# Copyright 2014, Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ Controller that manages the interface between the driver and the messaging service. This module defines a Controller class that is responsible for performing messaging-related operations (Tasks) requested by the driver, and for managing the connection to the messaging service. The Controller creates a background thread which performs all messaging operations and socket I/O. The Controller's messaging logic is executed in the background thread via lambda functions scheduled by the Controller. """ import abc import logging import threading import uuid from oslo_config import cfg import proton import pyngus from six import moves from oslo_messaging._drivers.protocols.amqp import eventloop from oslo_messaging._drivers.protocols.amqp import opts from oslo_messaging._i18n import _LE, _LI, _LW from oslo_messaging import exceptions from oslo_messaging import transport LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Task(object): """Perform a messaging operation via the Controller.""" @abc.abstractmethod def execute(self, controller): """This method will be run on the eventloop thread.""" class Replies(pyngus.ReceiverEventHandler): """This is the receiving link for all reply messages. Messages are routed to the proper Listener's incoming queue using the correlation-id header in the message. """ def __init__(self, connection, on_ready): self._correlation = {} # map of correlation-id to response queue self._ready = False self._on_ready = on_ready rname = "Consumer-%s:src=[dynamic]:tgt=replies" % uuid.uuid4().hex self._receiver = connection.create_receiver("replies", event_handler=self, name=rname) # capacity determines the maximum number of reply messages this link # can receive. As messages are received and credit is consumed, this # driver will 'top up' the credit back to max capacity. This number # should be large enough to avoid needlessly flow-controlling the # replies. self.capacity = 100 # TODO(kgiusti) guesstimate - make configurable self._credit = 0 self._receiver.open() def destroy(self): self._correlation = None self._receiver = None def ready(self): return self._ready def prepare_for_response(self, request, reply_queue): """Apply a unique message identifier to this request message. This will be used to identify messages sent in reply. The identifier is placed in the 'id' field of the request message. It is expected that the identifier will appear in the 'correlation-id' field of the corresponding response message. """ request.id = uuid.uuid4().hex # reply is placed on reply_queue self._correlation[request.id] = reply_queue request.reply_to = self._receiver.source_address LOG.debug("Reply for msg id=%(id)s expected on link %(reply_to)s", {'id': request.id, 'reply_to': request.reply_to}) return request.id def cancel_response(self, msg_id): """Abort waiting for a response message. This can be used if the request fails and no reply is expected. """ if msg_id in self._correlation: del self._correlation[msg_id] # Pyngus ReceiverLink event callbacks: def receiver_active(self, receiver_link): """This is a Pyngus callback, invoked by Pyngus when the receiver_link has transitioned to the open state and is able to receive incoming messages. """ self._ready = True self._update_credit() self._on_ready() LOG.debug("Replies expected on link %s", self._receiver.source_address) def receiver_remote_closed(self, receiver, pn_condition): """This is a Pyngus callback, invoked by Pyngus when the peer of this receiver link has initiated closing the connection. """ # TODO(kgiusti) Unclear if this error will ever occur (as opposed to # the Connection failing instead). Log for now, possibly implement a # recovery strategy if necessary. LOG.error(_LE("Reply subscription closed by peer: %s"), (pn_condition or "no error given")) def message_received(self, receiver, message, handle): """This is a Pyngus callback, invoked by Pyngus when a new message arrives on this receiver link from the peer. """ self._credit = self._credit - 1 self._update_credit() key = message.correlation_id if key in self._correlation: LOG.debug("Received response for msg id=%s", key) result = {"status": "OK", "response": message} self._correlation[key].put(result) # cleanup (only need one response per request) del self._correlation[key] receiver.message_accepted(handle) else: LOG.warning(_LW("Can't find receiver for response msg id=%s, " "dropping!"), key) receiver.message_modified(handle, True, True, None) def _update_credit(self): # ensure we have enough credit if self._credit < self.capacity / 2: self._receiver.add_capacity(self.capacity - self._credit) self._credit = self.capacity class Server(pyngus.ReceiverEventHandler): """A group of links that receive messages from a set of addresses derived from a given target. Messages arriving on the links are placed on the 'incoming' queue. """ def __init__(self, addresses, incoming, subscription_id): self._incoming = incoming self._addresses = addresses self._capacity = 500 # credit per link self._receivers = None self._id = subscription_id def attach(self, connection): """Create receiver links over the given connection for all the configured addresses. """ self._receivers = [] for a in self._addresses: props = {"snd-settle-mode": "settled"} rname = "Consumer-%s:src=%s:tgt=%s" % (uuid.uuid4().hex, a, a) r = connection.create_receiver(source_address=a, target_address=a, event_handler=self, name=rname, properties=props) # TODO(kgiusti) Hardcoding credit here is sub-optimal. A better # approach would monitor for a back-up of inbound messages to be # processed by the consuming application and backpressure the # sender based on configured thresholds. r.add_capacity(self._capacity) r.open() self._receivers.append(r) def destroy(self): self._receivers = None # Pyngus ReceiverLink event callbacks: def receiver_remote_closed(self, receiver, pn_condition): """This is a Pyngus callback, invoked by Pyngus when the peer of this receiver link has initiated closing the connection. """ vals = { "addr": receiver.source_address or receiver.target_address, "err_msg": pn_condition or "no error given" } LOG.error(_LE("Server subscription %(addr)s closed " "by peer: %(err_msg)s"), vals) def message_received(self, receiver, message, handle): """This is a Pyngus callback, invoked by Pyngus when a new message arrives on this receiver link from the peer. """ if receiver.capacity < self._capacity / 2: receiver.add_capacity(self._capacity - receiver.capacity) self._incoming.put(message) LOG.debug("message received: %s", message) receiver.message_accepted(handle) class Hosts(object): """An order list of TransportHost addresses. Connection failover progresses from one host to the next. username and password come from the configuration and are used only if no username/password was given in the URL. """ def __init__(self, entries=None, default_username=None, default_password=None): if entries: self._entries = entries[:] else: self._entries = [transport.TransportHost(hostname="localhost", port=5672)] for entry in self._entries: entry.port = entry.port or 5672 entry.username = entry.username or default_username entry.password = entry.password or default_password self._current = 0 @property def current(self): return self._entries[self._current] def next(self): if len(self._entries) > 1: self._current = (self._current + 1) % len(self._entries) return self.current def __repr__(self): return '<Hosts ' + str(self) + '>' def __str__(self): return ", ".join(["%r" % th for th in self._entries]) class Controller(pyngus.ConnectionEventHandler): """Controls the connection to the AMQP messaging service. This object is the 'brains' of the driver. It maintains the logic for addressing, sending and receiving messages, and managing the connection. All messaging and I/O work is done on the Eventloop thread, allowing the driver to run asynchronously from the messaging clients. """ def __init__(self, hosts, default_exchange, config): self.processor = None self._socket_connection = None # queue of Task() objects to execute on the eventloop once the # connection is ready: self._tasks = moves.queue.Queue(maxsize=500) # limit the number of Task()'s to execute per call to _process_tasks(). # This allows the eventloop main thread to return to servicing socket # I/O in a timely manner self._max_task_batch = 50 # cache of sending links indexed by address: self._senders = {} # Servers indexed by target. Each entry is a map indexed by the # specific ProtonListener's identifier: self._servers = {} opt_group = cfg.OptGroup(name='oslo_messaging_amqp', title='AMQP 1.0 driver options') config.register_group(opt_group) config.register_opts(opts.amqp1_opts, group=opt_group) self.server_request_prefix = \ config.oslo_messaging_amqp.server_request_prefix self.broadcast_prefix = config.oslo_messaging_amqp.broadcast_prefix self.group_request_prefix = \ config.oslo_messaging_amqp.group_request_prefix self._container_name = config.oslo_messaging_amqp.container_name self.idle_timeout = config.oslo_messaging_amqp.idle_timeout self.trace_protocol = config.oslo_messaging_amqp.trace self.ssl_ca_file = config.oslo_messaging_amqp.ssl_ca_file self.ssl_cert_file = config.oslo_messaging_amqp.ssl_cert_file self.ssl_key_file = config.oslo_messaging_amqp.ssl_key_file self.ssl_key_password = config.oslo_messaging_amqp.ssl_key_password self.ssl_allow_insecure = \ config.oslo_messaging_amqp.allow_insecure_clients self.sasl_mechanisms = config.oslo_messaging_amqp.sasl_mechanisms self.sasl_config_dir = config.oslo_messaging_amqp.sasl_config_dir self.sasl_config_name = config.oslo_messaging_amqp.sasl_config_name self.hosts = Hosts(hosts, config.oslo_messaging_amqp.username, config.oslo_messaging_amqp.password) self.separator = "." self.fanout_qualifier = "all" self.default_exchange = default_exchange # can't handle a request until the replies link is active, as # we need the peer assigned address, so need to delay any # processing of task queue until this is done self._replies = None # Set True when the driver is shutting down self._closing = False # only schedule one outstanding reconnect attempt at a time self._reconnecting = False self._delay = 0 # seconds between retries # prevent queuing up multiple requests to run _process_tasks() self._process_tasks_scheduled = False self._process_tasks_lock = threading.Lock() def connect(self): """Connect to the messaging service.""" self.processor = eventloop.Thread(self._container_name) self.processor.wakeup(lambda: self._do_connect()) def add_task(self, task): """Add a Task for execution on processor thread.""" self._tasks.put(task) self._schedule_task_processing() def shutdown(self, wait=True, timeout=None): """Shutdown the messaging service.""" if self.processor: LOG.debug("Waiting for eventloop to exit") self.processor.shutdown(wait, timeout) self.processor = None self._tasks = None self._senders = None for servers in self._servers.values(): for server in servers.values(): server.destroy() self._servers.clear() self._socket_connection = None if self._replies: self._replies.destroy() self._replies = None LOG.debug("Eventloop exited, driver shut down") # The remaining methods are reserved to run from the eventloop thread only! # They must not be invoked directly! # methods executed by Tasks created by the driver: def request(self, target, request, result_queue, reply_expected=False): """Send a request message to the given target and arrange for a result to be put on the result_queue. If reply_expected, the result will include the reply message (if successful). """ address = self._resolve(target) LOG.debug("Sending request for %(target)s to %(address)s", {'target': target, 'address': address}) if reply_expected: msg_id = self._replies.prepare_for_response(request, result_queue) def _callback(link, handle, state, info): if state == pyngus.SenderLink.ACCEPTED: # message received if not reply_expected: # can wake up the sender now result = {"status": "OK"} result_queue.put(result) else: # we will wake up the sender when the reply message is # received. See Replies.message_received() pass else: # send failed/rejected/etc msg = "Message send failed: remote disposition: %s, info: %s" exc = exceptions.MessageDeliveryFailure(msg % (state, info)) result = {"status": "ERROR", "error": exc} if reply_expected: # no response will be received, so cancel the correlation self._replies.cancel_response(msg_id) result_queue.put(result) self._send(address, request, _callback) def response(self, address, response): """Send a response message to the client listening on 'address'. To prevent a misbehaving client from blocking a server indefinitely, the message is send asynchronously. """ LOG.debug("Sending response to %s", address) self._send(address, response) def subscribe(self, target, in_queue, subscription_id): """Subscribe to messages sent to 'target', place received messages on 'in_queue'. """ addresses = [ self._server_address(target), self._broadcast_address(target), self._group_request_address(target) ] self._subscribe(target, addresses, in_queue, subscription_id) def subscribe_notifications(self, target, in_queue, subscription_id): """Subscribe for notifications on 'target', place received messages on 'in_queue'. """ addresses = [self._group_request_address(target)] self._subscribe(target, addresses, in_queue, subscription_id) def _subscribe(self, target, addresses, in_queue, subscription_id): LOG.debug("Subscribing to %(target)s (%(addresses)s)", {'target': target, 'addresses': addresses}) server = Server(addresses, in_queue, subscription_id) servers = self._servers.get(target) if servers is None: servers = {} self._servers[target] = servers servers[subscription_id] = server server.attach(self._socket_connection.connection) def _resolve(self, target): """Return a link address for a given target.""" if target.server: return self._server_address(target) elif target.fanout: return self._broadcast_address(target) else: return self._group_request_address(target) def _sender(self, address): # if we already have a sender for that address, use it # else establish the sender and cache it if address in self._senders: sender = self._senders[address] else: sname = "Producer-%s:src=%s:tgt=%s" % (uuid.uuid4().hex, address, address) conn = self._socket_connection.connection sender = conn.create_sender(source_address=address, target_address=address, name=sname) sender.open() self._senders[address] = sender return sender def _send(self, addr, message, callback=None, handle=None): """Send the message out the link addressed by 'addr'. If a delivery_callback is given it will be invoked when the send has completed (whether successfully or in error). """ address = str(addr) message.address = address self._sender(address).send(message, delivery_callback=callback) def _server_address(self, target): return self._concatenate([self.server_request_prefix, target.exchange or self.default_exchange, target.topic, target.server]) def _broadcast_address(self, target): return self._concatenate([self.broadcast_prefix, target.exchange or self.default_exchange, target.topic, self.fanout_qualifier]) def _group_request_address(self, target): return self._concatenate([self.group_request_prefix, target.exchange or self.default_exchange, target.topic]) def _concatenate(self, items): return self.separator.join(filter(bool, items)) # commands executed on the processor (eventloop) via 'wakeup()': def _do_connect(self): """Establish connection and reply subscription on processor thread.""" host = self.hosts.current conn_props = {'hostname': host.hostname} if self.idle_timeout: conn_props["idle-time-out"] = float(self.idle_timeout) if self.trace_protocol: conn_props["x-trace-protocol"] = self.trace_protocol if self.ssl_ca_file: conn_props["x-ssl-ca-file"] = self.ssl_ca_file if self.ssl_cert_file: # assume this connection is for a server. If client authentication # support is developed, we'll need an explicit flag (server or # client) conn_props["x-ssl-server"] = True conn_props["x-ssl-identity"] = (self.ssl_cert_file, self.ssl_key_file, self.ssl_key_password) conn_props["x-ssl-allow-cleartext"] = self.ssl_allow_insecure # SASL configuration: if self.sasl_mechanisms: conn_props["x-sasl-mechs"] = self.sasl_mechanisms if self.sasl_config_dir: conn_props["x-sasl-config-dir"] = self.sasl_config_dir if self.sasl_config_name: conn_props["x-sasl-config-name"] = self.sasl_config_name self._socket_connection = self.processor.connect(host, handler=self, properties=conn_props) LOG.debug("Connection initiated") def _process_tasks(self): """Execute Task objects in the context of the processor thread.""" with self._process_tasks_lock: self._process_tasks_scheduled = False count = 0 while (not self._tasks.empty() and count < self._max_task_batch and self._can_process_tasks): try: self._tasks.get(False).execute(self) except Exception as e: LOG.exception(_LE("Error processing task: %s"), e) count += 1 # if we hit _max_task_batch, resume task processing later: if not self._tasks.empty() and self._can_process_tasks: self._schedule_task_processing() def _schedule_task_processing(self): """_process_tasks() helper: prevent queuing up multiple requests for task processing. This method is called both by the application thread and the processing thread. """ if self.processor: with self._process_tasks_lock: already_scheduled = self._process_tasks_scheduled self._process_tasks_scheduled = True if not already_scheduled: self.processor.wakeup(lambda: self._process_tasks()) @property def _can_process_tasks(self): """_process_tasks helper(): indicates that the driver is ready to process Tasks. In order to process messaging-related tasks, the reply queue link must be active. """ return (not self._closing and self._replies and self._replies.ready()) def _start_shutdown(self): """Called when the driver destroys the controller, this method attempts to cleanly close the AMQP connection to the peer. """ LOG.info(_LI("Shutting down AMQP connection")) self._closing = True if self._socket_connection.connection.active: # try a clean shutdown self._socket_connection.connection.close() else: # don't wait for a close from the remote, may never happen self._complete_shutdown() # reply link active callback: def _reply_link_ready(self): """Invoked when the Replies reply link has become active. At this point, we are ready to send/receive messages (via Task processing). """ LOG.info(_LI("Messaging is active (%(hostname)s:%(port)s)"), {'hostname': self.hosts.current.hostname, 'port': self.hosts.current.port}) self._schedule_task_processing() # callback from eventloop on socket error def socket_error(self, error): """Called by eventloop when a socket error occurs.""" LOG.debug("Socket failure: %s", error) self._handle_connection_loss() # Pyngus connection event callbacks (and their helpers), all invoked from # the eventloop thread: def connection_failed(self, connection, error): """This is a Pyngus callback, invoked by Pyngus when a non-recoverable error occurs on the connection. """ if connection is not self._socket_connection.connection: # pyngus bug: ignore failure callback on destroyed connections return LOG.debug("AMQP Connection failure: %s", error) self._handle_connection_loss() def connection_active(self, connection): """This is a Pyngus callback, invoked by Pyngus when the connection to the peer is up. At this point, the driver will activate all subscriber links (server) and the reply link. """ LOG.debug("Connection active (%(hostname)s:%(port)s), subscribing...", {'hostname': self.hosts.current.hostname, 'port': self.hosts.current.port}) for servers in self._servers.values(): for server in servers.values(): server.attach(self._socket_connection.connection) self._replies = Replies(self._socket_connection.connection, lambda: self._reply_link_ready()) self._delay = 0 def connection_closed(self, connection): """This is a Pyngus callback, invoked by Pyngus when the connection has cleanly closed. This occurs after the driver closes the connection locally, and the peer has acknowledged the close. At this point, the shutdown of the driver's connection is complete. """ LOG.debug("AMQP connection closed.") # if the driver isn't being shutdown, failover and reconnect self._handle_connection_loss() def connection_remote_closed(self, connection, reason): """This is a Pyngus callback, invoked by Pyngus when the peer has requested that the connection be closed. """ if not self._closing: # The messaging service/broker is trying to shut down the # connection. Acknowledge the close, and try to reconnect/failover # later once the connection has closed (connection_closed is # called). LOG.info(_LI("Connection closed by peer: %s"), reason or "no reason given") self._socket_connection.connection.close() def sasl_done(self, connection, pn_sasl, outcome): """This is a Pyngus callback invoked when the SASL handshake has completed. The outcome of the handshake is passed in the outcome argument. """ if outcome == proton.SASL.OK: return LOG.error(_LE("AUTHENTICATION FAILURE: Cannot connect to " "%(hostname)s:%(port)s as user %(username)s"), {'hostname': self.hosts.current.hostname, 'port': self.hosts.current.port, 'username': self.hosts.current.username}) # connection failure will be handled later def _complete_shutdown(self): """The AMQP Connection has closed, and the driver shutdown is complete. Clean up controller resources and exit. """ self._socket_connection.close() self.processor.shutdown() LOG.info(_LI("Messaging has shutdown")) def _handle_connection_loss(self): """The connection to the messaging service has been lost. Try to reestablish the connection/failover. """ if self._closing: # we're in the middle of shutting down the driver anyways, # just consider it done: self._complete_shutdown() else: # for some reason, we've lost the connection to the messaging # service. Try to re-establish the connection: if not self._reconnecting: self._reconnecting = True self._replies = None LOG.info(_LI("delaying reconnect attempt for %d seconds"), self._delay) self.processor.schedule(lambda: self._do_reconnect(), self._delay) self._delay = (1 if self._delay == 0 else min(self._delay * 2, 60)) def _do_reconnect(self): """Invoked on connection/socket failure, failover and re-connect to the messaging service. """ # note well: since this method destroys the connection, it cannot be # invoked directly from a pyngus callback. Use processor.schedule() to # run this method on the main loop instead. if not self._closing: self._reconnecting = False self._senders = {} self._socket_connection.reset() host = self.hosts.next() LOG.info(_LI("Reconnecting to: %(hostname)s:%(port)s"), {'hostname': host.hostname, 'port': host.port}) self._socket_connection.connect(host)