2014-12-12 14:23:13 -05:00
# Copyright 2010 United States Government as represented by the
# Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Session Handling for SQLAlchemy backend.
Recommended ways to use sessions within this framework:
* Don't use them explicitly; this is like running with ``AUTOCOMMIT=1``.
`model_query()` will implicitly use a session when called without one
supplied. This is the ideal situation because it will allow queries
to be automatically retried if the database connection is interrupted.
.. note:: Automatic retry will be enabled in a future patch.
It is generally fine to issue several queries in a row like this. Even though
they may be run in separate transactions and/or separate sessions, each one
will see the data from the prior calls. If needed, undo- or rollback-like
functionality should be handled at a logical level. For an example, look at
the code around quotas and `reservation_rollback()`.
.. code-block:: python
def get_foo(context, foo):
return (model_query(context, models.Foo).
def update_foo(context, id, newfoo):
(model_query(context, models.Foo).
update({'foo': newfoo}))
def create_foo(context, values):
foo_ref = models.Foo()
return foo_ref
* Within the scope of a single method, keep all the reads and writes within
the context managed by a single session. In this way, the session's
`__exit__` handler will take care of calling `flush()` and `commit()` for
you. If using this approach, you should not explicitly call `flush()` or
`commit()`. Any error within the context of the session will cause the
session to emit a `ROLLBACK`. Database errors like `IntegrityError` will be
raised in `session`'s `__exit__` handler, and any try/except within the
context managed by `session` will not be triggered. And catching other
non-database errors in the session will not trigger the ROLLBACK, so
exception handlers should always be outside the session, unless the
developer wants to do a partial commit on purpose. If the connection is
dropped before this is possible, the database will implicitly roll back the
.. note:: Statements in the session scope will not be automatically retried.
If you create models within the session, they need to be added, but you
do not need to call `model.save()`:
.. code-block:: python
def create_many_foo(context, foos):
session = sessionmaker()
with session.begin():
for foo in foos:
foo_ref = models.Foo()
def update_bar(context, foo_id, newbar):
session = sessionmaker()
with session.begin():
foo_ref = (model_query(context, models.Foo, session).
(model_query(context, models.Bar, session).
update({'bar': newbar}))
.. note:: `update_bar` is a trivially simple example of using
``with session.begin``. Whereas `create_many_foo` is a good example of
when a transaction is needed, it is always best to use as few queries as
The two queries in `update_bar` can be better expressed using a single query
which avoids the need for an explicit transaction. It can be expressed like
.. code-block:: python
def update_bar(context, foo_id, newbar):
subq = (model_query(context, models.Foo.id).
(model_query(context, models.Bar).
update({'bar': newbar}))
For reference, this emits approximately the following SQL statement:
.. code-block:: sql
UPDATE bar SET bar = ${newbar}
WHERE id=(SELECT bar_id FROM foo WHERE id = ${foo_id} LIMIT 1);
.. note:: `create_duplicate_foo` is a trivially simple example of catching an
exception while using ``with session.begin``. Here create two duplicate
instances with same primary key, must catch the exception out of context
managed by a single session:
.. code-block:: python
def create_duplicate_foo(context):
foo1 = models.Foo()
foo2 = models.Foo()
foo1.id = foo2.id = 1
session = sessionmaker()
with session.begin():
except exception.DBDuplicateEntry as e:
* Passing an active session between methods. Sessions should only be passed
to private methods. The private method must use a subtransaction; otherwise
SQLAlchemy will throw an error when you call `session.begin()` on an existing
transaction. Public methods should not accept a session parameter and should
not be involved in sessions within the caller's scope.
Note that this incurs more overhead in SQLAlchemy than the above means
due to nesting transactions, and it is not possible to implicitly retry
failed database operations when using this approach.
This also makes code somewhat more difficult to read and debug, because a
single database transaction spans more than one method. Error handling
becomes less clear in this situation. When this is needed for code clarity,
it should be clearly documented.
.. code-block:: python
def myfunc(foo):
session = sessionmaker()
with session.begin():
# do some database things
bar = _private_func(foo, session)
return bar
def _private_func(foo, session=None):
if not session:
session = sessionmaker()
with session.begin(subtransaction=True):
# do some other database things
return bar
There are some things which it is best to avoid:
* Don't keep a transaction open any longer than necessary.
This means that your ``with session.begin()`` block should be as short
as possible, while still containing all the related calls for that
* Avoid ``with_lockmode('UPDATE')`` when possible.
In MySQL/InnoDB, when a ``SELECT ... FOR UPDATE`` query does not match
any rows, it will take a gap-lock. This is a form of write-lock on the
"gap" where no rows exist, and prevents any other writes to that space.
This can effectively prevent any INSERT into a table by locking the gap
at the end of the index. Similar problems will occur if the SELECT FOR UPDATE
has an overly broad WHERE clause, or doesn't properly use an index.
One idea proposed at ODS Fall '12 was to use a normal SELECT to test the
number of rows matching a query, and if only one row is returned,
then issue the SELECT FOR UPDATE.
The better long-term solution is to use
However, this can not be done until the "deleted" columns are removed and
proper UNIQUE constraints are added to the tables.
Enabling soft deletes:
* To use/enable soft-deletes, the `SoftDeleteMixin` must be added
to your model class. For example:
.. code-block:: python
class NovaBase(models.SoftDeleteMixin, models.ModelBase):
Efficient use of soft deletes:
* There are two possible ways to mark a record as deleted:
`model.soft_delete()` and `query.soft_delete()`.
The `model.soft_delete()` method works with a single already-fetched entry.
`query.soft_delete()` makes only one db request for all entries that
correspond to the query.
* In almost all cases you should use `query.soft_delete()`. Some examples:
.. code-block:: python
def soft_delete_bar():
count = model_query(BarModel).find(some_condition).soft_delete()
if count == 0:
raise Exception("0 entries were soft deleted")
def complex_soft_delete_with_synchronization_bar(session=None):
if session is None:
session = sessionmaker()
with session.begin(subtransactions=True):
count = (model_query(BarModel).
# Here synchronize_session is required, because we
# don't know what is going on in outer session.
if count == 0:
raise Exception("0 entries were soft deleted")
* There is only one situation where `model.soft_delete()` is appropriate: when
you fetch a single record, work with it, and mark it as deleted in the same
.. code-block:: python
def soft_delete_bar_model():
session = sessionmaker()
with session.begin():
bar_ref = model_query(BarModel).find(some_condition).first()
# Work with bar_ref
However, if you need to work with all entries that correspond to query and
then soft delete them you should use the `query.soft_delete()` method:
.. code-block:: python
def soft_delete_multi_models():
session = sessionmaker()
with session.begin():
query = (model_query(BarModel, session=session).
model_refs = query.all()
# Work with model_refs
# synchronize_session=False should be set if there is no outer
# session and these entries are not used after this.
When working with many rows, it is very important to use query.soft_delete,
which issues a single query. Using `model.soft_delete()`, as in the following
example, is very inefficient.
.. code-block:: python
for bar_ref in bar_refs:
# This will produce count(bar_refs) db requests.
import itertools
import logging
2015-02-17 14:28:50 -05:00
import os
2014-12-12 14:23:13 -05:00
import re
import time
2015-01-21 18:23:56 -05:00
from oslo_utils import timeutils
2014-12-12 14:23:13 -05:00
import six
2015-04-14 13:53:04 -04:00
from sqlalchemy import event
2015-02-17 14:28:50 -05:00
from sqlalchemy import exc
2014-12-12 14:23:13 -05:00
import sqlalchemy.orm
from sqlalchemy import pool
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import literal_column
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import select
from oslo_db._i18n import _LW
from oslo_db import exception
from oslo_db import options
from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import exc_filters
Implement generic update-on-match feature
This feature provides the query.update_on_match()
and query.update_returning_pk() methods, as well
as the manufacture_persistent_object(),
manufacture_entity_criteria(), and manufacture_criteria()
utility functions.
query.update_on_match() is used to UPDATE a row based on a variety
of criteria, and to then return a fully persistent object
state representing the row that was matched. It
essentially intends to provide an UPDATE that is guaranteed
to have matched a specific row in the presence of potential
race conditions without using any locking, and to then
return a record of that row as if it had been SELECTed.
query.update_returning_pk() is a public method that
also serves as part of the implementation of
query.update_on_match(); this method delivers an UPDATE
statement such that the primary key of the single row
matched is returned; if zero or multiple rows are matched,
and error is raised. To handle this, several backend-specific
strategies are provided, which are automatically selected
based on the best available. The lowest strategy
performs a re-SELECT, but still assumes there's
a simple unique column to be queried on, as is currently the
use case in Nova (uuid is present). On Postgresql, MySQL
and other databases besides SQLite and possibly DB2, more
atomic strategies are used.
Change-Id: I059f4ae6e72cfa6681a179314144214639f283ef
2015-01-09 18:59:11 -05:00
from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import update_match
2014-12-12 14:23:13 -05:00
from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import utils
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _thread_yield(dbapi_con, con_record):
"""Ensure other greenthreads get a chance to be executed.
If we use eventlet.monkey_patch(), eventlet.greenthread.sleep(0) will
execute instead of time.sleep(0).
Force a context switch. With common database backends (eg MySQLdb and
sqlite), there is no implicit yield caused by network I/O since they are
implemented by C libraries that eventlet cannot monkey patch.
def _connect_ping_listener(connection, branch):
"""Ping the server at connection startup.
Ping the server at transaction begin and transparently reconnect
if a disconnect exception occurs.
if branch:
# turn off "close with result". This can also be accomplished
# by branching the connection, however just setting the flag is
# more performant and also doesn't get involved with some
# connection-invalidation awkardness that occurs (see
# https://bitbucket.org/zzzeek/sqlalchemy/issue/3215/)
save_should_close_with_result = connection.should_close_with_result
connection.should_close_with_result = False
# run a SELECT 1. use a core select() so that
# any details like that needed by Oracle, DB2 etc. are handled.
except exception.DBConnectionError:
# catch DBConnectionError, which is raised by the filter
# system.
# disconnect detected. The connection is now
# "invalid", but the pool should be ready to return
# new connections assuming they are good now.
# run the select again to re-validate the Connection.
connection.should_close_with_result = save_should_close_with_result
def _setup_logging(connection_debug=0):
"""setup_logging function maps SQL debug level to Python log level.
Connection_debug is a verbosity of SQL debugging information.
0=None(default value),
1=Processed only messages with WARNING level or higher
50=Processed only messages with INFO level or higher
100=Processed only messages with DEBUG level
if connection_debug >= 0:
logger = logging.getLogger('sqlalchemy.engine')
if connection_debug >= 100:
elif connection_debug >= 50:
def create_engine(sql_connection, sqlite_fk=False, mysql_sql_mode=None,
connection_debug=0, max_pool_size=None, max_overflow=None,
pool_timeout=None, sqlite_synchronous=True,
connection_trace=False, max_retries=10, retry_interval=10,
thread_checkin=True, logging_name=None):
"""Return a new SQLAlchemy engine."""
url = sqlalchemy.engine.url.make_url(sql_connection)
engine_args = {
"pool_recycle": idle_timeout,
'convert_unicode': True,
'connect_args': {},
'logging_name': logging_name
url, engine_args,
engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(url, **engine_args)
# register alternate exception handler
# register engine connect handler
2015-04-14 13:53:04 -04:00
event.listen(engine, "engine_connect", _connect_ping_listener)
2014-12-12 14:23:13 -05:00
# initial connect + test
2015-01-27 19:15:50 +02:00
# NOTE(viktors): the current implementation of _test_connection()
# does nothing, if max_retries == 0, so we can skip it
if max_retries:
test_conn = _test_connection(engine, max_retries, retry_interval)
2014-12-12 14:23:13 -05:00
return engine
@utils.dispatch_for_dialect('*', multiple=True)
def _init_connection_args(
url, engine_args,
max_pool_size=None, max_overflow=None, pool_timeout=None, **kw):
pool_class = url.get_dialect().get_pool_class(url)
if issubclass(pool_class, pool.QueuePool):
if max_pool_size is not None:
engine_args['pool_size'] = max_pool_size
if max_overflow is not None:
engine_args['max_overflow'] = max_overflow
if pool_timeout is not None:
engine_args['pool_timeout'] = pool_timeout
def _init_connection_args(url, engine_args, **kw):
pool_class = url.get_dialect().get_pool_class(url)
# singletonthreadpool is used for :memory: connections;
# replace it with StaticPool.
if issubclass(pool_class, pool.SingletonThreadPool):
engine_args["poolclass"] = pool.StaticPool
engine_args['connect_args']['check_same_thread'] = False
def _init_connection_args(url, engine_args, **kw):
if 'client_encoding' not in url.query:
# Set encoding using engine_args instead of connect_args since
# it's supported for PostgreSQL 8.*. More details at:
# http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_0_9/dialects/postgresql.html
engine_args['client_encoding'] = 'utf8'
def _init_connection_args(url, engine_args, **kw):
if 'charset' not in url.query:
engine_args['connect_args']['charset'] = 'utf8'
def _init_connection_args(url, engine_args, **kw):
# mysqlconnector engine (<1.0) incorrectly defaults to
# raise_on_warnings=True
# https://bitbucket.org/zzzeek/sqlalchemy/issue/2515
if 'raise_on_warnings' not in url.query:
engine_args['connect_args']['raise_on_warnings'] = False
def _init_connection_args(url, engine_args, **kw):
# Those drivers require use_unicode=0 to avoid performance drop due
# to internal usage of Python unicode objects in the driver
# http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_0_9/dialects/mysql.html
if 'use_unicode' not in url.query:
engine_args['connect_args']['use_unicode'] = 0
@utils.dispatch_for_dialect('*', multiple=True)
def _init_events(engine, thread_checkin=True, connection_trace=False, **kw):
"""Set up event listeners for all database backends."""
2015-02-17 14:28:50 -05:00
2014-12-12 14:23:13 -05:00
if connection_trace:
if thread_checkin:
sqlalchemy.event.listen(engine, 'checkin', _thread_yield)
def _init_events(engine, mysql_sql_mode=None, **kw):
"""Set up event listeners for MySQL."""
if mysql_sql_mode is not None:
@sqlalchemy.event.listens_for(engine, "connect")
def _set_session_sql_mode(dbapi_con, connection_rec):
cursor = dbapi_con.cursor()
cursor.execute("SET SESSION sql_mode = %s", [mysql_sql_mode])
@sqlalchemy.event.listens_for(engine, "first_connect")
def _check_effective_sql_mode(dbapi_con, connection_rec):
if mysql_sql_mode is not None:
_set_session_sql_mode(dbapi_con, connection_rec)
cursor = dbapi_con.cursor()
cursor.execute("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'sql_mode'")
realmode = cursor.fetchone()
if realmode is None:
LOG.warning(_LW('Unable to detect effective SQL mode'))
realmode = realmode[1]
LOG.debug('MySQL server mode set to %s', realmode)
if 'TRADITIONAL' not in realmode.upper() and \
'STRICT_ALL_TABLES' not in realmode.upper():
"MySQL SQL mode is '%s', "
"consider enabling TRADITIONAL or STRICT_ALL_TABLES"),
def _init_events(engine, sqlite_synchronous=True, sqlite_fk=False, **kw):
"""Set up event listeners for SQLite.
This includes several settings made on connections as they are
created, as well as transactional control extensions.
def regexp(expr, item):
reg = re.compile(expr)
return reg.search(six.text_type(item)) is not None
@sqlalchemy.event.listens_for(engine, "connect")
def _sqlite_connect_events(dbapi_con, con_record):
# Add REGEXP functionality on SQLite connections
dbapi_con.create_function('regexp', 2, regexp)
if not sqlite_synchronous:
# Switch sqlite connections to non-synchronous mode
dbapi_con.execute("PRAGMA synchronous = OFF")
# Disable pysqlite's emitting of the BEGIN statement entirely.
# Also stops it from emitting COMMIT before any DDL.
# below, we emit BEGIN ourselves.
# see http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_0_9/dialects/\
# sqlite.html#serializable-isolation-savepoints-transactional-ddl
dbapi_con.isolation_level = None
if sqlite_fk:
# Ensures that the foreign key constraints are enforced in SQLite.
dbapi_con.execute('pragma foreign_keys=ON')
@sqlalchemy.event.listens_for(engine, "begin")
def _sqlite_emit_begin(conn):
# emit our own BEGIN, checking for existing
# transactional state
if 'in_transaction' not in conn.info:
conn.info['in_transaction'] = True
@sqlalchemy.event.listens_for(engine, "rollback")
@sqlalchemy.event.listens_for(engine, "commit")
def _sqlite_end_transaction(conn):
# remove transactional marker
conn.info.pop('in_transaction', None)
def _test_connection(engine, max_retries, retry_interval):
if max_retries == -1:
attempts = itertools.count()
attempts = six.moves.range(max_retries)
# See: http://legacy.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3110/#semantic-changes for
# why we are not using 'de' directly (it can be removed from the local
# scope).
de_ref = None
for attempt in attempts:
Ensure DBConnectionError is raised on failed revalidate
The second call to connection.scalar() inside of _connect_ping_listener()
is not subject to the exc_filters system under SQLAlchemy 0.9 and earlier,
in the case that the attempt to revalidate within fails. This causes
the exception to be propagated outwards as the original
OperationalError (assuming that's what the DBAPI raised, as is typical),
rather than it being wrapped again in DBConnectionError.
SQLAlchemy 1.0 has altered this behavior such that the handle_error()
listener is invoked correctly for revalidiation attempts (it was being
invoked before, but without the correct state), as well as
for initial connect attempts, as part of
https://bitbucket.org/zzzeek/sqlalchemy/issue/3266/. For 0.9 and earlier,
we here backport this system into oslo/db/sqlalchemy/compat.py,
including that we redefine the connection pool's handler to re-throw
the original dbapi.Error instance directly, then move the handling
of this error in terms of SQLAlchemy wrapping and events into
the Engine and Connection. The approach here works back to
SQLAlchemy 0.8, and is conditional based on whether or not
SQLAlchemy 1.0 is detected.
Change-Id: I455e957b043318a8500909c66cadde53228b52d6
2014-12-05 16:36:40 -05:00
return engine.connect()
2014-12-12 14:23:13 -05:00
except exception.DBConnectionError as de:
msg = _LW('SQL connection failed. %s attempts left.')
LOG.warning(msg, max_retries - attempt)
de_ref = de
if de_ref is not None:
six.reraise(type(de_ref), de_ref)
class Query(sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query):
"""Subclass of sqlalchemy.query with soft_delete() method."""
def soft_delete(self, synchronize_session='evaluate'):
return self.update({'deleted': literal_column('id'),
'updated_at': literal_column('updated_at'),
'deleted_at': timeutils.utcnow()},
Implement generic update-on-match feature
This feature provides the query.update_on_match()
and query.update_returning_pk() methods, as well
as the manufacture_persistent_object(),
manufacture_entity_criteria(), and manufacture_criteria()
utility functions.
query.update_on_match() is used to UPDATE a row based on a variety
of criteria, and to then return a fully persistent object
state representing the row that was matched. It
essentially intends to provide an UPDATE that is guaranteed
to have matched a specific row in the presence of potential
race conditions without using any locking, and to then
return a record of that row as if it had been SELECTed.
query.update_returning_pk() is a public method that
also serves as part of the implementation of
query.update_on_match(); this method delivers an UPDATE
statement such that the primary key of the single row
matched is returned; if zero or multiple rows are matched,
and error is raised. To handle this, several backend-specific
strategies are provided, which are automatically selected
based on the best available. The lowest strategy
performs a re-SELECT, but still assumes there's
a simple unique column to be queried on, as is currently the
use case in Nova (uuid is present). On Postgresql, MySQL
and other databases besides SQLite and possibly DB2, more
atomic strategies are used.
Change-Id: I059f4ae6e72cfa6681a179314144214639f283ef
2015-01-09 18:59:11 -05:00
def update_returning_pk(self, values, surrogate_key):
"""Perform an UPDATE, returning the primary key of the matched row.
This is a method-version of
oslo_db.sqlalchemy.update_match.update_returning_pk(); see that
function for usage details.
return update_match.update_returning_pk(self, values, surrogate_key)
def update_on_match(self, specimen, surrogate_key, values, **kw):
"""Emit an UPDATE statement matching the given specimen.
This is a method-version of
oslo_db.sqlalchemy.update_match.update_on_match(); see that function
for usage details.
return update_match.update_on_match(
self, specimen, surrogate_key, values, **kw)
2014-12-12 14:23:13 -05:00
class Session(sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session):
"""Custom Session class to avoid SqlAlchemy Session monkey patching."""
def get_maker(engine, autocommit=True, expire_on_commit=False):
"""Return a SQLAlchemy sessionmaker using the given engine."""
return sqlalchemy.orm.sessionmaker(bind=engine,
2015-02-17 14:28:50 -05:00
def _add_process_guards(engine):
"""Add multiprocessing guards.
Forces a connection to be reconnected if it is detected
as having been shared to a sub-process.
@sqlalchemy.event.listens_for(engine, "connect")
def connect(dbapi_connection, connection_record):
connection_record.info['pid'] = os.getpid()
@sqlalchemy.event.listens_for(engine, "checkout")
def checkout(dbapi_connection, connection_record, connection_proxy):
pid = os.getpid()
if connection_record.info['pid'] != pid:
"Parent process %(orig)s forked (%(newproc)s) with an open "
"database connection, "
"which is being discarded and recreated."),
{"newproc": pid, "orig": connection_record.info['pid']})
connection_record.connection = connection_proxy.connection = None
raise exc.DisconnectionError(
"Connection record belongs to pid %s, "
"attempting to check out in pid %s" %
(connection_record.info['pid'], pid)
2014-12-12 14:23:13 -05:00
def _add_trace_comments(engine):
"""Add trace comments.
Augment statements with a trace of the immediate calling code
for a given statement.
import os
import sys
import traceback
target_paths = set([
@sqlalchemy.event.listens_for(engine, "before_cursor_execute", retval=True)
def before_cursor_execute(conn, cursor, statement, parameters, context,
# NOTE(zzzeek) - if different steps per DB dialect are desirable
# here, switch out on engine.name for now.
stack = traceback.extract_stack()
our_line = None
for idx, (filename, line, method, function) in enumerate(stack):
for tgt in target_paths:
if filename.startswith(tgt):
our_line = idx
if our_line:
if our_line:
trace = "; ".join(
"File: %s (%s) %s" % (
line[0], line[1], line[2]
# include three lines of context.
for line in stack[our_line - 3:our_line]
statement = "%s -- %s" % (statement, trace)
return statement, parameters
class EngineFacade(object):
"""A helper class for removing of global engine instances from oslo.db.
As a library, oslo.db can't decide where to store/when to create engine
and sessionmaker instances, so this must be left for a target application.
On the other hand, in order to simplify the adoption of oslo.db changes,
we'll provide a helper class, which creates engine and sessionmaker
on its instantiation and provides get_engine()/get_session() methods
that are compatible with corresponding utility functions that currently
exist in target projects, e.g. in Nova.
engine/sessionmaker instances will still be global (and they are meant to
be global), but they will be stored in the app context, rather that in the
oslo.db context.
Note: using of this helper is completely optional and you are encouraged to
integrate engine/sessionmaker instances into your apps any way you like
(e.g. one might want to bind a session to a request context). Two important
things to remember:
1. An Engine instance is effectively a pool of DB connections, so it's
meant to be shared (and it's thread-safe).
2. A Session instance is not meant to be shared and represents a DB
transactional context (i.e. it's not thread-safe). sessionmaker is
a factory of sessions.
def __init__(self, sql_connection, slave_connection=None,
sqlite_fk=False, autocommit=True,
expire_on_commit=False, **kwargs):
"""Initialize engine and sessionmaker instances.
:param sql_connection: the connection string for the database to use
:type sql_connection: string
:param slave_connection: the connection string for the 'slave' database
to use. If not provided, the master database
will be used for all operations. Note: this
is meant to be used for offloading of read
operations to asynchronously replicated slaves
to reduce the load on the master database.
:type slave_connection: string
:param sqlite_fk: enable foreign keys in SQLite
:type sqlite_fk: bool
:param autocommit: use autocommit mode for created Session instances
:type autocommit: bool
:param expire_on_commit: expire session objects on commit
:type expire_on_commit: bool
Keyword arguments:
:keyword mysql_sql_mode: the SQL mode to be used for MySQL sessions.
(defaults to TRADITIONAL)
:keyword idle_timeout: timeout before idle sql connections are reaped
(defaults to 3600)
:keyword connection_debug: verbosity of SQL debugging information.
-1=Off, 0=None, 100=Everything (defaults
to 0)
:keyword max_pool_size: maximum number of SQL connections to keep open
in a pool (defaults to SQLAlchemy settings)
:keyword max_overflow: if set, use this value for max_overflow with
sqlalchemy (defaults to SQLAlchemy settings)
:keyword pool_timeout: if set, use this value for pool_timeout with
sqlalchemy (defaults to SQLAlchemy settings)
:keyword sqlite_synchronous: if True, SQLite uses synchronous mode
(defaults to True)
:keyword connection_trace: add python stack traces to SQL as comment
strings (defaults to False)
:keyword max_retries: maximum db connection retries during startup.
(setting -1 implies an infinite retry count)
(defaults to 10)
:keyword retry_interval: interval between retries of opening a sql
connection (defaults to 10)
:keyword thread_checkin: boolean that indicates that between each
engine checkin event a sleep(0) will occur to
allow other greenthreads to run (defaults to
super(EngineFacade, self).__init__()
engine_kwargs = {
'sqlite_fk': sqlite_fk,
'mysql_sql_mode': kwargs.get('mysql_sql_mode', 'TRADITIONAL'),
'idle_timeout': kwargs.get('idle_timeout', 3600),
'connection_debug': kwargs.get('connection_debug', 0),
'max_pool_size': kwargs.get('max_pool_size'),
'max_overflow': kwargs.get('max_overflow'),
'pool_timeout': kwargs.get('pool_timeout'),
'sqlite_synchronous': kwargs.get('sqlite_synchronous', True),
'connection_trace': kwargs.get('connection_trace', False),
'max_retries': kwargs.get('max_retries', 10),
'retry_interval': kwargs.get('retry_interval', 10),
'thread_checkin': kwargs.get('thread_checkin', True)
maker_kwargs = {
'autocommit': autocommit,
'expire_on_commit': expire_on_commit
self._engine = create_engine(sql_connection=sql_connection,
self._session_maker = get_maker(engine=self._engine,
if slave_connection:
self._slave_engine = create_engine(sql_connection=slave_connection,
self._slave_session_maker = get_maker(engine=self._slave_engine,
self._slave_engine = None
self._slave_session_maker = None
def get_engine(self, use_slave=False):
"""Get the engine instance (note, that it's shared).
:param use_slave: if possible, use 'slave' database for this engine.
If the connection string for the slave database
wasn't provided, 'master' engine will be returned.
(defaults to False)
:type use_slave: bool
if use_slave and self._slave_engine:
return self._slave_engine
return self._engine
def get_session(self, use_slave=False, **kwargs):
"""Get a Session instance.
:param use_slave: if possible, use 'slave' database connection for
this session. If the connection string for the
slave database wasn't provided, a session bound
to the 'master' engine will be returned.
(defaults to False)
:type use_slave: bool
Keyword arugments will be passed to a sessionmaker instance as is (if
passed, they will override the ones used when the sessionmaker instance
was created). See SQLAlchemy Session docs for details.
if use_slave and self._slave_session_maker:
return self._slave_session_maker(**kwargs)
return self._session_maker(**kwargs)
def from_config(cls, conf,
sqlite_fk=False, autocommit=True, expire_on_commit=False):
"""Initialize EngineFacade using oslo.config config instance options.
:param conf: oslo.config config instance
:type conf: oslo.config.cfg.ConfigOpts
:param sqlite_fk: enable foreign keys in SQLite
:type sqlite_fk: bool
:param autocommit: use autocommit mode for created Session instances
:type autocommit: bool
:param expire_on_commit: expire session objects on commit
:type expire_on_commit: bool
conf.register_opts(options.database_opts, 'database')
return cls(sql_connection=conf.database.connection,