
3.4 KiB


A simple example of oslo.metrics in use:

$ oslo-metrics
2020-06-11 15:59:53.459 5435 INFO oslo.metrics.__main__ [-] Start oslo.metrics

Testing with DevStack

This section describes how to test out oslo.metrics and collect oslo.messaging metric data using Devstack.

Download DevStack

$ git clone https://opendev.org/openstack/devstack
$ cd devstack

The devstack repo contains a script that installs OpenStack and templates for configuration files.

Create a local.conf

Create a local.conf file with four passwords preset at the root of the devstack git repo.


metrics_enabled = True

This is the minimum required config to get started with Devstack including oslo.metrics.

Start the install

$ ./stack.sh

This will take a 15 - 20 minutes, largely depending on the speed of your internet connection. Many git trees and packages will be installed during this process.

Start the Metrics Server

$ oslo-metrics

This command will start oslo.metrics server and start collecting oslo.messaging metrics sending from OpenStack services.

oslo.metrics exporter will serve on port 3000 by default.

Example Output

An example of oslo.metrics collecting metrics from Nova:

ubuntu@devstack:~/devstack$ oslo-metrics
2021-06-12 14:32:26.091 466289 INFO oslo.metrics.__main__ [-] Start oslo.metrics
2021-06-12 14:57:50.632 466289 DEBUG oslo.metrics.__main__ [-] wait for socket.recv serve /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/oslo_metrics/__main__.py:73
2021-06-12 14:57:50.632 466289 DEBUG oslo.metrics.__main__ [-] got message serve /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/oslo_metrics/__main__.py:76
2021-06-12 14:57:50.633 466289 INFO oslo.metrics.message_router [-] Get labels with rpc_client_processing_seconds: {'call_type': 'call', 'exchange': None, 'topic': 'conductor', 'namespace': 'baseapi', 'version': '1.0', 'server': None, 'fanout': None, 'method': 'ping', 'timeout': None, 'process': ''}
2021-06-12 14:57:50.633 466289 INFO oslo.metrics.message_router [-] Perform action observe for rpc_client_processing_seconds metrics
2021-06-12 14:57:50.633 466289 DEBUG oslo.metrics.__main__ [-] wait for socket.recv serve /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/oslo_metrics/__main__.py:73
2021-06-12 14:57:50.633 466289 DEBUG oslo.metrics.__main__ [-] got message serve /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/oslo_metrics/__main__.py:76
2021-06-12 14:57:50.633 466289 INFO oslo.metrics.message_router [-] Get labels with rpc_client_invocation_end_total: {'call_type': 'call', 'exchange': None, 'topic': 'conductor', 'namespace': 'baseapi', 'version': '1.0', 'server': None, 'fanout': None, 'method': 'ping', 'timeout': None, 'process': ''}
2021-06-12 14:57:50.633 466289 INFO oslo.metrics.message_router [-] Perform action inc for rpc_client_invocation_end_total metrics`

Gathering Metrics

To gather metrics from oslo.metrics, configure Prometheus to scrape from port 3000 where oslo.metrics is running.