# # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import os import time import uuid import fixtures from oslo_config import cfg from six import moves import oslo_messaging from oslo_messaging.notify import notifier from oslo_messaging.tests import utils as test_utils class TestServerEndpoint(object): """This MessagingServer that will be used during functional testing.""" def __init__(self): self.ival = 0 self.sval = '' def add(self, ctxt, increment): self.ival += increment return self.ival def subtract(self, ctxt, increment): if self.ival < increment: raise ValueError("ival can't go negative!") self.ival -= increment return self.ival def append(self, ctxt, text): self.sval += text return self.sval def long_running_task(self, ctxt, seconds): time.sleep(seconds) class TransportFixture(fixtures.Fixture): """Fixture defined to setup the oslo_messaging transport.""" def __init__(self, conf, url): self.conf = conf self.url = url def setUp(self): super(TransportFixture, self).setUp() self.transport = oslo_messaging.get_transport(self.conf, url=self.url) def cleanUp(self): try: self.transport.cleanup() except fixtures.TimeoutException: pass super(TransportFixture, self).cleanUp() def wait(self): # allow time for the server to connect to the broker time.sleep(0.5) class RpcServerFixture(fixtures.Fixture): """Fixture to setup the TestServerEndpoint.""" def __init__(self, conf, url, target, endpoint=None, ctrl_target=None, executor='eventlet'): super(RpcServerFixture, self).__init__() self.conf = conf self.url = url self.target = target self.endpoint = endpoint or TestServerEndpoint() self.executor = executor self.syncq = moves.queue.Queue() self.ctrl_target = ctrl_target or self.target def setUp(self): super(RpcServerFixture, self).setUp() endpoints = [self.endpoint, self] transport = self.useFixture(TransportFixture(self.conf, self.url)) self.server = oslo_messaging.get_rpc_server( transport=transport.transport, target=self.target, endpoints=endpoints, executor=self.executor) self._ctrl = oslo_messaging.RPCClient(transport.transport, self.ctrl_target) self._start() transport.wait() def cleanUp(self): self._stop() super(RpcServerFixture, self).cleanUp() def _start(self): self.thread = test_utils.ServerThreadHelper(self.server) self.thread.start() def _stop(self): self.thread.stop() self._ctrl.cast({}, 'ping') self.thread.join() def ping(self, ctxt): pass def sync(self, ctxt): self.syncq.put('x') class RpcServerGroupFixture(fixtures.Fixture): def __init__(self, conf, url, topic=None, names=None, exchange=None, use_fanout_ctrl=False): self.conf = conf self.url = url # NOTE(sileht): topic and servier_name must be uniq # to be able to run all tests in parallel self.topic = topic or str(uuid.uuid4()) self.names = names or ["server_%i_%s" % (i, str(uuid.uuid4())[:8]) for i in range(3)] self.exchange = exchange self.targets = [self._target(server=n) for n in self.names] self.use_fanout_ctrl = use_fanout_ctrl def setUp(self): super(RpcServerGroupFixture, self).setUp() self.servers = [self.useFixture(self._server(t)) for t in self.targets] def _target(self, server=None, fanout=False): t = oslo_messaging.Target(exchange=self.exchange, topic=self.topic) t.server = server t.fanout = fanout return t def _server(self, target): ctrl = None if self.use_fanout_ctrl: ctrl = self._target(fanout=True) server = RpcServerFixture(self.conf, self.url, target, ctrl_target=ctrl) return server def client(self, server=None, cast=False): if server is None: target = self._target() else: if server == 'all': target = self._target(fanout=True) elif server >= 0 and server < len(self.targets): target = self.targets[server] else: raise ValueError("Invalid value for server: %r" % server) transport = self.useFixture(TransportFixture(self.conf, self.url)) client = ClientStub(transport.transport, target, cast=cast, timeout=5) transport.wait() return client def sync(self, server=None): if server is None: for i in range(len(self.servers)): self.client(i).ping() else: if server == 'all': for s in self.servers: s.syncq.get(timeout=5) elif server >= 0 and server < len(self.targets): self.servers[server].syncq.get(timeout=5) else: raise ValueError("Invalid value for server: %r" % server) class RpcCall(object): def __init__(self, client, method, context): self.client = client self.method = method self.context = context def __call__(self, **kwargs): self.context['time'] = time.ctime() self.context['cast'] = False result = self.client.call(self.context, self.method, **kwargs) return result class RpcCast(RpcCall): def __call__(self, **kwargs): self.context['time'] = time.ctime() self.context['cast'] = True self.client.cast(self.context, self.method, **kwargs) class ClientStub(object): def __init__(self, transport, target, cast=False, name=None, **kwargs): self.name = name or "functional-tests" self.cast = cast self.client = oslo_messaging.RPCClient(transport, target, **kwargs) def __getattr__(self, name): context = {"application": self.name} if self.cast: return RpcCast(self.client, name, context) else: return RpcCall(self.client, name, context) class InvalidDistribution(object): def __init__(self, original, received): self.original = original self.received = received self.missing = [] self.extra = [] self.wrong_order = [] def describe(self): text = "Sent %s, got %s; " % (self.original, self.received) e1 = ["%r was missing" % m for m in self.missing] e2 = ["%r was not expected" % m for m in self.extra] e3 = ["%r expected before %r" % (m[0], m[1]) for m in self.wrong_order] return text + ", ".join(e1 + e2 + e3) def __len__(self): return len(self.extra) + len(self.missing) + len(self.wrong_order) def get_details(self): return {} class IsValidDistributionOf(object): """Test whether a given list can be split into particular sub-lists. All items in the original list must be in exactly one sub-list, and must appear in that sub-list in the same order with respect to any other items as in the original list. """ def __init__(self, original): self.original = original def __str__(self): return 'IsValidDistribution(%s)' % self.original def match(self, actual): errors = InvalidDistribution(self.original, actual) received = [[i for i in l] for l in actual] def _remove(obj, lists): for l in lists: if obj in l: front = l[0] l.remove(obj) return front return None for item in self.original: o = _remove(item, received) if not o: errors.missing += item elif item != o: errors.wrong_order.append([item, o]) for l in received: errors.extra += l return errors or None class SkipIfNoTransportURL(test_utils.BaseTestCase): def setUp(self, conf=cfg.CONF): super(SkipIfNoTransportURL, self).setUp(conf=conf) self.url = os.environ.get('TRANSPORT_URL') if not self.url: self.skipTest("No transport url configured") zmq_matchmaker = os.environ.get('ZMQ_MATCHMAKER') if zmq_matchmaker: self.config(rpc_zmq_matchmaker=zmq_matchmaker) zmq_ipc_dir = os.environ.get('ZMQ_IPC_DIR') if zmq_ipc_dir: self.config(rpc_zmq_ipc_dir=zmq_ipc_dir) zmq_redis_port = os.environ.get('ZMQ_REDIS_PORT') if zmq_redis_port: self.config(port=zmq_redis_port, group="matchmaker_redis") class NotificationFixture(fixtures.Fixture): def __init__(self, conf, url, topics): super(NotificationFixture, self).__init__() self.conf = conf self.url = url self.topics = topics self.events = moves.queue.Queue() self.name = str(id(self)) def setUp(self): super(NotificationFixture, self).setUp() targets = [oslo_messaging.Target(topic=t) for t in self.topics] # add a special topic for internal notifications targets.append(oslo_messaging.Target(topic=self.name)) transport = self.useFixture(TransportFixture(self.conf, self.url)) self.server = oslo_messaging.get_notification_listener( transport.transport, targets, [self], 'eventlet') self._ctrl = self.notifier('internal', topic=self.name) self._start() transport.wait() def cleanUp(self): self._stop() super(NotificationFixture, self).cleanUp() def _start(self): self.thread = test_utils.ServerThreadHelper(self.server) self.thread.start() def _stop(self): self.thread.stop() self._ctrl.sample({}, 'shutdown', 'shutdown') self.thread.join() def notifier(self, publisher, topic=None): transport = self.useFixture(TransportFixture(self.conf, self.url)) n = notifier.Notifier(transport.transport, publisher, driver='messaging', topic=topic or self.topics[0]) transport.wait() return n def debug(self, ctxt, publisher, event_type, payload, metadata): self.events.put(['debug', event_type, payload, publisher]) def audit(self, ctxt, publisher, event_type, payload, metadata): self.events.put(['audit', event_type, payload, publisher]) def info(self, ctxt, publisher, event_type, payload, metadata): self.events.put(['info', event_type, payload, publisher]) def warn(self, ctxt, publisher, event_type, payload, metadata): self.events.put(['warn', event_type, payload, publisher]) def error(self, ctxt, publisher, event_type, payload, metadata): self.events.put(['error', event_type, payload, publisher]) def critical(self, ctxt, publisher, event_type, payload, metadata): self.events.put(['critical', event_type, payload, publisher]) def sample(self, ctxt, publisher, event_type, payload, metadata): pass # Just used for internal shutdown control def get_events(self, timeout=0.5): results = [] try: while True: results.append(self.events.get(timeout=timeout)) except moves.queue.Empty: pass return results