Motivation: Currently oslo.config supports only basic set of types: strings, integers, floats, booleans, lists of strings and dictionaries of strings. The reason of existence of types other than string is to provide some kind of value validation (e.g. that integer contains only digits). There is a demand in community to have more complex value checks, e.g. that a port configuration option contains integer value that fits in certain range, host ip address conforms to ip address format, etc. Solution: This patch introduces support for custom Opt types that will allow a better control of value conversion and validation. Custom types are presented as type constructors - callable objects that take a string and either return converted value or raise ValueError in case value can't be converted. This concept is similar to argument types in 'argparse' library. Type constructor can be a class which instances are callable, a function or any callable object (which allows usage of parametriezed type class instances). Details: Oslo.config has Opt subclasses that control value conversion and validation: StrOpt, IntOpt, FloatOpt, etc. The type information is added to the base class - Opt - cause otherwise it would introduce confusion on what class to use when introducing e.g. NetworkPort: StrOpt or IntOpt. For each existing Opt subclass a corresponding type was implemented (see oslo.config.types). StrOpt, IntOpt, etc. classes are left for backward compatibility and present an Opt class parametrized with particular type. There are two exceptions of this rule: BoolOpt and MultiStrOpt. Those classes define a special logic for parsing values. BoolOpt was left unchanged and should be used when someone wants a Boolean option that is available through CLI. MultiStrOpt has logic to accumulate values. As it was bound to String type only, it's logic was extracted into a MultiOpt class and MultiStrOpt was left as a subclass parametrized with String type. Opt values allow value substitution. Previously it worked only for string types but now this feature only makes sense if it would work on any type. _substitute() and _do_get() methods of ConfigOpts class were updated to cover that. Also, TemplateSubstitution tests were updated to ensure that substitution is done before type conversion kicks in or otherwise type conversion will fail (e.g. if Integer type converted will get something like '$listen_port'). Advised review steps: 1. New type classes (oslo/config/types.py) and their tests (tests/test_types.py); 2. Changes to Str/Bool/Int/etc-Opt classes (those are pretty straight forward); 3. Other changes that add support for new types into existing infrastructure; 4. New cfg test cases added (mostly related to changes in substitution mechanics). blueprint oslo-config-options-validation Change-Id: I6910f1efa540cfe757b2be6da0aec072f8ed28fa
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# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright 2013 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import unittest
from oslo.config import types
class TypeTestHelper(object):
def setUp(self):
super(TypeTestHelper, self).setUp()
self.type_instance = self.type
def assertConvertedValue(self, s, expected):
self.assertEqual(expected, self.type_instance(s))
def assertInvalid(self, value):
self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.type_instance, value)
class StringTypeTests(TypeTestHelper, unittest.TestCase):
type = types.String()
def test_empty_string_passes(self):
self.assertConvertedValue('', '')
def test_should_return_same_string_if_valid(self):
self.assertConvertedValue('foo bar', 'foo bar')
def test_listed_value(self):
self.type_instance = types.String(choices=['foo', 'bar'])
self.assertConvertedValue('foo', 'foo')
def test_unlisted_value(self):
self.type_instance = types.String(choices=['foo', 'bar'])
def test_with_no_values_returns_error(self):
self.type_instance = types.String(choices=[])
def test_string_with_non_closed_quote_is_invalid(self):
self.type_instance = types.String(quotes=True)
self.assertInvalid('"foo bar')
self.assertInvalid("'bar baz")
def test_quotes_are_stripped(self):
self.type_instance = types.String(quotes=True)
self.assertConvertedValue('"foo bar"', 'foo bar')
def test_trailing_quote_is_ok(self):
self.type_instance = types.String(quotes=True)
self.assertConvertedValue('foo bar"', 'foo bar"')
def test_repr(self):
t = types.String()
self.assertEqual('String', repr(t))
def test_repr_with_choices(self):
t = types.String(choices=['foo', 'bar'])
self.assertEqual('String(choices=[\'foo\', \'bar\'])', repr(t))
def test_equal(self):
self.assertTrue(types.String() == types.String())
def test_equal_with_same_choices(self):
t1 = types.String(choices=['foo', 'bar'])
t2 = types.String(choices=['foo', 'bar'])
self.assertTrue(t1 == t2)
def test_not_equal_with_different_choices(self):
t1 = types.String(choices=['foo', 'bar'])
t2 = types.String(choices=['foo', 'baz'])
self.assertFalse(t1 == t2)
def test_equal_with_equal_quote_falgs(self):
t1 = types.String(quotes=True)
t2 = types.String(quotes=True)
self.assertTrue(t1 == t2)
def test_not_equal_with_different_quote_falgs(self):
t1 = types.String(quotes=False)
t2 = types.String(quotes=True)
self.assertFalse(t1 == t2)
def test_not_equal_to_other_class(self):
self.assertFalse(types.String() == types.Integer())
class BooleanTypeTests(TypeTestHelper, unittest.TestCase):
type = types.Boolean()
def test_True(self):
self.assertConvertedValue('True', True)
def test_yes(self):
self.assertConvertedValue('yes', True)
def test_on(self):
self.assertConvertedValue('on', True)
def test_1(self):
self.assertConvertedValue('1', True)
def test_False(self):
self.assertConvertedValue('False', False)
def test_no(self):
self.assertConvertedValue('no', False)
def test_off(self):
self.assertConvertedValue('off', False)
def test_0(self):
self.assertConvertedValue('0', False)
def test_other_values_produce_error(self):
def test_repr(self):
self.assertEqual('Boolean', repr(types.Boolean()))
def test_equal(self):
self.assertEqual(types.Boolean(), types.Boolean())
def test_not_equal_to_other_class(self):
self.assertFalse(types.Boolean() == types.String())
class IntegerTypeTests(TypeTestHelper, unittest.TestCase):
type = types.Integer()
def test_empty_string(self):
self.assertConvertedValue('', None)
def test_whitespace_string(self):
self.assertConvertedValue(" \t\t\t\t", None)
def test_positive_values_are_valid(self):
self.assertConvertedValue('123', 123)
def test_zero_is_valid(self):
self.assertConvertedValue('0', 0)
def test_negative_values_are_valid(self):
self.assertConvertedValue('-123', -123)
def test_leading_whitespace_is_ignored(self):
self.assertConvertedValue(' 5', 5)
def test_trailing_whitespace_is_ignored(self):
self.assertConvertedValue('7 ', 7)
def test_non_digits_are_invalid(self):
def test_repr(self):
t = types.Integer()
self.assertEqual('Integer', repr(t))
def test_repr_with_min(self):
t = types.Integer(min=123)
self.assertEqual('Integer(min=123)', repr(t))
def test_repr_with_max(self):
t = types.Integer(max=456)
self.assertEqual('Integer(max=456)', repr(t))
def test_repr_with_min_and_max(self):
t = types.Integer(min=123, max=456)
self.assertEqual('Integer(min=123, max=456)', repr(t))
def test_equal(self):
self.assertTrue(types.Integer() == types.Integer())
def test_equal_with_same_min_and_no_max(self):
self.assertTrue(types.Integer(min=123) == types.Integer(min=123))
def test_equal_with_same_max_and_no_min(self):
self.assertTrue(types.Integer(max=123) == types.Integer(max=123))
def test_equal_with_same_min_and_max(self):
t1 = types.Integer(min=1, max=123)
t2 = types.Integer(min=1, max=123)
self.assertTrue(t1 == t2)
def test_not_equal(self):
self.assertFalse(types.Integer(min=123) == types.Integer(min=456))
def test_not_equal_to_other_class(self):
self.assertFalse(types.Integer() == types.String())
class FloatTypeTests(TypeTestHelper, unittest.TestCase):
type = types.Float()
def test_decimal_format(self):
v = self.type_instance('123.456')
self.assertAlmostEqual(v, 123.456)
def test_decimal_format_negative_float(self):
v = self.type_instance('-123.456')
self.assertAlmostEqual(v, -123.456)
def test_exponential_format(self):
v = self.type_instance('123e-2')
self.assertAlmostEqual(v, 1.23)
def test_non_float_is_invalid(self):
def test_repr(self):
self.assertEqual('Float', repr(types.Float()))
def test_equal(self):
self.assertTrue(types.Float() == types.Float())
def test_not_equal_to_other_class(self):
self.assertFalse(types.Float() == types.Integer())
class ListTypeTests(TypeTestHelper, unittest.TestCase):
type = types.List()
def test_empty_value(self):
self.assertConvertedValue('', [])
def test_single_value(self):
self.assertConvertedValue(' foo bar ',
['foo bar'])
def test_list_of_values(self):
self.assertConvertedValue(' foo bar, baz ',
['foo bar',
def test_list_of_values_containing_commas(self):
self.type_instance = types.List(types.String(quotes=True))
self.assertConvertedValue('foo,"bar, baz",bam',
'bar, baz',
def test_list_of_lists(self):
self.type_instance = types.List(
types.List(types.String(), bounds=True)
self.assertConvertedValue('[foo],[bar, baz],[bam]',
[['foo'], ['bar', 'baz'], ['bam']])
def test_list_of_custom_type(self):
self.type_instance = types.List(types.Integer())
[1, 2, 3, 5])
def test_bounds_parsing(self):
self.type_instance = types.List(types.Integer(), bounds=True)
self.assertConvertedValue('[1,2,3]', [1, 2, 3])
def test_bounds_required(self):
self.type_instance = types.List(types.Integer(), bounds=True)
def test_repr(self):
t = types.List(types.Integer())
self.assertEqual('List of Integer', repr(t))
def test_equal(self):
self.assertTrue(types.List() == types.List())
def test_equal_with_equal_custom_item_types(self):
it1 = types.Integer()
it2 = types.Integer()
self.assertTrue(types.List(it1) == types.List(it2))
def test_not_equal_with_non_equal_custom_item_types(self):
it1 = types.Integer()
it2 = types.String()
self.assertFalse(it1 == it2)
self.assertFalse(types.List(it1) == types.List(it2))
def test_not_equal_to_other_class(self):
self.assertFalse(types.List() == types.Integer())
class DictTypeTests(TypeTestHelper, unittest.TestCase):
type = types.Dict()
def test_empty_value(self):
self.assertConvertedValue('', {})
def test_single_value(self):
self.assertConvertedValue(' foo: bar ',
{'foo': 'bar'})
def test_dict_of_values(self):
self.assertConvertedValue(' foo: bar, baz: 123 ',
{'foo': 'bar',
'baz': '123'})
def test_custom_value_type(self):
self.type_instance = types.Dict(types.Integer())
self.assertConvertedValue('foo:123, bar: 456',
{'foo': 123,
'bar': 456})
def test_dict_of_values_containing_commas(self):
self.type_instance = types.Dict(types.String(quotes=True))
self.assertConvertedValue('foo:"bar, baz",bam:quux',
{'foo': 'bar, baz',
'bam': 'quux'})
def test_dict_of_dicts(self):
self.type_instance = types.Dict(
types.Dict(types.String(), bounds=True)
{'k1': {'k1': 'v1', 'k2': 'v2'},
'k2': {'k3': 'v3'}})
def test_bounds_parsing(self):
self.type_instance = types.Dict(types.String(), bounds=True)
{'foo': 'bar',
'baz': '123'})
def test_bounds_required(self):
self.type_instance = types.Dict(types.String(), bounds=True)
def test_no_mapping_produces_error(self):
def test_repr(self):
t = types.Dict(types.Integer())
self.assertEqual('Dict of Integer', repr(t))
def test_equal(self):
self.assertTrue(types.Dict() == types.Dict())
def test_equal_with_equal_custom_item_types(self):
it1 = types.Integer()
it2 = types.Integer()
self.assertTrue(types.Dict(it1) == types.Dict(it2))
def test_not_equal_with_non_equal_custom_item_types(self):
it1 = types.Integer()
it2 = types.String()
self.assertFalse(it1 == it2)
self.assertFalse(types.Dict(it1) == types.Dict(it2))
def test_not_equal_to_other_class(self):
self.assertFalse(types.Dict() == types.Integer())