# Copyright 2011 OpenStack Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_utils import timeutils import pika_pool import tenacity from oslo_messaging._drivers import base from oslo_messaging._drivers.pika_driver import (pika_connection_factory as pika_drv_conn_factory) from oslo_messaging._drivers.pika_driver import pika_commons as pika_drv_cmns from oslo_messaging._drivers.pika_driver import pika_engine as pika_drv_engine from oslo_messaging._drivers.pika_driver import pika_exceptions as pika_drv_exc from oslo_messaging._drivers.pika_driver import pika_listener as pika_drv_lstnr from oslo_messaging._drivers.pika_driver import pika_message as pika_drv_msg from oslo_messaging._drivers.pika_driver import pika_poller as pika_drv_poller from oslo_messaging import exceptions LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) pika_pool_opts = [ cfg.IntOpt('pool_max_size', default=30, help="Maximum number of connections to keep queued."), cfg.IntOpt('pool_max_overflow', default=0, help="Maximum number of connections to create above " "`pool_max_size`."), cfg.IntOpt('pool_timeout', default=30, help="Default number of seconds to wait for a connections to " "available"), cfg.IntOpt('pool_recycle', default=600, help="Lifetime of a connection (since creation) in seconds " "or None for no recycling. Expired connections are " "closed on acquire."), cfg.IntOpt('pool_stale', default=60, help="Threshold at which inactive (since release) connections " "are considered stale in seconds or None for no " "staleness. Stale connections are closed on acquire.") ] message_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('default_serializer_type', default='json', choices=('json', 'msgpack'), help="Default serialization mechanism for " "serializing/deserializing outgoing/incoming messages") ] notification_opts = [ cfg.BoolOpt('notification_persistence', default=False, help="Persist notification messages."), cfg.StrOpt('default_notification_exchange', default="${control_exchange}_notification", help="Exchange name for sending notifications"), cfg.IntOpt( 'notification_listener_prefetch_count', default=100, help="Max number of not acknowledged message which RabbitMQ can send " "to notification listener." ), cfg.IntOpt( 'default_notification_retry_attempts', default=-1, help="Reconnecting retry count in case of connectivity problem during " "sending notification, -1 means infinite retry." ), cfg.FloatOpt( 'notification_retry_delay', default=0.25, help="Reconnecting retry delay in case of connectivity problem during " "sending notification message" ) ] rpc_opts = [ cfg.IntOpt('rpc_queue_expiration', default=60, help="Time to live for rpc queues without consumers in " "seconds."), cfg.StrOpt('default_rpc_exchange', default="${control_exchange}_rpc", help="Exchange name for sending RPC messages"), cfg.StrOpt('rpc_reply_exchange', default="${control_exchange}_rpc_reply", help="Exchange name for receiving RPC replies"), cfg.IntOpt( 'rpc_listener_prefetch_count', default=100, help="Max number of not acknowledged message which RabbitMQ can send " "to rpc listener." ), cfg.IntOpt( 'rpc_reply_listener_prefetch_count', default=100, help="Max number of not acknowledged message which RabbitMQ can send " "to rpc reply listener." ), cfg.IntOpt( 'rpc_reply_retry_attempts', default=-1, help="Reconnecting retry count in case of connectivity problem during " "sending reply. -1 means infinite retry during rpc_timeout" ), cfg.FloatOpt( 'rpc_reply_retry_delay', default=0.25, help="Reconnecting retry delay in case of connectivity problem during " "sending reply." ), cfg.IntOpt( 'default_rpc_retry_attempts', default=-1, help="Reconnecting retry count in case of connectivity problem during " "sending RPC message, -1 means infinite retry. If actual " "retry attempts in not 0 the rpc request could be processed more " "then one time" ), cfg.FloatOpt( 'rpc_retry_delay', default=0.25, help="Reconnecting retry delay in case of connectivity problem during " "sending RPC message" ) ] class PikaDriver(base.BaseDriver): """Pika Driver The ``pika`` driver is the successor to the existing rabbit/kombu driver. It is based on the Pika client library and supports the RabbitMQ broker as the messaging back end. See :doc:`pika_driver` for details. """ def __init__(self, conf, url, default_exchange=None, allowed_remote_exmods=None): opt_group = cfg.OptGroup(name='oslo_messaging_pika', title='Pika driver options') conf.register_group(opt_group) conf.register_opts(pika_drv_conn_factory.pika_opts, group=opt_group) conf.register_opts(pika_pool_opts, group=opt_group) conf.register_opts(message_opts, group=opt_group) conf.register_opts(rpc_opts, group=opt_group) conf.register_opts(notification_opts, group=opt_group) self._pika_engine = pika_drv_engine.PikaEngine( conf, url, default_exchange, allowed_remote_exmods ) self._reply_listener = pika_drv_lstnr.RpcReplyPikaListener( self._pika_engine ) super(PikaDriver, self).__init__(conf, url, default_exchange, allowed_remote_exmods) def require_features(self, requeue=False): pass def _declare_rpc_exchange(self, exchange, stopwatch): timeout = stopwatch.leftover(return_none=True) with (self._pika_engine.connection_without_confirmation_pool .acquire(timeout=timeout)) as conn: try: self._pika_engine.declare_exchange_by_channel( conn.channel, self._pika_engine.get_rpc_exchange_name( exchange ), "direct", False ) except pika_pool.Timeout as e: raise exceptions.MessagingTimeout( "Timeout for current operation was expired. {}.".format( str(e) ) ) def send(self, target, ctxt, message, wait_for_reply=None, timeout=None, retry=None): with timeutils.StopWatch(duration=timeout) as stopwatch: if retry is None: retry = self._pika_engine.default_rpc_retry_attempts exchange = self._pika_engine.get_rpc_exchange_name( target.exchange ) def on_exception(ex): if isinstance(ex, pika_drv_exc.ExchangeNotFoundException): # it is desired to create exchange because if we sent to # exchange which is not exists, we get ChannelClosed # exception and need to reconnect try: self._declare_rpc_exchange(exchange, stopwatch) except pika_drv_exc.ConnectionException as e: LOG.warning("Problem during declaring exchange. %s", e) return True elif isinstance(ex, (pika_drv_exc.ConnectionException, exceptions.MessageDeliveryFailure)): LOG.warning("Problem during message sending. %s", ex) return True else: return False if retry: retrier = tenacity.retry( stop=(tenacity.stop_never if retry == -1 else tenacity.stop_after_attempt(retry)), retry=tenacity.retry_if_exception(on_exception), wait=tenacity.wait_fixed(self._pika_engine.rpc_retry_delay) ) else: retrier = None if target.fanout: return self.cast_all_workers( exchange, target.topic, ctxt, message, stopwatch, retrier ) routing_key = self._pika_engine.get_rpc_queue_name( target.topic, target.server, retrier is None ) msg = pika_drv_msg.RpcPikaOutgoingMessage(self._pika_engine, message, ctxt) try: reply = msg.send( exchange=exchange, routing_key=routing_key, reply_listener=( self._reply_listener if wait_for_reply else None ), stopwatch=stopwatch, retrier=retrier ) except pika_drv_exc.ExchangeNotFoundException as ex: try: self._declare_rpc_exchange(exchange, stopwatch) except pika_drv_exc.ConnectionException as e: LOG.warning("Problem during declaring exchange. %s", e) raise ex if reply is not None: if reply.failure is not None: raise reply.failure return reply.result def cast_all_workers(self, exchange, topic, ctxt, message, stopwatch, retrier=None): msg = pika_drv_msg.PikaOutgoingMessage(self._pika_engine, message, ctxt) try: msg.send( exchange=exchange, routing_key=self._pika_engine.get_rpc_queue_name( topic, "all_workers", retrier is None ), mandatory=False, stopwatch=stopwatch, retrier=retrier ) except pika_drv_exc.ExchangeNotFoundException: try: self._declare_rpc_exchange(exchange, stopwatch) except pika_drv_exc.ConnectionException as e: LOG.warning("Problem during declaring exchange. %s", e) def _declare_notification_queue_binding( self, target, stopwatch=pika_drv_cmns.INFINITE_STOP_WATCH): if stopwatch.expired(): raise exceptions.MessagingTimeout( "Timeout for current operation was expired." ) try: timeout = stopwatch.leftover(return_none=True) with (self._pika_engine.connection_without_confirmation_pool .acquire)(timeout=timeout) as conn: self._pika_engine.declare_queue_binding_by_channel( conn.channel, exchange=( target.exchange or self._pika_engine.default_notification_exchange ), queue=target.topic, routing_key=target.topic, exchange_type='direct', queue_expiration=None, durable=self._pika_engine.notification_persistence, ) except pika_pool.Timeout as e: raise exceptions.MessagingTimeout( "Timeout for current operation was expired. {}.".format(str(e)) ) def send_notification(self, target, ctxt, message, version, retry=None): if retry is None: retry = self._pika_engine.default_notification_retry_attempts def on_exception(ex): if isinstance(ex, (pika_drv_exc.ExchangeNotFoundException, pika_drv_exc.RoutingException)): LOG.warning("Problem during sending notification. %s", ex) try: self._declare_notification_queue_binding(target) except pika_drv_exc.ConnectionException as e: LOG.warning("Problem during declaring notification queue " "binding. %s", e) return True elif isinstance(ex, (pika_drv_exc.ConnectionException, pika_drv_exc.MessageRejectedException)): LOG.warning("Problem during sending notification. %s", ex) return True else: return False if retry: retrier = tenacity.retry( stop=(tenacity.stop_never if retry == -1 else tenacity.stop_after_attempt(retry)), retry=tenacity.retry_if_exception(on_exception), wait=tenacity.wait_fixed( self._pika_engine.notification_retry_delay ) ) else: retrier = None msg = pika_drv_msg.PikaOutgoingMessage(self._pika_engine, message, ctxt) return msg.send( exchange=( target.exchange or self._pika_engine.default_notification_exchange ), routing_key=target.topic, confirm=True, mandatory=True, persistent=self._pika_engine.notification_persistence, retrier=retrier ) def listen(self, target, batch_size, batch_timeout): return pika_drv_poller.RpcServicePikaPoller( self._pika_engine, target, batch_size, batch_timeout, self._pika_engine.rpc_listener_prefetch_count ) def listen_for_notifications(self, targets_and_priorities, pool, batch_size, batch_timeout): return pika_drv_poller.NotificationPikaPoller( self._pika_engine, targets_and_priorities, batch_size, batch_timeout, self._pika_engine.notification_listener_prefetch_count, pool ) def cleanup(self): self._reply_listener.cleanup() self._pika_engine.cleanup()