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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from keystoneauth1 import exceptions as ksa_exceptions
from keystoneauth1 import loading
from openstack import connection
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log
from oslo_limit import exception
from oslo_limit import opts
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
def _get_keystone_connection():
auth = loading.load_auth_from_conf_options(
CONF, group='oslo_limit')
session = loading.load_session_from_conf_options(
CONF, group='oslo_limit', auth=auth)
_SDK_CONNECTION = connection.Connection(session=session).identity
except (ksa_exceptions.NoMatchingPlugin,
ksa_exceptions.Unauthorized) as e:
msg = 'Unable to initialize OpenStackSDK session: %s' % e
raise exception.SessionInitError(e)
class Enforcer(object):
def __init__(self, usage_callback):
"""An object for checking usage against resource limits and requests.
:param usage_callback: A callable function that accepts a project_id
string as a parameter and calculates the current
usage of a resource.
:type usage_callback: callable function
if not callable(usage_callback):
msg = 'usage_callback must be a callable function.'
raise ValueError(msg)
self.connection = _get_keystone_connection()
self.model = self._get_model_impl(usage_callback)
def _get_enforcement_model(self):
"""Query keystone for the configured enforcement model."""
return self.connection.get('/limits/model').json()['model']['name']
def _get_model_impl(self, usage_callback):
"""get the enforcement model based on configured model in keystone."""
model = self._get_enforcement_model()
for impl in _MODELS:
if model == impl.name:
return impl(usage_callback)
raise ValueError("enforcement model %s is not supported" % model)
def enforce(self, project_id, deltas):
"""Check resource usage against limits for resources in deltas
From the deltas we extract the list of resource types that need to
have limits enforced on them.
From keystone we fetch limits relating to this project_id and the
endpoint specified in the configuration.
Using the usage_callback specified when creating the enforcer,
we fetch the existing usage.
We then add the existing usage to the provided deltas to get
the total proposed usage. This total proposed usage is then
compared against all appropriate limits that apply.
Note if there are no registered limits for a given resource type,
we fail the enforce in the same way as if we defaulted to
a limit of zero, i.e. do not allow any use of a resource type
that does not have a registered limit.
:param project_id: The project to check usage and enforce limits
:type project_id: string
:param deltas: An dictionary containing resource names as keys and
requests resource quantities as positive integers.
We only check limits for resources in deltas.
Specify a quantity of zero to check current usage.
:type deltas: dictionary
:raises exception.ClaimExceedsLimit: when over limits
if not project_id or not isinstance(project_id, str):
msg = 'project_id must be a non-empty string.'
raise ValueError(msg)
if not isinstance(deltas, dict) or len(deltas) == 0:
msg = 'deltas must be a non-empty dictionary.'
raise ValueError(msg)
for k, v in deltas.items():
if not isinstance(k, str):
raise ValueError('resource name is not a string.')
elif not isinstance(v, int):
raise ValueError('resource limit is not an integer.')
self.model.enforce(project_id, deltas)
class _FlatEnforcer(object):
name = 'flat'
def __init__(self, usage_callback):
self._usage_callback = usage_callback
self._utils = _EnforcerUtils()
def enforce(self, project_id, deltas):
resources_to_check = list(deltas.keys())
# Always check the limits in the same order, for predictable errors
project_limits = self._utils.get_project_limits(project_id,
current_usage = self._usage_callback(project_id, resources_to_check)
self._utils.enforce_limits(project_id, project_limits,
current_usage, deltas)
class _StrictTwoLevelEnforcer(object):
name = 'strict-two-level'
def __init__(self, usage_callback):
self._usage_callback = usage_callback
def enforce(self, project_id, deltas):
raise NotImplementedError()
_MODELS = [_FlatEnforcer, _StrictTwoLevelEnforcer]
class _LimitNotFound(Exception):
def __init__(self, resource):
msg = "Can't find the limit for resource %(resource)s" % {
'resource': resource}
self.resource = resource
super(_LimitNotFound, self).__init__(msg)
class _EnforcerUtils(object):
"""Logic common used by multiple enforcers"""
def __init__(self):
self.connection = _get_keystone_connection()
# get and cache endpoint info
endpoint_id = CONF.oslo_limit.endpoint_id
self._endpoint = self.connection.get_endpoint(endpoint_id)
if not self._endpoint:
raise ValueError("can't find endpoint for %s" % endpoint_id)
self._service_id = self._endpoint.service_id
self._region_id = self._endpoint.region_id
def enforce_limits(project_id, limits, current_usage, deltas):
"""Check that proposed usage is not over given limits
:param project_id: project being checked
:param limits: list of (resource_name,limit) pairs
:param current_usage: dict of resource name and current usage
:param deltas: dict of resource name and proposed additional usage
:raises exception.ClaimExceedsLimit: raise if over limit
over_limit_list = []
for resource_name, limit in limits:
if resource_name not in current_usage:
msg = "unable to get current usage for %s" % resource_name
raise ValueError(msg)
current = int(current_usage[resource_name])
delta = int(deltas[resource_name])
proposed_usage_total = current + delta
if proposed_usage_total > limit:
resource_name, limit, current, delta))
if len(over_limit_list) > 0:
LOG.debug("hit limit for project: %s", over_limit_list)
raise exception.ProjectOverLimit(project_id, over_limit_list)
def get_project_limits(self, project_id, resource_names):
"""Get all the limits for given project a resource_name list
We will raise ClaimExceedsLimit if no limit is found to ensure that
all clients of this library react to this situation in the same way.
:param project_id:
:param resource_names: list of resource_name strings
:return: list of (resource_name,limit) pairs
:raises exception.ClaimExceedsLimit: if no limit is found
# Using a list to preserver the resource_name order
project_limits = []
missing_limits = []
for resource_name in resource_names:
limit = self._get_limit(project_id, resource_name)
project_limits.append((resource_name, limit))
except _LimitNotFound:
if len(missing_limits) > 0:
over_limit_list = [exception.OverLimitInfo(name, 0, 0, 0)
for name in missing_limits]
raise exception.ProjectOverLimit(project_id, over_limit_list)
return project_limits
def _get_limit(self, project_id, resource_name):
# TODO(johngarbutt): might need to cache here
project_limit = self._get_project_limit(project_id, resource_name)
if project_limit:
return project_limit.resource_limit
registered_limit = self._get_registered_limit(resource_name)
if registered_limit:
return registered_limit.default_limit
"Unable to find registered limit for resource "
"%(resource)s for %(service)s in region %(region)s.",
{"resource": resource_name, "service": self._service_id,
"region": self._region_id}, exec_info=False)
raise _LimitNotFound(resource_name)
def _get_project_limit(self, project_id, resource_name):
limit = self.connection.limits(
return next(limit)
except StopIteration:
return None
def _get_registered_limit(self, resource_name):
reg_limit = self.connection.registered_limits(
return next(reg_limit)
except StopIteration:
return None