# Copyright (C) 2014 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import logging import os import select import socket import threading import time import uuid from six import moves import testtools from oslo import messaging from oslo.utils import importutils from oslo_messaging.tests import utils as test_utils # TODO(kgiusti) Conditionally run these tests only if the necessary # dependencies are installed. This should be removed once the proton libraries # are available in the base repos for all supported platforms. pyngus = importutils.try_import("pyngus") if pyngus: from oslo.messaging._drivers.protocols.amqp import driver as amqp_driver LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class _ListenerThread(threading.Thread): """Run a blocking listener in a thread.""" def __init__(self, listener, msg_count): super(_ListenerThread, self).__init__() self.listener = listener self.msg_count = msg_count self.messages = moves.queue.Queue() self.daemon = True self.start() def run(self): LOG.info("Listener started") while self.msg_count > 0: in_msg = self.listener.poll() self.messages.put(in_msg) self.msg_count -= 1 if in_msg.message.get('method') == 'echo': in_msg.reply(reply={'correlation-id': in_msg.message.get('id')}) LOG.info("Listener stopped") def get_messages(self): """Returns a list of all received messages.""" msgs = [] try: while True: m = self.messages.get(False) msgs.append(m) except moves.queue.Empty: pass return msgs @testtools.skipUnless(pyngus, "proton modules not present") class TestProtonDriverLoad(test_utils.BaseTestCase): def setUp(self): super(TestProtonDriverLoad, self).setUp() self.messaging_conf.transport_driver = 'amqp' def test_driver_load(self): transport = messaging.get_transport(self.conf) self.assertIsInstance(transport._driver, amqp_driver.ProtonDriver) class _AmqpBrokerTestCase(test_utils.BaseTestCase): @testtools.skipUnless(pyngus, "proton modules not present") def setUp(self): LOG.info("Starting Broker Test") super(_AmqpBrokerTestCase, self).setUp() self._broker = FakeBroker() self._broker_addr = "amqp://%s:%d" % (self._broker.host, self._broker.port) self._broker_url = messaging.TransportURL.parse(self.conf, self._broker_addr) self._broker.start() def tearDown(self): super(_AmqpBrokerTestCase, self).tearDown() self._broker.stop() LOG.info("Broker Test Ended") class TestAmqpSend(_AmqpBrokerTestCase): """Test sending and receiving messages.""" def test_driver_unconnected_cleanup(self): """Verify the driver can cleanly shutdown even if never connected.""" driver = amqp_driver.ProtonDriver(self.conf, self._broker_url) driver.cleanup() def test_listener_cleanup(self): """Verify unused listener can cleanly shutdown.""" driver = amqp_driver.ProtonDriver(self.conf, self._broker_url) target = messaging.Target(topic="test-topic") listener = driver.listen(target) self.assertIsInstance(listener, amqp_driver.ProtonListener) driver.cleanup() def test_send_no_reply(self): driver = amqp_driver.ProtonDriver(self.conf, self._broker_url) target = messaging.Target(topic="test-topic") listener = _ListenerThread(driver.listen(target), 1) rc = driver.send(target, {"context": True}, {"msg": "value"}, wait_for_reply=False) self.assertIsNone(rc) listener.join(timeout=30) self.assertFalse(listener.isAlive()) self.assertEqual(listener.messages.get().message, {"msg": "value"}) driver.cleanup() def test_send_exchange_with_reply(self): driver = amqp_driver.ProtonDriver(self.conf, self._broker_url) target1 = messaging.Target(topic="test-topic", exchange="e1") listener1 = _ListenerThread(driver.listen(target1), 1) target2 = messaging.Target(topic="test-topic", exchange="e2") listener2 = _ListenerThread(driver.listen(target2), 1) rc = driver.send(target1, {"context": "whatever"}, {"method": "echo", "id": "e1"}, wait_for_reply=True, timeout=30) self.assertIsNotNone(rc) self.assertEqual(rc.get('correlation-id'), 'e1') rc = driver.send(target2, {"context": "whatever"}, {"method": "echo", "id": "e2"}, wait_for_reply=True, timeout=30) self.assertIsNotNone(rc) self.assertEqual(rc.get('correlation-id'), 'e2') listener1.join(timeout=30) self.assertFalse(listener1.isAlive()) listener2.join(timeout=30) self.assertFalse(listener2.isAlive()) driver.cleanup() def test_messaging_patterns(self): """Verify the direct, shared, and fanout message patterns work.""" driver = amqp_driver.ProtonDriver(self.conf, self._broker_url) target1 = messaging.Target(topic="test-topic", server="server1") listener1 = _ListenerThread(driver.listen(target1), 4) target2 = messaging.Target(topic="test-topic", server="server2") listener2 = _ListenerThread(driver.listen(target2), 3) shared_target = messaging.Target(topic="test-topic") fanout_target = messaging.Target(topic="test-topic", fanout=True) # this should go to only one server: driver.send(shared_target, {"context": "whatever"}, {"method": "echo", "id": "either-1"}, wait_for_reply=True) self.assertEqual(self._broker.topic_count, 1) self.assertEqual(self._broker.direct_count, 1) # reply # this should go to the other server: driver.send(shared_target, {"context": "whatever"}, {"method": "echo", "id": "either-2"}, wait_for_reply=True) self.assertEqual(self._broker.topic_count, 2) self.assertEqual(self._broker.direct_count, 2) # reply # these should only go to listener1: driver.send(target1, {"context": "whatever"}, {"method": "echo", "id": "server1-1"}, wait_for_reply=True) driver.send(target1, {"context": "whatever"}, {"method": "echo", "id": "server1-2"}, wait_for_reply=True) self.assertEqual(self._broker.direct_count, 6) # 2X(send+reply) # this should only go to listener2: driver.send(target2, {"context": "whatever"}, {"method": "echo", "id": "server2"}, wait_for_reply=True) self.assertEqual(self._broker.direct_count, 8) # both listeners should get a copy: driver.send(fanout_target, {"context": "whatever"}, {"method": "echo", "id": "fanout"}) listener1.join(timeout=30) self.assertFalse(listener1.isAlive()) listener2.join(timeout=30) self.assertFalse(listener2.isAlive()) self.assertEqual(self._broker.fanout_count, 1) listener1_ids = [x.message.get('id') for x in listener1.get_messages()] listener2_ids = [x.message.get('id') for x in listener2.get_messages()] self.assertTrue('fanout' in listener1_ids and 'fanout' in listener2_ids) self.assertTrue('server1-1' in listener1_ids and 'server1-1' not in listener2_ids) self.assertTrue('server1-2' in listener1_ids and 'server1-2' not in listener2_ids) self.assertTrue('server2' in listener2_ids and 'server2' not in listener1_ids) if 'either-1' in listener1_ids: self.assertTrue('either-2' in listener2_ids and 'either-2' not in listener1_ids and 'either-1' not in listener2_ids) else: self.assertTrue('either-2' in listener1_ids and 'either-2' not in listener2_ids and 'either-1' in listener2_ids) driver.cleanup() def test_send_timeout(self): """Verify send timeout.""" driver = amqp_driver.ProtonDriver(self.conf, self._broker_url) target = messaging.Target(topic="test-topic") listener = _ListenerThread(driver.listen(target), 1) # the listener will drop this message: try: driver.send(target, {"context": "whatever"}, {"method": "drop"}, wait_for_reply=True, timeout=1.0) except Exception as ex: self.assertIsInstance(ex, messaging.MessagingTimeout, ex) else: self.assertTrue(False, "No Exception raised!") listener.join(timeout=30) self.assertFalse(listener.isAlive()) driver.cleanup() class TestAmqpNotification(_AmqpBrokerTestCase): """Test sending and receiving notifications.""" def test_notification(self): driver = amqp_driver.ProtonDriver(self.conf, self._broker_url) notifications = [(messaging.Target(topic="topic-1"), 'info'), (messaging.Target(topic="topic-1"), 'error'), (messaging.Target(topic="topic-2"), 'debug')] nl = driver.listen_for_notifications(notifications) listener = _ListenerThread(nl, 3) targets = ['topic-1.info', 'topic-1.bad', # should be dropped 'bad-topic.debug', # should be dropped 'topic-1.error', 'topic-2.debug'] for t in targets: driver.send_notification(messaging.Target(topic=t), "context", {'target': t}, 1.0) listener.join(timeout=30) self.assertFalse(listener.isAlive()) topics = [x.message.get('target') for x in listener.get_messages()] self.assertTrue('topic-1.info' in topics) self.assertTrue('topic-1.error' in topics) self.assertTrue('topic-2.debug' in topics) self.assertEqual(self._broker.dropped_count, 2) driver.cleanup() @testtools.skipUnless(pyngus, "proton modules not present") class TestAuthentication(test_utils.BaseTestCase): def setUp(self): super(TestAuthentication, self).setUp() LOG.error("Starting Authentication Test") # for simplicity, encode the credentials as they would appear 'on the # wire' in a SASL frame - username and password prefixed by zero. user_credentials = ["\0joe\0secret"] self._broker = FakeBroker(sasl_mechanisms="PLAIN", user_credentials=user_credentials) self._broker.start() def tearDown(self): super(TestAuthentication, self).tearDown() self._broker.stop() LOG.error("Authentication Test Ended") def test_authentication_ok(self): """Verify that username and password given in TransportHost are accepted by the broker. """ addr = "amqp://joe:secret@%s:%d" % (self._broker.host, self._broker.port) url = messaging.TransportURL.parse(self.conf, addr) driver = amqp_driver.ProtonDriver(self.conf, url) target = messaging.Target(topic="test-topic") listener = _ListenerThread(driver.listen(target), 1) rc = driver.send(target, {"context": True}, {"method": "echo"}, wait_for_reply=True) self.assertIsNotNone(rc) listener.join(timeout=30) self.assertFalse(listener.isAlive()) driver.cleanup() def test_authentication_failure(self): """Verify that a bad password given in TransportHost is rejected by the broker. """ addr = "amqp://joe:badpass@%s:%d" % (self._broker.host, self._broker.port) url = messaging.TransportURL.parse(self.conf, addr) driver = amqp_driver.ProtonDriver(self.conf, url) target = messaging.Target(topic="test-topic") _ListenerThread(driver.listen(target), 1) self.assertRaises(messaging.MessagingTimeout, driver.send, target, {"context": True}, {"method": "echo"}, wait_for_reply=True, timeout=2.0) driver.cleanup() @testtools.skipUnless(pyngus, "proton modules not present") class TestFailover(test_utils.BaseTestCase): def setUp(self): super(TestFailover, self).setUp() LOG.info("Starting Failover Test") self._brokers = [FakeBroker(), FakeBroker()] hosts = [] for broker in self._brokers: hosts.append(messaging.TransportHost(hostname=broker.host, port=broker.port)) self._broker_url = messaging.TransportURL(self.conf, transport="amqp", hosts=hosts) def tearDown(self): super(TestFailover, self).tearDown() for broker in self._brokers: if broker.isAlive(): broker.stop() def test_broker_failover(self): """Simulate failover of one broker to another.""" self._brokers[0].start() driver = amqp_driver.ProtonDriver(self.conf, self._broker_url) target = messaging.Target(topic="my-topic") listener = _ListenerThread(driver.listen(target), 2) rc = driver.send(target, {"context": "whatever"}, {"method": "echo", "id": "echo-1"}, wait_for_reply=True, timeout=30) self.assertIsNotNone(rc) self.assertEqual(rc.get('correlation-id'), 'echo-1') # 1 request msg, 1 response: self.assertEqual(self._brokers[0].topic_count, 1) self.assertEqual(self._brokers[0].direct_count, 1) # fail broker 0 and start broker 1: self._brokers[0].stop() self._brokers[1].start() deadline = time.time() + 30 responded = False sequence = 2 while deadline > time.time() and not responded: if not listener.isAlive(): # listener may have exited after replying to an old correlation # id: restart new listener listener = _ListenerThread(driver.listen(target), 1) try: rc = driver.send(target, {"context": "whatever"}, {"method": "echo", "id": "echo-%d" % sequence}, wait_for_reply=True, timeout=2) self.assertIsNotNone(rc) self.assertEqual(rc.get('correlation-id'), 'echo-%d' % sequence) responded = True except messaging.MessagingTimeout: sequence += 1 self.assertTrue(responded) listener.join(timeout=30) self.assertFalse(listener.isAlive()) # note: stopping the broker first tests cleaning up driver without a # connection active self._brokers[1].stop() driver.cleanup() class FakeBroker(threading.Thread): """A test AMQP message 'broker'.""" if pyngus: class Connection(pyngus.ConnectionEventHandler): """A single AMQP connection.""" def __init__(self, server, socket_, name, sasl_mechanisms, user_credentials): """Create a Connection using socket_.""" self.socket = socket_ self.name = name self.server = server self.connection = server.container.create_connection(name, self) self.connection.user_context = self self.sasl_mechanisms = sasl_mechanisms self.user_credentials = user_credentials if sasl_mechanisms: self.connection.pn_sasl.mechanisms(sasl_mechanisms) self.connection.pn_sasl.server() self.connection.open() self.sender_links = set() self.closed = False def destroy(self): """Destroy the test connection.""" while self.sender_links: link = self.sender_links.pop() link.destroy() self.connection.destroy() self.connection = None self.socket.close() def fileno(self): """Allows use of this in a select() call.""" return self.socket.fileno() def process_input(self): """Called when socket is read-ready.""" try: pyngus.read_socket_input(self.connection, self.socket) except socket.error: pass self.connection.process(time.time()) def send_output(self): """Called when socket is write-ready.""" try: pyngus.write_socket_output(self.connection, self.socket) except socket.error: pass self.connection.process(time.time()) # Pyngus ConnectionEventHandler callbacks: def connection_remote_closed(self, connection, reason): """Peer has closed the connection.""" self.connection.close() def connection_closed(self, connection): """Connection close completed.""" self.closed = True # main loop will destroy def connection_failed(self, connection, error): """Connection failure detected.""" self.connection_closed(connection) def sender_requested(self, connection, link_handle, name, requested_source, properties): """Create a new message source.""" addr = requested_source or "source-" + uuid.uuid4().hex link = FakeBroker.SenderLink(self.server, self, link_handle, addr) self.sender_links.add(link) def receiver_requested(self, connection, link_handle, name, requested_target, properties): """Create a new message consumer.""" addr = requested_target or "target-" + uuid.uuid4().hex FakeBroker.ReceiverLink(self.server, self, link_handle, addr) def sasl_step(self, connection, pn_sasl): if self.sasl_mechanisms == 'PLAIN': credentials = pn_sasl.recv() if not credentials: return # wait until some arrives if credentials not in self.user_credentials: # failed return pn_sasl.done(pn_sasl.AUTH) pn_sasl.done(pn_sasl.OK) class SenderLink(pyngus.SenderEventHandler): """An AMQP sending link.""" def __init__(self, server, conn, handle, src_addr=None): self.server = server cnn = conn.connection self.link = cnn.accept_sender(handle, source_override=src_addr, event_handler=self) self.link.open() self.routed = False def destroy(self): """Destroy the link.""" self._cleanup() if self.link: self.link.destroy() self.link = None def send_message(self, message): """Send a message over this link.""" self.link.send(message) def _cleanup(self): if self.routed: self.server.remove_route(self.link.source_address, self) self.routed = False # Pyngus SenderEventHandler callbacks: def sender_active(self, sender_link): self.server.add_route(self.link.source_address, self) self.routed = True def sender_remote_closed(self, sender_link, error): self._cleanup() self.link.close() def sender_closed(self, sender_link): self.destroy() class ReceiverLink(pyngus.ReceiverEventHandler): """An AMQP Receiving link.""" def __init__(self, server, conn, handle, addr=None): self.server = server cnn = conn.connection self.link = cnn.accept_receiver(handle, target_override=addr, event_handler=self) self.link.open() self.link.add_capacity(10) # ReceiverEventHandler callbacks: def receiver_remote_closed(self, receiver_link, error): self.link.close() def receiver_closed(self, receiver_link): self.link.destroy() self.link = None def message_received(self, receiver_link, message, handle): """Forward this message out the proper sending link.""" if self.server.forward_message(message): self.link.message_accepted(handle) else: self.link.message_rejected(handle) if self.link.capacity < 1: self.link.add_capacity(10) def __init__(self, server_prefix="exclusive", broadcast_prefix="broadcast", group_prefix="unicast", address_separator=".", sock_addr="", sock_port=0, sasl_mechanisms="ANONYMOUS", user_credentials=None): """Create a fake broker listening on sock_addr:sock_port.""" if not pyngus: raise AssertionError("pyngus module not present") threading.Thread.__init__(self) self._server_prefix = server_prefix + address_separator self._broadcast_prefix = broadcast_prefix + address_separator self._group_prefix = group_prefix + address_separator self._address_separator = address_separator self._sasl_mechanisms = sasl_mechanisms self._user_credentials = user_credentials self._wakeup_pipe = os.pipe() self._my_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self._my_socket.bind((sock_addr, sock_port)) self.host, self.port = self._my_socket.getsockname() self.container = pyngus.Container("test_server_%s:%d" % (self.host, self.port)) self._connections = {} self._sources = {} # count of messages forwarded, by messaging pattern self.direct_count = 0 self.topic_count = 0 self.fanout_count = 0 self.dropped_count = 0 def start(self): """Start the server.""" LOG.info("Starting Test Broker on %s:%d", self.host, self.port) self._shutdown = False self.daemon = True self._my_socket.listen(10) super(FakeBroker, self).start() def stop(self): """Shutdown the server.""" LOG.info("Stopping test Broker %s:%d", self.host, self.port) self._shutdown = True os.write(self._wakeup_pipe[1], "!") self.join() LOG.info("Test Broker %s:%d stopped", self.host, self.port) def run(self): """Process I/O and timer events until the broker is stopped.""" LOG.info("Test Broker on %s:%d started", self.host, self.port) while not self._shutdown: readers, writers, timers = self.container.need_processing() # map pyngus Connections back to _TestConnections: readfd = [c.user_context for c in readers] readfd.extend([self._my_socket, self._wakeup_pipe[0]]) writefd = [c.user_context for c in writers] timeout = None if timers: # [0] == next expiring timer deadline = timers[0].next_tick now = time.time() timeout = 0 if deadline <= now else deadline - now readable, writable, ignore = select.select(readfd, writefd, [], timeout) worked = set() for r in readable: if r is self._my_socket: # new inbound connection request received, # create a new Connection for it: client_socket, client_address = self._my_socket.accept() name = str(client_address) conn = FakeBroker.Connection(self, client_socket, name, self._sasl_mechanisms, self._user_credentials) self._connections[conn.name] = conn elif r is self._wakeup_pipe[0]: os.read(self._wakeup_pipe[0], 512) else: r.process_input() worked.add(r) for t in timers: now = time.time() if t.next_tick > now: break t.process(now) conn = t.user_context worked.add(conn) for w in writable: w.send_output() worked.add(w) # clean up any closed connections: while worked: conn = worked.pop() if conn.closed: del self._connections[conn.name] conn.destroy() # Shutting down self._my_socket.close() for conn in self._connections.itervalues(): conn.destroy() return 0 def add_route(self, address, link): # route from address -> link[, link ...] if address not in self._sources: self._sources[address] = [link] elif link not in self._sources[address]: self._sources[address].append(link) def remove_route(self, address, link): if address in self._sources: if link in self._sources[address]: self._sources[address].remove(link) if not self._sources[address]: del self._sources[address] def forward_message(self, message): # returns True if message was routed dest = message.address if dest not in self._sources: self.dropped_count += 1 return False LOG.debug("Forwarding [%s]", dest) # route "behavior" determined by prefix: if dest.startswith(self._broadcast_prefix): self.fanout_count += 1 for link in self._sources[dest]: LOG.debug("Broadcast to %s", dest) link.send_message(message) elif dest.startswith(self._group_prefix): # round-robin: self.topic_count += 1 link = self._sources[dest].pop(0) link.send_message(message) LOG.debug("Send to %s", dest) self._sources[dest].append(link) else: # unicast: self.direct_count += 1 LOG.debug("Unicast to %s", dest) self._sources[dest][0].send_message(message) return True