# Copyright 2015 OpenStack Foundation # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from oslo_config import cfg from osprofiler import web __all__ = [ "list_opts", "set_defaults", ] _profiler_opt_group = cfg.OptGroup( "profiler", title="OpenStack cross-service profiling", help=""" OSprofiler library allows to trace requests going through various OpenStack services and create the accumulated report of what time was spent on each request processing step.""") _enabled_opt = cfg.BoolOpt( "enabled", default=False, deprecated_name="profiler_enabled", help=""" Enables the profiling for all services on this node. Default value is False (fully disable the profiling feature). Possible values: * True: Enables the feature * False: Disables the feature. The profiling cannot be started via this project operations. If the profiling is triggered by another project, this project part will be empty. """) _trace_sqlalchemy_opt = cfg.BoolOpt( "trace_sqlalchemy", default=False, help=""" Enables SQL requests profiling in services. Default value is False (SQL requests won't be traced). Possible values: * True: Enables SQL requests profiling. Each SQL query will be part of the trace and can the be analyzed by how much time was spent for that. * False: Disables SQL requests profiling. The spent time is only shown on a higher level of operations. Single SQL queries cannot be analyzed this way. """) _hmac_keys_opt = cfg.StrOpt( "hmac_keys", default="SECRET_KEY", help=""" Secret key(s) to use for encrypting context data for performance profiling. This string value should have the following format: [,,...], where each key is some random string. A user who triggers the profiling via the REST API has to set one of these keys in the headers of the REST API call to include profiling results of this node for this particular project. Both "enabled" flag and "hmac_keys" config options should be set to enable profiling. Also, to generate correct profiling information across all services at least one key needs to be consistent between OpenStack projects. This ensures it can be used from client side to generate the trace, containing information from all possible resources.""") _connection_string_opt = cfg.StrOpt( "connection_string", default="messaging://", help=""" Connection string for a notifier backend. Default value is messaging:// which sets the notifier to oslo_messaging. Examples of possible values: * messaging://: use oslo_messaging driver for sending notifications. * mongodb:// : use mongodb driver for sending notifications. * elasticsearch:// : use elasticsearch driver for sending notifications. """) _es_doc_type_opt = cfg.StrOpt( "es_doc_type", default="notification", help=""" Document type for notification indexing in elasticsearch. """) _es_scroll_time_opt = cfg.StrOpt( "es_scroll_time", default="2m", help=""" This parameter is a time value parameter (for example: es_scroll_time=2m), indicating for how long the nodes that participate in the search will maintain relevant resources in order to continue and support it. """) _es_scroll_size_opt = cfg.IntOpt( "es_scroll_size", default=10000, help=""" Elasticsearch splits large requests in batches. This parameter defines maximum size of each batch (for example: es_scroll_size=10000). """) _socket_timeout_opt = cfg.FloatOpt( "socket_timeout", default=0.1, help=""" Redissentinel provides a timeout option on the connections. This parameter defines that timeout (for example: socket_timeout=0.1). """) _sentinel_service_name_opt = cfg.StrOpt( "sentinel_service_name", default="mymaster", help=""" Redissentinel uses a service name to identify a master redis service. This parameter defines the name (for example: sentinal_service_name=mymaster). """) _PROFILER_OPTS = [ _enabled_opt, _trace_sqlalchemy_opt, _hmac_keys_opt, _connection_string_opt, _es_doc_type_opt, _es_scroll_time_opt, _es_scroll_size_opt, _socket_timeout_opt, _sentinel_service_name_opt ] cfg.CONF.register_opts(_PROFILER_OPTS, group=_profiler_opt_group) def set_defaults(conf, enabled=None, trace_sqlalchemy=None, hmac_keys=None, connection_string=None, es_doc_type=None, es_scroll_time=None, es_scroll_size=None, socket_timeout=None, sentinel_service_name=None): conf.register_opts(_PROFILER_OPTS, group=_profiler_opt_group) if enabled is not None: conf.set_default("enabled", enabled, group=_profiler_opt_group.name) if trace_sqlalchemy is not None: conf.set_default("trace_sqlalchemy", trace_sqlalchemy, group=_profiler_opt_group.name) if hmac_keys is not None: conf.set_default("hmac_keys", hmac_keys, group=_profiler_opt_group.name) if connection_string is not None: conf.set_default("connection_string", connection_string, group=_profiler_opt_group.name) if es_doc_type is not None: conf.set_default("es_doc_type", es_doc_type, group=_profiler_opt_group.name) if es_scroll_time is not None: conf.set_default("es_scroll_time", es_scroll_time, group=_profiler_opt_group.name) if es_scroll_size is not None: conf.set_default("es_scroll_size", es_scroll_size, group=_profiler_opt_group.name) if socket_timeout is not None: conf.set_default("socket_timeout", socket_timeout, group=_profiler_opt_group.name) if sentinel_service_name is not None: conf.set_default("sentinel_service_name", sentinel_service_name, group=_profiler_opt_group.name) def is_trace_enabled(conf=None): if conf is None: conf = cfg.CONF return conf.profiler.enabled def is_db_trace_enabled(conf=None): if conf is None: conf = cfg.CONF return conf.profiler.enabled and conf.profiler.trace_sqlalchemy def enable_web_trace(conf=None): if conf is None: conf = cfg.CONF if conf.profiler.enabled: web.enable(conf.profiler.hmac_keys) def disable_web_trace(conf=None): if conf is None: conf = cfg.CONF if conf.profiler.enabled: web.disable() def list_opts(): return [(_profiler_opt_group.name, _PROFILER_OPTS)]