diff --git a/doc/source/admin/index.rst b/doc/source/admin/index.rst index 51f61568e..778997571 100644 --- a/doc/source/admin/index.rst +++ b/doc/source/admin/index.rst @@ -8,3 +8,4 @@ Deployment Guide drivers AMQP1.0 kafka + rabbit diff --git a/doc/source/admin/rabbit.rst b/doc/source/admin/rabbit.rst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..72c438c9d --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/source/admin/rabbit.rst @@ -0,0 +1,267 @@ +================================ +RabbitMq Driver Deployment Guide +================================ + +Introduction +------------ + +The RabbitMQ Driver is a messaging transport backend +in *oslo.messaging*. The driver maps the base oslo.messaging +capabilities for notification message exchange onto the +RabbitMQ distributed message broker. More detail regarding +the RabbitMQ server is available from the `RabbitMQ website`__. + +__ https://www.rabbitmq.com/ + + +Abstract +-------- + +The RabbitMQ Driver is a messaging transport backend supported in +oslo.messaging. Communications between +the driver and RabbitMQ server backend uses the `AMQP 0-9-1 protocol`_ +(Advanced Message Queuing Protocol) which is an open application layer +that allows clients applications to communicate with messaging middleware +brokers in a standard way. +AMQP defines all APIs to request messages from a message queue or to publishes +messages to an exchange. The RabbitMQ driver integrates the kombu +python client for full protocol support and utilizes +the `Producer API`_ to publish notification +messages and the `Consumer API`_ for notification listener subscriptions. +The driver is able to work with a single instance of a RabbitMQ server or +a clustered RabbitMQ server deployment. + +.. _AMQP 0-9-1 protocol: https://www.rabbitmq.com/protocol.html +.. _Consumer API: https://kombu.readthedocs.io/en/stable/userguide/consumers.html +.. _Producer API: https://kombu.readthedocs.io/en/stable/userguide/producers.html + +Exchange +~~~~~~~~ + +`Exchange is a AMQP mechanism`_ that it designed to dispatch the messages +like a proxy wrapping. + +Messages are always published to exchanges. + +An exchange can: + +- receives messages from producers +- push messages to `queues`_ + +Exchanges can distribute message copies to one or many queues using rules +called bindings. + +AMQP protocol defines different types of exchanges: + +- direct +- topic +- headers +- fanout + +An exchange can live without any binding. By default, no exception is +raised if the message is not redirected to any queue, `unless the mandatory +flag is used`_. + +*oslo.messaging* allow you to send and consume messages in a related manner +through the *Connection* class. + +With mandatory flag RabbitMQ raises a callback if the message is not routed to +any queue. + +.. _Exchange is a AMQP mechanism: https://www.rabbitmq.com/tutorials/amqp-concepts.html#exchanges +.. _queues: https://www.rabbitmq.com/queues.html +.. _unless the mandatory flag is used: https://www.rabbitmq.com/reliability.html#routing + +Queue +~~~~~ + +The `AMQP queue`_ is the messages store, it can store the messages in memory +or persist the messages to the disk. + +The queue is bound to the exchange through one or more bindings. + +Consumers can consume messages from the queue. + +Queues have names so that applications can reference them. + +Queues have properties that define how they behave. + +.. _AMQP queue: https://www.rabbitmq.com/tutorials/amqp-concepts.html#queues + +Routing-Key +~~~~~~~~~~~ + +The routing key is part of the AMQP envelop of the message. +The routing key is set by the producer to route the sended message. +When a message is received, the exchange will try to match the +message routing-key with the binding key of all the queues bound to it. +If no match exist the message will be ignored else the message will be +routed to the corresponding queue who binding key is matched. + +Exchange types +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +`direct` +^^^^^^^^ + +A direct exchange is an exchange which route messages to queues based on +message routing key. Message will be directly delivered to the queue that +correspond to the routing-key. +*direct* is a type of exchange so RabbitMQ backend does not store the data. + +``topic`` +^^^^^^^^^ + +The RabbitMQ topic is an `exchange type`_. +In RabbitMQ messages sent to a `topic exchange`_ can't have an arbitrary +routing_key - it must be a list of words, delimited by dots. +The words can be anything, but usually they specify some features connected +to the message. +A few valid routing key examples: "blue.orange.yellow", "cars.bikes", +"quick.orange.rabbit". +There can be as many words in the routing key as you like, +up to the limit of 255 bytes.. +In *oslo.messaging*, a notification listener subscribes to a topic +in a supplied target that is directly mapped by the driver to the +RabbitMQ topic. + +.. _exchange type: https://www.rabbitmq.com/tutorials/tutorial-three-python.html +.. _topic exchange: https://www.rabbitmq.com/tutorials/tutorial-five-python.html + +``fanout`` +^^^^^^^^^^ + +The fanout exchange will broadcasts all messages it receives to all the queues +it knows. + +``headers`` +^^^^^^^^^^^ + +An headers exchange will route messages to queues by using message header +content instead of routing by using the routing key like described previously. +In this case producer will adds message header values as key-value pair in and +he will sends by using the headers exchange. + +The exchange will try to match all or any (based on the value of “x-match”) +header value of the received message with the binding value of all +the queues bound to it. + +The exchange will determine which header to use to match the binding queues by +using the value of the "x-match" header entry. + +If match is not found, the message will be ignored else it route the message +to the queue whose binding value is matched. + +Health check with heartbeat frames +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +The RabbitMQ driver of *oslo.messaging* allow you to detect dead TCP +connections with heartbeats and TCP keepalives. +The heartbeat function from the driver is build over the `heartbeat_check +feature of kombu client`_ and over the `AMQP 0.9.1 heartbeat +feature`_ implemented by RabbitMQ. +Heartbeating is a technique designed to undo one of TCP/IP's features, +namely its ability to recover from abroken physical connection by closing +only after a quite long time-out. +In some scenarios we need to knowvery rapidly if a peer is disconnected or not +responding for other reasons (e.g. it is looping). +Since heart-beating can be done at a low level, AMQP 0.9.1 +implement this as a special type of frame that peers exchange at the transport +level, rather than as a class method. +Heartbeats also defend against certain network equipment which may terminate +"idle" TCP connections when there is no activity on them for a certain +period of time. +The driver will always run the heartbeat in a native python thread and avoid +to inherit the execution model from the parent process to avoid to use green +threads. + +.. _heartbeat_check feature of kombu client: http://docs.celeryproject.org/projects/kombu/en/stable/reference/kombu.html?highlight=heartbeat#kombu.Connection.heartbeat_check +.. _AMQP 0.9.1 heartbeat feature: https://www.rabbitmq.com/heartbeats.html + +Prerequisites +------------- + +In order to run the driver the kombu python client must be +installed. The RabbitMQ driver integrates a +`Python client based on kombu`_ and `on py-amqp`_ +for full protocol support and utilizes the Producer API to publish +notification messages and the Consumer API for notification listener +subscriptions. + +.. _Python client based on kombu: https://github.com/celery/kombu +.. _on py-amqp: https://github.com/celery/py-amqp + +Source packages for the `kombu library`_ are available via PyPI. +Since the RabbitMQ driver is not an optional extension to *oslo.messaging* +these packages installed by default. + +.. _kombu library: https://pypi.org/project/kombu/ + +Configuration +------------- + +Transport URL Enable +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +In *oslo.messaging*, the ``transport_url`` parameter defines the OpenStack service +backends for RPC and notifications. The URL is of the form:: + + transport://user:pass@host1:port[,hostN:portN]/virtual_host + +Where the transport value specifies the RPC or notification backend as +one of ``amqp``, ``rabbit``, ``kafka``, etc. To specify and enable the +RabbitMQ driver for notifications, in the section +``[oslo_messaging_notifications]`` of the service configuration file, +specify the ``transport_url`` parameter:: + + [oslo_messaging_notifications] + transport_url = rabbit://username:password@kafkahostname:9092 + +Note, that if a ``transport_url`` parameter is not specified in the +``[oslo_messaging_notifications]`` section, the ``[DEFAULT] transport_url`` +option will be used for both RPC and notifications backends. + +Driver Options +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +It is recommended that the default configuration options provided by +the RabbitMQ driver be used. The configuration options can be modified +in the :oslo.config:group:`oslo_messaging_rabbit` section of the service +configuration file. + +Publishing Options +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +- :oslo.config:option:`oslo_messaging_rabbit.kombu_compression` +- :oslo.config:option:`oslo_messaging_rabbit.kombu_missing_consumer_retry_timeout` + +Consuming Options +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +- :oslo.config:option:`oslo_messaging_rabbit.rabbit_ha_queues` +- :oslo.config:option:`oslo_messaging_rabbit.rabbit_transient_queues_ttl` + +Connection Options +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +- :oslo.config:option:`oslo_messaging_rabbit.kombu_reconnect_delay` +- :oslo.config:option:`oslo_messaging_rabbit.kombu_failover_strategy` +- :oslo.config:option:`oslo_messaging_rabbit.rabbit_retry_interval` +- :oslo.config:option:`oslo_messaging_rabbit.rabbit_retry_backoff` +- :oslo.config:option:`oslo_messaging_rabbit.rabbit_interval_max` +- :oslo.config:option:`oslo_messaging_rabbit.rabbit_qos_prefetch_count` + +Heartbeat Options +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +- :oslo.config:option:`oslo_messaging_rabbit.heartbeat_timeout_threshold` +- :oslo.config:option:`oslo_messaging_rabbit.heartbeat_rate` + +Security Options +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +- :oslo.config:option:`oslo_messaging_rabbit.ssl` +- :oslo.config:option:`oslo_messaging_rabbit.ssl_version` +- :oslo.config:option:`oslo_messaging_rabbit.ssl_key_file` +- :oslo.config:option:`oslo_messaging_rabbit.ssl_cert_file` +- :oslo.config:option:`oslo_messaging_rabbit.rabbit_login_method`