# Copyright 2010 United States Government as represented by the # Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """Unit Tests for service class""" import logging import multiprocessing import os import signal import socket import time import traceback from unittest import mock import eventlet from eventlet import event from oslotest import base as test_base from oslo_service import service from oslo_service.tests import base from oslo_service.tests import eventlet_service LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ExtendedService(service.Service): def test_method(self): return 'service' class ServiceManagerTestCase(test_base.BaseTestCase): """Test cases for Services.""" def test_override_manager_method(self): serv = ExtendedService() serv.start() self.assertEqual('service', serv.test_method()) class ServiceWithTimer(service.Service): def __init__(self, ready_event=None): super(ServiceWithTimer, self).__init__() self.ready_event = ready_event def start(self): super(ServiceWithTimer, self).start() self.timer_fired = 0 self.tg.add_timer(1, self.timer_expired) def wait(self): if self.ready_event: self.ready_event.set() super(ServiceWithTimer, self).wait() def timer_expired(self): self.timer_fired = self.timer_fired + 1 class ServiceCrashOnStart(ServiceWithTimer): def start(self): super(ServiceCrashOnStart, self).start() raise ValueError class ServiceTestBase(base.ServiceBaseTestCase): """A base class for ServiceLauncherTest and ServiceRestartTest.""" def _spawn_service(self, workers=1, service_maker=None, launcher_maker=None): self.workers = workers pid = os.fork() if pid == 0: os.setsid() # NOTE(johannes): We can't let the child processes exit back # into the unit test framework since then we'll have multiple # processes running the same tests (and possibly forking more # processes that end up in the same situation). So we need # to catch all exceptions and make sure nothing leaks out, in # particular SystemExit, which is raised by sys.exit(). We use # os._exit() which doesn't have this problem. status = 0 try: serv = service_maker() if service_maker else ServiceWithTimer() if launcher_maker: launcher = launcher_maker() launcher.launch_service(serv, workers=workers) else: launcher = service.launch(self.conf, serv, workers=workers) status = launcher.wait() except SystemExit as exc: status = exc.code except BaseException: # We need to be defensive here too try: traceback.print_exc() except BaseException: print("Couldn't print traceback") status = 2 # Really exit os._exit(status or 0) return pid def _wait(self, cond, timeout): start = time.time() while not cond(): if time.time() - start > timeout: break time.sleep(.1) def setUp(self): super(ServiceTestBase, self).setUp() # NOTE(markmc): ConfigOpts.log_opt_values() uses CONF.config-file self.conf(args=[], default_config_files=[]) self.addCleanup(self.conf.reset) self.addCleanup(self._reap_pid) self.pid = 0 def _reap_pid(self): if self.pid: # Make sure all processes are stopped os.kill(self.pid, signal.SIGTERM) # Make sure we reap our test process self._reap_test() def _reap_test(self): pid, status = os.waitpid(self.pid, 0) self.pid = None return status class ServiceLauncherTest(ServiceTestBase): """Originally from nova/tests/integrated/test_multiprocess_api.py.""" def _spawn(self): self.pid = self._spawn_service(workers=2) # Wait at most 10 seconds to spawn workers cond = lambda: self.workers == len(self._get_workers()) timeout = 10 self._wait(cond, timeout) workers = self._get_workers() self.assertEqual(len(workers), self.workers) return workers def _get_workers(self): f = os.popen('ps ax -o pid,ppid,command') # Skip ps header f.readline() processes = [tuple(int(p) for p in line.strip().split()[:2]) for line in f] return [p for p, pp in processes if pp == self.pid] def test_killed_worker_recover(self): start_workers = self._spawn() # kill one worker and check if new worker can come up LOG.info('pid of first child is %s' % start_workers[0]) os.kill(start_workers[0], signal.SIGTERM) # Wait at most 5 seconds to respawn a worker cond = lambda: start_workers != self._get_workers() timeout = 5 self._wait(cond, timeout) # Make sure worker pids don't match end_workers = self._get_workers() LOG.info('workers: %r' % end_workers) self.assertNotEqual(start_workers, end_workers) def _terminate_with_signal(self, sig): self._spawn() os.kill(self.pid, sig) # Wait at most 5 seconds to kill all workers cond = lambda: not self._get_workers() timeout = 5 self._wait(cond, timeout) workers = self._get_workers() LOG.info('workers: %r' % workers) self.assertFalse(workers, 'No OS processes left.') def test_terminate_sigkill(self): self._terminate_with_signal(signal.SIGKILL) status = self._reap_test() self.assertTrue(os.WIFSIGNALED(status)) self.assertEqual(signal.SIGKILL, os.WTERMSIG(status)) def test_terminate_sigterm(self): self._terminate_with_signal(signal.SIGTERM) status = self._reap_test() self.assertTrue(os.WIFEXITED(status)) self.assertEqual(0, os.WEXITSTATUS(status)) def test_crashed_service(self): service_maker = lambda: ServiceCrashOnStart() self.pid = self._spawn_service(service_maker=service_maker) status = self._reap_test() self.assertTrue(os.WIFEXITED(status)) self.assertEqual(1, os.WEXITSTATUS(status)) def test_child_signal_sighup(self): start_workers = self._spawn() os.kill(start_workers[0], signal.SIGHUP) # Wait at most 5 seconds to respawn a worker cond = lambda: start_workers != self._get_workers() timeout = 5 self._wait(cond, timeout) # Make sure worker pids match end_workers = self._get_workers() LOG.info('workers: %r' % end_workers) self.assertEqual(start_workers, end_workers) def test_parent_signal_sighup(self): start_workers = self._spawn() os.kill(self.pid, signal.SIGHUP) def cond(): workers = self._get_workers() return (len(workers) == len(start_workers) and not set(start_workers).intersection(workers)) # Wait at most 5 seconds to respawn a worker timeout = 10 self._wait(cond, timeout) self.assertTrue(cond()) class ServiceRestartTest(ServiceTestBase): def _spawn(self): ready_event = multiprocessing.Event() service_maker = lambda: ServiceWithTimer(ready_event=ready_event) self.pid = self._spawn_service(service_maker=service_maker) return ready_event def test_service_restart(self): ready = self._spawn() timeout = 5 ready.wait(timeout) self.assertTrue(ready.is_set(), 'Service never became ready') ready.clear() os.kill(self.pid, signal.SIGHUP) ready.wait(timeout) self.assertTrue(ready.is_set(), 'Service never back after SIGHUP') def test_terminate_sigterm(self): ready = self._spawn() timeout = 5 ready.wait(timeout) self.assertTrue(ready.is_set(), 'Service never became ready') os.kill(self.pid, signal.SIGTERM) status = self._reap_test() self.assertTrue(os.WIFEXITED(status)) self.assertEqual(0, os.WEXITSTATUS(status)) def test_mutate_hook_service_launcher(self): """Test mutate_config_files is called by ServiceLauncher on SIGHUP. Not using _spawn_service because ServiceLauncher doesn't fork and it's simplest to stay all in one process. """ mutate = multiprocessing.Event() self.conf.register_mutate_hook(lambda c, f: mutate.set()) launcher = service.launch( self.conf, ServiceWithTimer(), restart_method='mutate') self.assertFalse(mutate.is_set(), "Hook was called too early") launcher.restart() self.assertTrue(mutate.is_set(), "Hook wasn't called") def test_mutate_hook_process_launcher(self): """Test mutate_config_files is called by ProcessLauncher on SIGHUP. Forks happen in _spawn_service and ProcessLauncher. So we get three tiers of processes, the top tier being the test process. self.pid refers to the middle tier, which represents our application. Both service_maker and launcher_maker execute in the middle tier. The bottom tier is the workers. The behavior we want is that when the application (middle tier) receives a SIGHUP, it catches that, calls mutate_config_files and relaunches all the workers. This causes them to inherit the mutated config. """ mutate = multiprocessing.Event() ready = multiprocessing.Event() def service_maker(): self.conf.register_mutate_hook(lambda c, f: mutate.set()) return ServiceWithTimer(ready) def launcher_maker(): return service.ProcessLauncher(self.conf, restart_method='mutate') self.pid = self._spawn_service(1, service_maker, launcher_maker) timeout = 5 ready.wait(timeout) self.assertTrue(ready.is_set(), 'Service never became ready') ready.clear() self.assertFalse(mutate.is_set(), "Hook was called too early") os.kill(self.pid, signal.SIGHUP) ready.wait(timeout) self.assertTrue(ready.is_set(), 'Service never back after SIGHUP') self.assertTrue(mutate.is_set(), "Hook wasn't called") class _Service(service.Service): def __init__(self): super(_Service, self).__init__() self.init = event.Event() self.cleaned_up = False def start(self): self.init.send() def stop(self): self.cleaned_up = True super(_Service, self).stop() class LauncherTest(base.ServiceBaseTestCase): def test_graceful_shutdown(self): # test that services are given a chance to clean up: svc = _Service() launcher = service.launch(self.conf, svc) # wait on 'init' so we know the service had time to start: svc.init.wait() launcher.stop() self.assertTrue(svc.cleaned_up) # make sure stop can be called more than once. (i.e. play nice with # unit test fixtures in nova bug #1199315) launcher.stop() @mock.patch('oslo_service.service.ServiceLauncher.launch_service') def _test_launch_single(self, workers, mock_launch): svc = service.Service() service.launch(self.conf, svc, workers=workers) mock_launch.assert_called_with(svc, workers=workers) def test_launch_none(self): self._test_launch_single(None) def test_launch_one_worker(self): self._test_launch_single(1) def test_launch_invalid_workers_number(self): svc = service.Service() for num_workers in [0, -1]: self.assertRaises(ValueError, service.launch, self.conf, svc, num_workers) for num_workers in ["0", "a", "1"]: self.assertRaises(TypeError, service.launch, self.conf, svc, num_workers) @mock.patch('signal.alarm') @mock.patch('oslo_service.service.ProcessLauncher.launch_service') def test_multiple_worker(self, mock_launch, alarm_mock): svc = service.Service() service.launch(self.conf, svc, workers=3) mock_launch.assert_called_with(svc, workers=3) def test_launch_wrong_service_base_class(self): # check that services that do not subclass service.ServiceBase # can not be launched. svc = mock.Mock() self.assertRaises(TypeError, service.launch, self.conf, svc) @mock.patch('signal.alarm') @mock.patch("oslo_service.service.Services.add") @mock.patch("oslo_service.eventlet_backdoor.initialize_if_enabled") def test_check_service_base(self, initialize_if_enabled_mock, services_mock, alarm_mock): initialize_if_enabled_mock.return_value = None launcher = service.Launcher(self.conf) serv = _Service() launcher.launch_service(serv) @mock.patch('signal.alarm') @mock.patch("oslo_service.service.Services.add") @mock.patch("oslo_service.eventlet_backdoor.initialize_if_enabled") def test_check_service_base_fails(self, initialize_if_enabled_mock, services_mock, alarm_mock): initialize_if_enabled_mock.return_value = None launcher = service.Launcher(self.conf) class FooService(object): def __init__(self): pass serv = FooService() self.assertRaises(TypeError, launcher.launch_service, serv) class ProcessLauncherTest(base.ServiceBaseTestCase): @mock.patch('signal.alarm') @mock.patch("signal.signal") def test_stop(self, signal_mock, alarm_mock): signal_mock.SIGTERM = 15 launcher = service.ProcessLauncher(self.conf) self.assertTrue(launcher.running) pid_nums = [22, 222] fakeServiceWrapper = service.ServiceWrapper(service.Service(), 1) launcher.children = {pid_nums[0]: fakeServiceWrapper, pid_nums[1]: fakeServiceWrapper} with mock.patch('oslo_service.service.os.kill') as mock_kill: with mock.patch.object(launcher, '_wait_child') as _wait_child: def fake_wait_child(): pid = pid_nums.pop() return launcher.children.pop(pid) _wait_child.side_effect = fake_wait_child with mock.patch('oslo_service.service.Service.stop') as \ mock_service_stop: mock_service_stop.side_effect = lambda: None launcher.stop() self.assertFalse(launcher.running) self.assertFalse(launcher.children) mock_kill.assert_has_calls([mock.call(222, signal_mock.SIGTERM), mock.call(22, signal_mock.SIGTERM)], any_order=True) self.assertEqual(2, mock_kill.call_count) mock_service_stop.assert_called_once_with() def test__handle_signal(self): signal_handler = service.SignalHandler() signal_handler.clear() self.assertEqual(0, len(signal_handler._signal_handlers[signal.SIGTERM])) call_1, call_2 = mock.Mock(), mock.Mock() signal_handler.add_handler('SIGTERM', call_1) signal_handler.add_handler('SIGTERM', call_2) self.assertEqual(2, len(signal_handler._signal_handlers[signal.SIGTERM])) signal_handler._handle_signal(signal.SIGTERM, 'test') # execute pending eventlet callbacks time.sleep(0) for m in signal_handler._signal_handlers[signal.SIGTERM]: m.assert_called_once_with(signal.SIGTERM, 'test') signal_handler.clear() def test_setup_signal_interruption_no_select_poll(self): # NOTE(claudiub): SignalHandler is a singleton, which means that it # might already be initialized. We need to clear to clear the cache # in order to prevent race conditions between tests. service.SignalHandler.__class__._instances.clear() with mock.patch('eventlet.patcher.original', return_value=object()) as get_original: signal_handler = service.SignalHandler() get_original.assert_called_with('select') self.addCleanup(service.SignalHandler.__class__._instances.clear) self.assertFalse( signal_handler._SignalHandler__force_interrupt_on_signal) def test_setup_signal_interruption_select_poll(self): # NOTE(claudiub): SignalHandler is a singleton, which means that it # might already be initialized. We need to clear to clear the cache # in order to prevent race conditions between tests. service.SignalHandler.__class__._instances.clear() signal_handler = service.SignalHandler() self.addCleanup(service.SignalHandler.__class__._instances.clear) self.assertTrue( signal_handler._SignalHandler__force_interrupt_on_signal) @mock.patch('signal.alarm') @mock.patch("os.kill") @mock.patch("oslo_service.service.ProcessLauncher.stop") @mock.patch("oslo_service.service.ProcessLauncher._respawn_children") @mock.patch("oslo_service.service.ProcessLauncher.handle_signal") @mock.patch("oslo_config.cfg.CONF.log_opt_values") @mock.patch("oslo_service.systemd.notify_once") @mock.patch("oslo_config.cfg.CONF.reload_config_files") @mock.patch("oslo_service.service._is_sighup_and_daemon") def test_parent_process_reload_config(self, is_sighup_and_daemon_mock, reload_config_files_mock, notify_once_mock, log_opt_values_mock, handle_signal_mock, respawn_children_mock, stop_mock, kill_mock, alarm_mock): is_sighup_and_daemon_mock.return_value = True respawn_children_mock.side_effect = [None, eventlet.greenlet.GreenletExit()] launcher = service.ProcessLauncher(self.conf) launcher.sigcaught = 1 launcher.children = {} wrap_mock = mock.Mock() launcher.children[222] = wrap_mock launcher.wait() reload_config_files_mock.assert_called_once_with() wrap_mock.service.reset.assert_called_once_with() @mock.patch("oslo_service.service.ProcessLauncher._start_child") @mock.patch("oslo_service.service.ProcessLauncher.handle_signal") @mock.patch("eventlet.greenio.GreenPipe") @mock.patch("os.pipe") def test_check_service_base(self, pipe_mock, green_pipe_mock, handle_signal_mock, start_child_mock): pipe_mock.return_value = [None, None] launcher = service.ProcessLauncher(self.conf) serv = _Service() launcher.launch_service(serv, workers=0) @mock.patch("oslo_service.service.ProcessLauncher._start_child") @mock.patch("oslo_service.service.ProcessLauncher.handle_signal") @mock.patch("eventlet.greenio.GreenPipe") @mock.patch("os.pipe") def test_check_service_base_fails(self, pipe_mock, green_pipe_mock, handle_signal_mock, start_child_mock): pipe_mock.return_value = [None, None] launcher = service.ProcessLauncher(self.conf) class FooService(object): def __init__(self): pass serv = FooService() self.assertRaises(TypeError, launcher.launch_service, serv, 0) @mock.patch("oslo_service.service.ProcessLauncher._start_child") @mock.patch("oslo_service.service.ProcessLauncher.handle_signal") @mock.patch("eventlet.greenio.GreenPipe") @mock.patch("os.pipe") def test_double_sighup(self, pipe_mock, green_pipe_mock, handle_signal_mock, start_child_mock): # Test that issuing two SIGHUPs in a row does not exit; then send a # TERM that does cause an exit. pipe_mock.return_value = [None, None] launcher = service.ProcessLauncher(self.conf) serv = _Service() launcher.launch_service(serv, workers=0) def stager(): # -1: start state # 0: post-init # 1: first HUP sent # 2: second HUP sent # 3: TERM sent stager.stage += 1 if stager.stage < 3: launcher._handle_hup(1, mock.sentinel.frame) elif stager.stage == 3: launcher._handle_term(15, mock.sentinel.frame) else: self.fail("TERM did not kill launcher") stager.stage = -1 handle_signal_mock.side_effect = stager launcher.wait() self.assertEqual(3, stager.stage) class GracefulShutdownTestService(service.Service): def __init__(self): super(GracefulShutdownTestService, self).__init__() self.finished_task = event.Event() def start(self, sleep_amount): def sleep_and_send(finish_event): time.sleep(sleep_amount) finish_event.send() self.tg.add_thread(sleep_and_send, self.finished_task) def exercise_graceful_test_service(sleep_amount, time_to_wait, graceful): svc = GracefulShutdownTestService() svc.start(sleep_amount) svc.stop(graceful) def wait_for_task(svc): svc.finished_task.wait() return eventlet.timeout.with_timeout(time_to_wait, wait_for_task, svc=svc, timeout_value="Timeout!") class ServiceTest(test_base.BaseTestCase): def test_graceful_stop(self): # Here we wait long enough for the task to gracefully finish. self.assertIsNone(exercise_graceful_test_service(1, 2, True)) def test_ungraceful_stop(self): # Here we stop ungracefully, and will never see the task finish. self.assertEqual("Timeout!", exercise_graceful_test_service(1, 2, False)) class EventletServerProcessLauncherTest(base.ServiceBaseTestCase): def setUp(self): super(EventletServerProcessLauncherTest, self).setUp() self.conf(args=[], default_config_files=[]) self.addCleanup(self.conf.reset) self.workers = 3 def run_server(self): queue = multiprocessing.Queue() # NOTE(bnemec): process_time of 5 needs to be longer than the graceful # shutdown timeout in the "exceeded" test below, but also needs to be # shorter than the timeout in the regular graceful shutdown test. proc = multiprocessing.Process(target=eventlet_service.run, args=(queue,), kwargs={'workers': self.workers, 'process_time': 5}) proc.start() port = queue.get() conn = socket.create_connection(('', port)) # Send request to make the connection active. conn.sendall(b'GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: localhost\r\n\r\n') # NOTE(blk-u): The sleep shouldn't be necessary. There must be a bug in # the server implementation where it takes some time to set up the # server or signal handlers. time.sleep(1) return (proc, conn) def test_shuts_down_on_sigint_when_client_connected(self): proc, conn = self.run_server() # check that server is live self.assertTrue(proc.is_alive()) # send SIGINT to the server and wait for it to exit while client still # connected. os.kill(proc.pid, signal.SIGINT) proc.join() conn.close() def test_graceful_shuts_down_on_sigterm_when_client_connected(self): self.config(graceful_shutdown_timeout=7) proc, conn = self.run_server() # send SIGTERM to the server and wait for it to exit while client still # connected. os.kill(proc.pid, signal.SIGTERM) # server with graceful shutdown must wait forever if # option graceful_shutdown_timeout is not specified. # we can not wait forever ... so 1 second is enough. # NOTE(bnemec): In newer versions of eventlet that drop idle # connections, this needs to be long enough to allow the signal # handler to fire but short enough that our request doesn't complete # or the connection will be closed and the server will stop. time.sleep(1) self.assertTrue(proc.is_alive()) conn.close() proc.join() def test_graceful_stop_with_exceeded_graceful_shutdown_timeout(self): # Server must exit if graceful_shutdown_timeout exceeded graceful_shutdown_timeout = 4 self.config(graceful_shutdown_timeout=graceful_shutdown_timeout) proc, conn = self.run_server() time_before = time.time() os.kill(proc.pid, signal.SIGTERM) self.assertTrue(proc.is_alive()) proc.join() self.assertFalse(proc.is_alive()) time_after = time.time() self.assertTrue(time_after - time_before > graceful_shutdown_timeout) class EventletServerServiceLauncherTest(EventletServerProcessLauncherTest): def setUp(self): super(EventletServerServiceLauncherTest, self).setUp() self.workers = 1