Merge "Adding --check-defaults to validator"
This commit is contained in:
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Here's an example of using the validator on Nova as installed by Devstack (with
the option [foo]/bar added to demonstrate a failure)::
$ oslo-config-validator --config-file /opt/stack/nova/etc/nova/nova-config-generator.conf --input-file /etc/nova/nova.conf
ERROR:root:foo/bar not found
ERROR:root:foo/bar is not part of the sample config
INFO:root:Ignoring missing option "project_domain_name" from group "keystone_authtoken" because the group is known to have incomplete sample config data and thus cannot be validated properly.
INFO:root:Ignoring missing option "project_name" from group "keystone_authtoken" because the group is known to have incomplete sample config data and thus cannot be validated properly.
INFO:root:Ignoring missing option "user_domain_name" from group "keystone_authtoken" because the group is known to have incomplete sample config data and thus cannot be validated properly.
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ a sample config file ``config-data.yaml`` created by the config generator (with
the option [foo]/bar added to demonstrate a failure)::
$ oslo-config-validator --opt-data config-data.yaml --input-file /etc/nova/nova.conf
ERROR:root:foo/bar not found
ERROR:root:foo/bar is not part of the sample config
INFO:root:Ignoring missing option "project_domain_name" from group "keystone_authtoken" because the group is known to have incomplete sample config data and thus cannot be validated properly.
INFO:root:Ignoring missing option "project_name" from group "keystone_authtoken" because the group is known to have incomplete sample config data and thus cannot be validated properly.
INFO:root:Ignoring missing option "user_domain_name" from group "keystone_authtoken" because the group is known to have incomplete sample config data and thus cannot be validated properly.
@ -66,6 +66,158 @@ the option [foo]/bar added to demonstrate a failure)::
INFO:root:Ignoring missing option "username" from group "keystone_authtoken" because the group is known to have incomplete sample config data and thus cannot be validated properly.
INFO:root:Ignoring missing option "auth_url" from group "keystone_authtoken" because the group is known to have incomplete sample config data and thus cannot be validated properly.
Comparing configuration with the default configuration
.. note:: For most accurate results, the validation should be done using the
same version of the code as the system whose config file is being
Comparing the default configuration with the current configuration can help
operators with troubleshooting issues. Since the generator config is not always
available in production environment, we can pass the ``--namespace`` arguments.
In addition to the ``--namespace``, we need to pass a ``--input-file`` as well
as the ``--check-defaults``.
Some options are ignored by default but this behavior can be overridden with
the ``--exclude-options`` list argument.
Here's an example of using the validator on Nova::
$ oslo-config-validator --input-file /etc/nova/nova.conf \
--check-defaults \
--namespace nova.conf \
--namespace oslo.log \
--namespace oslo.messaging \
--namespace oslo.policy \
--namespace oslo.privsep \
--namespace oslo.service.periodic_task \
--namespace oslo.service.service \
--namespace oslo.db \
--namespace oslo.db.concurrency \
--namespace oslo.middleware \
--namespace oslo.concurrency \
--namespace keystonemiddleware.auth_token \
--namespace osprofiler
INFO:keyring.backend:Loading Gnome
INFO:keyring.backend:Loading Google
INFO:keyring.backend:Loading Windows (alt)
INFO:keyring.backend:Loading file
INFO:keyring.backend:Loading keyczar
INFO:keyring.backend:Loading multi
INFO:keyring.backend:Loading pyfs
WARNING:root:DEFAULT/compute_driver sample value is empty but input-file has libvirt.LibvirtDriver
WARNING:root:DEFAULT/allow_resize_to_same_host sample value is empty but input-file has True
WARNING:root:DEFAULT/default_ephemeral_format sample value is empty but input-file has ext4
WARNING:root:DEFAULT/pointer_model sample value ['usbtablet'] is not in ['ps2mouse']
WARNING:root:DEFAULT/instances_path sample value ['$state_path/instances'] is not in ['/opt/stack/data/nova/instances']
WARNING:root:DEFAULT/shutdown_timeout sample value ['60'] is not in ['0']
INFO:root:DEFAULT/my_ip Ignoring option because it is part of the excluded patterns. This can be changed with the --exclude-options argument.
WARNING:root:DEFAULT/state_path sample value ['$pybasedir'] is not in ['/opt/stack/data/nova']
INFO:root:DEFAULT/osapi_compute_listen Ignoring option because it is part of the excluded patterns. This can be changed with the --exclude-options argument.
WARNING:root:DEFAULT/osapi_compute_workers sample value is empty but input-file has 2
WARNING:root:DEFAULT/metadata_workers sample value is empty but input-file has 2
WARNING:root:DEFAULT/graceful_shutdown_timeout sample value ['60'] is not in ['5']
INFO:root:DEFAULT/transport_url Ignoring option because it is part of the excluded patterns. This can be changed with the --exclude-options argument.
WARNING:root:DEFAULT/debug sample value is empty but input-file has True
WARNING:root:DEFAULT/logging_context_format_string sample value ['%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(process)d %(levelname)s %(name)s [%(request_id)s %(user_identity)s] %(instance)s%(message)s'] is not in ['%(color)s%(levelname)s %(name)s [\x1b[01;36m%(global_request_id)s %(request_id)s \x1b[00;36m%(project_name)s %(user_name)s%(color)s] \x1b[01;35m%(instance)s%(color)s%(message)s\x1b[00m']
WARNING:root:DEFAULT/logging_default_format_string sample value ['%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(process)d %(levelname)s %(name)s [-] %(instance)s%(message)s'] is not in ['%(color)s%(levelname)s %(name)s [\x1b[00;36m-%(color)s] \x1b[01;35m%(instance)s%(color)s%(message)s\x1b[00m']
WARNING:root:DEFAULT/logging_debug_format_suffix sample value ['%(funcName)s %(pathname)s:%(lineno)d'] is not in ['\x1b[00;33m{{(pid=%(process)d) %(funcName)s %(pathname)s:%(lineno)d}}\x1b[00m']
WARNING:root:DEFAULT/logging_exception_prefix sample value ['%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(process)d ERROR %(name)s %(instance)s'] is not in ['ERROR %(name)s \x1b[01;35m%(instance)s\x1b[00m']
WARNING:root:Group api from the sample config is not defined in input-file
WARNING:root:cache/backend sample value ['dogpile.cache.null'] is not in ['dogpile.cache.memcached']
WARNING:root:cache/enabled sample value is empty but input-file has True
WARNING:root:cinder/os_region_name sample value is empty but input-file has RegionOne
WARNING:root:cinder/auth_type sample value is empty but input-file has password
INFO:root:cinder/auth_url Ignoring option because it is part of the excluded patterns. This can be changed with the --exclude-options argument.
WARNING:root:cinder/project_name sample value is empty but input-file has service
WARNING:root:cinder/project_domain_name sample value is empty but input-file has Default
INFO:root:cinder/username Ignoring option because it is part of the excluded patterns. This can be changed with the --exclude-options argument.
WARNING:root:cinder/user_domain_name sample value is empty but input-file has Default
INFO:root:cinder/password Ignoring option because it is part of the excluded patterns. This can be changed with the --exclude-options argument.
WARNING:root:Group compute from the sample config is not defined in input-file
WARNING:root:conductor/workers sample value is empty but input-file has 2
WARNING:root:Group console from the sample config is not defined in input-file
WARNING:root:Group consoleauth from the sample config is not defined in input-file
WARNING:root:Group cyborg from the sample config is not defined in input-file
INFO:root:api_database/connection Ignoring option because it is part of the excluded patterns. This can be changed with the --exclude-options argument.
WARNING:root:Group devices from the sample config is not defined in input-file
WARNING:root:Group ephemeral_storage_encryption from the sample config is not defined in input-file
WARNING:root:Group glance from the sample config is not defined in input-file
WARNING:root:Group guestfs from the sample config is not defined in input-file
WARNING:root:Group hyperv from the sample config is not defined in input-file
WARNING:root:Group image_cache from the sample config is not defined in input-file
WARNING:root:Group ironic from the sample config is not defined in input-file
WARNING:root:key_manager/fixed_key sample value is empty but input-file has bae3516cc1c0eb18b05440eba8012a4a880a2ee04d584a9c1579445e675b12defdc716ec
WARNING:root:key_manager/backend sample value ['barbican'] is not in ['nova.keymgr.conf_key_mgr.ConfKeyManager']
WARNING:root:Group barbican from the sample config is not defined in input-file
WARNING:root:Group vault from the sample config is not defined in input-file
WARNING:root:Group keystone from the sample config is not defined in input-file
INFO:root:libvirt/live_migration_uri Ignoring option because it is part of the excluded patterns. This can be changed with the --exclude-options argument.
WARNING:root:libvirt/cpu_mode sample value is empty but input-file has none
WARNING:root:Group mks from the sample config is not defined in input-file
WARNING:root:neutron/default_floating_pool sample value ['nova'] is not in ['public']
WARNING:root:neutron/service_metadata_proxy sample value is empty but input-file has True
WARNING:root:neutron/auth_type sample value is empty but input-file has password
INFO:root:neutron/auth_url Ignoring option because it is part of the excluded patterns. This can be changed with the --exclude-options argument.
WARNING:root:neutron/project_name sample value is empty but input-file has service
WARNING:root:neutron/project_domain_name sample value is empty but input-file has Default
INFO:root:neutron/username Ignoring option because it is part of the excluded patterns. This can be changed with the --exclude-options argument.
WARNING:root:neutron/user_domain_name sample value is empty but input-file has Default
INFO:root:neutron/password Ignoring option because it is part of the excluded patterns. This can be changed with the --exclude-options argument.
WARNING:root:neutron/region_name sample value is empty but input-file has RegionOne
WARNING:root:Group pci from the sample config is not defined in input-file
WARNING:root:placement/auth_type sample value is empty but input-file has password
INFO:root:placement/auth_url Ignoring option because it is part of the excluded patterns. This can be changed with the --exclude-options argument.
WARNING:root:placement/project_name sample value is empty but input-file has service
WARNING:root:placement/project_domain_name sample value is empty but input-file has Default
INFO:root:placement/username Ignoring option because it is part of the excluded patterns. This can be changed with the --exclude-options argument.
WARNING:root:placement/user_domain_name sample value is empty but input-file has Default
INFO:root:placement/password Ignoring option because it is part of the excluded patterns. This can be changed with the --exclude-options argument.
WARNING:root:placement/region_name sample value is empty but input-file has RegionOne
WARNING:root:Group powervm from the sample config is not defined in input-file
WARNING:root:Group quota from the sample config is not defined in input-file
WARNING:root:Group rdp from the sample config is not defined in input-file
WARNING:root:Group remote_debug from the sample config is not defined in input-file
WARNING:root:scheduler/workers sample value is empty but input-file has 2
WARNING:root:filter_scheduler/track_instance_changes sample value ['True'] is not in ['False']
WARNING:root:filter_scheduler/enabled_filters sample value ['AvailabilityZoneFilter', 'ComputeFilter', 'ComputeCapabilitiesFilter', 'ImagePropertiesFilter', 'ServerGroupAntiAffinityFilter', 'ServerGroupAffinityFilter'] is not in ['AvailabilityZoneFilter,ComputeFilter,ComputeCapabilitiesFilter,ImagePropertiesFilter,ServerGroupAntiAffinityFilter,ServerGroupAffinityFilter,SameHostFilter,DifferentHostFilter']
WARNING:root:Group metrics from the sample config is not defined in input-file
WARNING:root:Group serial_console from the sample config is not defined in input-file
WARNING:root:Group service_user from the sample config is not defined in input-file
WARNING:root:Group spice from the sample config is not defined in input-file
WARNING:root:upgrade_levels/compute sample value is empty but input-file has auto
WARNING:root:Group vendordata_dynamic_auth from the sample config is not defined in input-file
WARNING:root:Group vmware from the sample config is not defined in input-file
WARNING:root:Group vnc from the sample config is not defined in input-file
WARNING:root:Group workarounds from the sample config is not defined in input-file
WARNING:root:wsgi/api_paste_config sample value ['api-paste.ini'] is not in ['/etc/nova/api-paste.ini']
WARNING:root:Group zvm from the sample config is not defined in input-file
WARNING:root:oslo_concurrency/lock_path sample value is empty but input-file has /opt/stack/data/nova
WARNING:root:Group oslo_middleware from the sample config is not defined in input-file
WARNING:root:Group cors from the sample config is not defined in input-file
WARNING:root:Group healthcheck from the sample config is not defined in input-file
WARNING:root:Group oslo_messaging_amqp from the sample config is not defined in input-file
WARNING:root:oslo_messaging_notifications/driver sample value is empty but input-file has messagingv2
INFO:root:oslo_messaging_notifications/transport_url Ignoring option because it is part of the excluded patterns. This can be changed with the --exclude-options argument.
WARNING:root:Group oslo_messaging_rabbit from the sample config is not defined in input-file
WARNING:root:Group oslo_messaging_kafka from the sample config is not defined in input-file
WARNING:root:Group oslo_policy from the sample config is not defined in input-file
WARNING:root:Group privsep from the sample config is not defined in input-file
WARNING:root:Group profiler from the sample config is not defined in input-file
INFO:root:database/connection Ignoring option because it is part of the excluded patterns. This can be changed with the --exclude-options argument.
WARNING:root:keystone_authtoken/interface sample value ['internal'] is not in ['public']
WARNING:root:keystone_authtoken/cafile sample value is empty but input-file has /opt/stack/data/ca-bundle.pem
WARNING:root:keystone_authtoken/memcached_servers sample value is empty but input-file has localhost:11211
WARNING:root:keystone_authtoken/auth_type sample value is empty but input-file has password
ERROR:root:neutron/auth_strategy is not part of the sample config
INFO:root:Ignoring missing option "project_domain_name" from group "keystone_authtoken" because the group is known to have incomplete sample config data and thus cannot be validated properly.
INFO:root:Ignoring missing option "project_name" from group "keystone_authtoken" because the group is known to have incomplete sample config data and thus cannot be validated properly.
INFO:root:Ignoring missing option "user_domain_name" from group "keystone_authtoken" because the group is known to have incomplete sample config data and thus cannot be validated properly.
INFO:root:Ignoring missing option "password" from group "keystone_authtoken" because the group is known to have incomplete sample config data and thus cannot be validated properly.
INFO:root:Ignoring missing option "username" from group "keystone_authtoken" because the group is known to have incomplete sample config data and thus cannot be validated properly.
INFO:root:Ignoring missing option "auth_url" from group "keystone_authtoken" because the group is known to have incomplete sample config data and thus cannot be validated properly
Handling Dynamic Groups
@ -21,13 +21,51 @@ from oslo_config import fixture
from oslo_config import validator
OPT_DATA = {'options': {'foo': {'opts': [{'name': 'opt'}]},
'bar': {'opts': [{'name': 'opt'}]},
'deprecated_options': {'bar': [{'name': 'opt'}]}}
"options": {
"foo": {
"opts": [
"name": "opt",
"default": 1
"bar": {
"opts": [
"name": "opt",
"default": 2
"name": "foo-bar",
"dest": "foo_bar",
"default": 2
"name": "bar-foo",
"dest": "bar_foo",
"default": 2
"deprecated_options": {
"bar": [
"name": "opt",
"default": 3
opt = value
opt = 1
opt = 3
foo-bar = 3
bar_foo = 3
@ -106,5 +144,15 @@ class TestValidator(base.BaseTestCase):
with mock.patch('', m):
self.assertEqual(0, validator._validate(self.conf))
def test_check_defaults(self, mock_lod):
mock_lod.return_value = OPT_DATA
m = mock.mock_open(read_data=VALID_CONF)
with mock.patch('', m):
self.assertEqual(0, validator._validate(self.conf))
def test_invalid_options(self):
self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, validator._validate, self.conf)
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ project then it returns those errors.
import logging
import re
import sys
@ -36,6 +37,11 @@ import yaml
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_config import generator
'.*_ur(i|l)', '.*connection', 'password', 'username', 'my_ip',
'host(name)?', 'glance_api_servers', 'osapi_volume_listen',
_validator_opts = [
@ -50,6 +56,16 @@ _validator_opts = [
help='Path to a YAML file containing definitions of options, as '
'output by the config generator.'),
help='Report differences between the sample values and current '
help='Exclude options matching these patterns when comparing '
'the current and sample configurations.'),
@ -86,6 +102,73 @@ def _validate_deprecated_opt(group, option, opt_data):
return option in name_data
def _validate_defaults(sections, opt_data, conf):
"""Compares the current and sample configuration and reports differences
:param section: ConfigParser instance
:param opt_data: machine readable data from the generator instance
:param conf: ConfigOpts instance
:returns: boolean wether or not warnings were reported
warnings = False
# Generating regex objects from ListOpt
exclusion_regexes = []
for pattern in conf.exclude_options:
for group, opts in opt_data['options'].items():
if group in conf.exclude_group:
if group not in sections:
'Group %s from the sample config is not defined in '
'input-file', group)
for opt in opts['opts']:
# We need to convert the defaults into a list to find
# intersections. defaults are only a list if they can
# be defined multiple times, but configparser only
# returns list
if not isinstance(opt['default'], list):
defaults = [str(opt['default'])]
defaults = opt['default']
# Apparently, there's multiple naming conventions for
# options, 'name' is mostly with hyphens, and 'dest'
# is represented with underscores.
opt_names = set([opt['name'], opt.get('dest')])
if not opt_names.intersection(sections[group]):
value = sections[group][opt['name']]
keyname = opt['name']
except KeyError:
value = sections[group][opt.get('dest')]
keyname = opt.get('dest')
if any(rex.fullmatch(keyname) for rex in exclusion_regexes):
'%s/%s Ignoring option because it is part of the excluded '
'patterns. This can be changed with the --exclude-options '
'argument', group, keyname)
if len(value) > 1:
'%s/%s defined %s times', group, keyname, len(value))
if not opt['default']:
'%s/%s sample value is empty but input-file has %s',
group, keyname, ", ".join(value))
warnings = True
elif not frozenset(defaults).intersection(value):
'%s/%s sample value %s is not in %s',
group, keyname, defaults, value)
warnings = True
return warnings
def _validate_opt(group, option, opt_data):
if group not in opt_data['options']:
return False
@ -114,12 +197,14 @@ def _validate(conf):
warnings = False
errors = False
if conf.check_defaults:
warnings = _validate_defaults(sections, opt_data, conf)
for section, options in sections.items():
if section in conf.exclude_group:
for option in options:
if _validate_deprecated_opt(section, option, opt_data):
logging.warn('Deprecated opt %s/%s found', section, option)
logging.warning('Deprecated opt %s/%s found', section, option)
warnings = True
elif not _validate_opt(section, option, opt_data):
if section in KNOWN_BAD_GROUPS:
@ -129,7 +214,8 @@ def _validate(conf):
'cannot be validated properly.',
option, section)
logging.error('%s/%s not found', section, option)
logging.error('%s/%s is not part of the sample config',
section, option)
errors = True
if errors or (warnings and conf.fatal_warnings):
return 1
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
- |
Add a ``--check-defaults`` flag to ``oslo-config-validator``. When set,
``oslo-config-validator`` will compare the ``input-file`` with the sample
generated configuration and flag any discrepancies. It also obeys the
standard ``--exclude-group`` and ``--fatal-warning`` options.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user