In this patch conf object passing through the fixtures to objects is added Also conf.prog and conf.project attributes are initialized for tests Change-Id: I4094043c3ea61cfd37cc998f140d506d4136e681 Partial-Implements: bp rabbit-pika
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327 lines
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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import time
import uuid
import concurrent.futures
from oslo_config import cfg
from testtools import matchers
import oslo_messaging
from oslo_messaging.tests.functional import utils
class CallTestCase(utils.SkipIfNoTransportURL):
def setUp(self):
super(CallTestCase, self).setUp(conf=cfg.ConfigOpts())
def test_specific_server(self):
group = self.useFixture(utils.RpcServerGroupFixture(
self.conf, self.url)
client = group.client(1)
self.assertEqual('openstack', client.append(text='stack'))
self.assertEqual(12, client.add(increment=10))
self.assertEqual(9, client.subtract(increment=3))
self.assertEqual('openstack', group.servers[1].endpoint.sval)
self.assertEqual(9, group.servers[1].endpoint.ival)
for i in [0, 2]:
self.assertEqual('', group.servers[i].endpoint.sval)
self.assertEqual(0, group.servers[i].endpoint.ival)
def test_server_in_group(self):
group = self.useFixture(
utils.RpcServerGroupFixture(self.conf, self.url)
client = group.client()
data = [c for c in 'abcdefghijklmn']
for i in data:
for s in group.servers:
self.assertThat(len(s.endpoint.sval), matchers.GreaterThan(0))
actual = [[c for c in s.endpoint.sval] for s in group.servers]
self.assertThat(actual, utils.IsValidDistributionOf(data))
def test_different_exchanges(self):
# If the different exchanges are not honoured, then the
# teardown may hang unless we broadcast all control messages
# to each server
group1 = self.useFixture(
utils.RpcServerGroupFixture(self.conf, self.url,
group2 = self.useFixture(
utils.RpcServerGroupFixture(self.conf, self.url, exchange="a",
group3 = self.useFixture(
utils.RpcServerGroupFixture(self.conf, self.url, exchange="b",
client1 = group1.client(1)
data1 = [c for c in 'abcdefghijklmn']
for i in data1:
client2 = group2.client()
data2 = [c for c in 'opqrstuvwxyz']
for i in data2:
actual1 = [[c for c in s.endpoint.sval] for s in group1.servers]
self.assertThat(actual1, utils.IsValidDistributionOf(data1))
actual1 = [c for c in group1.servers[1].endpoint.sval]
self.assertThat([actual1], utils.IsValidDistributionOf(data1))
for s in group1.servers:
expected = len(data1) if group1.servers.index(s) == 1 else 0
self.assertEqual(expected, len(s.endpoint.sval))
self.assertEqual(0, s.endpoint.ival)
actual2 = [[c for c in s.endpoint.sval] for s in group2.servers]
for s in group2.servers:
self.assertThat(len(s.endpoint.sval), matchers.GreaterThan(0))
self.assertEqual(0, s.endpoint.ival)
self.assertThat(actual2, utils.IsValidDistributionOf(data2))
for s in group3.servers:
self.assertEqual(0, len(s.endpoint.sval))
self.assertEqual(0, s.endpoint.ival)
def test_timeout(self):
transport = self.useFixture(
utils.TransportFixture(self.conf, self.url)
target = oslo_messaging.Target(topic="no_such_topic")
c = utils.ClientStub(transport.transport, target, timeout=1)
def test_exception(self):
group = self.useFixture(
utils.RpcServerGroupFixture(self.conf, self.url)
client = group.client(1)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, client.subtract, increment=3)
def test_timeout_with_concurrently_queues(self):
transport = self.useFixture(
utils.TransportFixture(self.conf, self.url)
target = oslo_messaging.Target(topic="topic_" + str(uuid.uuid4()),
server="server_" + str(uuid.uuid4()))
server = self.useFixture(
utils.RpcServerFixture(self.conf, self.url, target,
client = utils.ClientStub(transport.transport, target,
cast=False, timeout=5)
def short_periodical_tasks():
for i in range(10):
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=2) as executor:
future = executor.submit(client.long_running_task, seconds=10)
self.assertRaises(oslo_messaging.MessagingTimeout, future.result)
self.assertEqual(10, server.endpoint.ival)
class CastTestCase(utils.SkipIfNoTransportURL):
# Note: casts return immediately, so these tests utilise a special
# internal sync() cast to ensure prior casts are complete before
# making the necessary assertions.
def test_specific_server(self):
group = self.useFixture(
utils.RpcServerGroupFixture(self.conf, self.url)
client = group.client(1, cast=True)
self.assertEqual('openstack', group.servers[1].endpoint.sval)
self.assertEqual(12, group.servers[1].endpoint.ival)
for i in [0, 2]:
self.assertEqual('', group.servers[i].endpoint.sval)
self.assertEqual(0, group.servers[i].endpoint.ival)
def test_server_in_group(self):
if self.url.startswith("amqp:"):
group = self.useFixture(
utils.RpcServerGroupFixture(self.conf, self.url)
client = group.client(cast=True)
for i in range(20):
for i in range(len(group.servers)):
# expect each server to get a sync
total = 0
for s in group.servers:
ival = s.endpoint.ival
self.assertThat(ival, matchers.GreaterThan(0))
self.assertThat(ival, matchers.LessThan(20))
total += ival
self.assertEqual(20, total)
def test_fanout(self):
group = self.useFixture(
utils.RpcServerGroupFixture(self.conf, self.url)
client = group.client('all', cast=True)
for s in group.servers:
self.assertEqual('openstack', s.endpoint.sval)
self.assertEqual(12, s.endpoint.ival)
class NotifyTestCase(utils.SkipIfNoTransportURL):
# NOTE(sileht): Each test must not use the same topics
# to be run in parallel
def test_simple(self):
listener = self.useFixture(
utils.NotificationFixture(self.conf, self.url, ['test_simple']))
notifier = listener.notifier('abc')
notifier.info({}, 'test', 'Hello World!')
event = listener.events.get(timeout=1)
self.assertEqual('info', event[0])
self.assertEqual('test', event[1])
self.assertEqual('Hello World!', event[2])
self.assertEqual('abc', event[3])
def test_multiple_topics(self):
listener = self.useFixture(
utils.NotificationFixture(self.conf, self.url, ['a', 'b']))
a = listener.notifier('pub-a', topic='a')
b = listener.notifier('pub-b', topic='b')
sent = {
'pub-a': [a, 'test-a', 'payload-a'],
'pub-b': [b, 'test-b', 'payload-b']
for e in sent.values():
e[0].info({}, e[1], e[2])
received = {}
while len(received) < len(sent):
e = listener.events.get(timeout=1)
received[e[3]] = e
for key in received:
actual = received[key]
expected = sent[key]
self.assertEqual('info', actual[0])
self.assertEqual(expected[1], actual[1])
self.assertEqual(expected[2], actual[2])
def test_multiple_servers(self):
if self.url.startswith("amqp:"):
listener_a = self.useFixture(
utils.NotificationFixture(self.conf, self.url, ['test-topic']))
listener_b = self.useFixture(
utils.NotificationFixture(self.conf, self.url, ['test-topic']))
n = listener_a.notifier('pub')
events_out = [('test-%s' % c, 'payload-%s' % c) for c in 'abcdefgh']
for event_type, payload in events_out:
n.info({}, event_type, payload)
events_in = [[(e[1], e[2]) for e in listener_a.get_events()],
[(e[1], e[2]) for e in listener_b.get_events()]]
self.assertThat(events_in, utils.IsValidDistributionOf(events_out))
for stream in events_in:
self.assertThat(len(stream), matchers.GreaterThan(0))
def test_independent_topics(self):
listener_a = self.useFixture(
utils.NotificationFixture(self.conf, self.url, ['1']))
listener_b = self.useFixture(
utils.NotificationFixture(self.conf, self.url, ['2']))
a = listener_a.notifier('pub-1', topic='1')
b = listener_b.notifier('pub-2', topic='2')
a_out = [('test-1-%s' % c, 'payload-1-%s' % c) for c in 'abcdefgh']
for event_type, payload in a_out:
a.info({}, event_type, payload)
b_out = [('test-2-%s' % c, 'payload-2-%s' % c) for c in 'ijklmnop']
for event_type, payload in b_out:
b.info({}, event_type, payload)
for expected in a_out:
actual = listener_a.events.get(timeout=0.5)
self.assertEqual('info', actual[0])
self.assertEqual(expected[0], actual[1])
self.assertEqual(expected[1], actual[2])
self.assertEqual('pub-1', actual[3])
for expected in b_out:
actual = listener_b.events.get(timeout=0.5)
self.assertEqual('info', actual[0])
self.assertEqual(expected[0], actual[1])
self.assertEqual(expected[1], actual[2])
self.assertEqual('pub-2', actual[3])
def test_all_categories(self):
listener = self.useFixture(utils.NotificationFixture(
self.conf, self.url, ['test_all_categories']))
n = listener.notifier('abc')
cats = ['debug', 'audit', 'info', 'warn', 'error', 'critical']
events = [(getattr(n, c), c, 'type-' + c, c + '-data') for c in cats]
for e in events:
e[0]({}, e[2], e[3])
# order between events with different categories is not guaranteed
received = {}
for expected in events:
e = listener.events.get(timeout=0.5)
received[e[0]] = e
for expected in events:
actual = received[expected[1]]
self.assertEqual(expected[1], actual[0])
self.assertEqual(expected[2], actual[1])
self.assertEqual(expected[3], actual[2])