# Copyright 2010 United States Government as represented by the # Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. # Copyright 2011 Justin Santa Barbara # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import random import sys import time from eventlet import event from eventlet import greenthread from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_utils import eventletutils from oslo_utils import excutils from oslo_utils import reflection from oslo_utils import timeutils import six from oslo_service._i18n import _ LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class LoopingCallDone(Exception): """Exception to break out and stop a LoopingCallBase. The poll-function passed to LoopingCallBase can raise this exception to break out of the loop normally. This is somewhat analogous to StopIteration. An optional return-value can be included as the argument to the exception; this return-value will be returned by LoopingCallBase.wait() """ def __init__(self, retvalue=True): """:param retvalue: Value that LoopingCallBase.wait() should return.""" self.retvalue = retvalue class LoopingCallTimeOut(Exception): """Exception for a timed out LoopingCall. The LoopingCall will raise this exception when a timeout is provided and it is exceeded. """ pass def _safe_wrapper(f, kind, func_name): """Wrapper that calls into wrapped function and logs errors as needed.""" def func(*args, **kwargs): try: return f(*args, **kwargs) except LoopingCallDone: raise # let the outer handler process this except Exception: LOG.error('%(kind)s %(func_name)r failed', {'kind': kind, 'func_name': func_name}, exc_info=True) return 0 return func class LoopingCallBase(object): _KIND = _("Unknown looping call") _RUN_ONLY_ONE_MESSAGE = _("A looping call can only run one function" " at a time") def __init__(self, f=None, *args, **kw): self.args = args self.kw = kw self.f = f self._thread = None self.done = None self._abort = eventletutils.EventletEvent() @property def _running(self): return not self._abort.is_set() def stop(self): if self._running: self._abort.set() def wait(self): return self.done.wait() def _on_done(self, gt, *args, **kwargs): self._thread = None def _sleep(self, timeout): self._abort.wait(timeout) def _start(self, idle_for, initial_delay=None, stop_on_exception=True): """Start the looping :param idle_for: Callable that takes two positional arguments, returns how long to idle for. The first positional argument is the last result from the function being looped and the second positional argument is the time it took to calculate that result. :param initial_delay: How long to delay before starting the looping. Value is in seconds. :param stop_on_exception: Whether to stop if an exception occurs. :returns: eventlet event instance """ if self._thread is not None: raise RuntimeError(self._RUN_ONLY_ONE_MESSAGE) self.done = event.Event() self._abort.clear() self._thread = greenthread.spawn( self._run_loop, idle_for, initial_delay=initial_delay, stop_on_exception=stop_on_exception) self._thread.link(self._on_done) return self.done # NOTE(bnemec): This is just a wrapper function we can mock so we aren't # affected by other users of the StopWatch class. def _elapsed(self, watch): return watch.elapsed() def _run_loop(self, idle_for_func, initial_delay=None, stop_on_exception=True): kind = self._KIND func_name = reflection.get_callable_name(self.f) func = self.f if stop_on_exception else _safe_wrapper(self.f, kind, func_name) if initial_delay: self._sleep(initial_delay) try: watch = timeutils.StopWatch() while self._running: watch.restart() result = func(*self.args, **self.kw) watch.stop() if not self._running: break idle = idle_for_func(result, self._elapsed(watch)) LOG.trace('%(kind)s %(func_name)r sleeping ' 'for %(idle).02f seconds', {'func_name': func_name, 'idle': idle, 'kind': kind}) self._sleep(idle) except LoopingCallDone as e: self.done.send(e.retvalue) except Exception: exc_info = sys.exc_info() try: LOG.error('%(kind)s %(func_name)r failed', {'kind': kind, 'func_name': func_name}, exc_info=exc_info) self.done.send_exception(*exc_info) finally: del exc_info return else: self.done.send(True) class FixedIntervalLoopingCall(LoopingCallBase): """A fixed interval looping call.""" _RUN_ONLY_ONE_MESSAGE = _("A fixed interval looping call can only run" " one function at a time") _KIND = _('Fixed interval looping call') def start(self, interval, initial_delay=None, stop_on_exception=True): def _idle_for(result, elapsed): delay = round(elapsed - interval, 2) if delay > 0: func_name = reflection.get_callable_name(self.f) LOG.warning('Function %(func_name)r run outlasted ' 'interval by %(delay).2f sec', {'func_name': func_name, 'delay': delay}) return -delay if delay < 0 else 0 return self._start(_idle_for, initial_delay=initial_delay, stop_on_exception=stop_on_exception) class FixedIntervalWithTimeoutLoopingCall(LoopingCallBase): """A fixed interval looping call with timeout checking mechanism.""" _RUN_ONLY_ONE_MESSAGE = _("A fixed interval looping call with timeout" " checking and can only run one function at" " at a time") _KIND = _('Fixed interval looping call with timeout checking.') def start(self, interval, initial_delay=None, stop_on_exception=True, timeout=0): start_time = time.time() def _idle_for(result, elapsed): delay = round(elapsed - interval, 2) if delay > 0: func_name = reflection.get_callable_name(self.f) LOG.warning('Function %(func_name)r run outlasted ' 'interval by %(delay).2f sec', {'func_name': func_name, 'delay': delay}) elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time if timeout > 0 and elapsed_time > timeout: raise LoopingCallTimeOut( _('Looping call timed out after %.02f seconds') % elapsed_time) return -delay if delay < 0 else 0 return self._start(_idle_for, initial_delay=initial_delay, stop_on_exception=stop_on_exception) class DynamicLoopingCall(LoopingCallBase): """A looping call which sleeps until the next known event. The function called should return how long to sleep for before being called again. """ _RUN_ONLY_ONE_MESSAGE = _("A dynamic interval looping call can only run" " one function at a time") _TASK_MISSING_SLEEP_VALUE_MESSAGE = _( "A dynamic interval looping call should supply either an" " interval or periodic_interval_max" ) _KIND = _('Dynamic interval looping call') def start(self, initial_delay=None, periodic_interval_max=None, stop_on_exception=True): def _idle_for(suggested_delay, elapsed): delay = suggested_delay if delay is None: if periodic_interval_max is not None: delay = periodic_interval_max else: # Note(suro-patz): An application used to receive a # TypeError thrown from eventlet layer, before # this RuntimeError was introduced. raise RuntimeError( self._TASK_MISSING_SLEEP_VALUE_MESSAGE) else: if periodic_interval_max is not None: delay = min(delay, periodic_interval_max) return delay return self._start(_idle_for, initial_delay=initial_delay, stop_on_exception=stop_on_exception) class BackOffLoopingCall(LoopingCallBase): """Run a method in a loop with backoff on error. The passed in function should return True (no error, return to initial_interval), False (error, start backing off), or raise LoopingCallDone(retvalue=None) (quit looping, return retvalue if set). When there is an error, the call will backoff on each failure. The backoff will be equal to double the previous base interval times some jitter. If a backoff would put it over the timeout, it halts immediately, so the call will never take more than timeout, but may and likely will take less time. When the function return value is True or False, the interval will be multiplied by a random jitter. If min_jitter or max_jitter is None, there will be no jitter (jitter=1). If min_jitter is below 0.5, the code may not backoff and may increase its retry rate. If func constantly returns True, this function will not return. To run a func and wait for a call to finish (by raising a LoopingCallDone): timer = BackOffLoopingCall(func) response = timer.start().wait() :param initial_delay: delay before first running of function :param starting_interval: initial interval in seconds between calls to function. When an error occurs and then a success, the interval is returned to starting_interval :param timeout: time in seconds before a LoopingCallTimeout is raised. The call will never take longer than timeout, but may quit before timeout. :param max_interval: The maximum interval between calls during errors :param jitter: Used to vary when calls are actually run to avoid group of calls all coming at the exact same time. Uses random.gauss(jitter, 0.1), with jitter as the mean for the distribution. If set below .5, it can cause the calls to come more rapidly after each failure. :param min_interval: The minimum interval in seconds between calls to function. :raises: LoopingCallTimeout if time spent doing error retries would exceed timeout. """ _RNG = random.SystemRandom() _KIND = _('Dynamic backoff interval looping call') _RUN_ONLY_ONE_MESSAGE = _("A dynamic backoff interval looping call can" " only run one function at a time") def __init__(self, f=None, *args, **kw): super(BackOffLoopingCall, self).__init__(f=f, *args, **kw) self._error_time = 0 self._interval = 1 def start(self, initial_delay=None, starting_interval=1, timeout=300, max_interval=300, jitter=0.75, min_interval=0.001): if self._thread is not None: raise RuntimeError(self._RUN_ONLY_ONE_MESSAGE) # Reset any prior state. self._error_time = 0 self._interval = starting_interval def _idle_for(success, _elapsed): random_jitter = abs(self._RNG.gauss(jitter, 0.1)) if success: # Reset error state now that it didn't error... self._interval = starting_interval self._error_time = 0 return self._interval * random_jitter else: # Perform backoff, random jitter around the next interval # bounded by min_interval and max_interval. idle = max(self._interval * 2 * random_jitter, min_interval) idle = min(idle, max_interval) # Calculate the next interval based on the mean, so that the # backoff grows at the desired rate. self._interval = max(self._interval * 2 * jitter, min_interval) # Don't go over timeout, end early if necessary. If # timeout is 0, keep going. if timeout > 0 and self._error_time + idle > timeout: raise LoopingCallTimeOut( _('Looping call timed out after %.02f seconds') % self._error_time) self._error_time += idle return idle return self._start(_idle_for, initial_delay=initial_delay) class RetryDecorator(object): """Decorator for retrying a function upon suggested exceptions. The decorated function is retried for the given number of times, and the sleep time between the retries is incremented until max sleep time is reached. If the max retry count is set to -1, then the decorated function is invoked indefinitely until an exception is thrown, and the caught exception is not in the list of suggested exceptions. """ def __init__(self, max_retry_count=-1, inc_sleep_time=10, max_sleep_time=60, exceptions=()): """Configure the retry object using the input params. :param max_retry_count: maximum number of times the given function must be retried when one of the input 'exceptions' is caught. When set to -1, it will be retried indefinitely until an exception is thrown and the caught exception is not in param exceptions. :param inc_sleep_time: incremental time in seconds for sleep time between retries :param max_sleep_time: max sleep time in seconds beyond which the sleep time will not be incremented using param inc_sleep_time. On reaching this threshold, max_sleep_time will be used as the sleep time. :param exceptions: suggested exceptions for which the function must be retried, if no exceptions are provided (the default) then all exceptions will be reraised, and no retrying will be triggered. """ self._max_retry_count = max_retry_count self._inc_sleep_time = inc_sleep_time self._max_sleep_time = max_sleep_time self._exceptions = exceptions self._retry_count = 0 self._sleep_time = 0 def __call__(self, f): func_name = reflection.get_callable_name(f) def _func(*args, **kwargs): result = None try: if self._retry_count: LOG.debug("Invoking %(func_name)s; retry count is " "%(retry_count)d.", {'func_name': func_name, 'retry_count': self._retry_count}) result = f(*args, **kwargs) except self._exceptions: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception() as ctxt: LOG.debug("Exception which is in the suggested list of " "exceptions occurred while invoking function:" " %s.", func_name) if (self._max_retry_count != -1 and self._retry_count >= self._max_retry_count): LOG.debug("Cannot retry %(func_name)s upon " "suggested exception " "since retry count (%(retry_count)d) " "reached max retry count " "(%(max_retry_count)d).", {'retry_count': self._retry_count, 'max_retry_count': self._max_retry_count, 'func_name': func_name}) else: ctxt.reraise = False self._retry_count += 1 self._sleep_time += self._inc_sleep_time return self._sleep_time raise LoopingCallDone(result) @six.wraps(f) def func(*args, **kwargs): loop = DynamicLoopingCall(_func, *args, **kwargs) evt = loop.start(periodic_interval_max=self._max_sleep_time) LOG.debug("Waiting for function %s to return.", func_name) return evt.wait() return func