2015-02-16 09:43:30 -08:00
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
2015-02-16 12:23:37 -08:00
import hashlib
import inspect
2015-02-16 09:43:30 -08:00
import mock
import six
import fixtures
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
from oslo_versionedobjects import base
2015-02-16 12:47:46 -08:00
from oslo_versionedobjects import fields
2015-02-16 09:43:30 -08:00
class FakeIndirectionAPI(base.VersionedObjectIndirectionAPI):
def __init__(self):
super(FakeIndirectionAPI, self).__init__()
self._ser = base.VersionedObjectSerializer()
def _get_changes(self, orig_obj, new_obj):
updates = dict()
for name, field in new_obj.fields.items():
if not new_obj.obj_attr_is_set(name):
if (not orig_obj.obj_attr_is_set(name) or
getattr(orig_obj, name) != getattr(new_obj, name)):
updates[name] = field.to_primitive(new_obj, name,
getattr(new_obj, name))
return updates
def object_action(self, context, objinst, objmethod, args, kwargs):
objinst = self._ser.deserialize_entity(
context, self._ser.serialize_entity(
context, objinst))
objmethod = six.text_type(objmethod)
args = jsonutils.loads(jsonutils.dumps(args))
kwargs = jsonutils.loads(jsonutils.dumps(kwargs))
original = objinst.obj_clone()
with mock.patch('oslo_versionedobjects.base.VersionedObject.'
'indirection_api', new=None):
result = getattr(objinst, objmethod)(*args, **kwargs)
updates = self._get_changes(original, objinst)
updates['obj_what_changed'] = objinst.obj_what_changed()
return updates, result
def object_class_action(self, context, objname, objmethod, objver,
args, kwargs):
objname = six.text_type(objname)
objmethod = six.text_type(objmethod)
objver = six.text_type(objver)
args = jsonutils.loads(jsonutils.dumps(args))
kwargs = jsonutils.loads(jsonutils.dumps(kwargs))
cls = base.VersionedObject.obj_class_from_name(objname, objver)
with mock.patch('oslo_versionedobjects.base.VersionedObject.'
'indirection_api', new=None):
result = getattr(cls, objmethod)(context, *args, **kwargs)
return (base.VersionedObject.obj_from_primitive(
if isinstance(result, base.VersionedObject) else result)
def object_backport(self, context, objinst, target_version):
raise Exception('not supported')
class IndirectionFixture(fixtures.Fixture):
def setUp(self):
super(IndirectionFixture, self).setUp()
self.indirection_api = FakeIndirectionAPI()
2015-02-16 12:23:37 -08:00
class ObjectHashMismatch(Exception):
def __init__(self, expected, actual):
self.expected = expected
self.actual = actual
def __str__(self):
return 'Hashes have changed for %s' % (
','.join(set(self.expected.keys() + self.actual.keys())))
class ObjectVersionChecker(object):
def _find_remotable_method(self, cls, thing, parent_was_remotable=False):
"""Follow a chain of remotable things down to the original function."""
if isinstance(thing, classmethod):
return self._find_remotable_method(cls, thing.__get__(None, cls))
elif (inspect.ismethod(thing)
or inspect.isfunction(thing)) and hasattr(thing, 'remotable'):
return self._find_remotable_method(cls, thing.original_fn,
elif parent_was_remotable:
# We must be the first non-remotable thing underneath a stack of
# remotable things (i.e. the actual implementation method)
return thing
# This means the top-level thing never hit a remotable layer
return None
def _get_fingerprint(self, obj_name):
obj_class = base.VersionedObjectRegistry.obj_classes()[obj_name][0]
2015-02-16 12:47:46 -08:00
obj_fields = list(obj_class.fields.items())
2015-02-16 12:23:37 -08:00
methods = []
for name in dir(obj_class):
thing = getattr(obj_class, name)
if inspect.ismethod(thing) or inspect.isfunction(thing) \
or isinstance(thing, classmethod):
method = self._find_remotable_method(obj_class, thing)
if method:
methods.append((name, inspect.getargspec(method)))
# NOTE(danms): Things that need a version bump are any fields
# and their types, or the signatures of any remotable methods.
# Of course, these are just the mechanical changes we can detect,
# but many other things may require a version bump (method behavior
# and return value changes, for example).
if hasattr(obj_class, 'child_versions'):
2015-02-16 12:47:46 -08:00
relevant_data = (obj_fields, methods, obj_class.child_versions)
2015-02-16 12:23:37 -08:00
2015-02-16 12:47:46 -08:00
relevant_data = (obj_fields, methods)
2015-02-16 12:23:37 -08:00
fingerprint = '%s-%s' % (obj_class.VERSION, hashlib.md5(
return fingerprint
def get_hashes(self):
"""Return a dict of computed object hashes."""
fingerprints = {}
for obj_name in sorted(base.VersionedObjectRegistry.obj_classes()):
fingerprints[obj_name] = self._get_fingerprint(obj_name)
return fingerprints
def test_hashes(self, expected_hashes):
fingerprints = self.get_hashes()
stored = set(expected_hashes.items())
computed = set(fingerprints.items())
changed = stored.symmetric_difference(computed)
expected = {}
actual = {}
for name, hash in changed:
expected[name] = expected_hashes.get(name)
actual[name] = fingerprints.get(name)
return expected, actual
2015-02-16 12:47:46 -08:00
def _get_dependencies(self, tree, obj_class):
obj_name = obj_class.obj_name()
if obj_name in tree:
for name, field in obj_class.fields.items():
if isinstance(field._type, fields.Object):
sub_obj_name = field._type._obj_name
obj_classes = base.VersionedObjectRegistry.obj_classes()
sub_obj_class = obj_classes[sub_obj_name][0]
self._get_dependencies(tree, sub_obj_class)
tree.setdefault(obj_name, {})
tree[obj_name][sub_obj_name] = sub_obj_class.VERSION
def get_dependency_tree(self):
tree = {}
obj_classes = base.VersionedObjectRegistry.obj_classes()
for obj_name in base.VersionedObjectRegistry.obj_classes().keys():
self._get_dependencies(tree, obj_classes[obj_name][0])
return tree
def test_relationships(self, expected_tree):
actual_tree = self.get_dependency_tree()
stored = set([(x, str(y)) for x, y in expected_tree.items()])
computed = set([(x, str(y)) for x, y in actual_tree.items()])
changed = stored.symmetric_difference(computed)
expected = {}
actual = {}
for name, deps in changed:
expected[name] = expected_tree.get(name)
actual[name] = actual_tree.get(name)
return expected, actual