# Copyright 2013 Red Hat, Inc.
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"""Provides threading and stack-trace models

This module defines classes representing thread, green
thread, and stack trace data models

import traceback

from oslo_reports.models import with_default_views as mwdv
from oslo_reports.views.text import threading as text_views

class StackTraceModel(mwdv.ModelWithDefaultViews):
    """A Stack Trace Model

    This model holds data from a python stack trace,
    commonly extracted from running thread information

    :param stack_state: the python stack_state object

    def __init__(self, stack_state):

        if (stack_state is not None):
            self['lines'] = [
                {'filename': fn, 'line': ln, 'name': nm, 'code': cd}
                for fn, ln, nm, cd in traceback.extract_stack(stack_state)
            # FIXME(flepied): under Python3 f_exc_type doesn't exist
            # anymore so we lose information about exceptions
            if getattr(stack_state, 'f_exc_type', None) is not None:
                self['root_exception'] = {
                    'type': stack_state.f_exc_type,
                    'value': stack_state.f_exc_value}
                self['root_exception'] = None
            self['lines'] = []
            self['root_exception'] = None

class ThreadModel(mwdv.ModelWithDefaultViews):
    """A Thread Model

    This model holds data for information about an
    individual thread.  It holds both a thread id,
    as well as a stack trace for the thread

    .. seealso::

        Class :class:`StackTraceModel`

    :param int thread_id: the id of the thread
    :param stack: the python stack state for the current thread

    # threadId, stack in sys._current_frams().items()
    def __init__(self, thread_id, stack):

        self['thread_id'] = thread_id
        self['stack_trace'] = StackTraceModel(stack)

class GreenThreadModel(mwdv.ModelWithDefaultViews):
    """A Green Thread Model

    This model holds data for information about an
    individual thread.  Unlike the thread model,
    it holds just a stack trace, since green threads
    do not have thread ids.

    .. seealso::

        Class :class:`StackTraceModel`

    :param stack: the python stack state for the green thread

    # gr in greenpool.coroutines_running  --> gr.gr_frame
    def __init__(self, stack):
            {'stack_trace': StackTraceModel(stack)},