. The same option (includes deprecated option name and current
option name) can appear many times, in config files or on the command line.
Later values always override earlier ones.
The order of configuration files inside the same configuration directory is
defined by the alphabetic sorting order of their file names.
The parsing of CLI args and config files is initiated by invoking the config
manager for example:
.. code-block:: python
conf = cfg.ConfigOpts()
conf.register_opt(cfg.BoolOpt('verbose', ...))
if conf.verbose:
Option Value Interpolation
Option values may reference other values using PEP 292 string substitution:
.. code-block:: python
opts = [
default=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../'),
help='Top-level directory for maintaining nova state.'),
help='File name for SQLite.'),
help='Connection string for SQL database.'),
.. note::
Interpolation can be avoided by using `$$`.
.. note::
You can use `.` to delimit option from other groups, e.g.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
Defining Options
Configuration options may be set on the command line or in config files.
The schema for each option is defined using the
:class:`Opt` class or its sub-classes, for example:
.. code-block:: python
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_config import types
PortType = types.Integer(1, 65535)
common_opts = [
help='IP address to listen on.'),
help='Port number to listen on.')
Option Types
Options can have arbitrary types via the `type` parameter to the :class:`Opt`
constructor. The `type` parameter is a callable object that takes a string and
either returns a value of that particular type or raises :class:`ValueError` if
the value can not be converted.
For convenience, there are predefined option subclasses in
:mod:`oslo_config.cfg` that set the option `type` as in the following table:
====================================== ======
Type Option
====================================== ======
:class:`oslo_config.types.String` :class:`oslo_config.cfg.StrOpt`
:class:`oslo_config.types.String` :class:`oslo_config.cfg.SubCommandOpt`
:class:`oslo_config.types.Boolean` :class:`oslo_config.cfg.BoolOpt`
:class:`oslo_config.types.Integer` :class:`oslo_config.cfg.IntOpt`
:class:`oslo_config.types.Float` :class:`oslo_config.cfg.FloatOpt`
:class:`oslo_config.types.Port` :class:`oslo_config.cfg.PortOpt`
:class:`oslo_config.types.List` :class:`oslo_config.cfg.ListOpt`
:class:`oslo_config.types.Dict` :class:`oslo_config.cfg.DictOpt`
:class:`oslo_config.types.IPAddress` :class:`oslo_config.cfg.IPOpt`
:class:`oslo_config.types.Hostname` :class:`oslo_config.cfg.HostnameOpt`
:class:`oslo_config.types.HostAddress` :class:`oslo_config.cfg.HostAddressOpt`
:class:`oslo_config.types.URI` :class:`oslo_config.cfg.URIOpt`
====================================== ======
For :class:`oslo_config.cfg.MultiOpt` the `item_type` parameter defines
the type of the values. For convenience, :class:`oslo_config.cfg.MultiStrOpt`
is :class:`~oslo_config.cfg.MultiOpt` with the `item_type` parameter set to
The following example defines options using the convenience classes:
.. code-block:: python
enabled_apis_opt = cfg.ListOpt('enabled_apis',
default=['ec2', 'osapi_compute'],
help='List of APIs to enable by default.')
osapi_compute_extension_opt = cfg.MultiStrOpt('osapi_compute_extension',
Registering Options
Option schemas are registered with the config manager at runtime, but before
the option is referenced:
.. code-block:: python
class ExtensionManager(object):
enabled_apis_opt = cfg.ListOpt(...)
def __init__(self, conf):
self.conf = conf
def _load_extensions(self):
for ext_factory in self.conf.osapi_compute_extension:
A common usage pattern is for each option schema to be defined in the module or
class which uses the option:
.. code-block:: python
opts = ...
def add_common_opts(conf):
def get_bind_host(conf):
return conf.bind_host
def get_bind_port(conf):
return conf.bind_port
An option may optionally be made available via the command line. Such options
must be registered with the config manager before the command line is parsed
(for the purposes of --help and CLI arg validation):
.. code-block:: python
cli_opts = [
help='Print more verbose output.'),
help='Print debugging output.'),
def add_common_opts(conf):
Option Groups
Options can be registered as belonging to a group:
.. code-block:: python
rabbit_group = cfg.OptGroup(name='rabbit',
title='RabbitMQ options')
rabbit_host_opt = cfg.StrOpt('host',
help='IP/hostname to listen on.'),
rabbit_port_opt = cfg.PortOpt('port',
help='Port number to listen on.')
def register_rabbit_opts(conf):
# options can be registered under a group in either of these ways:
conf.register_opt(rabbit_host_opt, group=rabbit_group)
conf.register_opt(rabbit_port_opt, group='rabbit')
If no group attributes are required other than the group name, the group
need not be explicitly registered for example:
.. code-block:: python
def register_rabbit_opts(conf):
# The group will automatically be created, equivalent calling:
# conf.register_group(OptGroup(name='rabbit'))
conf.register_opt(rabbit_port_opt, group='rabbit')
If no group is specified, options belong to the 'DEFAULT' section of config
.. code-block:: text
bind_port = 9292
host = localhost
port = 5672
use_ssl = False
userid = guest
password = guest
virtual_host = /
Command-line options in a group are automatically prefixed with the
group name:
.. code-block:: console
--rabbit-host localhost --rabbit-port 9999
Dynamic Groups
Groups can be registered dynamically by application code. This
introduces a challenge for the sample generator, discovery mechanisms,
and validation tools, since they do not know in advance the names of
all of the groups. The ``dynamic_group_owner`` parameter to the
constructor specifies the full name of an option registered in another
group that controls repeated instances of a dynamic group. This option
is usually a MultiStrOpt.
For example, Cinder supports multiple storage backend devices and
services. To configure Cinder to communicate with multiple backends,
the ``enabled_backends`` option is set to the list of names of
backends. Each backend group includes the options for communicating
with that device or service.
Driver Groups
Groups can have dynamic sets of options, usually based on a driver
that has unique requirements. This works at runtime because the code
registers options before it uses them, but it introduces a challenge
for the sample generator, discovery mechanisms, and validation tools
because they do not know in advance the correct options for a group.
To address this issue, the driver option for a group can be named
using the ``driver_option`` parameter. Each driver option should
define its own discovery entry point namespace to return the set of
options for that driver, named using the prefix
``"oslo.config.opts."`` followed by the driver option name.
In the Cinder case described above, a ``volume_backend_name`` option
is part of the static definition of the group, so ``driver_option``
should be set to ``"volume_backend_name"``. And plugins should be
registered under ``"oslo.config.opts.volume_backend_name"`` using the
same names as the main plugin registered with
``"oslo.config.opts"``. The drivers residing within the Cinder code
base have an entry point named ``"cinder"`` registered.
Special Handling Instructions
Options may be declared as required so that an error is raised if the user
does not supply a value for the option:
.. code-block:: python
opts = [
cfg.StrOpt('service_name', required=True),
cfg.StrOpt('image_id', required=True),
Options may be declared as secret so that their values are not leaked into
log files:
.. code-block:: python
opts = [
cfg.StrOpt('s3_store_access_key', secret=True),
cfg.StrOpt('s3_store_secret_key', secret=True),
Dictionary Options
If you need end users to specify a dictionary of key/value pairs, then you can
use the DictOpt:
.. code-block:: python
opts = [
The end users can then specify the option foo in their configuration file
as shown below:
.. code-block:: ini
foo = k1:v1,k2:v2
Advanced Option
Use if you need to label an option as advanced in sample files, indicating the
option is not normally used by the majority of users and might have a
significant effect on stability and/or performance:
.. code-block:: python
from oslo_config import cfg
opts = [
cfg.StrOpt('option1', default='default_value',
advanced=True, help='This is help '
cfg.PortOpt('option2', default='default_value',
help='This is help text.'),
This will result in the option being pushed to the bottom of the
namespace and labeled as advanced in the sample files, with a notation
about possible effects:
.. code-block:: ini
# This is help text. (string value)
# option2 = default_value
<pushed to bottom of section>
# This is help text. (string value)
# Advanced Option: intended for advanced users and not used
# by the majority of users, and might have a significant
# effect on stability and/or performance.
# option1 = default_value

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
Option Deprecation
If you want to rename some options, move them to another group or remove
completely, you may change their declarations using `deprecated_name`,
`deprecated_group` and `deprecated_for_removal` parameters to the :class:`Opt`
.. code-block:: python
from oslo_config import cfg
conf = cfg.ConfigOpts()
opt_1 = cfg.StrOpt('opt_1', default='foo', deprecated_name='opt1')
opt_2 = cfg.StrOpt('opt_2', default='spam', deprecated_group='DEFAULT')
opt_3 = cfg.BoolOpt('opt_3', default=False, deprecated_for_removal=True)
conf.register_opt(opt_1, group='group_1')
conf.register_opt(opt_2, group='group_2')
conf(['--config-file', 'config.conf'])
assert conf.group_1.opt_1 == 'bar'
assert conf.group_2.opt_2 == 'eggs'
assert conf.opt_3
Assuming that the file config.conf has the following content:
.. code-block:: ini
opt1 = bar
opt_2 = eggs
opt_3 = True
the script will succeed, but will log three respective warnings about the
given deprecated options.
There are also `deprecated_reason` and `deprecated_since` parameters for
specifying some additional information about a deprecation.
All the mentioned parameters can be mixed together in any combinations.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
Global ConfigOpts
This module also contains a global instance of the ConfigOpts class
in order to support a common usage pattern in OpenStack:
.. code-block:: python
from oslo_config import cfg
opts = [
cfg.StrOpt('bind_host', default=''),
cfg.PortOpt('bind_port', default=9292),
def start(server, app):
server.start(app, CONF.bind_port, CONF.bind_host)

View File

@ -1,11 +1,17 @@
Using oslo.config
oslo.config Reference Guide
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
@ -14,7 +20,6 @@

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
.. _option-definitions:
Option Definitions
Opt and Subclasses
.. currentmodule:: oslo_config.cfg

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Option Types and Validation
Option Types and Validation
.. automodule:: oslo_config.types

View File

@ -12,475 +12,7 @@
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Configuration options may be set on the command line or in config files.
The schema for each option is defined using the
:class:`Opt` class or its sub-classes, for example:
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_config import types
PortType = types.Integer(1, 65535)
common_opts = [
help='IP address to listen on.'),
help='Port number to listen on.')
Option Types
Options can have arbitrary types via the `type` parameter to the :class:`Opt`
constructor. The `type` parameter is a callable object that takes a string and
either returns a value of that particular type or raises :class:`ValueError` if
the value can not be converted.
For convenience, there are predefined option subclasses in
:mod:`oslo_config.cfg` that set the option `type` as in the following table:
====================================== ======
Type Option
====================================== ======
:class:`oslo_config.types.String` :class:`oslo_config.cfg.StrOpt`
:class:`oslo_config.types.String` :class:`oslo_config.cfg.SubCommandOpt`
:class:`oslo_config.types.Boolean` :class:`oslo_config.cfg.BoolOpt`
:class:`oslo_config.types.Integer` :class:`oslo_config.cfg.IntOpt`
:class:`oslo_config.types.Float` :class:`oslo_config.cfg.FloatOpt`
:class:`oslo_config.types.Port` :class:`oslo_config.cfg.PortOpt`
:class:`oslo_config.types.List` :class:`oslo_config.cfg.ListOpt`
:class:`oslo_config.types.Dict` :class:`oslo_config.cfg.DictOpt`
:class:`oslo_config.types.IPAddress` :class:`oslo_config.cfg.IPOpt`
:class:`oslo_config.types.Hostname` :class:`oslo_config.cfg.HostnameOpt`
:class:`oslo_config.types.HostAddress` :class:`oslo_config.cfg.HostAddressOpt`
:class:`oslo_config.types.URI` :class:`oslo_config.cfg.URIOpt`
====================================== ======
For :class:`oslo_config.cfg.MultiOpt` the `item_type` parameter defines
the type of the values. For convenience, :class:`oslo_config.cfg.MultiStrOpt`
is :class:`~oslo_config.cfg.MultiOpt` with the `item_type` parameter set to
The following example defines options using the convenience classes::
enabled_apis_opt = cfg.ListOpt('enabled_apis',
default=['ec2', 'osapi_compute'],
help='List of APIs to enable by default.')
osapi_compute_extension_opt = cfg.MultiStrOpt('osapi_compute_extension',
Registering Options
Option schemas are registered with the config manager at runtime, but before
the option is referenced::
class ExtensionManager(object):
enabled_apis_opt = cfg.ListOpt(...)
def __init__(self, conf):
self.conf = conf
def _load_extensions(self):
for ext_factory in self.conf.osapi_compute_extension:
A common usage pattern is for each option schema to be defined in the module or
class which uses the option::
opts = ...
def add_common_opts(conf):
def get_bind_host(conf):
return conf.bind_host
def get_bind_port(conf):
return conf.bind_port
An option may optionally be made available via the command line. Such options
must be registered with the config manager before the command line is parsed
(for the purposes of --help and CLI arg validation)::
cli_opts = [
help='Print more verbose output.'),
help='Print debugging output.'),
def add_common_opts(conf):
Loading Config Files
The config manager has two CLI options defined by default, --config-file
and --config-dir::
class ConfigOpts(object):
def __call__(self, ...):
opts = [
Option values are parsed from any supplied config files using
oslo_config.iniparser. If none are specified, a default set is used
for example glance-api.conf and glance-common.conf::
bind_port = 9292
bind_host =
Lines in a configuration file should not start with whitespace. A
configuration file also supports comments, which must start with '#' or ';'.
Option values in config files and those on the command line are parsed
in order. The same option (includes deprecated option name and current
option name) can appear many times, in config files or on the command line.
Later values always override earlier ones.
The order of configuration files inside the same configuration directory is
defined by the alphabetic sorting order of their file names.
The parsing of CLI args and config files is initiated by invoking the config
manager for example::
conf = cfg.ConfigOpts()
conf.register_opt(cfg.BoolOpt('verbose', ...))
if conf.verbose:
Option Groups
Options can be registered as belonging to a group::
rabbit_group = cfg.OptGroup(name='rabbit',
title='RabbitMQ options')
rabbit_host_opt = cfg.StrOpt('host',
help='IP/hostname to listen on.'),
rabbit_port_opt = cfg.PortOpt('port',
help='Port number to listen on.')
def register_rabbit_opts(conf):
# options can be registered under a group in either of these ways:
conf.register_opt(rabbit_host_opt, group=rabbit_group)
conf.register_opt(rabbit_port_opt, group='rabbit')
If no group attributes are required other than the group name, the group
need not be explicitly registered for example::
def register_rabbit_opts(conf):
# The group will automatically be created, equivalent calling::
# conf.register_group(OptGroup(name='rabbit'))
conf.register_opt(rabbit_port_opt, group='rabbit')
If no group is specified, options belong to the 'DEFAULT' section of config
bind_port = 9292
host = localhost
port = 5672
use_ssl = False
userid = guest
password = guest
virtual_host = /
Command-line options in a group are automatically prefixed with the
group name::
--rabbit-host localhost --rabbit-port 9999
Dynamic Groups
Groups can be registered dynamically by application code. This
introduces a challenge for the sample generator, discovery mechanisms,
and validation tools, since they do not know in advance the names of
all of the groups. The ``dynamic_group_owner`` parameter to the
constructor specifies the full name of an option registered in another
group that controls repeated instances of a dynamic group. This option
is usually a MultiStrOpt.
For example, Cinder supports multiple storage backend devices and
services. To configure Cinder to communicate with multiple backends,
the ``enabled_backends`` option is set to the list of names of
backends. Each backend group includes the options for communicating
with that device or service.
Driver Groups
Groups can have dynamic sets of options, usually based on a driver
that has unique requirements. This works at runtime because the code
registers options before it uses them, but it introduces a challenge
for the sample generator, discovery mechanisms, and validation tools
because they do not know in advance the correct options for a group.
To address this issue, the driver option for a group can be named
using the ``driver_option`` parameter. Each driver option should
define its own discovery entry point namespace to return the set of
options for that driver, named using the prefix
``"oslo.config.opts."`` followed by the driver option name.
In the Cinder case described above, a ``volume_backend_name`` option
is part of the static definition of the group, so ``driver_option``
should be set to ``"volume_backend_name"``. And plugins should be
registered under ``"oslo.config.opts.volume_backend_name"`` using the
same names as the main plugin registered with
``"oslo.config.opts"``. The drivers residing within the Cinder code
base have an entry point named ``"cinder"`` registered.
Accessing Option Values In Your Code
Option values in the default group are referenced as attributes/properties on
the config manager; groups are also attributes on the config manager, with
attributes for each of the options associated with the group::
server.start(app, conf.bind_port, conf.bind_host, conf)
self.connection = kombu.connection.BrokerConnection(,
Option Value Interpolation
Option values may reference other values using PEP 292 string substitution::
opts = [
default=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../'),
help='Top-level directory for maintaining nova state.'),
help='File name for SQLite.'),
help='Connection string for SQL database.'),
.. note::
Interpolation can be avoided by using `$$`.
.. note::
You can use `.` to delimit option from other groups, e.g.
Special Handling Instructions
Options may be declared as required so that an error is raised if the user
does not supply a value for the option::
opts = [
cfg.StrOpt('service_name', required=True),
cfg.StrOpt('image_id', required=True),
Options may be declared as secret so that their values are not leaked into
log files::
opts = [
cfg.StrOpt('s3_store_access_key', secret=True),
cfg.StrOpt('s3_store_secret_key', secret=True),
Dictionary Options
If you need end users to specify a dictionary of key/value pairs, then you can
use the DictOpt::
opts = [
The end users can then specify the option foo in their configuration file
as shown below:
.. code-block:: ini
foo = k1:v1,k2:v2
Global ConfigOpts
This module also contains a global instance of the ConfigOpts class
in order to support a common usage pattern in OpenStack::
from oslo_config import cfg
opts = [
cfg.StrOpt('bind_host', default=''),
cfg.PortOpt('bind_port', default=9292),
def start(server, app):
server.start(app, CONF.bind_port, CONF.bind_host)
Positional Command Line Arguments
Positional command line arguments are supported via a 'positional' Opt
constructor argument::
>>> conf = cfg.ConfigOpts()
>>> conf.register_cli_opt(cfg.MultiStrOpt('bar', positional=True))
>>> conf(['a', 'b'])
['a', 'b']
It is also possible to use argparse "sub-parsers" to parse additional
command line arguments using the SubCommandOpt class:
>>> def add_parsers(subparsers):
... list_action = subparsers.add_parser('list')
... list_action.add_argument('id')
>>> conf = cfg.ConfigOpts()
>>> conf.register_cli_opt(cfg.SubCommandOpt('action', handler=add_parsers))
>>> conf(args=['list', '10'])
('list', '10')
Advanced Option
Use if you need to label an option as advanced in sample files, indicating the
option is not normally used by the majority of users and might have a
significant effect on stability and/or performance::
from oslo_config import cfg
opts = [
cfg.StrOpt('option1', default='default_value',
advanced=True, help='This is help '
cfg.PortOpt('option2', default='default_value',
help='This is help text.'),
This will result in the option being pushed to the bottom of the
namespace and labeled as advanced in the sample files, with a notation
about possible effects::
# This is help text. (string value)
# option2 = default_value
<pushed to bottom of section>
# This is help text. (string value)
# Advanced Option: intended for advanced users and not used
# by the majority of users, and might have a significant
# effect on stability and/or performance.
# option1 = default_value
Option Deprecation
If you want to rename some options, move them to another group or remove
completely, you may change their declarations using `deprecated_name`,
`deprecated_group` and `deprecated_for_removal` parameters to the :class:`Opt`
from oslo_config import cfg
conf = cfg.ConfigOpts()
opt_1 = cfg.StrOpt('opt_1', default='foo', deprecated_name='opt1')
opt_2 = cfg.StrOpt('opt_2', default='spam', deprecated_group='DEFAULT')
opt_3 = cfg.BoolOpt('opt_3', default=False, deprecated_for_removal=True)
conf.register_opt(opt_1, group='group_1')
conf.register_opt(opt_2, group='group_2')
conf(['--config-file', 'config.conf'])
assert conf.group_1.opt_1 == 'bar'
assert conf.group_2.opt_2 == 'eggs'
assert conf.opt_3
Assuming that the file config.conf has the following content::
opt1 = bar
opt_2 = eggs
opt_3 = True
the script will succeed, but will log three respective warnings about the
given deprecated options.
There are also `deprecated_reason` and `deprecated_since` parameters for
specifying some additional information about a deprecation.
All the mentioned parameters can be mixed together in any combinations.
"""Primary module in oslo_config.
import argparse
@ -1983,7 +1515,7 @@ class ParseError(iniparser.ParseError):
class ConfigParser(iniparser.BaseParser):
"""Parses a single config file, populating 'sections' to look like:
"""Parses a single config file, populating 'sections' to look like::
{'DEFAULT': {'key': [value, ...], ...},