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# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Ensure that the name of the spec file matches the name of a blueprint.
import requests
class BlueprintChecker(object):
def __init__(self, app):
self.app = app
self.project_names = []
self._good_bps = set()
self._prefix = None
self._warn_search = 'unset'
BP_URL_TEMPLATE = 'https://api.launchpad.net/devel/%s/+spec/%s'
PROJ_LIST_URL_TEMPLATE = 'https://api.launchpad.net/1.0/%s/projects'
def _load_project_settings(self):
if self.project_names:
# If a project_name is set in the configuration, use
# that. Otherwise, allow any project in the project group.
project_name = self.app.config.check_blueprints_project
pg_name = self.app.config.check_blueprints_project_group
if project_name:
self.project_names = [project_name]
self._warn_search = 'the %s project' % project_name
proj_list_response = requests.get(self.PROJ_LIST_URL_TEMPLATE
% pg_name)
projects = proj_list_response.json()['entries']
self.project_names = [p['name'] for p in projects]
self._warn_search = ('any projects in the %s project group'
% pg_name)
def desired_prefix(self):
"""Determine the prefix for files we care to check.
We only care about blueprints in the current release, if the
check_blueprints_release option is set.
if self._prefix is None:
release = self.app.config.check_blueprints_release
if release:
self._prefix = 'specs/%s/' % release
self._prefix = 'specs/'
return self._prefix
def doctree_resolved(self, app, doctree, docname):
"""Hook registered as event handler."""
if not docname.startswith(self.desired_prefix):
bp_name = docname.split('/')[-1]
if bp_name == 'index':
def blueprint_exists(self, project_name, bp_name):
"""Return boolean indicating whether the blueprint exists."""
self.app.info('Checking for %s in %s' % (bp_name, project_name))
url = self.BP_URL_TEMPLATE % (project_name, bp_name)
response = requests.get(url)
if response.status_code == 200:
self.app.info('Found %s in %s' % (bp_name, project_name))
return True
return False
def check(self, bp_name):
"""Given one blueprint name, check to see if it is valid."""
if bp_name in self._good_bps:
return True
self.app.info('') # emit newline
candidate_project, dash, bp_name_to_find = bp_name.partition('-')
if candidate_project in self.project_names:
# First check the shortened name of the blueprint in the project.
if self.blueprint_exists(candidate_project, bp_name_to_find):
# Then check the full name of the blueprint in the project.
if self.blueprint_exists(candidate_project, bp_name):
('Blueprint name %r looks like it starts with a project '
'name, but %r was not found in project %r') %
(bp_name, bp_name_to_find, candidate_project)
'Blueprint checking is faster if the file names '
'start with the launchpad project name.'
for project_name in self.project_names:
if self.blueprint_exists(project_name, bp_name):
'Could not find a blueprint called %r in %s'
% (bp_name, self._warn_search),
location=(bp_name, 0),
raise ValueError(
'Document %s does not match any blueprint name in %s'
% (bp_name, self._warn_search))
def setup(app):
app.info('Initializing %s' % __name__)
checker = BlueprintChecker(app)
app.connect('doctree-resolved', checker.doctree_resolved)
app.add_config_value('check_blueprints_project_group', 'openstack', 'env')
app.add_config_value('check_blueprints_project', '', 'env')
app.add_config_value('check_blueprints_release', '', 'env')