
272 lines
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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import itertools
import logging
import logging.config
import logging.handlers
import sys
import traceback
import six
from six import moves
from oslo_context import context as context_utils
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
def _dictify_context(context):
if context is None:
return {}
if not isinstance(context, dict) and getattr(context, 'to_dict', None):
context = context.to_dict()
return context
# A configuration object is given to us when the application registers
# the logging options.
_CONF = None
def _store_global_conf(conf):
global _CONF
_CONF = conf
def _update_record_with_context(record):
"""Given a log record, update it with context information.
The request context, if there is one, will either be in the
extra values for the incoming record or in the global
thread-local store.
context = record.__dict__.get(
d = _dictify_context(context)
# Copy the context values directly onto the record so they can be
# used by the formatting strings.
for k, v in d.items():
setattr(record, k, v)
return context
class _ReplaceFalseValue(dict):
def __getitem__(self, key):
return dict.get(self, key, None) or '-'
class JSONFormatter(logging.Formatter):
def __init__(self, fmt=None, datefmt=None):
# NOTE(jkoelker) we ignore the fmt argument, but its still there
# since logging.config.fileConfig passes it.
self.datefmt = datefmt
def formatException(self, ei, strip_newlines=True):
lines = traceback.format_exception(*ei)
if strip_newlines:
lines = [moves.filter(
lambda x: x,
line.rstrip().splitlines()) for line in lines]
lines = list(itertools.chain(*lines))
return lines
def format(self, record):
message = {'message': record.getMessage(),
'asctime': self.formatTime(record, self.datefmt),
'name': record.name,
'msg': record.msg,
'args': record.args,
'levelname': record.levelname,
'levelno': record.levelno,
'pathname': record.pathname,
'filename': record.filename,
'module': record.module,
'lineno': record.lineno,
'funcname': record.funcName,
'created': record.created,
'msecs': record.msecs,
'relative_created': record.relativeCreated,
'thread': record.thread,
'thread_name': record.threadName,
'process_name': record.processName,
'process': record.process,
'traceback': None}
# Build the extra values that were given to us, including
# the context.
context = _update_record_with_context(record)
if hasattr(record, 'extra'):
extra = record.extra.copy()
extra = {}
for key in getattr(record, 'extra_keys', []):
if key not in extra:
extra[key] = getattr(record, key)
# If we saved a context object, explode it into the extra
# dictionary because the values are more useful than the
# object reference.
if 'context' in extra:
del extra['context']
message['extra'] = extra
if record.exc_info:
message['traceback'] = self.formatException(record.exc_info)
return jsonutils.dumps(message)
class ContextFormatter(logging.Formatter):
"""A context.RequestContext aware formatter configured through flags.
The flags used to set format strings are: logging_context_format_string
and logging_default_format_string. You can also specify
logging_debug_format_suffix to append extra formatting if the log level is
For information about what variables are available for the formatter see:
If available, uses the context value stored in TLS - local.store.context
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Initialize ContextFormatter instance
Takes additional keyword arguments which can be used in the message
format string.
:keyword project: project name
:type project: string
:keyword version: project version
:type version: string
self.project = kwargs.pop('project', 'unknown')
self.version = kwargs.pop('version', 'unknown')
self.conf = kwargs.pop('config', _CONF)
logging.Formatter.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
def format(self, record):
"""Uses contextstring if request_id is set, otherwise default."""
# NOTE(jecarey): If msg is not unicode, coerce it into unicode
# before it can get to the python logging and
# possibly cause string encoding trouble
if not isinstance(record.msg, six.text_type):
record.msg = six.text_type(record.msg)
# store project info
record.project = self.project
record.version = self.version
# FIXME(dims): We need a better way to pick up the instance
# or instance_uuid parameters from the kwargs from say
# LOG.info or LOG.warn
instance_extra = ''
instance = getattr(record, 'instance', None)
instance_uuid = getattr(record, 'instance_uuid', None)
context = _update_record_with_context(record)
if instance:
instance_extra = (self.conf.instance_format
% instance)
except TypeError:
instance_extra = instance
elif instance_uuid:
instance_extra = (self.conf.instance_uuid_format
% {'uuid': instance_uuid})
elif context:
# FIXME(dhellmann): We should replace these nova-isms with
# more generic handling in the Context class. See the
# app-agnostic-logging-parameters blueprint.
instance = getattr(context, 'instance', None)
instance_uuid = getattr(context, 'instance_uuid', None)
# resource_uuid was introduced in oslo_context's
# RequestContext
resource_uuid = getattr(context, 'resource_uuid', None)
if instance:
instance_extra = (self.conf.instance_format
% {'uuid': instance})
elif instance_uuid:
instance_extra = (self.conf.instance_uuid_format
% {'uuid': instance_uuid})
elif resource_uuid:
instance_extra = (self.conf.instance_uuid_format
% {'uuid': resource_uuid})
record.instance = instance_extra
# NOTE(sdague): default the fancier formatting params
# to an empty string so we don't throw an exception if
# they get used
for key in ('instance', 'color', 'user_identity', 'resource',
'user_name', 'project_name'):
if key not in record.__dict__:
record.__dict__[key] = ''
# Set the "user_identity" value of "logging_context_format_string"
# by using "logging_user_identity_format" and
# "to_dict()" of oslo.context.
if context:
record.user_identity = (
self.conf.logging_user_identity_format %
if record.__dict__.get('request_id'):
fmt = self.conf.logging_context_format_string
fmt = self.conf.logging_default_format_string
if (record.levelno == logging.DEBUG and
fmt += " " + self.conf.logging_debug_format_suffix
if sys.version_info < (3, 2):
self._fmt = fmt
self._style = logging.PercentStyle(fmt)
self._fmt = self._style._fmt
# Cache this on the record, Logger will respect our formatted copy
if record.exc_info:
record.exc_text = self.formatException(record.exc_info, record)
return logging.Formatter.format(self, record)
def formatException(self, exc_info, record=None):
"""Format exception output with CONF.logging_exception_prefix."""
if not record:
return logging.Formatter.formatException(self, exc_info)
stringbuffer = moves.StringIO()
traceback.print_exception(exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2],
None, stringbuffer)
lines = stringbuffer.getvalue().split('\n')
if self.conf.logging_exception_prefix.find('%(asctime)') != -1:
record.asctime = self.formatTime(record, self.datefmt)
formatted_lines = []
for line in lines:
pl = self.conf.logging_exception_prefix % record.__dict__
fl = '%s%s' % (pl, line)
return '\n'.join(formatted_lines)