Hervé Beraud 6e17ae1f79 Fix regex used to mask password
Some use cases are poorly handled by the regex used
to mask password. Indeed when the password contains
quotes or double quotes in the middle such as `pass"word`,
the mask_password method will return `***"word`.

For more details please see

Closes-Bug: #1949623
Change-Id: I941750b4d49d2d75f0831b24d6dd17f4040f70a2
2022-01-11 15:25:40 +01:00

586 lines
21 KiB

# Copyright 2011 OpenStack Foundation.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
System-level utilities and helper functions.
import collections.abc
import math
import re
import unicodedata
import urllib
import pyparsing as pp
from oslo_utils._i18n import _
from oslo_utils import encodeutils
'k': 1,
'K': 1,
'Ki': 1,
'M': 2,
'Mi': 2,
'G': 3,
'Gi': 3,
'T': 4,
'Ti': 4,
'IEC': (1024, re.compile(r'(^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+)([KMGT]i?)?(b|bit|B)$')),
'SI': (1000, re.compile(r'(^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+)([kMGT])?(b|bit|B)$')),
'mixed': (None, re.compile(r'(^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+)([kKMGT]i?)?(b|bit|B)$')),
TRUE_STRINGS = ('1', 't', 'true', 'on', 'y', 'yes')
FALSE_STRINGS = ('0', 'f', 'false', 'off', 'n', 'no')
SLUGIFY_STRIP_RE = re.compile(r"[^\w\s-]")
SLUGIFY_HYPHENATE_RE = re.compile(r"[-\s]+")
# NOTE(flaper87): The following globals are used by `mask_password` and
# `mask_dict_password`. They must all be lowercase.
_SANITIZE_KEYS = ['adminpass', 'admin_pass', 'password', 'admin_password',
'auth_token', 'new_pass', 'auth_password', 'secret_uuid',
'secret', 'sys_pswd', 'token', 'configdrive',
'chappassword', 'encrypted_key', 'private_key',
'fernetkey', 'sslkey', 'passphrase',
'cephclusterfsid', 'octaviaheartbeatkey', 'rabbitcookie',
'cephmanilaclientkey', 'pacemakerremoteauthkey',
'designaterndckey', 'cephadminkey', 'heatauthencryptionkey',
'cephclientkey', 'keystonecredential',
'barbicansimplecryptokek', 'cephrgwkey', 'swifthashsuffix',
'migrationsshkey', 'cephmdskey', 'cephmonkey']
# NOTE(ldbragst): Let's build a list of regex objects using the list of
# _SANITIZE_KEYS we already have. This way, we only have to add the new key
# to the list of _SANITIZE_KEYS and we can generate regular expressions
# for XML and JSON automatically.
# NOTE(amrith): Some regular expressions have only one parameter, some
# have two parameters. Use different lists of patterns here.
_FORMAT_PATTERNS_1 = [r'(%(key)s[0-9]*\s*[=]\s*)[^\s^\'^\"]+']
_FORMAT_PATTERNS_2 = [r'(%(key)s[0-9]*\s*[=]\s*[\"\'])[^\"\']*([\"\'])',
_FORMAT_PATTERNS_WILDCARD = [r'([\'\"][^\"\']*%(key)s[0-9]*[\'\"]\s*:\s*u?[\'\"].*[\'\"])[^\"\']*([\'\"])'] # noqa: E501
# NOTE(dhellmann): Keep a separate list of patterns by key so we only
# need to apply the substitutions for keys we find using a quick "in"
# test.
for key in _SANITIZE_KEYS:
for pattern in _FORMAT_PATTERNS_2:
reg_ex = re.compile(pattern % {'key': key}, re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE)
for pattern in _FORMAT_PATTERNS_1:
reg_ex = re.compile(pattern % {'key': key}, re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE)
reg_ex = re.compile(pattern % {'key': key}, re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE)
def int_from_bool_as_string(subject):
"""Interpret a string as a boolean and return either 1 or 0.
Any string value in:
('True', 'true', 'On', 'on', '1')
is interpreted as a boolean True.
Useful for JSON-decoded stuff and config file parsing
return int(bool_from_string(subject))
def bool_from_string(subject, strict=False, default=False):
"""Interpret a subject as a boolean.
A subject can be a boolean, a string or an integer. Boolean type value
will be returned directly, otherwise the subject will be converted to
a string. A case-insensitive match is performed such that strings
matching 't','true', 'on', 'y', 'yes', or '1' are considered True and,
when `strict=False`, anything else returns the value specified by
Useful for JSON-decoded stuff and config file parsing.
If `strict=True`, unrecognized values, including None, will raise a
ValueError which is useful when parsing values passed in from an API call.
Strings yielding False are 'f', 'false', 'off', 'n', 'no', or '0'.
if isinstance(subject, bool):
return subject
if not isinstance(subject, str):
subject = str(subject)
lowered = subject.strip().lower()
if lowered in TRUE_STRINGS:
return True
elif lowered in FALSE_STRINGS:
return False
elif strict:
acceptable = ', '.join(
"'%s'" % s for s in sorted(TRUE_STRINGS + FALSE_STRINGS))
msg = _("Unrecognized value '%(val)s', acceptable values are:"
" %(acceptable)s") % {'val': subject,
'acceptable': acceptable}
raise ValueError(msg)
return default
def is_valid_boolstr(value):
"""Check if the provided string is a valid bool string or not.
:param value: value to verify
:type value: string
:returns: true if value is boolean string, false otherwise
.. versionadded:: 3.17
return str(value).lower() in boolstrs
def string_to_bytes(text, unit_system='IEC', return_int=False):
"""Converts a string into an float representation of bytes.
The units supported for IEC / mixed::
Kb(it), Kib(it), Mb(it), Mib(it), Gb(it), Gib(it), Tb(it), Tib(it)
KB, KiB, MB, MiB, GB, GiB, TB, TiB
The units supported for SI ::
kb(it), Mb(it), Gb(it), Tb(it)
kB, MB, GB, TB
SI units are interpreted as power-of-ten (e.g. 1kb = 1000b). Note
that the SI unit system does not support capital letter 'K'
IEC units are interpreted as power-of-two (e.g. 1MiB = 1MB =
Mixed units interpret the "i" to mean IEC, and no "i" to mean SI
(e.g. 1kb = 1000b, 1kib == 1024b). Additionaly, mixed units
interpret 'K' as power-of-ten. This mode is not particuarly
useful for new code, but can help with compatability for parsers
such as GNU parted.
:param text: String input for bytes size conversion.
:param unit_system: Unit system for byte size conversion.
:param return_int: If True, returns integer representation of text
in bytes. (default: decimal)
:returns: Numerical representation of text in bytes.
:raises ValueError: If text has an invalid value.
base, reg_ex = UNIT_SYSTEM_INFO[unit_system]
except KeyError:
msg = _('Invalid unit system: "%s"') % unit_system
raise ValueError(msg)
match = reg_ex.match(text)
if match:
magnitude = float(match.group(1))
unit_prefix = match.group(2)
if match.group(3) in ['b', 'bit']:
magnitude /= 8
# In the mixed matcher, IEC units (with a trailing 'i') are
# interpreted as power-of-two, others as power-of-ten
if unit_system == 'mixed':
if unit_prefix and not unit_prefix.endswith('i'):
# For maximum compatability in mixed mode, we understand
# "K" (which is not strict SI) as "k"
if unit_prefix.startswith == 'K':
unit_prefix = 'k'
base = 1000
base = 1024
msg = _('Invalid string format: %s') % text
raise ValueError(msg)
if not unit_prefix:
res = magnitude
res = magnitude * pow(base, UNIT_PREFIX_EXPONENT[unit_prefix])
if return_int:
return int(math.ceil(res))
return res
def to_slug(value, incoming=None, errors="strict"):
"""Normalize string.
Convert to lowercase, remove non-word characters, and convert spaces
to hyphens.
Inspired by Django's `slugify` filter.
:param value: Text to slugify
:param incoming: Text's current encoding
:param errors: Errors handling policy. See here for valid
values http://docs.python.org/2/library/codecs.html
:returns: slugified unicode representation of `value`
:raises TypeError: If text is not an instance of str
value = encodeutils.safe_decode(value, incoming, errors)
# NOTE(aababilov): no need to use safe_(encode|decode) here:
# encodings are always "ascii", error handling is always "ignore"
# and types are always known (first: unicode; second: str)
value = unicodedata.normalize("NFKD", value).encode(
"ascii", "ignore").decode("ascii")
value = SLUGIFY_STRIP_RE.sub("", value).strip().lower()
return SLUGIFY_HYPHENATE_RE.sub("-", value)
# NOTE(dhellmann): Before submitting a patch to add a new argument to
# this function to allow the caller to pass in "extra" or "additional"
# or "replacement" patterns to be masked out, please note that we have
# discussed that feature many times and always rejected it based on
# the desire to have Oslo functions behave consistently across all
# projects and *especially* to have security features work the same
# way no matter where they are used. If every project adopted its own
# set patterns for secret values, it would be very difficult to audit
# the logging to ensure that everything is properly masked. So, please
# either add your pattern to the module-level variables at the top of
# this file or, even better, pick an existing pattern or key to use in
# your application to ensure that the value is masked by this
# function.
def mask_password(message, secret="***"): # nosec
"""Replace password with *secret* in message.
:param message: The string which includes security information.
:param secret: value with which to replace passwords.
:returns: The unicode value of message with the password fields masked.
For example:
>>> mask_password("'adminPass' : 'aaaaa'")
"'adminPass' : '***'"
>>> mask_password("'admin_pass' : 'aaaaa'")
"'admin_pass' : '***'"
>>> mask_password('"password" : "aaaaa"')
'"password" : "***"'
>>> mask_password("'original_password' : 'aaaaa'")
"'original_password' : '***'"
>>> mask_password("u'original_password' : u'aaaaa'")
"u'original_password' : u'***'"
.. versionadded:: 0.2
.. versionchanged:: 1.1
Replace also ``'auth_token'``, ``'new_pass'`` and ``'auth_password'``
.. versionchanged:: 1.1.1
Replace also ``'secret_uuid'`` key.
.. versionchanged:: 1.5
Replace also ``'sys_pswd'`` key.
.. versionchanged:: 2.6
Replace also ``'token'`` key.
.. versionchanged:: 2.7
Replace also ``'secret'`` key.
.. versionchanged:: 3.4
Replace also ``'configdrive'`` key.
.. versionchanged:: 3.8
Replace also ``'CHAPPASSWORD'`` key.
message = str(message)
except UnicodeDecodeError: # nosec
# NOTE(jecarey): Temporary fix to handle cases where message is a
# byte string. A better solution will be provided in Kilo.
substitute1 = r'\g<1>' + secret
substitute2 = r'\g<1>' + secret + r'\g<2>'
substitute_wildcard = r'\g<1>'
# NOTE(ldbragst): Check to see if anything in message contains any key
# specified in _SANITIZE_KEYS, if not then just return the message since
# we don't have to mask any passwords.
for key in _SANITIZE_KEYS:
if key in message.lower():
for pattern in _SANITIZE_PATTERNS_2[key]:
message = re.sub(pattern, substitute2, message)
for pattern in _SANITIZE_PATTERNS_1[key]:
message = re.sub(pattern, substitute1, message)
# NOTE(hberaud): Those case are poorly handled by previous
# patterns. They are passwords with quotes or double quotes.
# They also needs a different way to substitute group this is why
# they aren't fix in the pattern 1 or 2.
for pattern in _SANITIZE_PATTERNS_WILDCARD[key]:
message = re.sub(pattern, substitute_wildcard, message)
return message
def mask_dict_password(dictionary, secret="***"): # nosec
"""Replace password with *secret* in a dictionary recursively.
:param dictionary: The dictionary which includes secret information.
:param secret: value with which to replace secret information.
:returns: The dictionary with string substitutions.
A dictionary (which may contain nested dictionaries) contains
information (such as passwords) which should not be revealed, and
this function helps detect and replace those with the 'secret'
provided (or `***` if none is provided).
Substitution is performed in one of three situations:
If the key is something that is considered to be indicative of a
secret, then the corresponding value is replaced with the secret
provided (or `***` if none is provided).
If a value in the dictionary is a string, then it is masked
using the ``mask_password()`` function.
Finally, if a value is a dictionary, this function will
recursively mask that dictionary as well.
For example:
>>> mask_dict_password({'password': 'd81juxmEW_',
>>> 'user': 'admin',
>>> 'home-dir': '/home/admin'},
>>> '???')
{'password': '???', 'user': 'admin', 'home-dir': '/home/admin'}
For example (the value is masked using mask_password())
>>> mask_dict_password({'password': '--password d81juxmEW_',
>>> 'user': 'admin',
>>> 'home-dir': '/home/admin'},
>>> '???')
{'password': '--password ???', 'user': 'admin',
'home-dir': '/home/admin'}
For example (a nested dictionary is masked):
>>> mask_dict_password({"nested": {'password': 'd81juxmEW_',
>>> 'user': 'admin',
>>> 'home': '/home/admin'}},
>>> '???')
{"nested": {'password': '???', 'user': 'admin', 'home': '/home/admin'}}
.. versionadded:: 3.4
if not isinstance(dictionary, collections.abc.Mapping):
raise TypeError("Expected a Mapping, got %s instead."
% type(dictionary))
out = {}
for k, v in dictionary.items():
if isinstance(v, collections.abc.Mapping):
out[k] = mask_dict_password(v, secret=secret)
# NOTE(jlvillal): Check to see if anything in the dictionary 'key'
# contains any key specified in _SANITIZE_KEYS.
k_matched = False
if isinstance(k, str):
for sani_key in _SANITIZE_KEYS:
if sani_key in k.lower():
out[k] = secret
k_matched = True
if not k_matched:
# We did not find a match for the key name in the
# _SANITIZE_KEYS, so we fall through to here
if isinstance(v, str):
out[k] = mask_password(v, secret=secret)
# Just leave it alone.
out[k] = v
return out
def is_int_like(val):
"""Check if a value looks like an integer with base 10.
:param val: Value to verify
:type val: string
:returns: bool
.. versionadded:: 1.1
return str(int(val)) == str(val)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
return False
def check_string_length(value, name=None, min_length=0, max_length=None):
"""Check the length of specified string.
:param value: the value of the string
:param name: the name of the string
:param min_length: the min_length of the string
:param max_length: the max_length of the string
:raises TypeError, ValueError: For any invalid input.
.. versionadded:: 3.7
if name is None:
name = value
if not isinstance(value, str):
msg = _("%s is not a string or unicode") % name
raise TypeError(msg)
length = len(value)
if length < min_length:
msg = _("%(name)s has %(length)s characters, less than "
"%(min_length)s.") % {'name': name, 'length': length,
'min_length': min_length}
raise ValueError(msg)
if max_length and length > max_length:
msg = _("%(name)s has %(length)s characters, more than "
"%(max_length)s.") % {'name': name, 'length': length,
'max_length': max_length}
raise ValueError(msg)
def validate_integer(value, name, min_value=None, max_value=None):
"""Make sure that value is a valid integer, potentially within range.
:param value: value of the integer
:param name: name of the integer
:param min_value: min_value of the integer
:param max_value: max_value of the integer
:returns: integer
:raises: ValueError if value is an invalid integer
.. versionadded:: 3.33
value = int(str(value))
except (ValueError, UnicodeEncodeError):
msg = _('%(value_name)s must be an integer'
) % {'value_name': name}
raise ValueError(msg)
if min_value is not None and value < min_value:
msg = _('%(value_name)s must be >= %(min_value)d'
) % {'value_name': name, 'min_value': min_value}
raise ValueError(msg)
if max_value is not None and value > max_value:
msg = _('%(value_name)s must be <= %(max_value)d'
) % {'value_name': name, 'max_value': max_value}
raise ValueError(msg)
return value
def split_path(path, minsegs=1, maxsegs=None, rest_with_last=False):
"""Validate and split the given HTTP request path.
['a'] = _split_path('/a')
['a', None] = _split_path('/a', 1, 2)
['a', 'c'] = _split_path('/a/c', 1, 2)
['a', 'c', 'o/r'] = _split_path('/a/c/o/r', 1, 3, True)
:param path: HTTP Request path to be split
:param minsegs: Minimum number of segments to be extracted
:param maxsegs: Maximum number of segments to be extracted
:param rest_with_last: If True, trailing data will be returned as part
of last segment. If False, and there is
trailing data, raises ValueError.
:returns: list of segments with a length of maxsegs (non-existent
segments will return as None)
:raises: ValueError if given an invalid path
.. versionadded:: 3.11
if not maxsegs:
maxsegs = minsegs
if minsegs > maxsegs:
raise ValueError(_('minsegs > maxsegs: %(min)d > %(max)d)') %
{'min': minsegs, 'max': maxsegs})
if rest_with_last:
segs = path.split('/', maxsegs)
minsegs += 1
maxsegs += 1
count = len(segs)
if (segs[0] or count < minsegs or count > maxsegs or
'' in segs[1:minsegs]):
raise ValueError(_('Invalid path: %s') % urllib.parse.quote(path))
minsegs += 1
maxsegs += 1
segs = path.split('/', maxsegs)
count = len(segs)
if (segs[0] or count < minsegs or count > maxsegs + 1 or
'' in segs[1:minsegs] or
(count == maxsegs + 1 and segs[maxsegs])):
raise ValueError(_('Invalid path: %s') % urllib.parse.quote(path))
segs = segs[1:maxsegs]
segs.extend([None] * (maxsegs - 1 - len(segs)))
return segs
def split_by_commas(value):
"""Split values by commas and quotes according to api-wg
:param value: value to be split
.. versionadded:: 3.17
word = (pp.QuotedString(quoteChar='"', escChar='\\') |
pp.Word(pp.printables, excludeChars='",'))
grammar = pp.stringStart + pp.delimitedList(word) + pp.stringEnd
return list(grammar.parseString(value))
except pp.ParseException:
raise ValueError("Invalid value: %s" % value)