# Copyright 2014, Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ Driver for the 'amqp' transport. This module provides a transport driver that speaks version 1.0 of the AMQP messaging protocol. The driver sends messages and creates subscriptions via 'tasks' that are performed on its behalf via the controller module. """ import logging import threading import time import proton from six import moves from oslo import messaging from oslo.messaging._drivers import base from oslo.messaging._drivers import common from oslo.messaging._drivers.protocols.amqp import controller from oslo.messaging import target as messaging_target from oslo.serialization import jsonutils LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class SendTask(controller.Task): """A task that sends a message to a target, and optionally allows for the calling thread to wait for a reply. """ def __init__(self, target, request, reply_expected, deadline): super(SendTask, self).__init__() self._target = target self._request = request self._deadline = deadline if reply_expected: self._reply_queue = moves.queue.Queue() else: self._reply_queue = None def execute(self, controller): """Runs on eventloop thread - sends request.""" if not self._deadline or self._deadline > time.time(): controller.request(self._target, self._request, self._reply_queue) else: LOG.warn("Send request to %s aborted: TTL expired.", self._target) def get_reply(self, timeout): """Retrieve the reply.""" if not self._reply_queue: return None try: return self._reply_queue.get(timeout=timeout) except moves.queue.Empty: raise messaging.MessagingTimeout('Timed out waiting for a reply') class ListenTask(controller.Task): """A task that creates a subscription to the given target. Messages arriving from the target are given to the listener. """ def __init__(self, target, listener, notifications=False): """Create a subscription to the target.""" super(ListenTask, self).__init__() self._target = target self._listener = listener self._notifications = notifications def execute(self, controller): """Run on the eventloop thread - subscribes to target. Inbound messages are queued to the listener's incoming queue. """ if self._notifications: controller.subscribe_notifications(self._target, self._listener.incoming) else: controller.subscribe(self._target, self._listener.incoming) class ReplyTask(controller.Task): """A task that sends 'response' message to address.""" def __init__(self, address, response, log_failure): super(ReplyTask, self).__init__() self._address = address self._response = response self._log_failure = log_failure def execute(self, controller): """Run on the eventloop thread - send the response message.""" controller.response(self._address, self._response) def marshal_response(reply=None, failure=None): # TODO(grs): do replies have a context? msg = proton.Message() if failure: failure = common.serialize_remote_exception(failure) data = {"failure": failure} else: data = {"response": reply} msg.body = jsonutils.dumps(data) return msg def unmarshal_response(message, allowed): # TODO(kgiusti) This may fail to unpack and raise an exception. Need to # communicate this to the caller! data = jsonutils.loads(message.body) failure = data.get('failure') if failure is not None: raise common.deserialize_remote_exception(failure, allowed) return data.get("response") def marshal_request(request, context, envelope): msg = proton.Message() if envelope: request = common.serialize_msg(request) data = { "request": request, "context": context } msg.body = jsonutils.dumps(data) return msg def unmarshal_request(message): data = jsonutils.loads(message.body) return (data.get("request"), data.get("context")) class ProtonIncomingMessage(base.IncomingMessage): def __init__(self, listener, ctxt, request, message): super(ProtonIncomingMessage, self).__init__(listener, ctxt, request) self._reply_to = message.reply_to self._correlation_id = message.id def reply(self, reply=None, failure=None, log_failure=True): """Schedule a ReplyTask to send the reply.""" if self._reply_to: response = marshal_response(reply=reply, failure=failure) response.correlation_id = self._correlation_id LOG.debug("Replying to %s", self._correlation_id) task = ReplyTask(self._reply_to, response, log_failure) self.listener.driver._ctrl.add_task(task) else: LOG.debug("Ignoring reply as no reply address available") def acknowledge(self): pass def requeue(self): pass class ProtonListener(base.Listener): def __init__(self, driver): super(ProtonListener, self).__init__(driver) self.incoming = moves.queue.Queue() def poll(self): message = self.incoming.get() request, ctxt = unmarshal_request(message) LOG.debug("Returning incoming message") return ProtonIncomingMessage(self, ctxt, request, message) class ProtonDriver(base.BaseDriver): def __init__(self, conf, url, default_exchange=None, allowed_remote_exmods=[]): # TODO(kgiusti) Remove once driver fully stabilizes: LOG.warning("Support for the 'amqp' transport is EXPERIMENTAL.") if proton is None or hasattr(controller, "fake_controller"): raise NotImplementedError("Proton AMQP C libraries not installed") super(ProtonDriver, self).__init__(conf, url, default_exchange, allowed_remote_exmods) # Create a Controller that connects to the messaging service: self._ctrl = controller.Controller(url.hosts, default_exchange, conf) # lazy connection setup - don't cause the controller to connect until # after the first messaging request: self._connect_called = False self._lock = threading.Lock() def _ensure_connect_called(func): """Causes the controller to connect to the messaging service when it is first used. It is safe to push tasks to it whether connected or not, but those tasks won't be processed until connection completes. """ def wrap(self, *args, **kws): with self._lock: connect_called = self._connect_called self._connect_called = True if not connect_called: self._ctrl.connect() return func(self, *args, **kws) return wrap @_ensure_connect_called def send(self, target, ctxt, message, wait_for_reply=None, timeout=None, envelope=False, retry=None): """Send a message to the given target.""" # TODO(kgiusti) need to add support for retry if retry is not None: raise NotImplementedError('"retry" not implemented by' 'this transport driver') request = marshal_request(message, ctxt, envelope) expire = 0 if timeout: expire = time.time() + timeout # when the caller times out # amqp uses millisecond time values, timeout is seconds request.ttl = int(timeout * 1000) request.expiry_time = int(expire * 1000) LOG.debug("Send to %s", target) task = SendTask(target, request, wait_for_reply, expire) self._ctrl.add_task(task) result = None if wait_for_reply: # the following can raise MessagingTimeout if no reply received: reply = task.get_reply(timeout) # TODO(kgiusti) how to handle failure to un-marshal? Must log, and # determine best way to communicate this failure back up to the # caller result = unmarshal_response(reply, self._allowed_remote_exmods) LOG.debug("Send to %s returning", target) return result @_ensure_connect_called def send_notification(self, target, ctxt, message, version, retry=None): """Send a notification message to the given target.""" # TODO(kgiusti) need to add support for retry if retry is not None: raise NotImplementedError('"retry" not implemented by' 'this transport driver') return self.send(target, ctxt, message, envelope=(version == 2.0)) @_ensure_connect_called def listen(self, target): """Construct a Listener for the given target.""" LOG.debug("Listen to %s", target) listener = ProtonListener(self) self._ctrl.add_task(ListenTask(target, listener)) return listener @_ensure_connect_called def listen_for_notifications(self, targets_and_priorities): LOG.debug("Listen for notifications %s", targets_and_priorities) listener = ProtonListener(self) for target, priority in targets_and_priorities: topic = '%s.%s' % (target.topic, priority) t = messaging_target.Target(topic=topic) self._ctrl.add_task(ListenTask(t, listener, True)) return listener def cleanup(self): """Release all resources.""" LOG.debug("Cleaning up ProtonDriver") self._ctrl.destroy() self._ctrl = None